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Sf Janiar 6 1938. 



The regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the 
United Artists Corporation was held on the 6th day of January, 
1938, at eleven O*clock in the forenoon, at the offices of the 
Corporation, #729 Seventh Avenue, New York City. 

There were present: 
George J. Schaefer 
- O’Brien 
James li ; nett 
Charles Schwartz 
Edward C. Raftery, 
constituting all the members of the Executive Committee, 

There were also present: 

Arthur W. Kelly, Vice President 
Harry D, Buckley, Vice President 
Harry J. Muller Treasurer 

Emanus® Silverstone, (London Film Produc- 
; tions, Ltd.) 

Mr. George J. Schaefer acted as Chairman of the neeting” 
and Mr. Edward C. Raftery acted as Secretary. 

ur. Raftery reportdd \that a cony of the minutes of the 
meeting held on December 23, 1957, had been sent to the parties 
in interest, and it was moved, seconded and unanimously adopted 
that the minutes of the previous meeting be apnroved, 

Mr. Muller report 

In accordance with past procedure, Price Waterhouse 
has been requested to make the following audits: 



ARGENTINE - Buenos Aires only. Circularize accounts receiv- 
able of Rosaria, Cordoba, Bahia Plence and 
General Pica. ‘ 

BRAZIL - Rio de Janeiro only. Circularize accounts receiv- 
able of Sao Paulo, Porto Allegre and Recife. 


LONDON - United artists Corporation, Ltd. 
United artists (Export) Ltd. 
Reports and books kept in London covering Contin- 
ental European subsidiaries of United Artists. 

Mr. Lewis has since suggested that perhaps the audit of the 
Spanish reports is unnecessary. 


In the Far East end Australia, Price, Waterhouse end Comm ny 
do not have branches. In these places the following auditors 
have been instructed to make examinations. 

- E. S. Watkins 

- Bingham, Loew and Matthews 5 
INDIA - A. F. Ferguson & Co. 

- MeAuliffe, Davis & Hope 

I $= Clarke & Larkin 
SINGAPORE - McAuliffe, Davis & Hope 

Mr. Muller further reported: 

At the request of Mr. Wharton, United Artists Corpora- 
tion signed a Mortgage, Pledge and Security Agreement dated 
Jenuary 5, 1938 between Pioneer Pictures, Inc. and Bank of Amer- 
ica, covering the revenue from NOTHING SACRED in the amount of 
$650,000, These papers were not yet signed by Bank of America 
or Selznick International Pictures, Inc. but only by Pioneer 
Pictures, Inc. 

Mr. Muller further reported: 

The following are the peyments which were made by 
United Artists Corporation to tre Hays Organtmtion during the 


years 1936 and 1957: 

1936. 1937 

Regular Dues $ 55,938.85 $ 52,225.47 

Special Dues 15,670.51 8,024.19 

Copyright Protection Dues 4,277.63 4,461.60 

Legal Department Overhead 360.00 re 

" os MO Se 
Special Legal Assessments 2,752.20 3,952.14 
$ 78,659.19 $46,421.40 

In addition to the above items payments were made for 
Canedian Dues and Film Board Dues as follows: 

Canadian Dues $ 2,529.16 $ 2,119.90 

New York Film Board Duss 3,300.00 3,300.90 

Film Board of Trade 3,000.00 1,500.00 aan" 

4 mos. 

There was a great deal of discussion about the advisa- 
bility of making an audit of the Spanish books, which were kept 
in London, and the Japanese booksp~because of the unsettled 
conditions in these countries. It was the unanimous opinion 
of the Committee that the audit should be complete and dould 

einclude all countries. 

Mir. Kelly made a full and detailed report regarding 
comiitions in Japan, and particularly regarding the new Japan- 
ese Commission. 

Mr. Buckley submitted a proposed new lease for the Buf 
falo Exchange, extending the present lease for one year at $2400. 
per annum. Mr. Buckley was suthorized to execute said lease. 

Mr. Buckley made a report regarding epropesed lease for 
New Haven, and it was directed that the matter be taken up for 
action at a later meeting. : 

Mr. Raftery asked apsroval of the following bills of the 
Hays Organization: ot 


Broadway v. Vitagraph) 
Gore v. Vibagraph ) $475.00 

Momand v,. Vitagraph 47.50 
Colonial Theatrical En- 
terprises v. Coopera- 

tive Theatres of lich. 147.09 

Payment of the above bills was approved. 


Mr. Kelly made a detailed report regarding the 
proposed contract with Stuart Doyle with reference to 
Sath Africa. Mr. Kelly also reported regarding the 
Krisel contract in Chirfa. : 

Mr. Schaefer read the report regarding a letter 
from Mr. Savini seeking to acquire re-issue rights on the 
1932, 1933 and 1934 United Artists product. It was the 
sense of the discussion regarding the proposal that Mr. 
Savini's competition was not a healthy competition for 
United Artists; that he was re-issuing old pictures and in 
one instance changed a title without the consent of the 
producer; that. exhibiters were advertising the pictures in 
competition with, present releases in a very unfair and 
discriminatory manner; that the pictures were being state- 
richted and sold without regard to present releases in an 
unfair competing manner. 

Mr. Schaefer algo reported that he had written 
to Dr. Giannin i regarding tae proposition. 

Mr. Schaefer and Mr. Kelly each reported that 
they had received approval from Dr. Giannini of the increases 
which had been given to employees in the Home Office and 
Exchanges. ‘ 

Mr. Sehaefer repated that he had received Dr. 
Giannini's approval of the proposed welfare fund. o 
Mr. Schaefer reported at great length regarding the 
product which the Corporation may have or not have, as the 
case may be, during the year 1958. He read excapts from 
his communication to Dr. Giannini regarding the seasons of 
1935-1936 and 1936-1937. He also read a statement that 
some of the stockholders had stated thet the Cor poration 
was being operated extravagantly and that he was preparing 
a report to the Executive Committee with recomendations 
of cuts and eliminations in personel, which he would have 
ready by Wednesday, January 12th. 

Mr. Kelly made a similar repart regarding the 
departments in his jurisdiction. 

It was suggested that a meeting be held next Thurs- 
day, January 13th, at 10 A.M. for tLe purpose of discus- 
eing Mr. Schaefer's and kr. Keily’s recommendations. 


There being n0 further business vefore the meet- 
ing, the same was, upon motion duly made and seconded, 

ad journed. 


Edwar . Rartvery 
Acting Secretery. 



JANUARY, 1938. 

The reguler meeting of the Sxecutive Committec 
of the United Artists Corporation was seld on the iSth dsy 
of January, 1938, at ten o'clock in the forenocone at the 
offices of the corporation, #729 SIVENTH AVINUS, New York City. 


There were present: 

George J. Schaefer 
Dennis F. O'Brien 
s James 4. Mulvey 
Charles Sehwartz 
Edward C. Raftery 

constituting ell the. members of the “xecutive Committee. 

. eS 
There were also present: : ; 
Arthur ¥. Kelly, — President 
Harry D. Buekley, Viee President 
Harry J. Muller Treasurer 
Emanuel Silverstone, {London Film Produc- 

tions, Ltd.) 
Mr. George J. Schaefer acted as Chairman of the 
meeting and Mr. Sdward C. Raftery acted as Secretary. 

Mr. Raftery reported that a copy of the minutes 
of the meeting held January 5, 1956, had been sent to the 
parties in interest, and it was moved, seconded ani unanimously 
adopted that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. 

Mr. Schaefer brought before the Committee the juestion 
of expense of operation of the Domestic Distribution Depertment and 
a long discussion was had concerning number of employees in the = 
sales.force, seleries, advertising force, cost of advertising, ani 
other expenses incident to the operation. Mr. Kelly likewise 

_ discussed she expense of cperation of tge Foreign Department 
and the Foreign ixchanze. 

2 after careful thought and Geliberation and wensril 
discussion, it was the unanimous opinion of the “Executive 
Jommittee that Mr. Schaefer an@ Mr. Kelly,.as heads of their 
respective departvents, should co to the Coast end appesur 
before the Soard of Directors and cive the Directors e first-hand 
direct picture of the expense of cperation of each of their 
respective “epartments, aS well as a full and complete statenent 
of what economies, if any, could be effected without directly 
effecting the efficiency of the organization. 

Mr. Buckley reported that the corporation would have 
to “gdvance, between now and the latter part of Merch, between 
v475,900 and 2500,000 for. Technicolor prints needed for the 
following vhotoplays, in the amounts set after the rane of 
each: respective photoplay: 

GULDWIN FOLLIES « « « “es 30. ae. Ofit Jen. 14 $111, 293. 
Additional 504-60 dey ; period Jan. 14 to 9 

Total vas ee 

Totel ¢ , e 

‘FO SAWYeR . ee. *-* 50% deposit Sinks 21 61,592. 

Aaditionel 30%=60 oe period Jane “7 to 
Gar. 592. 
Totel ores Tee 

DAVORCE CF LADY Xs. es we 2 « SOS deposit Jen. 21 47,777. 
<ddtadaonk 505-50 dey period Jan. 21 to 

a Mer. 21 hts 777. 
>= tal : -z ° 

' -_ 
A: Grand total... - 6452, 724. 

Mr. Buckley further stated that these figures wore 
ecproximate, but were as near accurate as céuld possibly be 
computed at the present tine. + 

" it was moved, seconded and unaninoity adopted thet 
kr. Buckley proceed to orger end pay for the prints. — 

lr. Raftery eaked appreval of bill of S2me7s vessel. 
fron the ‘ieys Special Legel Fund, a8 well as epproval of *360., 
representinc United Artists glare for maintaining the Special 
Lezal Stafr of the Heys Orgenization. 

— There beinre-no further business before the meeting, 
the same was on motion, duly made and seeunded, ed journed. 


LOYD WRIGHT, being by me first duly sworn, 
deposes and says: 

i That he is a resident of the County of Los 
angeles, State of California, and is an. officer of UNITED 
ARTISTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, to-wit, the 
Secretary of said corporation. 

That acting in his capacity as Secretary of said - 
corporation and pursuant to its By-Laws, yoursaffiant did, g 
on January 12th, 1938, send a notice of the time and place 
of a special meeting of the stockholders of said corporation, | 
said special meeting having been called for Monday, January 
17th, 1938, at the hour of 3:30 o'clock P. M., at 202 North 
Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California; that said notice 
was sent by telegram as required by the By-Laws of said cor- 
poration, and that true copies of said notice are hereunto 
annexed to this affidayit. 


before me thts 12th day 
of January, 19 3 8. 

Nota blic in and for 
said Younty and State. = 

et Te Bee 
a ee salle « ty 
; es 
ee re 

Sikh Adan dismods. mie thee on bck hee, tick on Nadi dgsiedio * 
= Los SmEGERM 7 iat, 186s. 
Western Union: : 

“Please send attached message STRAIGHT TELPGRAM to those in the 
United States, and deferred to those in England: 

The Pickford Corporation, 1041 Toren Fo Formosa’ Ave., Hollywood, Calif we 
__ The Elton Co: —— ormosa Ave., ie1iywood, Calif; © . aay 
| 3 "ot erie rh Ls aren Peotwey Hollywood Ge rept 

Formosa Ave., Hollywood t THOM 
Alexander Korda, Spbrertay hese Brvegrias er gas Ej 

~*~ . - 
at So 

hao nae Be 
by > “2 : " iF sel + 

ee o/8 Nonien Plinsy #2 Sroevenst 


h - 
F f 

: Loyd Wright. 

Char; Loyd #8 
1125" Boasd of trade Bt b>. 

DT eR YT eT a Ck RL Te ARE 
nes Pp ae ack deta Tenia +h ove N 
* ~ aS " 









Ser Uh long emi, thet ou back me slack ans hagas ie 

2 ‘ Los el Californi 
‘ Pos p pees ir 12th, 1838. 

Please take notice that @ special meeting of the stocknetiewe of 
ted Artists Corporation is hereby called pursuant to direction given 

the President, to be held om Monday, Jammary 17th, 1938, at the hour 
of £180 ociock P. M., at 202 Worth Canon Prive, Beverly Hills, Celifor- 
nia, for the purpose of eonsidering the request of Mr. Korda, contracts - 
tee new poets? end any further business that may properly come er 

2 United Artists Corporation, 

ete hig ciagt tt : ball ; Fee R4e SS 



-) fk 
—& ® 

The stockholders of United Artists Corporation 
met in special session on Monday, January 17th, 1928, at 
the hour of 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon, at 202 North 
Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California, pursuant-to notice 
given by the Secretary as ordered by the President, and in 
accordance with the By-Laws. = 

Upon roll call it was ascertained that the follow- 
ing stockholders were present in person or by proxy, to- 

The Elton Corporation, by C. E. Ericksen, proxy; 

The Pickford Corporation, by N. A. McKay, proxy; 

Samuel Goldwyn, by D. E. Rose, proxy; 
Charles Chaplin, byte. Rk. H. Giannini, proxy. 

There were also wettat Mr. Douglas Fairbanks, 
Mr. Edwin J. Loeb, Mr. Maurice Benjamin, Mr. Thomas L. 
Walker, Mr. Leo F. Samuels, and Mr. Loyd Wright, the Secre- 

The Secretary presented the call which was examined 
and found regular, and ordered to be attached in the mimte 



book next succeeding these minutes. 

The Secretary presented to the meeting the resig- 
nation of Miss Mary Pickford as a Director, and the nomina- 
tion of Mr. N. A. McKay as a Director to succeed her. 

On motion of D.”E. Rose, seconded by C. E. Ericksen, 
the following-resolution was unanimously adopted: 
RESOLVED, that the resignation of Miss Mary 
Pickford as a Director of the corporation be, 
and the same is hereby accepted, effective 
immediately; and, 

Be it further, 
RESOLVED, that Mr. N. A. McKay be, and he is 
hereby elected a Director of the corporation to 
fill the vacancy created by the resignation of 
Miss Pickford. ; 

rad ° 
The Secretary then presented to the meeting the 
resignation of Mr. Neil S. McCarthy as a Director of the 

On motion of D. E. Fose, seconded by N. A. McKay, 
the follgwing resolution was unanimously adopted: 

RESOLVED, that the resignation of Mr. Neil S&S. 

McCarthy as a Director of this corporation be, 

and the same is hereby accepted, effective im- 

mediately; and, 

Be it further, 

RESOLVED, that Mr. C. E. Ericksen be, and he is 

hereby elected a Director of the corporation to 

fill the vacancy created by the resignation of 
Mr a McCarthy. 


At this point Mr..Mendel Silberberg joined the 
meeting and presented a proxy from Mr. Alexander Korda. 
The proxy was examined and found regular, whereupon the 
President announced that all stockholders were present by 

The minutes of the meeting of December 27th, 1937, 
were read. Mr. Maurice Benjamin called attention to the 
fact that the recitals inthe mimutes in reference to Mr. 
Alexander Korda's request were insufficient and should show 
that Mr. Korda's request was conditioned upon a five year 
contract; and that as to the recitals relative to Mr. Goldwyn, 
these should be corrected to show that Mr. Goldwyn was agreeable 
to the Korda-London Films contract being amended, provided his con- 
tract was also amended to oneal him to make pictures for 
distribution by some other corporation, and to provide thet if 
in any year Mr. Goldwyn delivered pictures for distritmtion 
through any other distributor, he would also deliver three 
photoplays during that year for distribution through United 
Artists, and provided further that if Mr. Korda in any year 
failed to deliver three photoplays for United Artists distri- 
bution and delivered photoplays for distribution through some 
other corporation, or had any financial interest in or rendered 
services in connection with photoplays distributed through 
another distributor, then Mr. Goldwyn and his company would 
be completely released of their contract with United Artists 

Corporation. “ 

ne’, meee 
As corrected in this particular, the minutes were 
unanimously approved as read. \ . 

The President then read to the meeting cables re- 
ceived from Mr. Korda and London Films, reiterating the 
request made to him personally, that the Korda contract be 
amended by extending the period in which he is obligated to 
pay for the stock of this corporation by one year. There 
was considerable discussion of the Korda situation. Wo 
formal action was taken however, pending Mr. Silberbérg's 
communicating with Mr. Korda. 

The President then presented to the meeting a 
letter from Mr. Edward Small asking for a distribution con- 
tract with this corporation. Mr. Rose stated that he had . 
received @ communication from Mr. Goldwyn, asking that the 
matter be deferred until Mr. Goldwyn's return on February 
4th. However, the President announced that Mr. Small was 
anxious to get started in production and that he hed been 
pressing him for ihmediate action. 

It was moved by Mr. N. A. McKay, seconded by Mr. 

C. EB. Ericksen, and carried as follows: 
RESOLVED, that this corporation grant a dis- 
tributing franchise to Mr. Edward Small and 
Edward Small Productions to be organized by him, 
upon similar terms as those contained in the 
distribution contracts of this corporation, to 
~& period of three years, with a 
definite requirement of two pictures a year 
minimum, and a maximum of six pictures a year, 
and to contain such other clauses, provisions 
and conditions as counsel for the corporation 
may deem necessary and ~ srarigencte provided, how- 

ever, that the said contract 1 not contain 
the so-called favored nation clause. 


co oo 649 we 
pr ee Ts 3 

aah ¢ ~ 3 ‘ ése . ane “e 
Soh Ame Pre ene Bit ae a ~ ga eect aaa py ates ieee Maye eile, od 
eS Ae eee oy ET eg EGS age 2 Lee Ean ace ae i 7 aa Be Peed Stee ee eS Ges Ss See 

the aatter was put to a vote and all of the 
stockholders and Dr. A. H. Giannini, voted in the 
affirmative except proxy D. E. Rose, who did not vote. 

The President thereupon stated that the resolu- 
tion had carried. 
y The President presented a communication from Mr. 
Speaks relative to a photoplay to be produced entitled 
"LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE*®. However, no formal action was 

taken on the matter. 

There being no further business to be nted, 
the meeting adjourned. ‘ —— 4 



er.etar y. 

= oe 


a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of 

the State of ‘Galtier; by its duly authorized officer, and pur- 

suant to a resolution of its Board of Directors, does hereby con- 

stitute and appoint CLARENCE E. ERICKSEN, its lewful ettorney, sub- 

stitute end proxy for THE ELTON CORPORATION, wk a ite name, to 

"vote upon all the stock held by it fim the United Artists Corpora- 
tiom at any special or annual meeting of the stockholders of said : 
corporation, and any respective adjourned meetings thereof, eas 
fully and to ae” seme effect as f the corporation, or any officey, ae 
of the osepaibiem could do were the 9: ara personally represent- 
ed at said meetings ae Tc : “ ; 

IN WITNESS WHERE@F, THE ELTON CORPORATION has caused this instrument. 

tae athe 

to be executed by its duly authorized officer and its corporate seal Fs ts 

Ss hereunto affixed this 13th wn sine ———————— 

a - A a te en gem - 




cma aovnen a0 Suns magia a 
pra in the date date tine on telegrams and won and day letters ie STANDARD TIME at point of origin. ot of origin, Time of. oie 

Received at Main Office, 608-610 South Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. “5; Ss a Pa eae 
2 Fas. (19 XC=CARMEL CALIF 15.230P 




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begeee Ys ¥ 
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Ybuiled (blish (sporalion 



January 15th» 
19 38 

Dre Ae He Giannini 
Chairman of the Board 
United Artists Corporation 
Beverly Hills, California 

“ear Dector: 

I hereby resign asa Director of the 
zi United Artists Corporatién, such resignation to 



take effect immediately, and request the stockholders 

to appoint in my place, Mr. Ne &. McKay. 


Yours wery sincerely, 



“¢ a 


Los Anyreles, California 


ae January 17, 1938 

Board of Directors, * 
United Artists Corporation, 
Los Angeles, California. 8 wa 


I hereby resign as a Diréctor of United Artists 
Serporation., said resicnation to become effective im- 



: BS 

KNOW ALL M£N BY* THESE PRESENTS, that the under- 
signed stockholder of UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION, a Delaware 
Corporation (hereinafter called the "Corporation), hereby 
irrevocably constitutes and appoints CHARLES SCHWARTZ and 
MENDEL B. SILBERDERG, or either of them (with full power to 
act without the other), the attorneys snd proxies of the 
undersigned, with full power of substitution, for and in 
the name, piace and stead of the undersigned, to vote upon, 
consent or otherwise act with respect to all of the shares 
of stock standing in the nem f the undersigned, at eny 
and all regular and special @fetings of stockholders of 
the Corporation and at any and all other meetings at which 
the undersigned has the right to vote, wherever and shen- 
ever scheduled to be held, and at any adjournment or 
adjournments thereof, with all the powers the undersigned 
would possess if personally present at such respective 
meetings; and especially, but without ligsiting the general 
authorization and power hereby given, the undersigned 
authorizes and directs them and each of them to vote at 
such respective meetings of stockholders: (a) for the elec- 
tion of directors; {b) on the matter of approving, ratify- 
ing, and confirming all the acts and proceedings of the 
Board of Directors, Executive Committee and officers of 
the Corporatfon; (c) upon amendments to the Certificete 
of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Corporation; (d) upon 
contracts thet may be submitted for consideration and 
approvals (¢) upon such other and further matters in ; 
connection with or .or the purpose of effecting the fore- 
oe as may properly come before such respective meetings 
and (f) upen such other a.i further business as may properly 
come before such respectin: meetings; giving unto said 
attorneys and proxies and each of thom and their or his 
substitutes or substitute, full power and authority to do 
every act whatsoever necessary. or proper to be done in or 
upon any and all matters which may come before such - 
respective meetings, or any adjournment or adjournments 
thereof, with the same effect as if such act or acts were 
done by the undersigned in person, hereby ratifying and 
confirming all that said attorneys and proxies, or either 
‘f them or their or his substitutes or substitute shall do 

cause to be done by virtue hereof, and hereby revoking 
any proxy or proxies heretofore given by the undersigned 
to any person or persons *homsoever. 

This proxy shall continve in full force and 
effect for one (1) Beer from the date hereof. 

LN WITNESS WHEKGOF, the undersigned stockholder 
has executed this proxy this 4 day of Janucry, 1938. 

elaine Na Ga! iy ps 

cVecmseeeberanadapanseoee (keBe) 

In presence of: 


- ss. 

LOYD WRIGHT, being by me first duly sworn, deposes 
and says: 

That he is a resident of the County of Los Angeles, 
State of Californie, and is an officer of UNITED ARTISTS 
CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, to-wit, the Secretary 
of said corporation. 

That acting in his capacity as Secretary of said 
corporation and pursuant to its By-Laws, your affiant did, 
on January lfth, 1938, send a notice of the time and place 
of a special meeting of the Board of Directors of said ‘cor- 
poration, said special meeting having been called for Monday, 
January 17th, 1938, at the hour of 4:00 o'clock in the after- 
noon, at 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California; 
that said notice was sent by telegram as required by the 
By-Laws of may 6 corporation, and that true copies of said 
notice are hereunto annexed to this affidavit. 

before me this 12th day 
of January, 13S 2 8. 

saic County and State. 


* 2. Ah hy Pm ners pone 4G we.eves 
nese woe cece cent 

Sed th filing ig mite terse bc Malidaldiigtenstic’” 9 MEN al Ren aa ¥ 
Los — California | 

| Jemuary 12th, 1938. 

"Pleese Wend the attached message STRAIGHT TELEGRAY to those in the United 
States, and Geferred to those in England: 


TpiSehaster, fo United Artists, 729 Seventh Ave., New York; : 

» New ew York, BR. Y¥-~ 
e/o Mr. Charles Schwartz, 1450 Broadway Yorks” 
boek er MatlaIags Bee SS ee 
i ie  Prtag 1 *, Los es, Calif; 
a Soon “8 shy ela gg Rome York ; 

E. Bose, . . * * : 

oat te Logs ' ps ae Wright. 


| ee 

Sp iaUianaRA Meh ackacaioaiac: alc ee 


Los Angeles, California 
January’ 12th, 1938." 
*Fiease ce that a $s 
of Uni conden 

pecial meeting of the Board of Direetors 
sts Corporation is here 
given by the President, to he held 

cee, ee tae direetion 
the hour of 4:00 o'clock P. Hey at nee Sera % 

eset oie a 

United artists Corporation, 

By Loyd Wright, Secretary. 

FS Pog 



The Board of Directors of United Artists Corpora- 
tion met in special session on Monday, Jamuary 17th, 1938, 
immediately following the special meeting of the stock- 
holders, to-wit, at 5:00 o'clock P. M., at 202 North Canon 
Drive, Beverly Hills, California, pursuant to notice given 
by the Secretary as ordered by the President, and in accord- 
ance. with the By-Laws. : 

Dr. Giannini assumed the chair and upon roll call 
it was found that the following Directors were present: 

Dr. A. H. Giamini, Mr. N. A. McSay, 

Mr. C. E. Ericksen, Mr. D. EB. Rose. 

There were also present the following: Mr. Douglas 
Fairbanks, Mr. Mendel Silberberg, Mr. Edwin J. Loeb, Mr. 
Thomas L. Walker, Mr.“ieo F. Samue}s and Mr. Loyd Wright, 
Secretary of the corporation. Sie 

The Secretary presented the call which was found 
regular, and a quorum being present the chairman announced 
that the meeting was competent to proceed. 

The chairman announced that the purpose of the 

meeting was to consjgier the loaning of money to Walter Wanger 


Ne Sree TT hey eae ee eo 

Productions, Incorporated. Mr. Walker outlined the 
negotiations that had been carried on and stated that 

the Bank had agreed to make the advances reguested so 

that with the moneys loaned by this company and the 

moneys to be loaned by the Bank, the Walter Wanger Pro- 
ductions, Incorporated, would have sufficient finances 

with which to make the three photoplays contemplated. 

The chairman reminded the Board that the matter had been 
the subject of discussion among the owners for some weeks 
last past, and it was necessary that prompt action be taken. 
Mr. Rose had requested that the matter await Mr. Goldwyn's 
return, but the President stated that Mr. Wanger was press- 
ing the matter stating his company could not wait because 
of comiiitments outstanding. 

It was moved by Director UcKay, seconded by ne 

Director C. E. Ericksen, as follows: 

RESOLVED, that this corporation loan to the 
Walter Wanger Productions, Incorporated, the 

sum of not to exceed $500,000.00, said funds 

to be used in the production of the photoplays, 
HISTORY", provided that the Bank of America 
Shall have given a commitment to also loan the 
said Walter Wanger Productions, Incorporated, 
the sum of $1,230,000.00; 

Beit further, 

RESOLVED, that a condition precedent to the loan 
being made by this corporation to the said Walter 
Wanger Productions, Incorporated, shall be that 
the Board of Directors of Walter Wanger Pro- 
ductions, Incorporated, shall approve the budgets 


of said contemplated photoplays, that no 

changes in said budget shall be made without 

the consent of the Board of Directors of 

said Walter Wanger Productions, Incorporated, 

and further, that this corporation receive a 

Chattel Mortgage, Pledge and Security Agreement 

subordinate only to the lien of the Bank of 

America and Consolidated Film Industries, Inc., 

for moneys previously loaned by either or both 

of said corporations, as well as subordinate to 

the additional moneys agreed to be loaned by 

said-Bank of America hereinbefore in these 
resolutions referred to. 

All Directors voted in the affirmative except 
Director D. E. Rose who requested that he be recorded as 
not voting. 

The question of the closing of foreign terri- 
tories which were losing money was brought up for dis-— 
cussion, and the chairman of the Board stated that the 
matter was being investigated and handled. 

There was abso presented to the meeting the - 
matter of the report rendered to the Executive Committee 
by Mr. George Schaefer and Mr. Arthur Kelley bglative to 
giving effect to certain proposed economies, and without | 
formal action being taken it was the sense of the Board 
that the Chairman should obtain the reports from Mr. Schaefer 
and Mr. Kelley for the purpose of submitting the same to a 


subsequent meeting of the Board of Directors. 
There being no further business, the meetzfe ad— 




<“- — O O OE Oe we we eee 


« regular meeting of the Sxecutive Comaittee of the 

United artists Corpo -@th day of vabrauary ,.—— 

Ta y “bt eleven o"’clock in the forenoon, at the offices of the 
Corporation, $729 seventh Avenue, New York city. 

Ther were xwesent: 

George J. Schaefer . 
benmis F. C'Brien & 
Janes iulvey 
Charles Schvartz | a 
Rdwerc Cc. Keftory, - ' 

constituting ell the members of the ixecutive Jonnittee. 

Thare were also noresent: 

arthur §. Kelly, Vtee President 
? Harry 0. Buckley, Vice "resident x 
o erry J. Muller’, Treasurer 
manuel Silverstone, (london Film *rodue- 

ir. George J. chaefer acted ac “hairzan of the neet- 

ing and Ovard Co. Haftery -8to2 as jecretary. 

7 ‘ r ~ 
i Se hae 7 


scene ae "ar. Kaftery reported that a sooy of the ainutes of 
the weeting held on January 15, 1988, hae Lsen sent 4¢ the parties 
in interest, «nd it was ved, seconced anc unanimously acontel 
thet the minutes of the previ ous meeting be aporoved, 

. “Fe ©*Grien revorted thet he hat attendea® the neeting 
of the Law Comittee of tne Maye Organization on the preceding 
Thursday, Yebruery 3%, which wes in session Curing the m@tire sfter- 
noon considering -roncosed Hoards of Conetiiation and Review @ th 
local’ bourde in esch of the xXcaenge centers an¢ ippeal Board 
leeated in the City of sew York. “i'r. *"Srien stuted thet he was 
Opposed in orin-iple te the proposed Soerda and had so ex ssed 
hicself at the meeting. It wes the coniensug of the ¢ ttee 
thet nothing ehould be done by tho United arti ste corporation in 
the creation and vartiecinpation of “my euch boards. The matter 
was therefore tabled, as 

Mee Kelly read to the ueeting a proodsed letter 
to be sent to each Yoreign “eneger regarding the Foreign 
Film Board of Trade. I was movec, seconded and unanimously 
adopted thet “r. Felly execute the letter and send 4t to 
each of the Foreign \anagers with the exceptionof argentine. 

r. Buckley presented to the meeting a detailed 
budget of the cost of operating the Jopyright “rotection 
Bureau, United .rtists Vor oration's participation amounting 

to app oximately $84,090 -er week. Yarious sembera of the 
Comittee expressed their aporoval of work being cone by the 
Covyright protection Bur@au. The budget was unanimously ap- 

. Sr. Buekiey reported regarding the budget of the New 
York Film Soard of "rade for the year 1956, Wich was fixed 
at $27,900 ted Artists Corporation's participatior being 
fixed at @ . per month. It was move¢, seconded end unan- 
tmously edopted that the participation of United artists Cor- 
porstion at this ie be aporoved, 

Mr. Buckley also réported regording the fact that 
the annual preuium on the Joseph . “chenck insuranes was due 
and payable. It wes the consensus of the meeting that the 
previous directions of the Hoard of Direstore must be followed, 
that is, cey the premium until otpjerwise notified by the 
Board. Ur. Buckley wae instrueteWto fernish Or. Giannini 
with a full report regarding #2 present statue of thts tn 

=. Buckley asked apsroval of the folloring loens, 
bd be paic st the rate and in the uwenner set forth after each 
oan: ' mes : 

COLESte LOVFeccccceccssss $50. to be paid at the rate of 23. 

Robert. 3ildersicave.. ... 25. %* “ * tte pens of 2.5 

Helen Honehan.......+-ceetlhd. " " the rate of 750 

tie ebove*loang were ascrevedc. ~ 
Mr. Buckiey asked for suthority to retain Sampson 
Theehan, vustous Sroaers, at winnipeg, “enitoba. Approval wa 
given. : 

Er. Muller reported: 

1. United artists Corsorntion received fron of 
aneries, Maetionel Trust and omvings Assoc. a Supplemental ‘vort- 
gage, Pledge end “security agreenent bet~een Selaniek Interna- 
tional and the bank tnereasing the assignment on PRISONER OF 
Zee from {1,990,900 to $1,190,900. There was also received 

- So 

a Fourth Supplemental ‘ortgesge, Pledge and Security «gree- 
ment dated January 2lst, 1956 between “ALT DISHEY PRODIC- 
TIONS, LTD. and tie: bank, which incredses the assicnrent 

“SH tre c-eney-pictures by £220,990. after sp @ oval of 

eounsel, the Distributor’s acceptances “tre sicted. 

2, we received from Logon the following notices 
‘of Irrevocatle iuthority and istters of Aequest: 

on Trefelcar *ilm Productions, itd. dated ‘ay 28th, 
1977 t> pay to Aldgate Trustees, ta producer's share 
of revenue on OR.) ING LIPc. Letter of Kequest ftou 
Aldgete Trustees, Ltd. datec “ay BSth, 1927 to cay such 
money to ‘estminster Bank, Ltd. 

Fron Lon’ow Pilm “rodyetions, itd and seuhen agg | «ala 

dated Sec, 17, 19237 to pay to Denhex Securities, 't¢. 

the cro¢veer’se share of revenue on "HS SHALLZHGZ. Letter 

3f-recuest fron venham sec mities, Lic, datec osc. is 
1g57 vo pay Seek soneg to~ Bank of amcrigs. 

Fron Lo® on Fila “roduetions, itd. end Seckam Filas, .ité. 

dated Des. 17, 1927 to ony to Jetham Weeyrities, ita. 

the oroduesr’s shere of fevenus o1 OF A Tis NOON, Letter 
of Revuect from Jennaa securities, Ltd. deted Dec. 17th 

to pey such momey to Lloyds Benk, i%c. 

Upon «onrovel by gounsel, Aeknowledgouents of thece papers 
were signec. 

*, ‘Currency restrictions in Jepanpheve ceused 3 
our Yen to accwulete to Yen 200,000. The ount in which 
this max wos devositeé wes rithdrasable by en¥ two of the 

ai lowe, -mager F 
*. F. éda Silvs, Accountant 

: ¢ 

Verolé Sell, Taylor,Bird and Company, Auditors 

On Janury 25th, 1935 United Artists corporetion rejuested 
Nationel City Sauk to @ ble its branch in Tokyo to transfer 

to a aceciel 4evosit eessunt, subject only to “ew York signe- 
tures, 411 sums in exeess of 15,000 Ten. * ia order to get the 

benefit of an interest rate of 1.925%, it ws2 necessary to 
deposit thie sus subject to 350 <ays notice of vithdreral. 

4. In January 25th, United Artiste Cor eration ad-— 

venced to Jalter senger “roductions, Iacorporated ¢ . 

waieh ineresses the tote) sévanee under the Cetober » 1957 

arrasgevent to £140,900. 
rs ae Qn fomuery 21,1996 there wes signed in cali- 

sige Bae, — 

fornia, a \ortengs, Plecze am security Agreement under ePich 

we agree to sdvance to Yalter jenger “roducticogs, Tac mor te, 

an acditional $500,000. In order to heave thi¢ money hig aa 
Uniteé artists Corcoretion borroved: $209,009 froi_thetr_ Bi 
lish subsidiary. RET 

= January 26th 7100,990 sac paid out om seecunt of 
this nes arran ir — nee - 


i 5. The Indian Governsent hasehaern claiming Income 
Taxes again: t producers’ sheré of [fie rentel. United artists 
“Corporation therefore withheld all Indian peyrents from 3:t- 
side produsers, inclacing 29th Century-Fox. 20¢h Ceutury- 

You Gisius tt is not liable to sash Incoue Tax and thet any 
such iiebility i: eclely Unitec artists’. They ask that United 

"Artists pay then 2:1 aecunulsted producer's simre. Besed 
BpOR oroiuction cost ficurer anc tue crescent rate of tax * 
we do not believe tint 20th Century-Fox tax will exesed £1000, 
ana br. Leiay Pecooesmis thet Unitec artists corporetion 
withhoid 25,000 ts be rT eofe side an¢ pay the belences. 

6. Ss. wilier ‘nail authority *. sell #A7,909,> 
United tates Treasury 1-2/"ths, ~>ich sature June, 1941. 
They wers db» aght et 100-29/52 end are now selling at 1°1-6/22. 

Approval‘ was s> Riven. Fe 
fits sereererey in BOE : 3 
7. Mee Maller Pe vcort thet + on arrangement 
made with Eritieh and Sonté-entat-te¥iing 3 ny, United artists 

Corgration and ‘©. Aossini of Rome, Ttely, wede a plication 
to transfer 50,999 iire. The authoritier 414 not look with 
favor upon this @oplicetion anc at tre re:sest of ir. Kossini, 
United artiste’ rapresentative ais pwaie? negotietions to ob- 
tein the perait. 

Smit Uf gmelly aade.a full revort rece ne rv. Tait, 
who hat beezActi ne Trersarsr of the company’s branch in’ 
the aFge ting; that -r. Teit hed teyderec his resignation 
orelly; thet i. welly hed disomtghed -r. Goulé into the 
territory t> ctraighten out the si tution. eat 

Mr. Zeliy siso reports? rerardine rr. Guy organ's FE 
allegec wertic! oution in sutsice activities, mc stated that 
ie. Sa4ic hac Seen instruste* ts investigate the <ntter.> 

iy. se@lily also revorted ibet the oniéouks of_in- 
fantile perslysis im Aastralia hec sos apres to Adelaide. 

ir. Telly also reported thet a lew had been passed > 
in Cubg, * uich roquireé the eleetion of en attorasy as am offie- 
cer of the Company. Dr. Casuso was elected to this offiee, te ~ 
serve as Sseoretary and Soussel for the agreed ompeneInses of . 

____. $30. per sonth, 



—s a es 
— * 
; ® = 
‘ a « 
> + 

ur. Xelky also made a detailed report rearrting 
the istter wiich se had sent to Ur. Giannini analyzing the 
cost of overstim@m -his Gavision, end the economies that 
might Bé° Dut in in conn-eticn with sich operation. Fr. 
etiy stated tost he was forrerding to each sesber of the ~ 
“xecutive vVomuittee A woe of thic report for their study. - 

or. Sehaefer sede « resort of the letter ehicn he ~~ 
“hed sent to Ur. Giannini on the sane subject, ss vell as a 
copy of the full report that te hed orapared, with “rT. 2 

Mutter; regerdinz . the cost of operating the Atnestic ex- 

‘py. Sehaefer also tiace « detein report regerting 
th bustneses being done domestically. 

There veins no further oisiness defare the neet-" 
ing, the-sene a2 upoti motion 64l7 sade nmi asconded, ad-- 

PI - an ‘ 


OF | 
G ages ~ 


The stockholders of United Artists Corporation 
met in special session on Friday, February 25th, 1938, 
at the hour of 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, at 202 
North Canen Drive, Beverly Hills, California, pursuant 
to notice PeMen by the Secretary as ordered by the Presi- 
dent, and in accordance with the By-Laws. 

a Upon roll call it was ascertained that the follow- 
ing stockholders were present by proxy: 

- The Pickford Corporation, by N. A. McKay, proxy; 
Samuel Goldwyn, by D. E. Rose, proxy; 
The Elton Corporation, by C. E. Ericksen, proxy}; 
Charles Chaplin, by Dr. A. H. Giannfni, proxy. 

There were also present in addition to the Presi- 
dent of the corporation, Dr. A. H. Giannini, the follow- 
ing: Mr. Joseph Loeb, Mr. Sutro of England, Mr. Mendel 
gilberbere, Mr. Charles E. Millikan, Mr. Thomas L. Walker, 
Mr. Leo F. Samuels, and Mr. Loyd Wright, the secretary. 

The President called the meeting to order and 
stated that & quorum was present. The Secretary pre- 
sented the call which was examined and found regular, 
and ordered attached in the minute book next succeeding 
these minutes. 

Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, 
the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was waiv- 

The attorneys presented to the meeting the proposed 
agreement to be entered into between Alexander Kose, London 
Film Productions Limited and this corporation, to be con- 
sented to by Samuel Goldwyn. After certain changes were 
made ang discussion was had, it was moved, seconded and 

unanimously carried as follows: 

._— : ~ 

RESOLVED, that when consented to in writing - 
* by Samuel Goldwyn, Inc., and Samel Goldwyn, 
and signed by Alexander Korda and London Film 
Productions Limited, the President and Secre- 
tary of this corporatiom are hereby authorized 
to execute for and on behalf of the curporation,. 
that certain agreement dated February 2sth, 1928, 
providing for extension of the due date of - 
ment for capital stock of this corporation 
Alexander Korda, all as in said agreement set 

Be it Purther, 

RESOLVED, that a copy of said agreement be at- 
tached in the mimute book next succeeding the 
minutes of the Board of Directors meeting im- 
mediately following this stockholders meeting. 

There being no further business, reine ad 

journed. : Me 
co i oO eS: 
e ent. 3 



LOYD WRIGHT, being by me first duly sworn, de- 
poses and says: = " 

That he is a resident of the County of Los ; 
Angeles, State of California, and is an officer of 
UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, to- 
wit, the Secretary of said corporation. 

That acting in his capacity as Secretary of 
said corporation and pursuant to its By-Laws, your affiant 
did, on February 18th, 1938, send a notice of the time and 
place of a special meeting of the stockholders of said cor- 
poration, said special meeting having been called for 
Friday, February 25th, 1938, at the hour of 3:00 o'clock 
P. M., at 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California; 
‘that said notice was sent by telegram as required by the 
By-Laws of said corpordtion, and that true copies of said 
notice are hereunto annexed to this affidavit. 

BEFORE ME THIS 18th day 
of February, 1 9 3 8. 

= as es 
Ot. Pd - 
Notary Public if end for 

said unty and State. 

, oa? eae shtiatels tiniacabash hina, tihich ais lial tgieed te 

SS Mem te 

+ DS 

; 7 : = ) Los Angetes California, ... be rs 
| Pebriacy ide isa. ost 

ee 92) Western Unions 

| Please send attached message tc the following, nightletter to those in 
~~~ the United Stetes and deferred cable to the one in Baglane: 

a Pickfore Co Ana, 1041 North Formosa Avenue, Holl : 
UE Surtes Sas Worth Formosa iAve., Hol Law Calif. 
alin, Late North La Brea Ave., beicverds  bilaheraias: 

; ee s Loyd Wright. . 

ey Trade Bldg. 

GA pete : gt RS 


| Sadi 

: -. bes Angélesy-California, — 

E Pebruary 18th, toss: <i 

| Please take notiee thet a special meeting of the stockholders of United 

| Artists Corporation is hereby called pursuant to direetion given by the 
President, to be held on Fridayy February 25th, 1928, at the hour of ES 
: $200 ofclock P. Mo, at 202.Mor Ganon Drive, Beveriy Hills, Californisy. 
- @ for the purpose of considering the request of Alexander Korda and Lonéon 
. ie Files, to amend contract and such other business as may properly..¢@ome-.., ~~ 
 vefore ‘the meeting. ——— ‘ 

: ie United Artists Corporation, — 

* sietemmr te: Saige a 

4 : raisers By Loyd Wright, Secretary. | 

x : : 






pe ie , ae 

2 pry me Taek ue point f Ns 
 «-FF386 19° XC=CARMEL. éibie sib ieser- 






: F=DENHAM 28 “25 5 1233P 







a a enn em | 
_ The fifing time shown im the date tine on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt &s STANDARD TIME at poitit of destination. 

Received at 9486 Santa Monica Bivd., Beverly Hills, Calif. : 

ld \¥? fo -s semenia 




The Board of Directors of United Artists Corpora- 
tion met in special session on Friday, February 25th, 1938, 
immediately following the special meeting of the stock- 
holder, to-wit, at 3:20 otclock P. M., at 202 Worth Canon 
Drive, Beverly Hills, California, pursuant to notice given 
by the Secretary as ordered by the President, and in accord- 
ance with the By-Laws. 

Dr. Giannini assumed the chair and upon roll call 
it was ascertained that the following Directors were present: 

Dr. A. EZ. Giannini, Mr. N. A. McKay, 
Mr. C. E. Eritksen, Mr. D. E. Rose. 

There were also present the following: Mr. Joseph 
Loeb, Mr. Sutro of England, Mr. Mendel Silberberg, Mr. Charles 
E. Millikan, Mr. Thomas L. Walker, Mr. Leo F. Samuels, and Mr. 
Loyd Wright, secretary of the corporation. 

The Secretary presented the call which was found 
regular, and a quorum being present the Chairman announced 

that the meeting was competent to proceed. 


Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, 
the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was waiv- 

The. Chairman announced that the purpuse of the meet- 
ing’ was to consider the execution of the contract which had 
been the subject of discussion at the stockholders meeting 
just preceding this meeting. He explained that the attorneys 
had prepared a contract for signature between this corporation, 
Alexander Korda, London Film Productions Limited, and consent 
to the same by Samuel Goldwyn, Inc., and Samuel Goldwyn per- 
gomally. 3 

Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, 
it was, 

RESOLVED, that afte> Samuel Goldwyn, Inc., and 

Samuel Goldwyn have conmsented thereto in writing, 

and after Alexander Korda and London Film Pro- 

ductions Limited have executed said contract, 

that the same be executed for and on behalf of 
thiscorporation by the President and Secretary of 

_this corporation. : 
Be 1t Further, 
RESOLVED, “that a copy of said contract be attached 

in the minute book next succeeding the minutes of 
this meeting. 

The Secretary presented to the meeting the necessity 
of designating some one on behalf of the corporation to con- 
sent to substitutions of photoplays and an adjustment of budgets 

of photoplays to be made by Walter Wanger Productions, Incor- 
porated, explaining that the necessity therefor was due to 

the provisions of the resolution and loaning agreement, pursuant 

to which this corporation has loaned and agreed to loan the 
Walter Wanger Productions, Incorporated, a total of $500,900.00, 
which resolution was passed at the meeting of the Board of 
Directors on January 17, \1938. 

Whereupon, it was moved, seconded and unanimously 

carried, as follows: 

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board of Directors, 
Dr. A. H. Giannini, be and he is hereby designated for 
and on behalf of this corporation, and with full 
authority,to consent to a change of budgets and/or 
_Materials to be used -im-the making of photoplays by 
Walter Wanger Productions, Incorporated, which said 
photoplays are to be produced with funds loaned to 
the said Walter Wanger Productions, Incorporated, by 
this corporation pursuant to resolution passed by the 
Board of Directors of this corporation under date of 

There being no further business, the meeting adjourn- 


wt ai. 

~~ \ 
THIS, AGREEMENT, made in triplicate (each executed 
copy to be Megarded as an original for all purposes), and 
entered into this 28th day of February, 1958, between 


incorporated in and according to the laws of England, the 
registered office of which is situate at 22 Grosvenor Street, 
W. 1, in the County of London, England, (hereinafter referred 
to as the "PRODUCER"), Party of the First Part, 


of said 22 Grosvenor Streét, W. 1, Lotidon, Bngtend, (herein- 
after referred to as "KORDA"), Party of the Second Part, and 


incorporated in and according to the laws of the State of 
Delaware, United States of America, the principal office of 
which is situate at 729 Seventh Avenue, in the City and 
County and State of New York, United States of America, 
(hereinafter referred tc as the "DISTRIBUTOR"), Party of the 
Third Part: 


+ Lil 

For and in consideration of the payment of One 
Dollar ($1.00) in lawful money of the United States by Pro- 
ducer and Korda to Distributor and in further consideration 
of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties as here- 
inafter set forth, it is hereby agreed as follows: 

1. The contract in writing between the parties ™ 

hereto made and entered into the 2nd day of September, 1955, 
as the same may heretofore have been amended by agreements 
in writing, shall be and the same is hereby further amended 
by substituting the figures "1939" for the figures "1958" in 
the third paragraph of subdivision (a) of Article TWENTIETH 
on page 30 of said contract dated September 2, 1935, so that 
as so amended said provision shall read as follows: 

"Such sum of Six Hundred Fifty Thousand 
($650,000.00) Dollars shall be paid in U. &. 
currency in New York funds on or before March 
1, 1939, with interest at the rate of five per 
cent (5%) per annum, payable semi-annually." 




2. Producer and Korda do hereby jointly and sever- 
ally.withdraw, waive, quitclaim, release and forego any claim, 
demand, or cause of action that they, or either of them, 
may have or could otherwise assert against the Distributor 
or any of its stockholders by reason of or based upon any 
alleged fraudulent or false representation or any alleged 
failure of consideration or by reason of any other matter 
or thing whatsoever arising or existing at” the time of 
the execution of the ccntract in writing between the par- 
ties hereto, dated September 2, 1935, or because of or out 
of matters in connection with the execution thereof; ex- 
cepting, however, any claims of any other nature which may 
have arisen out of any faets arising after the execution 
thereof, if any such exist. 

if either the Producer or Korda shall hereafter 
assert, claim, demand or bring suit against the Distributor 
or any of its stockholders for or on account of any claim 
or cause of action withdraw, waived, quitclaimed, released 
or foregone, as aforesaid, the aforesaid amendment to said 
contract, as hereinabove set forth in paragraph 1 hereof, 
shall then and thereupon become mull and void and the pro- 
visions thereof waived and the said contract dated September 
2, 1955, as the same may have heretofore been amended prior 
to the amendment herein provided for in paragraph 1 hereof 
shall be restored to its original provisions the same as 
though the aforesaid amendment herein provided for had not 
» been agreed upon, it being the express understanding and 
agreement,ofthe parties hereto that the amendment of said 
contract as hereinabove in paragraph 1 provided for is upon 
the express consideration and conditions provided for in 
this paragraph 2; but the waiver, release and quitclaim 
hereinabove set forth shall in no way be affected thereby. 

3. Neither said contract dated September 2, 1925, 
nor the amendment herein provided for, shall be deemed in 
any respect to modify the prevs stone of Article VIII of the 
By-Laws of United Artists Corporation; and the right to 
purchase stock as provided for in Article TWENTIETH of the 
aforesaid contract between the parties hereto shall only be 
assignable by the Producer and Korda subject to and in ac- 
cordance with the terms and conditions of said By-Laws. 

4. Except as expressly provided herein, the afore- 
said contract dated September 2, 1935, as heretofore amended, 
shall remain in full force and effect. 


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Producer and the Distribu- 
tor have caused this agreement to be executed by their 
respective officers thereunto duly authorized, and their ~ 
corporate seals to be hereto affixed, and Korda has here-~ 
unto set his hand and seal, on the day, month and year first 
hereinabove written. 






At the requegt.of the parties to the foregoing 
agreement, the undersigned hereby consent to the execution 
of the foregoing amendatory agreement. 

Dated at Los Angeles, Celifornia, February 28, 

By D: FE. Rose. 

Samuel Gold 


LOYD WRIGET, being by me first duly sworn, de- 
poses.and says: 

That he is a “resident of the County of Los 
Angeles, State of California, and is an officer of 
UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, to- 
wit, the Secretary of said corporation. 

That acting in his capacity as Secretary of 
s@id corporation end pursuant to.its By-Laws, your affiant 
did, on February 18th, 1938, send a notice of the time and 
place of a special meeting of the Board of Directors of 
said corporation, said special meeting having been called 
for Friday, February 25th, 1938, at the hour of 3:30 o'clock 
P. M., at 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California; 
that said nbtice was sent by telegram as required by = 
By-Laws of said corporation, and that true copies of said 
notice are hereunto annexed to this affidavit. 

BEFORE ME THIS 18th day 
of February, 19 3 8. 

(tit, GB 

ota c and for 
said County and State. 


fo Bestern Union: 

a Pee ie “ahs biwnsduk bent, which are hereby agreed fo “ 

Loe angetes, Caltfornta, eh er 
Pebrucry 18th, 1923. ee 

Please send the attached message night letter to those in the United 
States and deferred cable to those fin England: | 

Dr. A. H, Giamntnts 2 £02 Sout Canon Drive, svat nag Calif; 
Mr, BE. &. MeKay, th Formosa Avame, 

eee 354) Sor th Horth Le Brea Aver ig See od od, Coihy 
: FG 6 Brien, Enickertoeker Bulieine my Sev Fores’ . : 
: Kords, efo Le Loncofilas, ££ r Euuere, ade Engiend; 
+ Geo I. Schaefer, mieteal antics: "720 Seventh Ave, ¥ Y 
E Page be tase . hae York, B. Y. a ss es wares 
ur. James vuiver, 0/6" United fed arpits, Wis Settnts” ave., Hew vere, N.Y; 
e . 1041 ormo venue snes 
ir. D. BE. Rose, 1041 North Porsosa Aveies, Beiiseced Hollysod ~ Gatit.. 
: Loyd Wright. 
Charge to Loyd *right, - 

1125 Boure of Trade Bidg. 




Bind thi folowing message, salject to the Uinta on bach heme, olich ate halls digieed to 

ee Les angeles, California, 
ay a = Pebrusry 19th, 1938. 

- Fheess teke notice thet « specie! meeting of the Board of Directors of 
_ Umited Artists Corporation ts herdby exbied sursyuent to dirsetton—eiven 
-._. by the President, to be held on Friday, oer 1988, at the 

Be hour of 5:20 tolock P, M., at 202 Morth Cenon Drive, Beverly Filis, 

sf: Caiifornia, for the purpose of considering the recuest of Alexander 

- & Korda enc tendon films to amend eontract, and such other business es 
_ Sey preperly come before the meeting. 


| “United Artists Corporation, 
“ _ By Loyd Wright, Secretary. 

E es 

? 3 = 
3S Fe ——ws es See 
(OS ET ae 3 “2 




STH -DaY- OF. MARGE. A806. os ok mes eas 


“= A regular ueeting of the Executive”’Ccommittee of the 
Unit Artists Corporation was held on the Sth dsy of March, 
1956, ‘at eleven o'clock iu the forenoon, at the offices of the 
Corporation, (729 Seventh Avenue, New York City. 

There were present: = 

George J. Sehaefer , a 
“3  Wennbe—> OC Brien... ot 
Charles cchwartz 
Sdward CC. Raftery, 

constituting 2 quorum -of the nembers oi the Executive Committee. 
. ‘ 

Kp ov a 

There were also present: 

Arthur W. Keily, Vice President, 

Harry J. Muller, Treasurer, 

Kwenuel cilverstone, (Loncon Pilu Produc- 
a. tions, Ltd.) 

Mr. George J. Sohaefer acted as Chairman of the 
meeting and Mr. Bdward v. Raftery asted as secretary. 

so Mir. Raftery reported-that a copy of the minutes of. 
the meeting held on February 4, 1938, had been sent to the. 
parties in interest, am it was moved, seconded and unenimously 
ado ted that the minutes of the orevious meeting be sporoved. 

peers ‘ 
Mr. Raftery reported that Blanche Stacy Lloyd, pro- 

_fessionslly “Zorine” has coomonced an action in the 

Suited Statea Distriet Court in Chicago, egainst "Zorina", Sameé* 
uel Goldwyn, Productions, Inc. end United artists Sor oration 
for an injunction to restrain the exhibition of the "Goldwyn 
Pollies"; that the case hed been referred to Judge Holley, and 
that application for a temporary injunetion will be heard on 
Maret 21, 1958. 

Wri Raftery aude a report resarding the Bini case 
{n the Argentine; that counsel for the Film Board of Trade had 


we Bin gees. = 



com to New York and that a bili had been received for his ex- 
penses. It was reconmended tht United artists Cor »coretion 
contribute its proportionate share @& the bill for expenses. 
The g estion of fee was left open. for future discussion. 

eee eee 

Er. So made a ceteilgs report of his corres- 
pondence with iir. Hugh juennelIand br. Giannini regerding 
the stock of the foreign subsidiarkes which is now held in 
Lond on. 

“Yr. Muller reported. sate 
i. United Artists (Export) Ltd. kas submitted a prob- 

lem concerning the high cost of Technicolor mints for Italy. 
Becauses these prints are msde outside of Italy, dollars or 
pounds must be advanced for them. ihen the advance is recouped 
by oayment by Luporini thé hich cost uskes 2 severe cut.into 
United artists' allotwent money. | : 

— Luporini usu@lly sakes id prints of United artists 
Corporation's pictures for italian-distribution. In view of 
the high oost of Technicolor prints und the fact that duty must 
be paid on each aint, Export persuaded jusorini to make only 
ll srints of "SPAR IS BORN". ‘These 11 prints cost approxicately 
155,000 Lire. Prints for Wanser's "VOGUuS OF 1958" will cost 
-aporoximetsiy 145,900 Lire. . 

United Artists’® share of the off ieial allotment 
far the year 1957-36 is Lire 1,300,900, plus a possible 150,000 
Lire 2H producers’ qpta. = — 

As decided by the "xecutive Committee, United ar- 
tists requested Export, for the year 1956-37 to apply - 
ment money first against advances for orints, ete., and Shen. 
to splitup the balance emonz. its pictyuras in propartion th 
first six months’ earnings of each picture. — 

The entter was referred to Messrs. Kelily and 
Muller, as a Coumitteé, to investigate the views of the respec=- 
tive producers. 

2. United Artists (expat) Ltd. wrote to Tnited 
artists on February 10, 1956, coneerning' a Roumanian tax. The tax 
in. vector cleiws that inesmuch ac its license arrangement with 
Vesce film is for s limited period only end oxmership of the 
prints remains vested ‘in popper tes er Sig s Jorporation, that 
this transaction is not an outright sale but merely a license 
to distribute. He cleimse that the cor oration's arrangement with 
Vesca is not that of seller ani buyer but of orincipal and 
agent, and.that United artists Corsoration is in faet carrying 
On business in Roumania through an agent. sceeeh ae the 
Corporation was assessed two texes at the rete of 1 plus 3 on ’ 
the iicense fee, together with a fine for failure to decl . 
the license fee as income in Houmenia for tax purposes. The 


Sort sake oo 
? wv a .~ = Pe a wise’ E * Lo = » ~~ 

sin hata ie i LAA AAA AES 

e¢ ? 

total amount Glaimed for the two years ended Leceaber Zl, 1936,“ 
amounted to Leif 2,251,160.11, soproximately $15 ,418.59. ; 
“= Sinilar claims have been made ageinst Paramount and 
Me .G. Me. Pemmeunt, Metro and Vesca engazed or the foremost 
lawyers in Roumania to conduct their apveals esgeinst these 
assessments befora, the courts. “rior tothe hearing of the carted 
enpeal the Fiseal authorities seized United Artiste" prints 
and aged a lien on monies due tt from V eses and also on rentas 
due by exhibitors. The M.G.'. appeal wag the first to coue 
before the courts ani this & peal was unsuccessful. Paramount 
q and Vescs deatded to. compromise with the authorities. Vescoa 
\ ‘guaeceeded in settling the ciaiis ageinst United <rtists for 
Lei 800990 excluding costs. The costs incurred by Vesca amount 
to Tet 129,990, making & total, pay: ent. of 935,000 Lei, which 
Tnited artists had to reimburSe Vesca. | : 

‘. Export has now apoortioned 925,000 Lei  o-rata 
between the oroducers and Vnited irtistes Jorsoration agcording 
to the anounts whieh have been received on exch picture. 

ee ee ee AS a 

St de at Re eta 

see Weses has recently gone into voluntary licuidation 
but is eontinutnae to distribute pictures already deliverec. The 
picturet not delivered have bogp eancelied and resold’ to 3.D.¢. 
Films. In order to a old tax difficulties, agreements with 

3, Oo. G. Films have been Grewn in a form ap proved by a Roumenian 
lawyer who assistec in the settlement of tne claims against 

Vesce Fiins.° This lawyer drew up a Franchiss agreement for. « - 
20th Century-ror film's subsidiary ageinst which the tax author- 
ities have not made any Claims. ais 

Mr. Muller was requested to secure & Copy of” the. 
contract with 8. )/ C. from London. 

‘ir. Muller, reported: ad : 
: 5. BP unites artists Jorporation received from . 
Bank of Amerioea, National Trust and’Savings Association the 
followings “sourity Agreement: : - 

setantox Internationel “Pictures, Ind., date 
Janucry @1, 1924, whieh increases the PRISCNER- " 
of 28MbA asstannent for $1,100,000 to $1,200,000 

Selznick Internationel victures, Inc. dated 
Pebruary 28, 1924, coveriag loan us to $40,000 
on TOs SA YER e Z 

Walter “anger Procuctions, Inésrporated dated 
’ February 7, ivSs, whieh covers proposed ade- 
__ et «=o Wantes of (1,230,900, exeinst waich is pledged 
three pictures to be produced plus six pictures 
herertofore produced. The latter pictures are 

Rie cre ——— aati 


subject to prior liens sf the bank and 
7 re Consolidated. 

After approval by counsel, the Distributors Agceptences 
were signed. ; 

@. United artists Corporation psid to Walter 
Banger Productions, Incorperated, on account of the. 
$509,000. ‘Security agreement, $100,000 on February Sth 
anc 100,000 on Debruary 24th, gaking total psyuents — 
_of $300,000. ; se 

S. London remested authority to sell for delivery 
within vO days &50,000,-representing three months es- : 
tiumsted coumissdons. after cubmitting this proposal to 
vr. Glennini, Julted artists Gornoration authorized the 
sule of B25,000. <‘ccoréincly, there wae 3olé for its 
account 625,000 af °5.9260, for delivery up to April léth. 

ak ee 

a ‘ 

ase hes “ti i te ni pm ei i encarta tt tet tae a at cn ena 
ure Eolly reportea: - 

Ll. ARGUYEINE: Due to the resignation or dismissal 
of ir. .aica, who -helda cower of attorney jointly with 
Mr. “organ, it is-mow necessary to cancel. the existing 
powsr and tc send Buemose sires 4 new power in favor of 
ir. Guy ©. Morgan, solely, sné to have incorpa@ated any 
: menber of Price, Jaterhocse's Buenos aires office to counter: 
sign checks. aes 
(os me 
_\( 2. The Singapore ranch, througir itr. Max Baker 
had requested the relonse of a Siamege-Maley picture, m 
in Siem, for the territory of Singapore. and Java, United 
\rticts' share to be 35% of the gross receipts. a 

S. There is an unconfirned rumour that Japan alte 
tems to put in a gw ots Jaw limiting the importation of ‘ 
motion pietures to 165 a year, sith 70 pictures as the « 
american allocation for all companies, and if sueh regu-ey 7" 
lation goes into effect, it will mean the withdrawal of 

the American releases fm Japan. Sis 

4. The African sssociated Newspapers (Daily Tri-- 
bune, Sunday Exorecs, Daily express and Sunday Tribune), 
all of which are controlled by the S¢ lesinzer interests, 
have requested the American film industries to subseribe 
the advertising at a cost of 200. per quarter page. 

It was Mr. ielly's onpiniorm that United artist 
should not subscribe for such — advert ising. 


pe rened Ae 

ee NET” © CPE * Fok 


= — Fe Muller revorteu further on the Italian 
ae mtuation; thht he had just received word through 
i ag with Italian ‘ 

ondon that raw stock could ourehased an- 
lirc. Ne was directed to refer tie report to Mr. iulvey mo 
end to any other producer whose Lire is impounded in 
Itely. —- : 

. if. Schaefer stated that he hac received a 
request frou ir. Krimsky to turn back “EMPORER JONES" | 
as fer as United “tates and Cenada were concerned, It 
Fas the Goncersus of ooinion that this should be done, 
provided we receive s release fron these producers for 
this territory. , : 

wie chacficr made ¢ detailed report on a con- 
ialter canger photoplay for which Mr. Wanger 
Sethe #797 ane 

ta mooast at - 

tennis ted 


. a 
production. approvel wes siven this proagucticn, 4s the 

terr, ories involved were oniy a. smell portion of the 

tore$en territories. ys Sree 

4 Loan Was aitvorizged by the Comsittee to be. 
ede to Ur. Sidney Bowmen, an euployee cf-tne Detroit 
LxeRange, in the sum of J150., at 35.00 a week for thirty 

Jpon motion culy mace ani seconded, 1t wae re- 
solved, se follows: © : : 

_ That George J. Sehaefer, Vice President of « 
the Corroration, be euthorized ond directed tj extend 
‘in writing to Mr. and .rs. James “Mulvey the ai'noere sym- - 
pathy of the corsorntion, and ite employees upon the 
death of ir. Ctevhen VeFeevér, *uther of Yrs. James 
Mulvey. ; v 
vr. saftery stated that he he@ reseived from 
Neil .cCGarthy « request tu extend the stetute of linita- # 
tions for a further period of six months. Counsel re- 
Ovjwisnced that tris exteneion be granted, so as to 
avoid an ioupediate law suit with the Mughes interests. 
F pat extension therefore was voted. 
There bein; no further business before. the 
meeting, the san¢ wae uoon motion duly made and seconded, 
ad journed, . 3 


LOYD WRIGHT, being by me first duly sworn, 
deposes and says: 

That he is a resident of the County of Los 
Angeies, State of California, and is an officer of UNITED 
ARTISTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, to-wit, the 
becretary of said corporation. oe 

That acting in his capacity as Secretary of said 
corporation seat guewaint to its By-Laws, your affiant dic, 
on March 11th, 1938, send a notice of the time and place 
of a special meeting of the stockholders of said corporation, 
said special meeting having been called for Monday, March 
14th, 1938, at the hour of 3:00 o'clock P. M., at 202 North 
Canon “rive, Beverly Hills, California; that said notice 
was sent by telegram as round by the By-Laws of said cor- 

poration, and that true copies of said notice are hereunto 

annexed tc this affidavit. 

before me this 14th day 
of March, 19 3 8. 

Notary Public in and for 
said County and State. 


Los Angeles, California, 
March lith, 1938. 

Western Union: 

Please send the attached telegram, dayletter to those in 
the United States, and nightletter te England, as follows: 

The Pickford Corporation, 1041 North Formosa Avenue, Hollywood, Galif; 
The Elton Corporation, 1041 North Formosa Avenue, Hollywood, Calif; 
Charles Chaplin, 1416 North La Brea Avenue, Hollywood, Cali?; 

Semuel Goldwyn, 1041 Worth Formosa Avemie, Hollywood, Calif; 

Dr. A. H. Giannini, 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly Hilis, calif; 
Alexander Korda, ¢/o London Films, 22 Grosvenor Square, London. 

_. Leyd Wright. 

Charge to Loyd Wright 
1195 Board of Trade Bide. > 



y hae ve 


Les Angeles, California 
arch ilth, 1938. 

Please take notice that a special meeting of the stockholders of 
United Artists Corporation is hereby called to be held on Monday, 
March 14th, 19236, at the hour of 3:00 etclock P. M., at 202 North 
Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California, for the purpose of discussing 
me affairs of the corporation. 


ted Artists Corporation, 
& By Loyd Wright, Secretary. 

Charge to Loyd Wright, 
1125 Board of Trade Bldg. 


OF “ty. tote 



The stockholders of United Artists .Corporation 
met im special session omMonddéy, Match 14th, 1938, at the 
hour of 3:00 o'clock P. M., at 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly 
Hills, California, pursuant to notice given by the Secretary 
as ordered by the President, and in accordance with the By- 

Upon roll call it was found that there were 
present the following stockholders: 

The Pickford Corporation, by N. A. McKay, proxy; 
The Elton Corporation, by C. E. Ericksen, proxy; 
Samuel Goldwyn, by D. E. Rose, proxy; 

' Alexander Korda, by Mendel Silberberg, proxy. 

There were also present the President of the cor- 
poration, Dr. A. H. Giannini; Douglas Fairbanks, Samuel Goldwyn, 
Charles E. Millikan, Maurice Benjamin, and Loyd Wright, Secre- 
tary of the company. 

The President announced that the meeting had been™ 
called at the instance of Mr. Samuel Goldwyn, and that the 


al 7 a 

} Pe a ae 

matter to be presented was more properly for a a 

¥ Se 



Thereupon, without any business being transacted, 

the meeting adjourned. 


oe ae 



heen pee 



LOYD WRIGHT, being by me first duly sworn, 
deposes and says: 

That he is @ resident of the County. of Los 
Angeles, State of California, and is an officer of 
UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, 
to-wit, the Secretary of said corporation. 

That acting in his capacity as Secretary of said 
corporation and pursuant to its By-Laws, your affiant did 
on March 14th, 1938, send a notice of the time and place 
of a special meeting of the Board of Directors of said cor- 
poration, said special meeting having been called for 
Thursday, March 17th, 1938, at the hour of 10:30 otclock 

that said notice was sent by telegram as required by the 

By-Laws of said corporation, and that true copies of said 

‘ notice are hereunto ammexed to this affidavit. 

before me this 14th day 
of March, 19 2 8. 

7 ae 

peg lic in and for 
said ty and State. 



Teel ds cia actions Galilee dha teow on ask Berea, udioh dit alah ehbiahdieaais. 

Los Angeles, California, 
March 14th; 1938. 


Please send the attached telegram, STRAIGHT WIRE, to those in the United 
Stetes and night letter to those in London, as follows: 

Dr. A. u- Giannini, 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California; 
Mr. §. A » McKay, 1041 North Formosa Avenue, Hollywod, California; 

Mr. Charles” Chaplin, 1416 Pate La Brea Avenue, Hollywood, y PEEK: 
ep. Demis *; -0* Brien; ckerbocker Building, New York, WN. Y 
in beuen. ds beuaetees 40a Gaeree eetauee Corpn.» 728 729 Seventh ave., New ¥c 
dr, Charles Schwartz, 1450 Broadway, New York, N. 4 
Wr. Bdward C. Refte » Knickerbocker Building, New York, N. Y; 

Mr. James Hulvey, c/o "United sts, 729 Seventh Ave., Her onl 

To Western Union: 

ur. - E. Erickeen, 1041 Ho ng jnd sa Averme, Hollywood Calif; 2 -@ 

Mr. D. E, Rose, 1041 North Formosa Avenue, a, calirornis ¥ 
Mr. Alexander Korda, ¢/o London Films, ‘Be Grosvenor jquare, London, melends_ % 
Sir Comes Gutkie, ® " " -~ 

Loyd ¥right. 

- % 
‘ —* 
an . 

, 7 

ee AR s ‘ _ + - - 7 
pe ee ato J ‘ i > * 


sd gS) Ss a eee tne 
te Wii? hy ae 

* Folie cox exrrt wEWOOMe® C4APLTON + 6 wa.ever ks 
SS ——————— ee uses eeumeneetena ~- Ba —— a Ee an a tes, ————— See 2%, = 
in ce ati al Mate cht Mitel a wich or herby agreed te 3 
:; — bagi Los Angeles, California, EF. 

7 : March 14th, 1928. 

Please take notice thet a special meeting of the Board of 
Directors of United Artists Corporation is.hereby called 

- aes neon to direction given by the President, to be held 
on Thursday, March i7th, 1988, at the hour of 10:30 ofcilock 
4. M., at 202 Worth Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, Californie, 
to transect such business aS may properly come before the 

te, oa F seh 9 ery x2 


United . 

“s <— 



The Board of Directors of United Artists Cor- 
poration met in special session on Thursday, March 17th, 
1938, at 10:30 o'clock A. M., at 202 North Canon Drive, 
Beverly Hills, California, pursuant to notice given by the « 
Secretary as ordered by the President, and in accordance 

with the By-Laws. z 

~ ~ _ 

Dr. Giannini assumed the chair and upon roll call 
it was ascertained that the following Directors were present: 

Dr. . #. Giannini, BN. A. McKay, 
Cc. E. Ericksen, D. E. Rose. 

There were also present Mr. haces Pairbanks, 
Yr WEE NECEty, and Mr. Loyd Wright, the Secretary. 


The Chairman announced that a quorum was present 
and that the meeting was competent to proceed. 

Upon motion made and carried, the reading of the 
minutes of the last meeting of Directors was waived. ~ 

@ere was considerable discussion relative to 
appojpting 2 committee to investigate the affairs of the 
corporation and its subsidiaries in England. Wo formal action 



was taken, and the meeting adjourned to Mondey, Merch 21st, 

1938, 2t the hour of 4:00 o'clock P. ¥. Me 
ts ; : 
; re Fee 


‘ President. 





The Board of Directors of United Artists Cor- 
poration met in thie che Session on Monday, March 21st, 
1933, at the hour of 4:00 o'clock P. M., at 202 North, 
Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California, pursuant to . —_ 
adjournment of the meeting of March 17th, 1938. 

Dr. Giannini assumed the chair and it was ascer- 
oO tained that Dr. Giannini and Leo F. Samuels, the Assistant 

Secretary, were the only persons present. s! 

Whereupon, in the absence of a quorum, the meeting 
was adjourned to Tuesday, March 22nd, 1938, at the hour of 
4:00 o'clock P. M. ce oe 

Attest: P 
“J ~~ - N 
— / 4 £0 
+r a iil 
<— i aan : 
Secretary. f : 



The Board of Directors of United Artists Cor- 
poration met in adjourned session on Tuesday, March 22nd, 
1938, at the hour of 4:00 o'clock P. M., at 202 North 
Canon Drive, Beverly ;Hills, California, pursuant to 

adjournment of the meeting of March 2lst, 1938. 

Dr. Giannini assumed the oneae and it was ascer- 
tained that Dr. Giannini and Leo F. Semuels, the Assistant 

Secretary, were the only persons present. 

Whereupon, in the absence of a quorum, the meeting 
was adjourned to Wednesday, March 23rd, 1938, at the hour ® 

orice o'clock P. M. Y 

7 J 


Attest: 3 
te SAD a 

—— a 

eee _— — 

a “gX , - 






The Board of Directors of United Artists Cor- 
poration met in adjeurned session on Wednesday, March 
ford, 1958, at the hour of 4:00 o'clock P. M., at 208 
North Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California, pursuant 
to adjournment of the meeting of March 22nd, 1938. 

Dr. Giannini assumed the chair and it was ascer- 
tained that Dr. “iamnini and Leo F. Samuels, the Assistant 

Secretary, were the only persons present. 

Whereupon, in the absence of a quorum, the meeting 
was adjourned to Thursday, March 24th, 1938, at the hour 

i een 

of 4:00 ofcléek P. M. “ 

hg ee 

| = . \ V/ 
Attest: : 
e v4 et sai pa 
~~ —— Ps z I a ert” hai RT 

Secretary. | 




The Board of rectors of United Artists cor: 
poration met in adjourned session on Cearsdag, March 
24th, 1928, at the hour of 4:00 ofclock P. M., at 202 
North Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California, pursuant 

to adjournment of the meeting of March 23rd, 1938. . 

Dr. Giannini assumed the chair and it was ascer- 
tained that Dr. Gianmini and Leo F. Samuels, the Assistant 
Secretary, were the only persons present. 

Wnereupon, in the absence of ea quorum, the meeting 
was adjourned. 

’ President. 
Attestin 2 
' Pagan | ct IS EE «— 
: rf 

bareb 245 1936) ge 


24th DAY oF MARCH, i938. . : 

scene e eee s+ 2 eS Stee eeeoeene 


A reguler meeting.of the SuBéitive Co rittee ath 
United Artists Corooretion. wes heid om the 24th dey of Varch, 1936, 
et eleven ofclogk-in the forenoon, et the offices of the cor “oretion, 
sic medal Avenue, New York City. 

oon . There were present: 

George J. Schaefer 

}Jemes Fulvey 
Cherles Schwartz % 
Edward C. Reftery, 

me ~ = rene ae = 

écnatdvetion é quorde: of: the : cembers of the Executive Corpittee. 

€ * 

There were also vresent: 

ey oo ae 

arthur ®. Ke ly, Vice President 
Harry J. Vuiler, Treésurer 
ea Herry BD. suckiey, Vice President 
: Erenuel Stiverstoné, § (Lonéon Ae Proéuctivns, — 

Kr. rae i. Scheefer acted ss Chsirmen of the neeting 
oné Mr. Edwerd C. Reftery ected es Seoretvery. 

Wr. Raftery reported thet se hed received a te ogrem | 
from Dr, Glennini to the effect thet ¥r. Korcea wished thet end 
Lonéon Fiim*s share of dundéstic film rentels be peid one week efter 
sate rether then the usuel three weeks, in the esene wenner es Wr. 
Goldwyn’s fil» rentéla were now being sede peyeble by the company. 
Wr. Muller steted that in order t, do this it woule be necessery 
to put om ean additional employee in the Accounting Desertrent, un- 
less Mesars. G ldwyn en”. Korve would consent thet the peynents de 
Linited te this seeson’s sroduct. br. Sulvey steted thet it wes 

quite egreeadle to the Goldwyn ormenizetiocn to have the edvence 
payrents liritéd to this eeeson's product. ‘ 

; Uson wotion July wade, seconded, end uneniivcusly sd-_ 
opted, it wus , 

“BSULVED, thet the rexuest of "r. Korde oe 
. grented ¢8 to e€il product released, 
commencing with the chotupley ene 
Set ee aa t tied "BLEPHANT SCY" end continu- 
ing for the reet of this sesson’s 
vo A yroéuet, end thet the Goldwyn ar- 
° renzenent be linited te this seeson*s 

Vr. Reftery rep rted thet he hed receivec « request 
from London Films to sdvise ther as to which photopley Walter 
Wenger ¢id not heve the full end conciete world richte, end 
eiso the territ<c-"es8 excluded fro» the egreerent. ¥r. Scheefer 

wag authorized to answer the inquiry. 

4 Ur. Raftery reportéd that the metion for an injurection 
‘mode by Blenche Stecy Lioyd egeinst United Artists, Beieden & 
Ketz end the Goldwyt orgenizetion and Vere Zorine hea been er- 
gueé in Chicago in the United Stetes District Court end *het « 
éecistcn was expected on Tuesdey, Moxey 29th. 

_ Jar. Reftery resorted thet the Perizen cese (double - ‘ 
‘billing case) hed been effirmed by the United Stetes Cireuit | 
Cou n Philedelshia. It was the consexeus of opinion thet —— 
if the other companies jcined, en application should be onde 
for s certirari t,. the Suprese Court. 

vr. Muller reported: eke / es 

oly Urtted Artists Corporetion paid to Welter Wencer 
Producti ns, Inpeorocteted, ©S atcount of the yQoN Seeurit 
Agreenent, $100,000 or Maron 10th ané Pet wes Perch L7th. 
reking tot«el geynents of $509,009. 

Zz. United getists Cor cretion received fron Berk of 
anerice, Nationel Trust anc Sevings ssscoeieticn 6 syp iementel 
Vortguge, Pledge and Security Agreenent deted Warch 16th, «826; 
between Walter Wanser Productions, Imcor creteé anc tae benk, which 
incresses the original sesichment tc $1,260,000. After uepprovsl 
by counsel, United artists signe@ the Suborcinatton Arreenment 
ena the Distributors Acceptence. ; 

3. United Artleta Corsorseticn received several 
cebvles frow london ureing © crompt decision on the Itelian 

oD eat 

tis fs oeeaaee See 

Treseury Bond preposei. * The iatest cable of March Léth edvises 
thet they have a possible buyer for the bonds st 27% discount, 
peyment in Frence. Goldwys, Reiience, Chaviin, Elton end eid- 
man heve now suthorized United Artists to accept Deller Bonds for 
June 30, 1956 credit balsences and to geil these Bonds st 274 
discount. Caddo instructed United Artiste Corsoration to deposit the 
Bonds in Rove for them. United Artists confunicated this information 
a together rils utho etic ; 

Export. The foreqotnn wes approved by The Bxeeutdve CokNIet ste 

- 4. Puring 18357 United Artists Corooration rece! red 
frow Export @ number of biilis to cover trenspertetion and duties 
on verious pub ieity matter sent from New York to London. United 
Artists cbjected to thes® cherges and pointed out thet there ts -————— 
no provision in the Frenchie Agreement which recuilres it to beer 
them. Export repiied thet the Franchise Agreesents with the 
Cortinentel Buropean direct exchanges crovided for © copmisfion of 
8% to United Artists in considerstion of its services in securing 
enc greoting the rirchts of suoh films end in supplying pubiltcity 
énca exploltetion meteriel. 

After this letter was received, kr. Kelly issuec 

instructi -« thet charges be «ede to #il exchenges for the cost 
of production stlils end pressbooks; thet «il other pubiteity end 
exp.oltetion cateriel be supplied free F.0.8. New York to exchenges |. 
that wy coomission and thst the entire cost of Such meteriel must de 
borne by exchenges thet do mot pey commission. : 

In respotae to this actfon Export cencellied its 
charges for transportation and duty on publicity meteriel out ob- 

jects to being cherged for pr duction stilie end pressbooks. Ex- B 

port stetes that the quantity of such peteriel per exchenge is not 

great and further,ore that they would heve great diffieuity in get- 
~~ ting oherges for publicity in direct exchange ecccounts pessed 

by local tax esuthorities. They stete thet they heve expiain’d to 

the verlous tex exthorities practicelly ee@h yeer that the lerge 

quentities of publicity matgrial supplied by the Delewere Corporetion 

is one of the reasons for the commission cherre. 

Yr. Buckley esked gers of the following loens: 

l. Semuel Rifgin, $150., to be repaid at the 
rate of $10. « week. 

2. R. J. Kilpetriek, $150., to be repeid 2&2 
weeke «at $s. 4 weeks et #19. 

3. Byron Rosenthel §50., to be repeid $2. 
weekly. od 

4. Ai Bard $200. to be repeid $2. beer ey & 

5S. Herold C. Vengem, $65, to be repeid $2.50 

6. Vincent Oehns, shipping clerk in Clevelend, 

be ERR EONAR GATES Fee Sata. cee athe yo aie ens sal Pe eo ee oe FE TE Ee PTE ee OR” notes aie Pig be. ee * 25 aa 

. he 

$200. to be revaid 28. weekly. 
The foregoing losna were eporoved. eps 

Mr. Buckiey reported thet the Cuonsolicsted Piim 
Industries’ contract for printing heé expired in Fevrusry 
end that Consolidsted was preseine for renewal. It wes the 
cone of oyinion thet it should be renewed for cone year 

,on the seme terms and conditions. 

Mr. Buckley re.uested epprovel of the New Heven, 
Conn., Exchenge lease, for three yesrs at $225. « month, with 
®B Goption of two séditionel yerrs et the sere rent, with the 
right om the pert of the tenant to cancel the issase upon. 20 
éeys notice. Approvel wes so given. 

Br. Buekley elso ssked approval of ae proposed rodi- 
fication of the Kenses City lease. Mr. Buckley was euthorized 
to work out; the reduction in rents] end the giving up of cer- 
tein windows on the south side of the Exchenge. 

Nr. Bu@kley brought up the stion of eair-cornditisning 
the Southern Exchanges. It wes the boneensus of opinion thst 
no money shoud be spent for such pur ,ase thie yecr.— 



ur. Buckley réported thet he had ashy bills from 
as Dougles Feiroanks in connection with Mr. Feir * trig to 
Burope. Mr. Buckley was instructed to pay the bills, charee 
them to Wr. Feirbanks sné forwerd ther to the Bosra of Directors 
in Californis. 

Mr. Buckley reported thet the Ahnuel Weeting of the 
Yotion Pictures Producers end Distributors qf Ayerice, Inc., 
would be held on Meroh 28, 1938. ' 

Nr. Kelly made « report on the blocked currency sit- 
ueticon in Mexieo. He aiso re orted that heed received f@ror 
Dr. Giennini esprovel of his price noney pien for the foreign 

There wes @ cenerel discussion sb ut fhe ‘cost of 
technicolor charges for use im the foreign fieic. It wes the 
consecsus cf opinion that this charge should be adsorbed by 
the Corporetion. : 

Mr. Scheefer reported thet he hed received from 
Joseph Moskowitz, of 20th Century-Fox, a recuest e8 to whether 
it wes the intertion of United Artists Corporetion to egein 
ieese the photoplay “GALLANT LADY". He ted thet he hed 
repited thet at this time bess * og aes gee had ae gry, aehention. 


Mr. Schaefer else mice & resort on the eroes business 
for next season. 

Mr. Qcheefer Giso »+ ce « cetetled re ‘rt réesrding 
the comtertions msde by some of the pro. ucere-«s to the reke- 
up of cherges’ for explottvetion end ecvertising. The vatter 
Wes-teblea for further cocsideretlon,end discussion. . 

vi hr. Reftery asked the ssprovai of the Committee 
to psrticloete in the exvense of 6neering,en accountant in 
connection with the cese of Indienmpoiis érUisenent Corseny cseinst 
ell the cistriuoutors, now pendin» in the United Stetes District 
Court in Indieneosclis. Approvwel wes go eiven. 

a Mr. Reftery aiso made ¢ Peport es to the oresent 
stetus of the case of Fiim Scrores Tobis, Les Societe sno: yee 
ageinost Cherles Chaplin and United artists, now pending in the 3 
United Stetes District Coug, New York City. om 

There teins so further business Lefure the meeting, 
the seme wes, uwoon ction culy mede end feconced, edjoursed, ee 

a “—, 


s 4 
“OF Uz SITE A a saws COPPOReTLGH. & Teles wee: oS oFPICcEs oF THE z ae 
i ‘FIRST BAY ‘oF APS tL, i9ss. % = Se 
SiS z e re ® Fett 2 
me ew a a oe ee eee CaS ee Se re =< =e “« = 
i ES ~ : : : eo 
il tad A speciai neeting of tae Executive Committee of the __ | 
United Artists Corcoretion, Por the consideration of cherges end ‘a 
exse.citures for expiotté tion end saver tising wes raid on the firet = 
éey af April, 1956, et- ten-thirty otcloce in the forenoon, at phe —— 
offices of the Cor: oration, #729 Seventh évenus, } New York City- 
ERS OEM There were otesent? : 
~ se _—— : : —_—.. : wee me - 
— George J. Schaefer ’ e 
- Denitts Fi. O*Priens = eS tee NEA Puen 
James ‘hulvey, _ Nici ress é 4 
Charts Schwartz, ~ . + _ 

/ ee: 

constituting e cuorun of whe yraepers of theteecutive Committees. Ay 5 

: me _nere were also; present seoerrint =e ; +e 
~ ewer .. fpthur ®. Kelly, Vice President me pee tra 
; == Herry D. Suckicy, Vice Presiderc, —* nike 
: ose ey oy er, pSior sear ‘ ; 
Emeruel ‘Stiverstae, (Sondo n Fip “Stecuctions, 
— Lta’) a 
S Peul o*STieny “ “petorney: 
pao vreseeor ze J. Schaefer bated es Chairman of snevesting 
“,, end ir. Paul Sterien acted es Secretary.  - é ? 
wr. Schaefer roported as f6L ore 2 : 
‘ es SB geass? ae 
Wet ee He- ~presented to. the ‘meetite the ifestion of some De 

itegcs sof advertisin® enc exploiteticn whe sh. the United Artists Cor- 
. pion tes vist ien the procucer ob- 
<--.2.n ee eeae— epee ifleslly,- objection wes me P "6 Serued > a beams Ins. 
as to certein of these dtems whith ned beer oherecg tof it. These i 

were ng Ww Eke direct- -Lo-the-public-8xp oitation or eivere : 

' FR; er The totel erountof the it “ams to which-tners wes objec~ ” 
tion wa gs $9200. 053" ~ . : 
i — { —: = re 
; + Me. Behsefer pcinted out thet ‘United Artists wes- 
NoPLi Tn bo contri tute on 6 PaOy -ertion of 

uhder contractual 

to the first $70,000. ,or $40,000., <= the caze cey be, ea- - 
verisine enc exploitetion appropriation per picture. Any 
excess over $70,550., or $40,300., es the case moy be, wes 
chergesble directiy t- the proéucer. Mr. rulvey's objection 
to the items wes thet the sdvertising enc exploiteticn ex- 
2. = penses ere improcerly chergec. He stated thet the Goi dwyn 
, orgenizeticn woulc enticioste sm appropriation cf sone fixed 
ae - aus for the exp. itaticn ené eivertising of the pieture, end 
subsequently would fing itself cherged with twice thet emount. — 

“1__-r. Seheefer pointed cut thet the anticipeted ez per: 
tures of Untreé Artists for the sdwertisineg ené expicitstion o 
erch motiom picture ere (1) 25¢ on 975,200. or $40,000. es th 
case mey be; (2) $10,009. for trade caper edvertising; p 
(3) £5,000. for the presstook; but the pressbdooks, because of 
the intétslon tn ther of nmeticnel aivert: meterie) end oth 
Stocueers* tate ial, heve éxccede »VUU. a8 follows:. 

STAR IS BCEN $11,090.00 . 
¥.U ONLY LIVE onck 7,200.00 
SELOVED: ENEMY 7,800.00 . 
¥ oUES : é - $,803.06 
CEsD ERD ; . 7,630.00 
“ Vr. Schaefer sleo sucgested that the e diture for 

eisborete preesbooks be curtailed and thet the uz ulmesa of 
thé Liessbeoks would 2s weii be servec if its cake-u> were-stt 
plified, : : i 

“>. Sehcarer further cotnted out thet ns : 
SF seanepenell bouey “68 bi cing the whole burden of TeFils gm. exploite © 
tion won te protucer. The piocucer, with the treaheniocus | 
Uvestment he Aed in the 5 oture, was forced to expend sums of 
woney Uuaressonadly to de the j « thet shcoul4 be ‘of the 8 =—ss«&Y 
erocucer. 48 an exemple, he oolnteé cut the followinge:* 

et¢ture No. Of Engecoments Film Rental Advertising Per. 
‘ P A “ : e 

LTezmBt ion centege 

STAR IS SCRN 73 _ €211,000.00 $53,800.00- 17% 

ARNOR $i 5,000.00 26,090.90 274° 

c > ae 
a 252 Bo C2 oa peed 2 LHe i > Lax 6 : a 
—— ScheelTer,; thet the sroducers wete vesFinz the exnibfors* cuPden.-% 
a and thet these expettt*ures for edvertiains and @xsioitaticn 
eae tie properly st uid. de. kede om shered in by th<=_exh- vitor. eee Oe 
eas i, Scheeter further Suzsestsa the fcilexine ~stnuas ie 
of exercising Control. gfer sdver® sin: end-eweiefta ian ex- = 
te , penses ih snes ure. z Cn ee ree 

, A ee Ee. 

, ae = Fit the aistri cutcr should huve @ tolce tr. Gis. ©: 

_ eusstne how Se $73, 009% ,* or “$20, 00. 2s the Chte say ‘be, per ees 

ees picture, wes to be exnended Ain: air ce mga 3 avertict 2G 

° ere a Secs rr PREG = ersckiow bs . nee tei sh 7i ; 

hee ST, 2s the ese nev¥oe, expe. a tore, ae“uic be cortusiy 
ER TSeE US 5e. ‘Tor “BF CH picture ‘bebvser, tae distributes ene the 

an: yencer., — : ae Se Bes = é e. pie a : = ; soe 
: — fter Turthe? discussion, 1t wee coved, ceeqrded end = —_ 
Guatthatte ee -uneRt ual x =. : eat sa — =a Bi ie — - 2. 
iti RESOEY 1," that Mess: 
Pi Ss eee Sere 
$5 : : 2 Eo Seese-o' 
Se: ee —— 3 ‘dee Gispate ee 
Segre : 5 re to. 2 : 
| ae meee "yecouauee atic 3° 
Ji, ae tur 

A ae 
es = jyears, the or ‘sues bcc tac 
fae oo. eT 088, were BES 

Stasis i 5 {a} $1190 per weex, lesa e 208% etustio ppeseie 
| Ur ted Artists*is « non onsets nent; ; 

ss that 
rasuesry erick would "be 

Me ae 

‘es e — ones a2 Se 

one" FED , thet the exsenscs of Miss Plekfora pee Pe ate 
— Messrs. FELEORERG Gelswyn 614 Reftery eae 

for = heir trip to london shaild de te- “5. 
ferved t6 Dr. CGlennint for Pend ee 
‘ a ~ Ef they Se SOS Sere Tree 

ert ee 

aL. < eel end other he! i e in. € #8; -ehse. Sie, Oa 

green? Sia nye Se dosing <. ae ee ss sae 
a 7 a SMe owns = - * 
eg * : = ey < eee a Fe y 
; Es . - Pane. r 

Tease as te 3 Suck ley rec -orted tHet ‘the Minneasciis Pxche. PER ey 
Gen, = a Soneetenit? +e senéy Ate Suarters et Zhe. sere renteal> fee 
vith. S n® that -it sign @ tasse for ec. <gertcr tar 

4m ion, ft coarse Seis and 

— . 
« = * < ; 
re * 
= _ 
rs . 
weit cbbets gp 

us0n & ce 




_ LOYD WRIGHT, being by me.,first duly sworn, | 
deposes and says: Pcs 
That he is a resident of tle County of Los 
angeles, State of California, and is an officer of*UNITED 
ARTISTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, to-wit, the 
SeHPetary of said corporation. 
| That acting in his capacity as Secretary of said 
corporation and pursuant to its By-Laws, your affiant did on 
April 15th, 1938, send a notice of the time and place of a 
special meeting of the Board of Directors of said corporation, 
said special meeting having been called for Wednesday, April 
20th, 1938, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M., at 202 North 
Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California; that said notice was 
sent by telegram as required by the By-Laws of said corporation, 
and that a true copy of said notice is hereunto arinexed to 

this affidavit. 

~- oe 

before me this 15th day 
of April, 19 38. e 


Notary Public in and for 
said’County and State. 


Sand the falicsing meseoge, c sbject othe ts on back hee, saat ate Ratilag sighed 

Los 4ugeles alg oH pm 
To ¥estern Union: Aoril isth, 938. 

mene Sona the sttached telegram, STRAIGHT WIRE, to those ‘in the United 
tates and might letter to those tn London, as follows: 

Dr. &. H. cag 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly “ills, Califo 

Mr. N. A. McKay, Hort FPormose Avenue, Hollywood, ere miey 
» Charles lia, L41L€ Borth La Brea 4v » Holl Celi 
+ Denis ¥. O'Brien, Enicxertocker Bult ee Roca 

Mr. George J. Schaefer, ¢/o United artists, 726 Seventh ives, 5 ew 

Yorke; \ 4 
Mr. Charles ad Bex Yo rs +3 \ 
: Re ‘ pi sn ane La Dutléing, Her York, ®. ¥; 
Mr. Jomes mers United Artists, th Ave., New York; 

rth FPornosa aetenes Sea oat Claeys": 

~ Yr 
a ital br ee Sina fins. se Boi California: 





Los Angeles, Calir 


4:f11 15th, ° 
Plesse take notice that 2 speeial meeting of the Board of Direetors 

of United Artists Corporation is hereby called to be held on Teénesdey 
April 2 th, 1988, at the hour of, £:00 otclock P. M., at 202 Horth . 

for the vursose of considering 

Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, cali¢ 

the calling of a specisl meeting. of. the 
€t the principal place of busimess of the corporation in Nes York 
on Tuesday, April 26th, 1988, at the hour of 2:0° ofcloes P.M, i 



——_. * —— 


ré of Directors tc be. 7 a 

United Artists Corporation 
, By Loyd Wright, Seeretary. 
Charge to Loyd fright 5. 
1125 Bosrd of Trade Blae. é ae 

* : a> 

ar ear ¥ ie Baie Senet RS 
—s e > x 
: ~—f-% 25-3 - ~~~ 
- = ae ‘~ 
‘KNOW ALL MEW. EY THSSE PRES geTS that the undersivned 

TEE PICKFORD CORPORATION, corporat Lon, poate ty of FOUR 
THOUSAND (4,600) shares Py the me of UNITED ARTISTS 
CORPORATION, a corporetion of the State of Delaware, does - 
hereby sproint Mary Piekford, or in her _ebsence @ &. McKay, 
a . 4ts true and lawful attorney with full power of substitution’ 
and revocation, for it: and in its name, to vote es its proxy 
at the special meeting cf the stockholders of said company 
are to be Weld on-the 26th day of April, 1936, and at any _ 
adsourngent or adjournmerts' thereof; ‘thereby ratifyins an! 
confirming all thet. said attorney or substitute mey lawfully 
do in the premisese 

WITNESS the execution of this proxy by the seid 

THE PICKFORD CORPORATION this 21st dey of April, 1955-6 

~ * - 
eens 2 
whe : ~se 

signed, JHE PICKFORD CORPORATION, @ corporation, hoider of 
FOUR THOUSAND (4,000) shares of the stock of UNITED ARTISTS 
CORPORATION, a corporation of the State of Delaware, does 
hereby appoint MARY PICKFORD, or in her absence Ne A. McKAY, 
its true and lewful attorney with full power of substitution 
and revocation, for it and in its name, to vote as its proxy 
at the annual or any special meetings of the stockholders of 

Selb company, and at any adj ent or adjournments thereof; 
hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorney or : 
substitute may jawfully do in the premises: 

This proxy shall endure until revoked. : 

WITNESS the execution of this proxy by the said 
"THE PICKFORD CORPORATION, this 22nd, dey of April, 1938. 



The Board of ici ceil oii United Artists Cor- 
poration met in special session of Wednesday, April 20th, 
1938, at the hour of 2:00 O'clock P. M., at 202 North 
Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California, pursuant to notice 
given by the Secretary as ordered by the President, and in 
accordance With the By-Laws. 

Dr. Giannini assumed the chair and upon roll 
call it was ascertained that the following Directors were 


Dr. 4. H. Giannini, C. E. Ericksen, 
N. A. McKay, and, James Mulvey. 

There was also present Mr. Loyd Wright, Secre- 
tary of the corporation. 

The chairman announced that the, purpose of the 
meeting was to consider a request for call of meetings to 

be held in New York City on Tuesday, April ‘26th, 1938. 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously ~~~ 

carried, it was, 

nities ‘ 


i fe 

RESOLVED, that the, and he is 
hereby instructed to call a meeting of the 
Board of Directors of United Artists Corpora- 
tion, to be held at the principal office of 

the corporation in New York City, to-wit, 729 
Seventh Avenue, on Tuesday, April £6, 1938, 

at the hour of 11%00 o'clock A. M., for the 
purpose of considering changes in distribution 
contracts, amendment of the contract with 3 gs 
Murray Silverstone, and for such other business 
as may lawfully come before the meeting; and, 

Be it Fut th es, 

RESOLVED, that the Secretary be, and he is 
hereby instructed to call a special meeting 

of the Stockholders of United Artists Corpora- 
tion to be held at the principal office of 

the corporation in New York City, to-wit, 729 
Seventh Avenue, on Tuesday, = a 26th, 1938, 
at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M., for the 
purpose of considering the amendment of Article 
NINE of the By-Laws of the corporation, and 
specifically to consider amending the said 
Article to provide for a majority vote in 
liew of and instead of requiring eighty 

per cent affirmative vote of the stockholders 
as now written, and such other business as may 
come before the meeting. 

There being no further business, the meeting ad- 



: President. 


a it ali 2 . > +s ar tee ‘ oe 23 ee 
bg: ee ee oy ts pout “ 
POLIT ALAA é an de ad « wee 
. ee ’ ‘Se : ‘ “ 
one t ‘ , Va : é . - 3 ; e tix 
@ y o 
- - ; = oc 
~_ a: . TWENTY-f£ThotT DAY OF APPIL, LBs : 
‘ yee . a aecnwesasesatoecasasesesace ; i 
z a» reevler neotine of the Executive Coz sittee. af the a 

United artists Cor-orvntion wes held on the twenty-first day of 
April, i9Se, st elever o%c10¢ wee £5 beciosad et the offices of 

There were svesent: é 3 | Ne 
| ‘ . ceorge qs Schuefer, oe : 5 
Dennis F. o*Srien , 
~~ Cherles Schwartz, 
constituting-+ quorum of ‘the Executive Comrittee.< 
There were f&iao pregenti 7. ‘ ; Be : fos 
@ > 
art nur W. Keily, ye Vice Precicent, = 
Herry D. Buckley; = Vice i ent, 
—anenn ne - Herry da Muller, Treesurér 
Emeruel Siiveretune, oie me Froduesins, Bi 
Te He . — ee tae : : om 
@ se AENE Peul. c*érien, : Attorney.” ne = 

; - . 

Smee Oe “Er. George T. Schaefer agted cs Chsimes ef the weeting, ~~ 
Mr. Psul O'Srisrbeted +s Secretery. res a 
; Mr. Peal C*Brion regorted thet eafiae of tne minutes of . 

the, reetlag heic on Aprit lh, 1s, hed Been sé€nt to #11 the parties | 
in‘interest, an¢ it wes coved, ~ getonded and ese ee: 
2s Ge ‘that the eforeset mn. dutes be “eperores. 

>: pista LENE Ss : eee! 

wr. Dennis r. OtBrien ~ejerteat 


: “le That theAttorsr ay Cenerel*s office wes oondueting en 

investivetton of the Fox Yeat Coset aitwatton enc -ursuent thereto — 
hed expressed s re: uest-+--execine-certsin Tttss creceoeuments im” 

the Los Angeles Exchense. Yr. O'Srier steted thet he-hed cone 
sultec witn Dr. Giannini concerning thia request. it was noved, — 
geconcec anté unsnpimously A Fg RAEALT OE 


—jotatiy pete by 

RESCLVED, that course. asve’scuthority to. take 
= such stecs es they mi¢bht deem sdvis- 
able “in the matter in eccedcin: to 
the Governrent*s recuest. 

right. be euth tized to &pperr for the cefencant United , 
Art On Bad to -f3 t eo eth 

Mr. C*3rien reported in ceteil uson the fects uoon which this 
sction is besed. It is predicted upon the enti-trust Lews., 

&. Paine yv. Er 2h: Wr. O'Srien reed e€ rerort uoon the nae . 
ture of this sacticn-which hed been presered by Vr. Pepper, of 
Wr. O'frien*s office. - The eetion ie besed uvcn the cisin of -- 
Peine, represexting the Music Publisher's Protective Associa- 

ticm, «zainst Erpt, t the effect that Eres was delincuent in 

“the payment of ragrities due ucon cusie used in the vericys 
pieture in foreign territories. . " 

_ Frpi's contention is thet the Associ- 
ation hed no righte to-e-nfer tn the foreien terr't&ies in which 
Erpi sought « license fee end therefore Eryt te uncer no oblize- 
tion to pay eny iicense fee when n> consideration is offered. 
Erpi, in its settlement with @arners and Peremount, respectively, 
assumed tigir possible liebiliity in this isw euit. This repre-. 
sents ebcut COf of the ciaim, The cther 40% represented pic- 
tures orovuceé by Metro, Fox, Universal and United Artists. | 
Broil hes notified United artists thet Broil wee ecting tn « rep-- 
resentstive cepacity, with the exception of the 69%. It sim- 
Lierly n-tified the other compenies-¢ eG .seked them ts come in .- 
ena defend. It hed deen suscested thet the other eqmpeantoes 
representing the 40% jointly should expioy Julien T.'absles end 

Be Finkelstein, of Schwartz. and Frohlich, tc defend ther in 

the suit. The Qounsel fee for these two attorneys wea to te - 
five.c representing the 40%. This 
counsel fee wes $10,000. to Julien T. Abeles and $2,500—to 
Henry Finkelstein. The fee is t> be borne in proportion to . = 
the dameges sought from eéch company repectively. Any expense ——. 
involved in the suit would neturally be borne by the producera 
whose pictures were concerned, 2nd it wes resolved thet this 
liabi.ity should be referred to eceh such roducer. The United 
Artists’ shere of tte fee is eporoximately 12%. It wes 

+ Pam. oa 

Mr. ©*Briep-repouted thet e libel ection 

: yest -B CS ee Bat ac wn 
RESOLVED, thet United artists should serticivete 
{n the ecunsel fee according te this 
roe plem, but in doime ss should not adrit 
? eny ifabi lity over tc frpi in the event 
_ Pleintiff wes: successful. 

4. Brecley v. United Artists end Weiter Wenger. 
hat teed started {a 

the State of Vertiont besed wocn Sone convers: tion in the. fencer 

roduction, "I MPT MY LOVE AGAIN®. 

Mr. Poul O'Brien resorted thet he hed referred 

this action to Loyd Wright, as ettorney for wslter Senger, with 
e wotice thet the producer wes uncer obligetion, byvirtue of > 
his distridyticn contreet, to_indernify United Artéste in ery. ~ 
setion such «s this end hed the FIeAt to come in end gefend. Hr. 
Loyd Wricht héd resiled that the sroiucer hed aisco heen served 
‘in this s:me ection end that he would instruct United artistes 
i Fees counse” of the procedure that the. producer wished ‘to 

o OW. | 

Wr. Buckley resorted: 

Vises Fameey, Mr. Kelly’s secretery, soucht «a iosn of 
$100., to be nsid beck in weekly payments by © ¢ceductionot $5.00. 

from her salary. This loen was aporoveg.. 
|} Me, Kelly'’reported: 

emer eceenttne nme tne cee — icici 

hha tient 


‘purchese bleck end shite srints for heal Oh Italy, _ 
the cost of the surcNase of Téchnttclor gpa git wes sua+ 

Suggestion that Technicolor be pefd for Suchprints in Itsiien 
lire, thet ta, bi lire. -¥r. Kelly was su 
eiais metter uc with Mr. Mulvey. e 

&. Fe Bexiccn picture “REFUGEES IN kADAID®. Mr, 
Seidieran, United sertiets represent«tive in Mexico, hed revorted 
& wery fi pleture in "REFUGE¥S IK LADRIQ®, withthe suzcestiin - 
that. United Artists surchase it in view of the erect success it. 
hed hed with "KANCHO GRANDE®,. fhe rights were for south of 
the Rio Grande, excluding Mexico ard Spein. The terme suzcested 
were $25,000. agsinst distribution on terme of SOY w the distri. 
cutor and 504 to the producer, the $26,000. t- be reesused from 


v rae csi 
é ofa 


the roducer*e share.” Mr. Keily sdévised thet ne hec sent 
Mr. Gould to Mexico to look «t the picture end negotiete terms. 
It was ° - 
RESOLVED, thet kr. Kelly $e suthorizec to, rocesd- to 
sel curehase the picture efter woittenm epvroval 
of the picture by \r, Goulc snd efter consul- 
‘tetion with Mr. Scheefer, the terms of the 
; " purehage to be in nc event more then $25,000. 
- egeiust » 50-50 clstribution split. ‘ 

3. AYrcontina, kr. Keily reported on the »ossibtlity 
of the finencing of th: sroduction of neticnal »leturasin 
Arrentine. It wee re usstes thet Yr. resort rore fully 
uvon this situetion. . : 

Mr. Muller resorted: 

i. A Ceovle hes Ween received from Loncen, dsted 
Aprii dl, 1935, sdvieing of the oyrchese of $71,900 of Iteilan. 
Trecsury Bons st 92,968, seturing July 31, 1940.” (THe ciscolat 
of 7.04% repreacnts interost st % per erinux from the cate of pur- 
chese to date of returity. The cost pf these bonis +a 
Lire 1,273,268.45, which, ot the of fidBl rete of 19105, Is 
@cuel to $66,555.24. p38 

The prospective eaie of theses bonds et 27h discount - 

hes fellen thrcueh but guc> bonis cen now be sold in London st | 
39°@ A@iscount, which ts ecu‘ velent to-S5%. on actuai cost to Jnited 
Artists. Loniom strongly recomrende@ the eele at thts wi iseount. 
However, Sr, Muller steted thet he hed consulted with Goldwyn apd 
Reliance, the crinei:cl procucers invoived, end they, es weil es 
the members of the Executive Committée rejected this sropésel. : 

2. The Incis Office received the foliowins bills ror 
_ services rendered in connection with the Indie Income Tax for the 
yecr 1934: ; . 

Se NS NG poe ol ~ 

Crawford Beyley & Compeny 

This emncunts to «<pproximatesy $359, et the presént rete of exe 
ohenge. It was ; 

RESOLVED, thet this wees 2. producers’ charge on abould 
be cherged to the six *rocucers tnrolved in 
6 feir ratio. . oe 

° u : ae “ ¢ 
= % > eerste _. mnt 
= - J . % 
& a LQ o = 
ne i 
- or te I - —s" d X > 
* - —— . 
o , 
° abe 
5: ee ° iN = ‘ 
o-.— \ 
3 S 
. é » ‘ e nee Bb 
> . : 

ee Ketiy Teo ted thet this tex wes uoon the net 
end-B t won the entire oro weers*-snare. The Indies Government 
woule permit em glloceticn of the negetive costs to in¢tfa to 
be cherged tzeninst the »ro ucers’ ehere in este cii@img the net. 

« Am incuiry #8 to whether the «a locetion wes precteatec upon orintse--- 
OF Upon pest experience wes referred te Wr. Fuller for reply. ‘ 

pense be rennn nne he MULL OS_abeo Teperted:  «:- Be 

S&S. On June 6, 1933, H. J. Butler Sros. Inc. cernishee 
the selery of Joe Woou.s. Woo s filed « pet ticn-in benkruptecy 
‘tna Unitec artiats wes se-wed with a copy of #n ordcr enjoining “6 
Butler Bros. from colisctt in eny wey except throuch the danke 
Tutey proceedinoe smc staying United srtiate Corvoretion from 
payine montes which !t-mey heve withheid. Tt is now uiscovwe 
ered test Woods Fei.ed to-vecure his dischsree in benkruotcy. 

Ab ut @ yeer efter the fijine of the-petiticn im benk- 
ructcy s notice of e lerge gern’ shment was served uoen the Cor- 
porstion, From that tine om, until Woods left the ex-loy of 
the Corsoretiom s few ronthe exo, tmited arttets withhel 10% 

of hi8 Suler;y under s«eic gernishnent Furthé: gurnishmente were 
served but not honored beceyse of the pricrity of the larce 
gernishrent. F -- 

. The ettorneys for Butler Bros. sre wiilins tc settle 
=. for the face smount Of the garnishment, nepely $140.27. Counsel 
recomends thet United Artiste settle for this sum «nd seve in- - 
terest rnd costs. It was so moveé snd eporoved. 

4. The Le sl Committes;-tnrouch the Heys Oreentamtion, : 

recuests the following peyrente: - o 

(1.) Mopené ¥. Twenttotn Century-Fox. ae as 
Yomend v. Griffith Bye tactiad ate et Gi. 

These sre anti-trust suits. ‘There tas 
fun. recuired for derense in tre sum of _ 
_. $754. _Dnieed-neet: =Teted- 

© 1s $35.62. 

BE BS oat att BD Be an ems 

(2.) Fuller v. Twentieth Century-Fox. 
Fuller v. Viteerenn, : . oat 

This sotion we8 settiecd for £2750. United 
Artiste sromreted shere wes $205.22, 


Paynent of both of the ebove pro-rated sheres wae epproved, 

- we 

‘ Aga $28 — 
ae a 


Wr. Muiler ¢.ve tae ectimited income and orefit and . 
loss for the three months erding April 2, 193é. = 
> aes _ here being no further business before the meéting, Spars: 
, the sare wes upon voti-n duly zece@ end seconded, edjourned. - pe: 
se : . ‘ : em, ‘ pert \ Seeeneern anerenmecmmens EP ee 
o Sai ae : “g = Cingak nan —_— ~ eect 
- : eee ; ane. i= 
Paul en 
: * : “"-- peoting Secretary. 
¢ | € 7. : Pe : 
se ms en ea ‘y 




4 Speciel Meeting of the Board of Directors of United Artists 
Corvoretion was neta om-the 26th dey.of April, 1955, at the prin- 
cipal place of business of the Corncration, No. 729 Seventh Avenue, 
New York City, at eleven o'clock A. M. 
There were preagent the following directors: 
Dennis F. O*srien 
George J. Schaefer 
Cherles Schwartz 
Edwerd C. Raftery 
Janes Mulvey. pasmvaien 
C. E,. Ericksen 
David Rose — 
Alexender Korae, . 
constituting a quorum. 
There were eiso present: 
Mary Pickford 
~~ Samuel Goldwyn 
Emenuel Silverstone. 
~ ; Miss Pickford acted as Honorary Chairmen of the meeting 
(Mr. George Schaefer, Vice Chai ) end Mr. Raftery acted es 
‘ ‘* = > * 
Mr. Raftery presented to the meeting a due notice of : 

the calling of the meeting, duly executed by Loyd Wright, Secretary 


of the Corporation. The Chair directed that ssid notice be affixed 
to the minutes of the meeting. . : 
The first business to come before the meeting wes the 

question of 4 decleration of 4 oni It was moved, seconded 

and unanimously edopted that an tnteriz dividend of FIVE HUNDRED 


- - a aed SE EE a fe 

_ THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000.) be declared to stockholders © 

of record as of April 14, 1938, payeble as to one-half 

thereof on the 30th day of June, 1938, or such < neer 

dete as the Corporaticnmay find convenient, «end balance . 
on or about January 1, 1939, or such ocher neer dete as 
the Cornoration may find convenient. 
—_ second question pred@fnted was the proposed 
mshitinentt of the Producer-Stoc ider Agreementes® It eee: 
moved by Mr. a Sees and seco by Mr. Rose thet the 
Proiucer-Stockholder Agreements be emended in the following 
partic ulers: 4 
(a) The Host favored nation cleuse shail be deleted so 
that the Corporation shali bde enadled, by a mejority 
of tts stockholders; to give such favored terms as- 
the said majority of stockholders may think fit to 
such other producers of motion piot\res as’ in each 
case may he thought aesMple,. without eny altere- 
tion in the schedules which concern the distribution 
‘contracts of the stockholders themselves, and with 
the further proviso, that at all times, the terns 
, of the Producer-Stockholder A-reements shall remein 
the same on world-wide distribution. f me 
(>) With regard to the current Contracts of the stock- 
holders, the schedules thereto shall be altered so 
‘ thet the distribution percenteges as regerds the 

British Isles and Cenade sheali be reduced from thirty 



per cent (30%) ta twenty-five per cent{25%) of the 
gross receipts, with corresponding changes as regards 
the burden of exnenses throughout the columns, 4s 
from the first day = Jenusry, 1954, ana e}i accounts 
will be adfusted end peid accoréimeTT ES soon as 
practicable. oes ‘ 

For the purpose of benefiting Stockholder-Preducers 
and such other producers as the majority of stock- 
holders shall from time to time and in each case de- 
cide uoon as from the ist Jemucsry 1936 there shail 

be created what is hereinafter celled the "Producers 
Fund". . 

The right to share in the Producers Fund shail be 
expressly bimited to Stockholder-Producers and 

such other producers distributing through United 
Artists Corporetion upon terms and conditions at 
least ecually favorabie to the United artists Cor- 
poretion es the terms provided in the Stockholder- 
Producer Agreements. No producer granting or obtein- 
ing special territcriai or local distribution es dis- 
tinct from world~wise distribution shall be entittedé 
es regards his special territorial or local films 

to shere in the Producers Fund. : 

The net profits of the Corvore‘ion shall be those of a 

consolidated balance sheet and profit and loss account 



ttt tat 

re ete 

including all associated and subaitiery companies end as __ 
hereinafter defined will be as trot the lst January 
58 dealt with as follows:- the*firdt 250 ,000 
Dollars of net profit shall be set aside as “aveilable 
for distribution as dividends amonst the Stockholders ° 

in and as of each calender year during the period of 

this Agreement, subject to distribution on direction 

of the majority of the Boerd of Directors, and the 

next 250,000 Dollars will be in respect of and as of 

each cd endar year be distributed amongst the producers 
entitled to perticineate in the Producers Fund. To 

the extent thet there shall be further net profits aveil- ° 
eble for distribution, the Producers Fund will be eee 
entitled to 50% of the surplus, and the remining: 

50% will be evaileble for the dividend amongst tHe 
Stockholders to the extent to which the Directors 

in each Cakenaar year shell decide. 

As regerds net profits, they shal’ be escertsined i . 
efter proper sfovisdoe: end deduction for contingent 
liabilities,and such like matters as any prudent 

msn would edept in the course of carrying on his 
business. Zz 

For the purpose of ascertaining the net /profits, 

capital ree ur losses in respect of any invest- 

ment or asset of the Corporation and any interest, " 

dividends or annual revenue from any investment or 
agset of the Corporation, are not to be taken into 

sane ae tiis elhgali : bik eae ee eS OO : 
0 en ee a ee ee COE io eee ENS, RRR Oe PERO, ERS. ey ga Te 


» (e) 

To prevent any dissension bei=een (a) the Stock- 

holders-amonecst themselves and/or (b) the Stock- 

. holders and those entitled to the Producers Fund 

and/or (¢c) the producers, ‘the decision es to what sheli 
be such net profits shall be lert entirely to “essrs. 
Price Weterhouse & Co., or any firm of like standing $ 
to be chosen oy the United Artists Corvoration as 
Audits, and the certificate of eny -artnerfor 

that firm, whether e New York or a Lonéon pertner, 
Shall be finel end conclusive between the perties 
above mentioned in this clause. 

Inasmuch es the 50 per cent of net profits payable 
to the said producers is ap expense of the business, 
such Auditors shall be &_lowed end shall determine 
in respect of eubsidiery or assocteted colipanies ees 
which.of them and to whet extent, in particuler 
territories, shall bear e participation in the burden 

of such expense and shall ashe the recessery entries 

end adjustments in the pccountins books, not only 

of the United Artists Corporetion of Deleware but 

of €ll the said subsidiary end essocieted companies. eer 
Each of the procucers, includine the Stock- 

holder-Producers, who shall be entitled to pear- 

ticipate in the Producers Pund, shall be allocated, 
' % “1 

from time to time London Film Productions will bé in e position —— 

fit the celender year ir which Seme shall be able to 

be distributed, their participation in the proportion ’ 

of the respective producers’ receipts fror world-wide 
distribution to the totel turnover of the participating 
producer# receipts from world-wide distribution in the 
perticular yerr, Inasmuch es the accounting will take es 
time, the amount peyable out of the Producers Fund will 

not be payable until the 30th June in the following 3 
year or such later date as the seid Auditors shall 
sertity the accounts, the said Auditors being instructed 
to use every endeavour to deliver finel accounts to 

the Directors of United Artists Corporation by the 3lst 

May in each year concerned. 

Mr. Schwartz asked to be recorded es "Not Voting" and he 
was So recorded, The remainine directors present voted in 
favor of the résolution and the’ resolution was sarkes- "Passed". _———— 
. C Mr. Rose moved, seconded by Mr. o*Brien, = 

WHEREAS, London Film Productions, Ltd. is the owner of i 

Denham Studios, located at Denham, Uxbridge, Middlesez, England; eet 
end A. 

WHEREAS, Alexander Korda is Manaeing Director and Chairman 
of these Studios; and 

WHEREAS, the Studio facilities are of such an extent that 

to rent said Studio to so-called outside producers other then... “s 
either Alexander Korda and » LRhgn eS eet aaa; : end a 

WHEREAS, United artists Corporation does not wish to 
interfere with the rient of London Fiim Productions,’ Ltd. to 
lease seid Studio, production? techni@el end artistic 
facilities, or any part thereof, to so-called outside producers, 


RESOLVED, thet orovided neither Londoh Film Productions 
: Ltd. nor Alexender Korde participate {n the 
. production of so-called qutside films produced 
by so-called outside procucers, and provided 
further neitter the name of Léndon-Film Produc- 
: tions, Ltd., nor the name of Alexander Korda, 
© shall in any wise be cénnected or identified 
with eny so-celled outside films produced by 
so-célled outside producers, United grtists 
Cornporetion has ne objection to the said London 
Film Productions, Ltd. securing such rental 
arrangements with so-called outside producers, 
whether such rental or leasing arrencements be 
es pete of a fixed charge or based upon 
/ & particicetion in the profits, future earnings 
"or receipts of said outside pictures. 

P ‘ 
The Secretary then resd tothe meeting e telegram which 
had been sent to the-Searé-of Directors, in care of Mr. Raftery, 

which reads as follows: =k >. 

"I have been informed thet a majority of the 
' stockholders of United Artists Com oration 
heave expressed a wish that Mr. Murray Silver- 
Stone be elected Cheirman of the Executive 
Committee of the Corvoration and accordingly 
I hevewith meke such a recommendatim and re- 
spectfuily request thet at the meeting of 
the Board to be held tomorrow the necessary 
action be taken”. 

Dr. A. H. Giannini" : 

- Narn gle, ; : spend sek Y os 
Ot tegen « Bo IPS {5 e ee ee Ae, eur al 4 
GER GTPE EL ae Ee S EP IS Te pe ee AT Oe ate ast ee Ae 

_ Mr. Rose moved, seconded by Mr. Korda, that the -= 
Corsoration engage Murray Silverstone in an executive cane 
“acity to be known as tts Chairman of le Executive Committee, 
or General Manager, or such other desicnation eas the Board 
‘ey fix, for a period commencing with the date hereof end 
upon such term- and conditions as the nee oration and ar 
Siiverstone shall mutually agree upon in writing, but 3 
which writing among other things will contein the following: 

(a) That Mr. Silverstone shall maneece the affairs and 
business oP thie Corporation subject to and un@er tne 
direction of the Board of Directors e¥d. ei thout inter- 
ference froti any ‘individual stéckholder ant adireetor:-———" 

(b) That he will be expressly empowered to engage all 
personnel of the Corporation end associated or 

subsidiary companies together with full power to 

oy Sc te nite 

discharge eny member of the personnel eithout 

' interference from any individual stockholder or 

director. : 

(c) thet be will be empowered to reorganize the business 


of the Corporation in order ts effect such eodhbintes 
as will be for the best interests of the Comoration. 

(4) The powers given to Mr. Silverstone pursuant to the 
orev sfons of subdivisions (b) and {c) shall be 
limited in the following respects: 

PER io efter Sea PIN 


om any employment agreement for & period of more 

(1) Mr. Silverstone will not™commit the,compeny 

then one yeér or for a sum in excess of $15,000. 

* without the consent and epprovai of the Board of 

---8 — 

. Difectors. 

(2) Mr. Silverstone will not,accept eny films for 
world-wide distribution through the facilities of mi 
the Compration without the consent of the majority 

of the Board of Directors, Mr. Silverstone, however, 
being expressly empowered to teke on for local distri- 
bution outside of the United States of Averica 5 
as distinguished from, world-wide distribution 
any films which in his judement will be for the 3 
best interests of the Com oration end upon such terms 
es he shall decidé, tut if eny cesh advance Sr gusr= 
enty shall be recuired of the Company (other than 
advences for prints, edvertising, duties, censor- 

ship, kontineent and similer fees, dubbing, .super- 
imposing end other incidentel expenditures in cornec= — 
tion with distribution ), the congent of & mejormity 

of the Boerd shell be recuired.- 

(3) Mr. Silverstone howéver shell not have any 

richt to deal with matters which wiil te expressly 

reserved to the Directors or Stockhelders, as the 
case may be, es regards the capital and finenciel ~ 


structure cf the Corvoration. 
(e) yr. Silverstone shell also generally supervise 
the menegement and direction of #11 subsidiary and 
vaffiliates of the Corporation,-under the direction 
a Waa “ or the Board of Directors: - - 
(f) In cas@ any powers hereinabove givento Mr. 
Silverstone cannot by law be delegated to him : 
bythe Board of Directors, then such powers shall 
be deemed to remain vested in the Board and gach 
powers she_l be excluded from Mr. Silverstonets 
powers, without effecting in eny wey the other ac 
| velid powers end the validity of his employment, 
end both he end the Compeny sheli remain bound ; 
thereto Batis compensation shail not be dinintstee— 
: or. ef feoted_ay febson thereof. e ; | 
~ tala Theat es soon es.the new written o> ntract +8 Oxecutes — 
by the Corveretion and Mr. Silverstone, employing 
him es aforesaid, there shail be executed by Mr. 
Silverstone « cencelletion of his present erist- . 
“saxjing agreement with the English aha Continentel 
subsidieries of the Corvoretion. = 
Mr. Schwertz asked to be recorded as "Not Votine", 
end he was so recorded. 

Mr. Schaefer askec to be recorded as "Not Voting" 
as he wes not @ sfockholéer of the Corvoration. All of the 



rerining directors present voted in favor of the regolution, 
end it was marked "Passed." ae 
At this’ point Miss Pickford, Mr. Goldwyn and Mr. 
Korda expressed to Kr. Schaefer the stockholders’ Sppreciation > 
of the excellent utirk cone by him end his steff in the domestic 
distribution field. Mr, Schaefer in turn expressed to the Ba Seno 
stockholders present end to the Bosra his loyalty and willing- 
ness to work with and cooperate with the Board ‘end Mr. Murray 
Silverstone in an effort to promote a finer and better United 
Artists, | | | 
At this point Mr. Murrey Silverstone was @lled into 
the meeting and wes adviced of the action taken by the Board, 
and counsel were sreetee to pra ere the necessary” eereement be- 
tween him and*the_ company. : a : 
ast It wes then moved, seconded and unenimously edopted 
thet Major Cherles Tebey be appointed the Statutory Asent of 
the Cornoretion in Trinided where the Corporation hes recently 

opened 6 sub-branch. 


Mr. Scheefer then reported to the eeting thet a 
recuest hed come from Pendennis +. tiuse-ewer to Pendennis 
monies the Corporation hea eccoumileted from the distribution 
of Pendennis pictures. “He also reported thet certein additional 
Gocumert= would heave to be secured from London Film Productions, 
Ltd. Mr. Korda expressed « willingness to execute such docu. 
ments and it wes noved, Seconded end unenimously adopted that 

’ ~t ; > poset cae wie: ' »Y» 
ae Sas ee. pak OR 4 fg apr’ wh, Tees ig Seep eR ee 
eae Sen ne OE, ES RNY Dea RR EN Sa Re ef 
[eer a -~se o 

PPS, |G ey wt FE OE aay 


the Corporation meke the aforessié payments to Pendennis unon 

ommend ‘ 

receint of the seid Goctifents, aiter the same had been approved 
by céunsel. e 

Mr. Reftery then read-to the meeting e letter which 
was tc be written to London Film, es follows: ” 

"LoriGdon Film Productions, Ltd. 
Denham Studics 

Uxbridge, Middlesex 


Dear Sirs: 

pegerd to your request for permission to sell 

wfeteation gt Biggie: ri ute of the literary pane 
Paramount, please be sedvised 

thet elthough we do ie heh ove ou need our consent 
to séil suc 3° perty under existing contracts between 
asl ch we do gledly give such consent. 

However, the givine of such consent must not be pK 

construed by you'a ou the right, in the event 
Le proiuced” by Beceeuset’ at our Denham 

— io use th on of either mat at fin or 
she or form in connec- 

th hf ra doen’ "it ith RES 
on aa nor eee ve either 
tHe ah boflibLats ify fn°th gf he 5 of 
any thistopiay’s +9) y’ Paramoun et your studios. 
: Yours very truly, « 
By bal 
Mr. Schaefer, as Vice President, was directed to 
execute seid letter. 

‘Mr. Silverstone presented to the meeting a request 
i = ster 

? ’ - 4 * < . 
2 ety es * at ee = - ese. i A ite oe = - 
a Ve a ee ee eR. ee BO yl ee ee ere” mee ST et tie eae ae ee ne ee ey es 

fem Dr. Paul Czinner, recuestins that he and Miss Bergner 

. @ 

be permitted to postpone their contract for gre picture sc 
thet Miss Bergener end Dr, Czinner could render services to 
some other company in one picture prior to compietinz their 
United Artists contract. 

It was the dantnas opinion of ell present thet 
the recuest should be grented end Mr. Silverstone was directed 

to hendle the situation. 


There being no further business before the reeting, 

’ the same was upon metion du made seconded, sedjourned. 

Le i te ttt tenes! > 
i. of 
- ~. 
. _— 
¢ *y 7 



SS. a 

LOYD WRIGHT, being by me first duly sworn, deposes 
and says: 

That he is a resident of the. County of Los Angeles, 
State of California, and is an officer of UNITED ‘ARTISTS 
CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, to-wit, the er 
of said corporation. . : 

That acting in his capacity as Secretary of said 
corporation and pursuant to its By-Laws, your affiant did, 
on April 20th,1040,—send-e-notice-of the time and place of 
a@ special meeting of the Board of Directors of said corpora- 
tion, said special meeting having been called for Tuesday, 
“april 26th, 1938, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M., at the 
Sr incipal place of business of the corporation in New York . 
City, to-wit, 729 Seventh Avenue; that said notice was sent 
by telegram as required by ‘the By-Laws of said corporation, 
to each ‘Director of the corporation, and that a true copy 
of said notice is hereunto annexed to this affidavit. 

before me this 20th day 

line a7 é 8. 

Notary Public in and for 
said Younty and State. 

Prin, “ene - 

ee aa Cee cee me es 

5 a: > 


*° *& were NEWCOMB CARL TOM 4+ G. wa.ever 
eeesren? CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD ree! veces rete! pent 
= —--_---——— ——- TN 


Fo Western Union: 



Pt Bille 
ek weep 
be ae ha x 



the following message, svb/ect to the tema on back heweof, which are hereby agreed ' 

Los Angeles, Californie 
April 20th, 1988. 

oe : se ae 4 7 
Ms a Rat he ? 2h Fo 
Co hb ee ee ae Ste’ S cme MEGS y 

Please send the attached telegram, DAY LETTER, to those in the Untted 
States anc night letter ts these In Lonéen, as follows: 

br. 4. H. Giannini, £O£ North Caaon Drive, Beverly Hillis, Csliforntzy; - 
Mr. Be. As Wokay,- 1541 North Formosa Avenue, Hollywood, Cxliformie;..«. 

“r. Chartes Chaplin, 1416 North La Bres Avenue, Hollywood, California; 

Cas. Dennis F. 2*Brien, “nickerbocker Bu fer York, ". Y; “aa 
Mr. George J. Schaefer, ¢/o United Artists, Seventh ive., Rer Yor;  — 
ir. “narles Schwartz, 14°50 Brosdway, New York, N. Y; 
ir, Edward C. Raftery, nickerbocker Building, New Yorlg, F. ¥; - 
ir. James Mulvey, c/o United gh pone £3 Seventh Ave., New Yor; 

ee eho t Bar As 

ir. ©, E. Bricksen, 104% Borth Avempe, Hollywood, Celif; _ oi 
Mr. D. E. Rose 1041 North Fornoga Avenue, Hollyeo California; 2 
“Mr. Alexander Xcrd:, e/fo bondon films, #2 Grosvenor 

Sir Connop Suturie, * Pte eee = ° 

EE SS A Pits 7 >. 


oe ————-- ——_ -—- ~~. —= 

—itbGeee eee o-tice that a special meeting of ae ae ae 
the +oara «0 Direttors-of United artists Cor cretion is here gelled. ae 
to be hela om fvesday, April ffth, 1938, at the hour Sf 11:07 5° eloer 2. Moy 
et the principal -lsce of business of the corporation tn New York City, aa 
to-wit, © Seventh Avemue, for the purcose of e-nsidering changes in dige a 
Celution contrasts, amendment of ccntract with Murrsy Stliverstone, and for 
Such other business cs mzey lawfully cme before the sesting. This cait = 
4s sent pursucrt to resolution adopted at the svecisi meeting of the 5c : 
of Directors of seid corporation held at 902 Sorth Canon Drive sa r | 

_Eills, Celifornie, om April 2°th, 1929, at the hover of 2:9° ofclocke ?. ¥, 


Los @ngeles, Caltfornta, a 

\ United artists Corporation, 


: By irtight, ceeretary 
Charge to Loyd fright — thi =o 
1105 Board of trade Bless 7 
. — | ee Sor a 



ies Shel 

j 1206-A 

ore “uerren| | 
wessxor| | terre, 
reirran| | ected 
us. Ry OU RAM 
. —— = . 
es aerees 
ae ee eee = roommmeernes ~ ~~ SS ~——<=> ae — = 

Tt 2 

Los 4ngeles, Californie 
April 20th, Lok, 
Cup. Dennis F. O'Brien, , 
Knickerbocker Building, % 
Nes York, B..Ze , 

Dear Cay: Have sent out following notice t- stockholders, in addition to 
notice ic Directors. "Please take notice thet e special meeting of the stock 
holders of United Artists Corcoration is hereby celled to be held Fgh vada 
“oril £6th, 195%, ot the hour of 11:00 o*clock 4. %., to be held at . oFin-- 
cipel of business of the corporation in Ner Yor City, pores Erin 
Seventh avenue, for the purpose of considering the amendment of cle 
of Sv-eeeS of the corporation, and specifically to ecnsider anendin, | 
said ole to provide for 4 majority vote in Liew of and instead of remiriz 
eighty cent affirmative vote of the stockholders ¢s ow written, and =; 
such ether bus come before the meeting. This call is sent sure © 
Ssuant to resolution adop &t the special meetifig of the rd Dir 

; + SS es ae ee SY fc: 


f ca 

+. By, fs 


of said corporation held #t 202 North Drive, 8 ills, Celifornia, 
on April 20th, 19é8, at the hour cf 2:00 o'clock 6. WL" T call your attent! _ 

to Article Hine as prepently erittem, providing that the same shall not be 
amended except by the affirmative vote of ell the sherehotdet? of the cor 
poration or their oroxies. Conse uently, am of opinion that oe Ch 
attends méeting amendment eamnot, bé accomplished. I have sritten Char’ 
Fecuesting that he appoint & proxy if he is not going to attend but hy 
heard from him. If you heve any estions on ¢all e 
wire and I will ineor others, Dut if I understand Edéts cates 66: 
these notices give effect t> his desires. Best regards. % 

a Fas 


-—a— ew ewww ene 

An Adjourned Speciél Meeting of the Stockholders of’ sn 
United Artists Corporation wes held at 2: 00 P. M. on pee Sty 
1938, at 729 Seventh Avenue, New York City. “ 

There were present: - 

Elton Corscration, Fs 
by C. E. Ericksen, proxy 

Edward C. Raftery, 
Secretery of the paasine. 

Mr. Ericksen occupied esas chair. " 
Due to the absence of 4 quorum, the Siakive was ad- 
e journed to Fridey, April 29, 1936, at 10:50 A.M. at the princi- 
pal place of business of the Corporation in New York City, 729 

Seventh Avenue. 

> ° we 
: aes = = 


* : 
An adjourned speciel meeting of the stositelders of 

United. Artists Corporetion was held on April 29, 1938, St 10230 —— 
A.M. : 
There were present: . ss we 
Elton Corporation, : 
by C. E. Ericksen, proxy - 

Edwera C. Raftery, 
Secretary of the meeting. . 

Due to the absence of & quorum the meeting wes adjourned 

to Thursdey, Mey 5, i9se, at 2:00 P. M. at the Celifornie office, 


202 North Canon Drive, Beverly HIlIs, Ce “Lg aR Ye 

ward Cr\Refter —— 
Secretery of the Be 


@ : ’ 

An adjourned special meeting ns étenkineldess of 
United artists Corporation was held at the principal place of 
business of the corporation in California, to-wit, 202 North — 
Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California, at the hour of 2:00 
o'clock P. M., on Sinivadag May 5th, 1938, pursuant to order 
made at the stockholders! meeting of April 20th, 1938, held a 


in New York City. 

Upon roll cail it was ascertained that there were 
present the following stockholders: 

The Pickford Corporation, by N. A. McKay, Proxy $ 
The Elton Corporation, by C. E, Ericksen, Proxy; 

—€herles ChagLin, by Dr. A, Hs Giannini, Proxy;——--- ae 
Alexander Korda, by Emanuel Silverstone, Proxy; and, 
Samuel Goldwyn. : bs | 

There were also present the Chairman of the Board, 


Dr. ‘A. H. Giannini; Murray Silverstone; Alfred Reeves, Thomas \ 
L. Walker, Leo F. Samuels, and Loyd Wright, the Secretary of 
the corporation. Be 
The. Secretary reported that ail-stockholders were 
present in person or by proxy, and read the nimates of” the 


SSS (seme 

s j es Jie ass. Pabst Badin a5 pit Saks 
Pee SRN AP COT ah ae PR Se)” OEE ee Sh ye ee ok gs 


adjourned wéeting of the stockholders of April 29th, 1936. 

Whereupon, the Chairman announced that the meeting was 

competent to proceed. ¢ 



It was moved by stockholder Goldwyn, seconded by 
. dw, 
C, E. Ericksen, proxy for The Elton Corporation, and, tarried 
as follows: 
<— S$ 
RESOLVED, that Article IX of the ty-Laws of 
this corporation be, and the same is hereby 
aes to read as follows: . & 

"That from anc after the 26th day” of April, 

1938, the Corporation shall not enter into 

apy contract for the distribution of photo- 

playsfor so-called world-wide distribution 

except with the consent of a seine of the - 

Board of Directors.® 

It was further understood and agreed that the 
limitetion contained in this grticle shall not limit the 
rights conferred upon the Chairman of the Executive Committee 
or General Manager to take on for local distribution as dis- 
tinguished from world-wide distribution, any film, which in 
his opinion will be for the best interests of the corporation 3 . 

and upon such terms as he shall determine. 

x & said 
There being no further businegs; the meeting j 
Cis Mo . 

adjourned. : pT. 




4. BOR See ot cw omttar 


PR scone oF yey Aone - 
Fig ere ew eg ng HATANDAND i Calf Tune of reoipt ls STANDARD TIME at potnt of detination. 5 

Received at 9486 Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly O38 MAY 4 PM B Be 

SQ166 37SPEBBLEBEACH CALIF 4 ‘aie | sj 




KNOW “Alte “iz BY THESE PRESENIS, that the aiietetamees: 
London Film Production, Ltd. ana Alexander Korda, do hereby 
constitute and appoln@ imanuel Silverstone tne proxy and attorney 
of tne undersi;ned to attend and represent the undersigned at 
.& Special ueeting of the Stockholaers of United artists Corpora 
tion, to be neld on the 5th day of May, 1938, and at any and all 
adjournments thereof, anu for and on behalf of the uncersigned 
to vote according bo sug pamper of sbares of stock of said 
cornoration wnicn tné uncersigned either jointly and/or either ee 
of them would be-entitled to vote if they were personally pres- 
ent, hereby ratifying and confirming al. that said proxy and 
attorney shall do in-the oremises. 

Dated: New York City, May 2, 1038~. 
oe os . 
~ : awe 7 Butt 
by ? f fs J / e 
Chairman and Managing Director 

* Bors , a . a hewy fo 

Alexander Korda: x 

Signgd Ih The Presgnce Of: : 9 

5 *: - 

. P peek "e 

PORATION, do hereby certify that ~ am Secretary of said | 
Corporation. I further certify that at the adjourned 
special meeting of the stockholders of said corporation, 
held on the 5th day of May, 1938, at which meeting three- 
fourths of all of the issued and outstanding shares of said 
corporation was represented in person or by proxy and voted 
and/or approved in writing, the following amendment to the 
By-Laws of said corporation was unanimously adopted: 

RESOLVED, that Article IX of the By-Laws of 

this corporation be, and the same is hereby 

amended to read as follows: 

"That from and after the 26th day of April, 

1938, the Corporation shall not enter into 

any contract for the distribution of photo- 

plays for so-called world-wide distribution 

except with the consent of a majority of the. — 

Board of Directors." 

It was further understood and agreed that the limitation 
contained in this Article shall not limit the rights conferred 
upon the Chairman of the Executive Committee or General Manager 
to take on for local distribution es distinguished from world- y 
wide distribution;—any film which in his opinion will be for the 
best interests of the corporation and upon such terms as he shall ae 


WITNESS my hand and the seal of said corporation, this 
5th day of May, 1938. 



Pursuant to notice and call, a special meeting 
of the stockholders of United Artists Corporation was 
called on Monday, May 16, 1938, at the hour of 11:00 
otclock, A. M., at the office of the corporation at 202 
North Canon Drive, Bec Hills, California. 

The meeting was called to order by Dr. Giannini 
and a quorum of stockholders not being present, Dr. 
Giannini adjourned the meeting to reconvene on Tuesday, - 
May 17, 1938, at 3:00 o'clock, Pe M., or dmmediately 
following adjournment of the special meeting of the 
Board of Directors, at the office of the corporation at 
- 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly Hilis, California. 


Pursuant to the adjournment above recorded, the 
Stee of United Artists Corporation reconvened at 
the office of the corperation~in Beverly Hills, California, 
on Tuesday, May 17, 1938, at 3:00 o'clock, P. M. 

Dr. Giannini presided and directed Assistant Secre- 

‘ tary Leo F. Samuels to call the roll. Upon roll call, 
it was ascertained that the following stockholders were 

present, in person or by proxy: 

The Elton Corporation, by C. E. Ericksen, proxy; 

The Pickford Corporation, by Mary Pickford, proxy; 
xine Goldwyn, by David BE. Rose, proxy; 

Alexander Korda, by Emanuel Silverstone, proxys7” ** 

Charles Chaplin, by Dr. A. H. Giannini, proxy. | 
The proxy of Alexande. Korda, appointing Mr. Emanuel 
Silverstone, was presented to the meeting by Mr. Samuels. 
It was set forth in @ cablegram and Dr. Giannini directed 
that the proxy be attached to thesé minutes. 

The Chairman stated that a quorum was present and 
the necting competent to transact business. He directed» 
the Assistant Secretary to read the notice and call of 
the meeting and thereupon Mr. Samuels reas the telegraphic 
notice and call dated May 11, 1938, and the said notice 
was ordered attached to, these minutes. 

The Chairman stated. that the first matter to be 
considered was the proposal that the By-Laws be amended 

so as to provide for a Board of Directors of five, plus 

the Chairman of the Board, so long as there is a Chairman =~ 

of the Board. After some discussion, a motion was made 

by Mr. Ericksen, seconded by Mr. Rose, that the following 

resolution be adopted: 

RESOLVED, that Section 13 of Article IV of 
the By-Laws of this corporation be amended 
to read as follows: 


“, Section 13. Humber_of Directors. The number 
ef Directors o S corporation shall be five, 
and in addition thereto, shall include the 
Chairman of the Board, so long as the office 
of Chairman of the Board shall exist; provided, 
however, that this amendment shali be.effective 
when resignations of present Directors in a 
number sufficient to reduce the Board to five, 
exclusive of the Chairman of the Board, ’shall 
have been received and accepted.*®, 

— The Chairman directed the Assistant-Secretary to 
call the roll on the adoption of the resolution and upon 
roll call the vote was as follows: 

In favor of the resolution: Mr. Ericksen, Mr. 
Rese, Miss Pickford and Mr. Emanuel Silverstone. 

Dr. Giannini, as proxy for Charles Chaplin, réquested 
that he be recorded as not voting. There were no negative 
votes and the Chairman declared the resolution duly adopted. 

The Chairman stated that a proposal bad been made 
for the amendment of the By-Laws so that meetings of the 
Board of Directors should be held only at the offices of 
the corporation in New York City. After some discussion, 
a motion was made by Mr. Ericksen, seconded by Mr. Rose, 
that the following resolution be adopted: 


. RESOLVED, that the stockholders of this cor~ 

poration recommend to the Board of Directors 

that it adopt appropriate resolutions rescind- 

ing prior resolutions of the Board of Directors 

providing for the holding of meetings of the 

Board of Directors at the office of the cor- 

poration at 202.North Canon Drive. ns Svaeunencceme 

Upon the statement of the question, all present 

voted in favor of the adoption of the resolution except 


Dae a he ee ee ee TS abe ik ake 


Dr. Giannfifil, as proxy for Mr. Chaplin, who voted "No®. cs 
Thereupon the motion was declared carried. 

There being no further business, the meeting 


adjourned. P 





Assistant Secretary 


The tiling time sbown a ere epee py @STANDARD TIME at pomtot origm. Time ct reesipt # STANDARD TIME at point of destination. 

Received st 9486 Santa Monica Calif. 

as - CABLE=DENHAM 3. a ae oan? eee 







- Nees 
Be Y _ femme \ So a ~ Pee 

j ss. 

LOYD WRIGHT, being by me first duly sworn, deposes 
and says: 

That he is a resident of the County of Los Angeles, 
State of California, and is an officer of UNITED ARTISTS COR- 
PORATION, a Delaware corporation, to-wit, the Secretary of 
skid corporation. 

That acting—in-his-eapeetty-es Secretary OF Skid 5 a as 
corporation and pursuant to its By-Laws, your affiant did, 
on May llth, 1938, send a notice of} the time and place y 
of a special meeting of the stockholders of said corporation, 
said special meeting having been called for Monday, May 16th, 
1938, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M., at 208 North 
Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, Californias that said notice 
was sent by telegram as required by the By-Laws of said cor- 
poration, and that a true copy of said notice is hereunto 
-ennexed to this affidavit. 

before me this llth day 
of-May, 193 8. 

-Wota and for 
said County and State. 


gf * 

23 aa wht nthe te on bck hershey red 

; Los eles, California 
a j . ; “EP ie, 1923. . 
fo Western. Unipn: i 
E Please send the attached message STRAIGHT WIRE tc those in the United States, a 

and deferred or nightletter to London, as follows: a 
The Pickford Cceponehioms 1041 Borth Fonmian Avemme, Holl California; — 
ny. Seandl te Golavyn, ldal Borth Fo fuses Suchie  eeateuseeee = 
: : e ormmiose Avenue, x 
... Mir. Charles Chaplin, “Tate North La Brea Avenue, Ho gy California; eo 
: Mr. Alexander Xorda, £2 Grosvenor Square, London, a 
 -Dr. de H. Giannini, 202 North Cenon Drive Beverly California; oe 
Mr. Snanvel Stiverstone, saz caer foe, Beverly Tis, Coit Califorrtes ee 
+ Loyd Wright. Ge 
| “2 . Ar ae 3 
3 ,  uomastacnd 3 ie 


Seneio Los angeles, California, 
teen _ lay iit ly 1938. 

United Artists Corcoration is hereby called to be held om Yendsy, 
day 16th, 1983, st the hour of 11700 ofeleck A. Mss et the offices 

ty Please take notice that a special ne@hing of the stockholders of 
of the corporation reenact wage, to-wit, 202 Northam Canon brive, Beverly 42 

st: To c nsider amending the By 

so that seetings of the Board of Direetors and stockholéers im the ..<c. — 
future will take plece only at the corporetion's offices in et York.” S 

Rat ase 

- sg ee» United Artists Corvoration, 
ak Charge to Leyd Wright, ; By Loyd Wright, Secretary. 
3 1125 Board of Trade Bidg. cele 


SE ae eee, 

9 t > Sean 



PORATION, do hereby certify that’ I am Secretary of ssid 
corporation. I further certify that at a special meeting 
of the stockholders of said corporation, held on the 17th 

day of May, 1938, at which meeting three-fourths of all of 

the issued and outstanding shares of said corporation were 
represented in person or by proxy and voted thereon, the 
following amendment to the By-Laws of said corporation was _ 


"RESOLVED, that Section 13 of Article IV of 
the By-Laws of this corporation be amended 
to read as follows: 

"Section 13: Numi of Directors. The number 
of Directors of this corporation shall be five, 

and in addition thereto, shall include the 
Chairman of the Board,.so long as the office 

of Chairman of the Board shall exist; provided, 
however, that this amendment shali, be-effective 
when resignations of present Directors in 4 
number sufficient to reduce the Board to five, 
exclusive of the Chairman of the Board, shall 
have been received and accepted." 

WITNESS my hand and the seal of said corporation, 
this 17th day of May, 1938. 

» oe ee - 



~ ' 

Pursuant to notice and call, the Board of 
Directors of United Artists Corporation met in spec- 
jal session at the office of the corporation, 202 
North Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California, at 2:50 
o'clock, P. Me, on May 17, 1938. 

The meeting was called to order by the Chairman 
of the Board, Dr. A. H. Giannini, who directed the 
Assistant Secretary, Leo F. Samuels, to call the roll 
and upon roll call it was ascertained that the follow- 

ing Directors were present: 

Mr. James Mulvey, Mr. David E. Rose, 
Mr. N. A. McKay, Mr. George J. Schaefer, 
Mr. C. E. Ericksen, Dr. A. He Giannini. 

There were also present Miss Mary Pickford, 
Messrs. Thomas L. Walker, Alfred Reeves, Murray Silverstone, 
Emanuel Silverstone, Mr. Charies E. Millikan and Assist- 
ant Secretary Leo F. Samuels. 
The Chairman stated that a quorum was present and 
the meeting was competent to proceed with the transaction 
of business. He directed the Assistant Secretary to 

read the notice and call of the meeting and after a 

* mended and urged that the Directors give app 

reading thereof, it was directe* that a copy of the 
Said notice and call be attached to these minutes. 

A motion was made by Director Ericksen and 
seconded by Director Schaefer that the reading of the 

minutes of the last.preceding meeting of the Board of 

~ Directors be waived. The motion was unanimously carrie® 

The Chairman called upon Mr. Murray Silverstone 

for a report concerning negotiations for a distribution 

contract between Hal Roach Studios, Inc. and United 
Artists Corporation, and Mr. Silverstone, being present, 
made a report in the form of a memorandum and an explana- 
tion thereof and also a written contract which was pre- 
sented to the meeting and which Mr. Silverstone stated 
had been executed by the duly authorized officers of 

Hal Roach Studios, Inc. Mr. Murray Silverstone recom- 

contract and the transactionvand.authorize its ex\ 
on behalf of the corporation by officers thereof. 
lowing some discussion, Dr. Giannini explained to the 
meeting that Mr. Charles E. Millikan, of Loyd Wright's 
office, was present because of the necessary absence of 
Mr. Wright who had been required to attend a meeting 
pursuant to an appointment of the Federal Court. Dr. 

Giannini requested Mr. Millikan to express his opinion 


with reference ‘o the provisions in the Roach contract 
concerning the so-called "Producer's ’Fund". Mr. Mijjeean 
stated that in hts opinion the provisions mn’ the: con- — 
tract constitute an expression of intention and plan and 
not an absolute obligation upon the part of the company, 
but also expressed the opinion that if Mr. Silverstone 
had directly represented to Mr. Roach that the Producers? 
Fund would absolutely be established, that Mr. Roach : 
could rescind his contract In the event =tne"Preducersi. 
Fund is not established as represented. After some 
further discussion, a motion was made by Director Mulvey 
and seconded by Director McKay that the following resolu- 
tion be adopted: 
RESOLVED, that the officers of this qerpora- 
tion be authorized and empowered, for and in 
the name of the corporation-and as its cor- 
porate act, to execute the form of contract 
presented bo Bg meeting by Mr. Silverstone, 
and which been executed by Hal Roach 

Studios, Inc., and that hereafter, the said 
officers execute such appropriate amendments 

paces ns 2 as may be necessary in their opinion | 
to fully set forth She | agreement Jigs the tle tsos 
anh & Qepy oi as ich "nae ea e te, Bees miners . 


The Chairman directed Mr. Samuels to call the 
on the adoption of the motion and the vote thereon was as 

In favor of the motion: Directors Mulvey, McKay, 
Ericksen, Schaefer, Rose and Dr. Giannini. Dr. Giannini 
stated that he wished to have the minutes record the fact 



that he voted in favor of the adoption “of the resolution 
upon the strength of the opinion expressed by Mr. 
dF ae are 
1Ft,As e é a ¥. 
Millikan,g There W ere no negative votes, and ‘fhe Chair- 

unanimously carried. ; ~ 


IH 4 
eeerses LT EBM ould $s 

A rFOUIs‘e 4 
he Reh 


man declared the resolution adopted. 

Mr. Emanuel Silverstone thereupon stated that he 

had been in communication by transatlantic telephone with 
Mr. Alexander Korda and that Mr. Korda had requested him 
to express to the Directors his complete approval of the 

Roach deal. 

The Chairman stated that an amendment to the con- 

tract between the corporation and Selznick International 
Pictures, Inc., had been proposed for the purpose of ex- 
tending the term of the contract to and including December 
31, 1938. A motion was made by Director Rose and seconded 

by Diractor Ericksen that the following resolution be 

RESOLVED, that the officers of this corpor- 

“ation enter into an agreement and execute a 

written contract with Selznick International 
Pietures, Inc., for the purpose of extending 
the term of the present distribution contract 
to and including December 31, 1938; provided, 
however, that the number of pictures to be 
delivered shall be not less than two nor more 
than four, and provided further that the term 
thereof shall continue until Selznick has de- 
livered at least two pictures. — 

The motion for the adoption of the resolution was 

There being no further business, the meeting ad- 




$$ —————— 




The agreement to be with Hal Roach Studios, fec., (here- 
inafter for convenience referred to as the *"Producer*®) 
and to be for a period commencing upon the termination 
of the Producer's present contract with Metro-Goldwyn- 
Mayer, under which it is still obligated to deliver 

one (1) Laurel & Hardy picture, plus two (2) other pic- 
tures, and continuing until September 2, 1945. It is 
possible that the Producer may not be required to deliver 
such other two pictures. Contract to be exclusive to us 
and neither the Producer nor Roach individually are to 
make and distribute pictures elsewhere. 

The Producer shall be obligated to deliver°Shnually not 
less than four (4) feature pictures, but may déliver up 
to six (6) feature pictures. In addition thereto the 
Producer shall deliver any and all Laurel & Hardy pictures 
made by it during the period of the agreement and which 
pictures are to be in addition to the above annual mini- 
mum of four (4) features. There is excepted from this 
arpa) pa the one (1) Laurel & Hardy picture above men- 

Terms for U.S.A., Canada, England to be 75% to Producer, 
25% to Distributor, with all charges usually shared to be 
divided correspondingly. 

The terms for the remainder of the world shall be identt- 
cal with those contained in the schedule of the Stockholder- 
Producers distribution contracts dated September 2, 1935. 


The Producer shall not be entitled to the favored nation 
clause and in consideration thereof shall be entitled to 
participate in a Producers Fund to be established as 

THE NET PS meee of the Corporation shall be those 
of a consolidated balance sheet and profit and loss 
account including all associated and subsidiary com- 
pamies and as hereinafter defined will be as from’ 
the lst January, 1938, dealt with as follows: the 
first 250,000 Dollars of net profit shall be set 

aside as available for distribution as dividends 
amongst the Stockholders in and as of each calendar 
year during the period of this Agreement, subject to 
distributiem on direction of the majority of the Board 
of Directors, and the next 250,000 Dollars will in 
respect of and as of each calendar year be distributed 



amongst the Producers entitled to participate in the 
Producers Fund. To the extent that.there shall be 
further net profits available for distribution, the 
Producers Fund will be entitled to 50 per cent of 
the surplus, and the remaining 50 per cent will be ~ 
available for dividend amongst the Stockholders to 
the which the Directors in each calendar 
year shall decide. 

As regards net profits, they shall be ascertained 
after proper provision and deduction for contingent 
liabilities, and such like matters as any prudent 
man would adopt in the course of carrying on his busi- 

Por the purpose of ascertaining net profits, 
capital profits or losses in resp of any invest- 
ment or asset of the Corporation and any interest 
dividends or annual revenue from any investment or 
asset of the Corporation, are not to be taken into 

TO prevent any dissension between (a) the Stock- 
holders amongst themselves and/or (b) the Stockholders 
and those entitled to the Producers! fund and/or (c) 
the Producers, the decision as to what shall be such. 

‘be, left entirely to Messrs. Price 
Waterhouse & Co., or any firm of like standing to be 
chosen by the United Artists Corporation as Auditors, 
and the certificate of any partner of that firn, 
whether a New York or a London Partner, shall be 
final and conclusive between the parties above men- 
tioned in this clause. 

Inasmuch as the 50 per cent of net profits payable eT 
to the said Producers is an expense of the business, 
such auditors shall be allowed and shall determine in 
respect of subsidiary or associated companies, which 
of them and to what extent, in particular territories, 
shall bear a participation in the burden of such ex- 
pense and shall make the necessary entries and adjust- 
ments in the accounting books, not only of the United 
Artists Corporation of Delaware but of all the said 
subsidiary and associated companies. 

Each of the Producers, including the Stockholder- 
Producers, who shall be entitled to participate in 
the Producers Fund shall be allocated for the cal- 
endar year in which same shall be able to be distri- 
buted their participation in the proportion of the 
respective producers receipts from world-wide distri- 
bution to the total turnover of the participating 



producers! receipts world-wide distribution 
in the particular Inasmuch as the account- 
ing will take t 1the amount payable out of the 
producers! fund will not be payable until the 30th 
Jaume in the following calendar year or such later 
date as the said auditors shall certify the ac- 
counts, the said auditors being instructed to use 
every endeavour to deliver final accounts to the 
Directors of United Artists Corporation by the 3lst 
May in each year concerned. 

No Producer granting or obt@ining special terri- 
torial or loeal distribution as distinct from world- 
wide distribution shall be entitled as regards his 
Special territorial or local films to share in the 
Producers Fund. 

While the Producer has agreed to waive the favored na- 
tion clause as above mentioned, it is nevertheless 
understood that it shall at all times be entitled to as 
favorable terms as aremaccorded to the Stockholder- 
Producers for pictures distributed world-wide, and that 
in the event of the Producer wishing to make any pic- 
tures for distribution in restricted territories (i.e., 
territories other than U.S.) it shall be entitled to the 
same terms in such restricted territories as are accorded 

distribution contracts of September 2, 1935. WHotwith- 
standing the foregoing, it is understood that the dis- 
tributor shall have the right at any time to enter into 
contracts with outside producers for world-wide or locai 
distribution (i.e., territories throughout the world, 
except U.S.) upom terms more favorable to such outside 
producers than are accorded to the Stockholder-Producers. 

Except as above specifically provided for, the conditions 
of the contract with the Producer shall be the same as 
those contained in the Stockholder-Producers distribution 
contracts of September 2, 1955. ‘ 

A distribution contract between the distributor and the 
Producer has been presented to and signed by the Pro- 
ducer which does not in all respects conform to the 

terms above outlined, such contract for convenience 

being hereinafter referred to as the "tentative contract*. 

It is accordingly recommended that the officers of this 
corporation be authorized and empowered for and in the 



name and on behalf of this corporation to execute said 
tentative contract and thereafter to enter ito an. 
appropriate agreement modifying the same to conform to 
the terms of the deal as hereinabove outlined. 

a ’ “a —~ 
. . My 


LoyD WRIGHT, .being by me first duly sworn, deposes 
and says: 

That he is a resident of the County of Los Angeles, 
State of California, and is an officer of. UNITFD ARTISTS 
CORPORATION, a Delawar. corporation, to-wit, the Secretary 
of said corporation. —- oun 

That acting in his capacity as Secretary of said 
corporation and pursuant to its By-Laws, your affiant did, 
on May 14th, 1938, send a notice of the time and place 
of a special meeting of the Board of Directors of said cor- 
poration, said special meeting having been called for Tuesday, 
May 17th, 1938, at the hour of 2:20 o'clock in the afternoon, 
at 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly.Hills, California; that 
said notice was sent by telegram as required by the By-Laws 
of said corporation, and that a true copy of said notice is 
hereunto annexed to this affidavit. 


befare me, this 14th day 
oO, M 19 

Nota lic in and for 
said County and State. 

Oe ae oad ee S ” a a 

Sed th fling mem pithaniithe tena ot Keck Nite, silt which are hereby agreed ta 

<8 hy ke ‘Giganint, “por Yor Canon Drive, Beverly “ig 

Los Angeles, Ry EI 
May 14th, 1978. 

To Western Union: r 

Please send the attached telegram, STRAIGHT WIRE, to those in the 
cag States and ss acy or eet exnes, cable te tise in MB. 
es Toliewel: = bbe cee” 

Mr. NW. A. McKay, vba Worth formsa Avenue, ney Hotiy 

Mr. Chaplin, 1416 North Le Brea Avenue, oligtocd, 
Cx. Dennis F. OBrien, Knickerbocker Buil _ 
Mr. George J, Schaefer, efo United Artists, por ive., 
Mr. Charles Seheartz, L450 at 

Mr. Edward C. Raftery, Knickertocker Suilding, New York; carr 
Mr. James Mulvey, c/o "United ists, 729 Seventh Avenue, New York; —— 

Mr. C. Ey Bricksen, 1041 Worth Formosa Avenue, Hollywocd, Calif; 
Mr. D. E. 1041 Worth Formosa Avenue, Bellyncos &3 
M-, Alexander Ga, 22 Grosvenor Square, London, England; 
bir Connop b«thrie, 22 Grosvenor Square, en England. 



. ete 
: at 

Send the follening manage, aint halenanndnl: Sie, alittnaliiamnatle 28> . 

Los Angeles, ge aaa = 

Pleas: take notice thst a speciel meeting of the Board sf Virectors % 
of Unitéd Artists Corporation is hereby called May be held on Tuesday, aa 
May L7th, 198, at the hour. af 330. 198s P, M., at 202 North — 

Charge to Loyd Wright, “th ee is ie 

Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, Cal r the purpose of consid 
the execution of the Hal Roach Studios. ne » contract of distrite: 
This = bell issued sicpiartak: to order of the President. — 


Uni ted Artists Corporation, ‘ 
By Loyd Wright, Secretary. 

1125 Board f Trade Bidg. 




The Board of Directors of United Artists Corpora- 
tion met in special session on Friday, May 20th, 1938, at the 
hour of 3:00 o'clock P. M., at 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly 
Hills, California, pursuant to notice given by thé Secretary 
as directed by the President, and in accordance with the By- 

Laws. o 

Upon roll call it was found that Dr. A. H. Giannini 
was the only Director present. Mr. Leo F. Samuels, the 

Assistant Secretary & the corporation was also present. - 

It being ascertained that there was not a quorum 
present, Dr. Giannini and Mr. Samuels adjourned the meeting 
to Monday, May 23rd, 1938, at 3:00 otclock PB. M. 

Assistant ceretary. 

be ws SS. 

LOYD WRIGHT, being by me first duly sworn, deposes 
and says: ; as 
That he is a resident of the County of Los Angeles, 

State of California, and is an officer of UNITED ARTISTS COR- 
PORATION, a Delaware corporation, to-wit, the Secretary of said 

‘: That acting in his capacity as Secretary of said .cor- 
poration and pursuant’ to its By-Laws, your affiant did, on 
May 17th, 1938, send a notice of the ,time and place of @ special 
meeting of the stockholders of said corporation, seid special 
meeting having been called for Friday, May 20th, 1928, at the 
hour of 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, at 2C2 North Canon Drive, 
Beverly Hills, California. That said notice was sent by tele- 
gram as required by the By-Laws of said corporation, and that 
a true copy of said notice is hereunto annexeg to this affi- 


before me this 17th day 
of May, 193 8. 

ot ublic in and for 

said County and State. 

Ghas, Schwarts, 16§0 Breatwey, Bow York Ci , Bigsi Aessage mse 

Sind the follentag ieinage, whic te ter am back hee, which are hereby agreed le * 


B. &, Mokay, 1041 3, Formosan, Uatted Setizts Séasic, Hollywood, Hight et 
Se. E, Erickson, ditte .- ; ot 

Gharies Chaplin, 1616 B, LeBron, Craplin Studios, Hollywood, Hight Messege 

. De, A, BH, Giannini, 202 3, Gamce Orive, Beverly Hille, Bight ene 

George J, Scohasfer, c/o Agbasseter Hotel, Wilshire Bivd., Las Aageles, att Ning 4 E 
James A, Mulvey, 2ittc — E- 

Alexander Zeréa, tondofile, Denham (England "sight better as 
Sir Comnop Guthrie, ditte 

Benats F, OBrien, 15% ¥, Sind Ste, Bow Tork City, Bight eins 
Edward C, Raftery, Hite 



subject to the terms on back hereef, hich are hereby agreed fe 

" S/T7/38 

fo gach OF THE Hawes ou LEST aTTACEED: 

ee alt 

war sore AT 9100 OGUOGE. 




Daw pes 

An adjourned special meeting of the Board of 
Directors of United Artists Corporation was held at the 
principal place of business of the corporation in Califor- 
nia, to-wit, 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, Califor- 
nia, at the hour of 5:00 o'clock P. M., on Monday, May 23rd, 
1938, pursuant to adjournment of the Directors! meeting of . 
May 20th, 1938. 

Upon roll call it was ascertained that the follow- 

ing Directors were present: 

Dr. A. H. Giannini, D. E. Rose, 
~ 4. A. McKay, George Schaefer, 8 
C. E. Ericksen, and James Mulvey. 

There were,.also present Miss Mary Pickford, Mr. 
Samuel Goldwyn, Mr. Emanuel Silverstone, Mr. Murray Silver- 
stone, Mr. Charles E. Millikan, Mr. Leo F. Samuels, Assistant. 
Secretary, and Mr. Loyd Wright, the Secretary of the corpora- 

It being ascertained that a quorum was present, 
the Chairman of the Board announced that the meeting was 
competent to proceed. 

pre oo a 


— a 

The minutes of the meeting of May ivth, 1938, were 
read to the meeting. Sie 

Director Mulvey thereupon raised the point that the 
resolution relative to the Hal Roach Studios contract was not 


Director A. H. Giannini thereupon raised the point 
that the recitals in the mimutes explaining his vote on the 

Hal Roach resolution were not correct. 

After considerable discussion the minutes were ordered 

corrected as indicated on said minutes by ink interlineations, a 


and as corrected they were approved as read. 

. : ot 

Mr. Murray Silverstone then presented to the Board a 
written resolution r€lative to the Edward Small Productions, 
Inc.,’ contract. ./ Whereupon, it was moved by Director Mulvey, 
seconded by Director McKay and unanimously carried, es follows: 

RESOLVED, that the officers of this corporation be, 
and they are hereby authorized and empowered, for 
and in the name of and on behalf of this corporation, 
to enter into an agreement with Edward Small and 
‘Edward Small Productions, JInc., wherein and whereby 
the existing distribution contract between this cor- 
poration and said Edward Small Productions, Ine., 
hereinafter referred to as the "Producer", is 

\ amended and modified in the following particulars: 

h) The distribution terms under said existing 
_ Gistribution contract for Canada and Emglend to ‘be 
the seme as are provided with respect to Canada and 
England, in the resolution adopted by the Board of 
_ Directors of this corporation May 17, 1938, with 
respect to the distribution contract between the 
corporation and Hal Roach Studios, Inc. ‘ 

eae au a 

tee — Pe See ih EAP eas 

(2) The Producer to participate in the so- 
called "Producers Fund" referred to in the 
resolution adopted as aforesaid by the Board 
of Directors of this corporation; and, 

(3) The term of said existing d#$tribution 
contract to be extended to September 2, 1945, “ 
upon the same terms and conditions as are 
provided in said contract, aS the same may be 
amended pursuant to this resolution. 

RESOLVED, FURTHER, that such agreement to be in 
such form-es the officers and counsel of this 
corporation shall approve. ’ 

Mr. Silverstone then presented to the Board e ~ 

written resolution relative to Walter Wanger Productions, 
> + or 
Incorporated; whereupon, it was moved, seconded and 

unenimously carried as follows: 

RESOLVED, that the officers of this corporation ; 
be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, 
for and in the name of and on behalf of this . 
corporation, to enter into an agreement with . —- 
Walter Wanger Productions, Incorporated, wherein 
and whereby the existing distribution cd@mtract 
between this corporation and said Walter Wanger 
Productions, Incorporated, hereinafter Jeferred 
to as the "Producer", is amended and pOdifted in” 
the following particulars: 

(1) Effective as of Saunas? 1, 1938, the dis- 
tribution terms under said existing distrimtion 
contract for Canada and England to be the same 

as are provided with respect to Canada and England, 
in the resolution atenaee by the Board of Directors 
of this corporation May 17, 1938, with respect tc 
the distribution contract between the corporation 
and Hal Roach Studios, Inc; and, 

(2) The Producer to participate in the so-called 
"Producers Fund" referred to in the resolution 
adoptec as aféresaid by the Board of Directors of. . 
this corporation; and, | ’ 





(3) The so-called "Favored Nation Clause" 

now contained in said existing distribution 
contract to be eliminated therefrom, provided 
always, however, that the producer shall at 
all times be entitled to-as favorable terms aa’ 
are accorded to any stockholder-producer for 
pictures distrituted worldwide, and that if ~- 
any time the corporation shall give any stock- 
holder-producer more favorable terms than are 
now provided in said ef®isting distribution 
contract with the producer, with respect to the 
distribution by theyorporation in any local 
territory or territoPles outside the United 
States, of any pictures which are not distribut- 
ed by the corporation in the United States, the 
producer shall likewise be entitled to such more 
favorable terms with respect to the distribution 
by the corporation in the same local territory 

or territories outside the United States of any 
pictures of the producer which are not distributed 
by the corporation in the Umited States. 



RESOLVED, FURTHER, that such agreement be in such 
form as the officers and counsel of this corpora- 
tion shall approve. ~ 

Mr. Silverstone. then presented to the Board a 
written resolution relative to Selznick International 
Pictures, Inc; whereupon, it was moved, seconded and 
unenimously carried as follows: 

RESOLVED, that the officers of this corporation 
be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, 
for and in the name of and om behalf of this cor- 
gorateny to enter into an agreement with Selzick 
nternational Pictures, Inc., wherein and whereby 
the existing distribution contract between this 

' corporation and said Selznick International Pictures, 
Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Producer", 
is amended and modified in the following parti- 
culars: . 

ision that such amend- 
fund plan is adopted by, 


United Artists Corporation. ~, ~ 

(1) Effective as of January 1; 1938, the 
distrimtion terms under said existing dis- 
tribution contract for Canada and England 

to be the same as are provided with respect 
to Canada and Mnglanc, in the resolution 
adopted by the Yoard of Directors of this 
corporation May 17, 1938, with respect to the 
distrimtion contract between the corporation 
and Hal Roach Studios, Inc; and, 

(2) ‘The Producer to participate in ‘the so- 
called "Producers Fund" referred to in the 

) resolution adopted as aforesaid by the Board 
of Directors of this corporation; and, 

(3) The so-called "Favored Nation Clause" 
now contained in said existing distribution 
contract to be eliminated therefrom, provided 
eee Mint teed that the producer shall at all 
times mtitled to as favorable terms as are 
‘ my stockholder-producer for pictures 
ridwide, and that if any time the 
all give any stockholder-producer 
le terms than are now provided in 
y distribution contract with the 
t+ to the distribution by 
territory or 
ted States, of any 

lon in “the United States, the producer 
shall likewise be entitled to such more favor- 
able terms with respect to the distribution by 
the corporation in ao same,local territory or 
territories outside the States of any 
pictures of the producer ch are not dis- 
tributed by the corporation in the United 

RESOLVED, FURTHER, that such agreement be in 
such form as the officers and counsel of this 
eorporation shall approve, 


Walter Wanger Productions Incorporated, and Selenick International Pictures Inc. 

with the foregoing resolutions affecting the Edward Smal] Productions Inc., 
distribution contracts, his affirmative vote was with the pr 
ments should be effective only as, if, and when the producer 

Mr. Schaefer then presented to the Board a letter 

from Mr. Buckley relative to the corporation's making a 

contribution to "THE GREATER NEW YORK FUND. After diseussion 


it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried as follows: 

RESOLVED, that the matter be referred to Hr, 
George Schaefer, who should investigate what 
other corporations contribute and the corpora- 
tion should make a contribution after such 
investigation in such amounts as Mr. Schaefer 
shall determine. 

The matt ’ the Walter Wanger 

Productions, Incorporated, that this corporation should sub- 
ordinate its loans to said Wanger Company to a new loan to be 
obtained by the Wanger Company from the Bank of America, if, 
when and as such loan is Sy@cessfully consummated, waa pre= 
sented to the meeting. After some discussion, it was moved, 

seconded and unanimously carried as follows: 

RESOLVED, that Mr. Samuel Goldwyn 
Silverstone be, and they are hereby au 
discuss the matter of the subordination Mr. 
Wanger, as well as to discuss with Mr. Wanger 
changes proposed to» be made in the contract of 
distribution between the Wanger Company and this 
corporation, and to report back to the Board of 

There being no further business, the meeting ad- 

journed. roe (> Seance 

fi President. 


Immediately after the adjournment of the meeting 
of the Board of Sireetors, the stockholders of United Artists 
Corporation met in special session, pursuant to call, on 
Monday, May 23rd, 1938, at the hour of 3:30 o'clock P. M., 
at 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California. 

The Secretary presented the call, which was found 

to be regular. 

Upon roll call all stockholders were found to be 
present in person or = Proxy to-wit: Fi 

The Pickford Corporation, by Mary Pickford, proxy; 
o~ The Elton Corporation, by C. E. Ericksen, proxy; 

Alexander Korda, by Emanuel scalar i proxy; 

Samiel Goldwyn; and, | 2 

Charles Chaplin, by Dr. A. H. Giannini, proxy. 


The President announced that a quorum was present, 

and the meeting was competent to proceed. 

The minutes of the last stockholders! meeting were 

not read. 


It was moved and seconded, as follows: 

RESOLVED, that Section 5 of Article I¥ of 
the By-Laws of this corporation be amended 
to read and provide as follows: ie 

"Section 5: MEETINGS: Regular 
meetings of e rd of Directors shall 
be held on the first Tuesday of each month, 
(or om the succeeding business day in the 
event the first Tuesday is a holiday.)" 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Section 9 of 
Article IV of the By-Laws of this corporation 
be amended to read and provide as follows: 

"Section 9: OF eee Meetings of 
the Board of Directors, ether regular or 
special, shall be held at the office of the 
corporation, 729 Seventh Avenue, New York 
City, New York, or at the office of the cor- 
poration in the State of Delaware." | 

The foregoing resolutions were carried by the 
following votes 

Samad Goldwyn - * YES. 6 
t The Pickford Corporation - YES. 

The Elton Corporation ~ YES. 

Alexander Korda - YES. 

Charles Chaplin - NO. 

There being no further business, the meeting 

adjourned. wif . Haiti SAG eC oa 

Ap ff ne 

Oe a 



= «Sy 


LOYD WRIGHT, being by me first duly sworn, deposes 
and says? 

That he is a resident of the County of Los Angeles, 
State of California, and is an officer of UNITED ARTISTS COR- 
PORATION, a Delaware corporation, to-wit, the Secretary of said 

That acting in his capacity as Secretary of said cor- 
poration and pursuant to its By-Laws, your affiant did, on 
May 19th, 1938, send a notice of the time and place of a special 
meeting of the Stockholders of said corporation, said special 
meeting having been called for Monday, May 23rd, 1938, at the 
hour of 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon, at 202 North Canon Drive, 
Beverly Hills, California; that said notice was sent by telegram 
as required by the By-Laws of said corporation, and thatha true 
copy of said notice is hereunto ammexed todthis affidavit. 

before me, this 19th day 

am has 193 8. 
GAA a ak 

otar lic in and for 
said County and State. 

2 se 
Lie ee 


OT ee ~~hoe-angoles, California, . . epics ‘g 
bes May 19th, 1929, ics: 

Sol Masterm Vatony “i 

Please send the attached message STRAIGHT WIRE to those inthe United 
“tates enc mightletter te.Londony. ag. feliors: + ee 

Ry 1041 North Fornosa sveme, Hollyzood 

page oe > patio » 194) Korth ecomag avers, SOL Ohe . S1it;. bee 
T. Bemuel ormose Avenue, Holiynood, €xzlifornta;s 
fr. Charles sian, , ale Worth be Bees Avenue, elt yaad » Californ 

ur, Alexander Korde, £2 Grosvenor Square, 
br. A. B, Gjemnini, 22 North Canon Drive, Bevery 
“ir. Eesmmel Silverstone, Beveriy-Wilshire Hotel, » 



Loyd Wright. 

Charge tc Loyd fright, ~— 
1125 Beerd of Irade Bldg. 



“Alt Sa 



— MEWCOMB CARLTON PPE 2 oe yon etc 

Send the following memege, subject to the terms on back hereof, a 

~ Los angeles, Galitornir, 


pie ‘se “take notice that & special meeting cf the stockhoiders of 
Uni éPtists Corporation is hereby ae for Monday, Yay 
23rd, 1924, at the poe ee = ofelcek P. Me, to be held by mented 
. effiees of the ¥ in California, to-wit, 802 Nerth Canon © 
Drive, rly 8, "Tetatetosa. for the purpose of 
the t of Section 5 of article. I¥ of the Tot i" 
Eeeetite. ane the amendment of Section 9 of intuel . I¥ of 

By Loyd Fateh, 

Charge to Loyd Wright, 
1198 Board or Made Max. 


\ # : - ae we tr 
Ee ae en ens tees ae 

PORATION, do hereby certify that I am Secretary of said * 
corporation. I further certify that at a special meeting 
of the stockholders of said corporation, ‘held on the 2rd 
day of May, 1928, at which meeting three-fourths of all of 
the issued and,outstanding shares*.of said corporation were 
represented in person or by proxy and voted thereon, the 
following amendments to the By-Laws of said Pang cee ae 

were adopted: 

"RESOLVED, that Section 5 of Article IV of 
the By-Laws of this corporation be amended 
to read and provide as follows: 

"Section 5: REGULAR MEFTINGS: Regular 
meetings of the Board of Directors shall 
be held on the first Tuesday of each 
-month, (or on the succeeding business day 
in the eVent. the first Tuesday is a 

"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Section 9 of” 

Article IV of the By-Laws of this corporation 
be amended to read and provide as follows: 

"Section 9: PLACE OF MEETINGS: Meetings. 

of the Board of Directors, whether regular 

or special, shall be held at the office of 

the corporation, 729 Seventh Avenue, New 

York City, New fork, or at the office of 

the corporation in the State of Delaware." 
WITNESS my hand and< the seal of said corporation, 

this 23rd day of May, 1938. 




The stockholders of United Artists Corporation met 
in special session on Friday, May 27th, 1938, at the hour 
of 10:00 ofclock A. M., at 202 North Canon Drive, Beverly 
Hills, California, pursuant to notice given by the Secre- 
tary as ordered by some of the Directors, and in eccordance 

with the By-Laws. \ 

Upon roll call it was ascertained that 211 stock- 
Holders.were present in person or by proxy, to-wit: 

The Pickford Corporation, by N. A. WcKay, proxy; 
Samygt (Coldrym, personally; i ’ 
Charles Chaplin, by Dr. A. H. Giannini, proxy; 
Alexander Korda, by Emamel Silverstone, proxy; 
The Elton Corporation, by C. E. Ericksen, proxy. 

There were also present the following: 

James Mulveyy-Murray Silverstone > Thomas L. Walker, 
Charles E. Millikan, Leo F. Samuels, the Assistant Secretary, 
and the Secretary of the corporation. 

The call was presented and found to be regular, 
and the meeting was declared competent to proceed. The 
minutes of the meeting of May 22rd, 1938, were read and ap- 
proved. — 

tie! P " te) bmp ae "ed at ht pot iwrk 7+ - 
One, EE Oe ae Pee eee Re dae Re crete e eet oh 

It was moved, seconded and carried, as follows: 

RESOLVED, that this corporation shall, and it does 
hereby establish a Producers’ Fund plan, the general 
purpose of which shall be to lessen the distribution 
charge to producers entitled thereto, generally in 
the proportion that the gross receipts each such 
respective producer's photoplays each year béars t6 
the total receipts of the producers participating, 
after, however, making provision for distribution of * 
dividends and cther expenses. . 

Be it further, 

RESOLVED, that the details of such Producers! Fund plan 

shall be recommended by Price, Waterhouse & Company 
and the general counsel of this corporation, and upon 
receipt of a report and recommendation of such plan 
from them, said plan shall become effective as of 
~~~ January 1, 1938, when approved and adopted by the 
Board of Directors of this cgrporation, and the Board 
of Virectors is hereby 2 zed and empowered to 
make such plan effective.® 


Upon roll call the above resolution was voted upon as 

The Pickford Corporation — YES. 
Samel Goldwyn ~ YES. 
Charles Chaplin ~ NO. Pa 
Alexender Korda eR. Eee 
The Elton Corporation - YES. 

In explaastien of the foregoing vote by Dr. Giannini 
as proxy of Mr. Chaplin, he requested that the telegram re- 
ceived from Mr. Chaplin be attached in the minute book next 
succeeding these mimutes and so instructed the Secretary. 

ak > ae Se Gs Sa ae. 2 a wise - oe * ms 

The Secretary was asked if he had discussed the 
matter with Mr. Chaplin, to Which he reported that he had; 
that a. Chaplin had expressed himself as being opposed to 
the Producers Fund because it was — in theory, and that 

“it placed 2 premium on quantity rether then qality of pro- 

Guction, and that Mr. Chaplin had etso “seid that offhand he 
felt favorably inclined toward the Producers Fund premised 
upon, 2 photoplay reaching a cereeti gross amount. 

It was moved, seconded and carried as follows: 

RESOLVED, that the terms for distribution of cet 
picture photoplays by this corporation in Canada and 
England shall be upom the basis of 75€ to the producer 
and 25% to the distributor, and the usual customary 
charges which are shared by producer and distributor 
shall be so sharéd by them in the same proportion, the 
same to become effective on January lst, 1938. q 

Be it further, ~ 

RESOLVED, that all distribution contracts between this 
corporation and producers shall -be amended in accord- 
_anee with the foregoing resolution. 

Upon roll e¢all the above resolutions were voted upon - 

as follows: 

The Pickford Corporation - TES. 
Samuel Goldyyn - YES. 
Charles Chaplin - NO. 
Alexander Korda = YES. 
fhe Elton Corporation sae YES. 

It was moved and seconded as follows: 


RESOLVED, that the so-called "favored nation" 
clause should be deleted from stockholder con- 
tracts, and that the Board of Directors of this 
corporation should be informed that the officers, 
agents and emplcyees of the corporation should 
endeavor to-obtain the deletion thereof from other 
producer contracts. 

Be it further, 

RESOLVED, that the benefits and provisions of the 
a foregoing resolutions shall be conditioned in each 

instance upon the producer involved agreeing to 

delete or waive the "favored nation™ clause. 

Upon roll call the above resolutions were voted upon 

as follows: — 

‘ The Pickford Corporation - YES. 
Samuel Golawyn <<... 
Charles Chaplin ~ NO. 
Alexander Korda - YES. 
The Elton Corporation - YES. 

Mr. Goldwyn requested that the mimites show his deep 
regret that Mr. Chaplin had not made unanimous votas on the 
foregoing resolutions in these mimutes contained, particular- 
ly in view of the report that the President and Secretary 
had reported that they had recommended to Mr. Chaplin his 
favorable consideration thereof; that he wished it recited 
that the stockholders voting for the resolutions were en- 
deavoring to benefit the corporation, and that Mr. Chaplin's 
absence from the meeting made it difficult. 

Mr. Silverstone brought up the mimtes of the meeting 
of the Board of Directors of May 23rd, 1938; that there was 
reference made in the resolution referring to the favored 
nation eidnbe relative to distribution by the corporation of 
any pictures which are not distributed by the corporation in 
the United States. Thereupon, there was-discussion as to 
the meaning of thé’ words "local picture® or "local territory®. 
After considerable discussion, it was moved, seconded and 

carried as follows: 

RESOLVED, that local pictures as understood by the 
stockholders as used in said Directors! resolution, 
were intended to mean and should be construed as 
meaning as follows: 

1. An English language picture produced in the 
British Empire and not to be distributed by 
the corporation in the United States, (it is 
understood that terms more favorable than 
those applicable to the stockholder-producers 
shall not be given to such a picture in any 
non-English speaking territory.) 

2. K“toreign language pieture produced anywhere 
and not to be distributed by the corporation 
other than in: 

(a) Countries where such foreign language 
is the predominant one; and, ‘ 

(b) In other countries where it is the custom e 
of the industry to distribute pictures 

in such foreign languages with ‘superimposed 
titles or dubbed. 

The foregoing minutes are hereby approved. 

Samuel Goldwyn 

7 . 



ee SPE 



LOYD WRIGHT, being by me first culy sworn, deposes 
and says? 

That he is a resident of the County of Los Angeles, 

+l er reer 

State of Califomic, and is an officer of UNITED ARTISTS 
CORPORATIOB, a Delaware corporations to-wit, the Secretary 
of said corporation. ae 

That acting in his capacity as Secretary of said cor- 
poretion and pursuant to its By-Laws, your affiant did, on 
May 28rd, 1938, “send a notice of the time and place of a 

special meeting of the stockhclders of said corporation, 

said special meeting having been called for Friday, May 27th, 
1938, at the hour of 10300 otelock A, Me, at 202 North Canon 
Drive, Beverly Hills, California; that said. notice was sent 
by telegrem as required by the By-Laws of said corporation, 

and that 4& true copy of.said notice is hereunto annexed to 

- as. 
this affidavit. 

before -me, this 23rd, 

dey of May, 19 3 8. 

Notary fublic in and for said 
County and State. 




Seid tefl tig sia ta tncioentuih nell, which on hey ered 

“Los Angeles, California 

Way 22, 1988 ae 
T> Western Unton: < 2 
4 lease send the attached telegram STRAIGHT TFLFGRAM to these ; 
n the United States and NIG LYTTPR to those in London, 
: s follows: 
The Pickford Corporation, 1041 North Formosa Avenue, Hei: 
The Filten C Se 1041 North Formosa Avenue, Hollywood, 
Mr, Charles i416 North Le Bree Avenue, Fo ’ Baa 

Wr. Samuel Gciétyn, "1041 Rorth Formosa Avenue, 
Wr. serater © = Region London Films, 22 Grosvenor ecuares 

Dr. A. EH, stam |, £02 Worth Canon Drive, Bever Btlis, Calif; 
, ur. Dennis F. 0 en, 152 Yest 42nd Street, New ork, Kew Yorks © 

; Mr. Emanuel Gilwexstone, Beverly-Wilshire Hotel, 2 peverty Hills; 

: | Charge to Loyd Wright 

LifS Board of Trade Bldg. ah. 


Send the following message, subject to the terms on beck hereof, which are heseby greed to 

MAY 2%, lose of 

Please take notice that © special meeting of the stock- 
holders of United Artists Cornoration is hereby called 

to meet at °02 North Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, California, 
at the hour of ten efeloak 4. 2., on Friday, May 27th, 

19é8, for the purpose of Gonsidering and rig we nbnwe reduction 
in distribution percentages as regards the Brittsh Isles 
and Canada, reducing the seme from thirty per cent to 
twenty-five ver cent of gross receipts, said reduction 

to be effective ss of January 1, 1938. Secondly to con- 
sider deleting so-called fevorite nation cleuse from 
stockholders! contracts and recommending to the board : 
of directors the deletion of the same from cther producerst 
contracts, Thirdly to pass uron the creation of pro- 
fucers* fund whereby a fund shell be set up after tro 
hundred fifty thousand dollars of net profits each year 
ere set aside se eveilable for @istribution 4s dividends 

in a sum of Fee dundred fit ty thousand ¢ollars, and 
thereafter fifty ner cent of the net profits over and 
above said five hundred thousand ¢ollars net profits to 

be apvortioned to those producers particineting in the 
fund in«provortion that eath respective sroducer's groés 

\ recetyte in enmy one year bears to the totel gross receints 

, in such year of all producers participating in the fund, 
.Fourthly, to determine the method of arriving et net 
profits; end to consider and ness upon ali matters re- 
lating to the foregoing and which may be necessary to give 
effect to any or all of the foregoing. 

United Artists Corporation 

by, Loyd Wright, Secretary 

Charge to Loyd Wright: 
1125 Board of Trade Bidg, 



’ — * 
Mca cateregae ‘May. 27, 1958 
United Artists Corporaticn, JUN 3 1938 
202 No. Canon Drive, oe 
Beverly Hills, Californie. LOYD WRIGHT'S Law UeriCE 
2 I hereby tender ny ; = 

resigration as Director of United Artists Corporation. 
This resignation shall take effeot™immediately. 


Yours very truly, 

D. Es Rose 

~—"“yete Two Thousand (200g Phares of stoek of s@id corporrti 

re . 







- — 




That-the-undersigned shareholder of rte ‘ARTISTS. ¢ 
CORPORATION, @ Delawars sorporat fon, has nominated, cone —— 
stituted ant appot ne and does cereby” nomeneate, constitute 

n@ appoint JaMES Ay 2OLV2Y, the lawful attorney and proxy of ee 
— tmdersigned, sed full power of substitution and revoss= oi 
tion, for and in the name place end stead of the undersi zneé é. 
to attend the special meeting of sharsholcers of said Mn 
corporation to beehelg on hay 2Pehi, 1986, and all sd joarnments . 
thereof, and at said msetins ard ett ‘adjournments taeda > 
ctanding in the name of the undersighed, upon eny and all. 
questions which may come ore such meeting or adjourned 
mestings, with the seme forse and effect es if the»undersigned 
e present and personally voting, hereby ratifying ent 
eg rving al) that my saic- attorney | or proxy or hissubstitute 
y do by virtue hersof. hes se eee 

The andersi gned jwreks revokes any proxy or croxies cement 
heretofore: civen to vot? up@n or act with respeet to such ae 
stocke 2% ; x a 


“Witness-the- Sisk 08 Send ot the ere oee this _ 
Sgt ae of May, 1938. 

“CLass OF SERVicE 
This is a full-raré’ 
elegram or Cable- 

Sere Tn 
vcd at Q486 Senta Monica Bled grarn and day letters s STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt s STANDARD TIME at point of destination. 

Received at 9486 Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif. O3B-MAY 26 PM 
0105 26 XCHCARMEL CALIF 26 11428 | 2 51 








A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of UNITED 
ARTISTS CORPORATION pursuant to notice sent on June 2nd, 1938 
by the Secretary of the corporation was called for Tuesdey, June 
7th, 1938 et the hour of 3:00 in the afternoon, et 729 Seventh 
Avenue, Menhattan, City of New York, N. Y. 

An affidevit of the sending of such notice by Loyd 
Wright, Secretary, is atteched hereto as is a copy of the tele- 
grem which was sent es stated in the affidevit. 

The meeting was celled to order at the hour of 3:00 
in the afternoon of thet day. 

Mr. Jemés A. Mulvey @@ea as Cheirmen of the meeting 
and Mr. Dennis F. O*Brien, as Secretary thereof. 

There was no quorum present. Those present, there- 
fore,voted unenimously to edjourn the reguler meeting celled for 
Tuescey, June 7th, 1936 to the following day, Wednesday, June 
Sth, 1938 at the hour of 3:00 in the afternoon at” 729 Seventh 
Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, WN. Y. 

The meeting then adjourned. 

] Chairman of coe hectad 


-- ~~ Secretary of the Meet 

STATE Mie, Se iolianblalianed 


LOYD mt being by me first duly sworn, deposes 
and says: . 

That he is a resident of the County of Los Angeles, 
State of California, end is an officer of UNITED ARTISTS 
CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, to-wit, the Secretary 
of said corporation. 

That acting in his capacity as Secretary of saic 

‘corporation anc pursuant to its By-Laws, your afficnt dic, 

on June 2nd, 1928, send a notice of the time and plece 
of a reguler meeting of the Board of Directors of said cor- 
poration, said reguler meeting having been called for Tuesday, 

June 7th, 1938, at the_hout_.of_S:0_S1s56ek 35 Tie sf bermeons 
at 729 Sevegth Avenue y New York, N. Y; that said notice was = 

sent by tele telegram as required bythe By-Laws of of Said corperetion, 

and ‘that a true copy of said notice-is hereunto annexed to ae 
this affidavit. 7 

before me this 4th day cf 

said County and State. 

ee > ; > ®t 
fe , .* 4 
A é a 
: T ACCT’G iNFMM. . “« F 
e. es. BeBe ati MEWCOM®S CARLTON pe cc. waLever 
—_— anaes ee a on EO Siiipind Seog ae ” weca Fe@gerognt 
Sen te flog mes edinesl tothe Wnrerteck laid, which are hereby agreed to 


bos. angeles, Cabstorntey « = 
June fnd, Ss, 
To Western Union: | er 

ae “Please send the attached telegram, DAY LETTFR, th those in the United 
States and might letter t- those in in London, as follows: 

208 Rerth Gazon Drive, Beverly Hills, Caltforntey- | 
Pp Wortn Formose sveme _paliyesod , California; a 
Lin, 1416 North La Brea emeé, Hot formiae: = 
: ae ty a ihneters Bttec artiste tar, Bes cee tae ‘Ne Wore; ia 
“ Fat Pe dn TR, . a e e. ew 
: ar. et pt come 1th Y, New York, B. Y. : 
i Mr, Edward C. » Knickerbocker Building, Nex York, Ns. Y; | 
~~ file. James Mulvey ’ Seauel Goldwyn, 1041 North Formosa, Hollywoody © 
Mr. Co E. bricksen, Re tk Hor th Formose A » Hollywood; te: 
Mr. D. E. Rose th “ormosa Avenue, yrood; ifornia; 
ir ariverstune: c/o United pes i a 729 Seventh Aves, New ¥o 
Mr. Alexander Korda, c/o London _riims, ge Grosvenor ,pouare, 3 
omnop Guthrie, * * 

Fe Dr. A. H. Siamini 
; ‘ Mr. 3. 

. Loyd Bright. a : B: 
fete to Le ake 



i the terms on back heveef,, which are hanby cigried te 

“eae ; Los Angeles, California, 
cy ae June 2nd, 1938. 

Please take motice that a regular meeting of the Seared of Directors 

= of United Artists Corperation will be held the first Tuesday of June, 
a to-wit, June 7th, 1936, at 729 Seventh Avemue, New York City, New 

See. York, at the hour of 3:00 otebsek Py M. 

ew eT SS 

ee eee re United Artists Corporationy 9 a 
: mrs By Loyé Wright, Secretary, — 
da Charge to boyd Wright | as eae 
‘ea L1E5 Board of Trade Bide. : 

-* Ls, 2 ee = 

et Yootoe, ene J 

DL = Day Letter 

NL = Night Letrer 

Received at Main Office, 608-610 South Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. =z 
lL epeees—as ue : . 
: HOLLYWOOD CALIF 12187 JUN 7 1938 



time shown fm the date line on telegrams and day jetters s STANDARD TIME at paint of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination. 


Saaaeeeents Veties): aemapmateminiee seat cpentparncenetas - ate ees” eee 

: sat 7] 


An adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Directors 
of UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION was held on Wednesdey, June 8, 
1938, at three o'clock P.M., at 729 Seventh Avenu®, New York 

City, New York, pursuant to an adjournment of the meeting of 

ee Me. ney ee eee 


June 7, - 1938. 

There were present the: following directors: 

Charles Schwartz, ‘ Jemes Mulvey, 
George J. Schaefer, Dennis F. O*Brien, 

constituting a quorum. 
“There were also present the following: 

Mr. Harry D. Buckley, Vice President 
Mr. Arthur W. Kelly , Vice President 

a? Mr. Harry J. Muller, ©~.Treesurer, 
Emanuel Silverstone, (London Fl Productions, 
Paul O*Brién,~ Attorney. ~ — 

Mr. Schaefer cic the chair end it, Dennis ©*Brien 
acted as Secretary of the meeting. 

The minutes of the meeting of May oy 1933, beld at Beveris: $ 

Hills, Calif. nia, were read ~- eprroved, these being the last a 
minutes in the possession of the Secretary. 

The foliowing matters were discussed: 

-~~ffr. Dennis F. O'Brien reported: <a 

i. Theat Mrz Schaefer was very anxious to inelude « ciause in Es 

the new exhibitors contracts, which would prévent exhibitors from . 

. ¢ .- 
. iterate, 
double featuring with the United aise producers’ pictures t 
eny picture which does nct heve the eporovel of the ‘Produe- 

tion Code Administration of the V.2.P. & D.0.A.,Inc., or the 

epproval of some asency of like nature, because he hed found ~ F 
that in some instances exhibitors would double Bature a AS 
picture with an aopeal to chilaren, sudh. 68 "TOM SAWYER", wit 

such pictures as "SCSTASY™, It was meee. seconded and unan- 


meoktiattes Lae 
RESOLVED, that such | clause be inserted in the 
. 1938-1939 exhibitors? contracts, sub- 
ject to the form-ofthe clause being 
approved by the attorneys for the 


Bu. Hughes claim. “tr. \o*"Brien wavercet thet representa- 
tives of Howard Hughes had been discussing the ‘possibility of 
nakine a claim eeainst the United Art Artists“Corocration and that ~ 

~he was negotiating with Mr. Hughes* ettorneys. 

3. That the ‘loss by the French Company of somé $350,000. 
hed been preliniherily allowed by the Tax pestAent; that. 
he thought thet it woulda be finally sliowed end that this 
would result in a scving of a tex of $52,000. Mr. Muller 
reported thet United Artists hed prevkously set up & reserve 
of $57,000. to take cere of the contingency of this French 

loss being disallowed. : “ 

Mr. Mulvey: 

~~ -_-~ 

——_1._ur._mutyer presented to to se nctig ste eioet orm 
: ment with Dr. perce Mr. O*Brien ‘Fevorted that he 

Meek OSS cee wears Sse po 

Sra nae SS 1d Se Rk BOY MP Ree 




report on the matter as it had been discussed st an informel 
meeting of the vericus people involved in Celifcrnie end that 
his report confirmed the proposed agreement nresented by Mr. 

Mulvey. The asreement also made provision for Dr. Giannini"s 
secretery, For yitaet Welker and for Leo Seruels. 

It wes moved by Mr. Mulvey end seconded by Mr. O'Brien, 

end unanimously “ae SY 54: 
=* —, se 
RESOLVED thet the affeement presented to the 
meeting by Mr.Mjlvey be eavproved in 
_..._ Substance enc the :-the-effieers of 
the corvorstion be and they are here- 
by euthorized to execute such agree- 

ment when end if it has been approved ‘ 
in form by the attorneys for the cor- 
poration. : 

: oe 
2.. Mr. Mulvey presented a prooosed mortgage sledge and 

Security eereement with the Bank of Arerica, together with a ~~ 

preposed cistritutor's acceptance, under which the Bank of, 
America would logn to the Goldwyn organizetion certein money . 
on the security of the producer's share of certain pictures, 

@s more specificelly set forth in the proposed agreement. 

After discussion, it was roved, by Mr. Dennis O'Brien, 


seconded by-Nr.-Sehwertz,-and unéminously —"__——“~;737«7]7CSTS~=<S = 

RESCLVYED, that the Bank of Americe be advised thet 
Unitea Artists Corsoration would execute 
the distrivutor'’s scceptance in the form 
atteched to the mortgaze, pledge end se- 
curity egreement, with the vrevision thet 
it be understood thet the distributor be 
permitted to recoup any eadvence for prints 
thet the distributor might rake, even 

though such sdvence were not provided for 
- ~“fn the cistribtution Sgreenent. zi 

mpre ee 

aay gi , . o4- 

3. Wr. Wulvey presented the resignations of Mr. Davie ~ 
Rose and of Mir. Charles Chaplin es directors of United Ar- x 

tists Cor oretion. 

Mr. Scheefer: . 

i. Mr. Schaefer resorted thet ur. Kelly hae negotiated & 

& contreet with Worle Window, Inc. of Deleware for é series | 
of 6 minimum of ten, rexiwum of twelve, short subjects for dis- 

tribution in the United States end Cenade and in certain other 

territories of. the worig: — The distrivbion splitwastobe— 

35% te the distributor end 65% for the producer in United States : 
end Canada. In the whole Sewth American and-Centrel Anerian 
territories and eartatz territories of the Far East, the dis- ~ 
tribution so1it@es, to be 50-50, the producer to pey eil 
~aiktgea— - The Ifcefise is for five ye veers from the ' late-or ae) 
release of eéch picture in each territory, the deliveries to 
be approximately on the besis of one & month. . The producer 
elreedy- hes a contract of distribution for these short subjects: 
with the English company. The proposed sgreement tor the dis- 
tribution of these short subjects wes approved by the stock- 
eohbet gor L -- 
* It was moved by Mr. Scheefer and’seccnded by Mr. Mulvey, 

end unanimously 

RESOLVED, that & contrect for the distribution 
of the eforesaid World Window short 
subjects with the-producer, World 
Window, Inc. of Del@ware, be drawn 

—..__________by_the attorneys for the corporation 

fs Das 
é » . ~~ «Se * 
3 on... * 
on the ceed ob Shcah toe Wltes Secked and 
> Cenade end 50-50 far the other territcries of - oe 
. South America and Central Americs and the Fer r + 

East, and thet the officers of the corporation 
be euthorized to etecute such 2 contreet. 

‘ een ee ee . 
Mr. Mubier revorted:- 
ae OS India. In resconse to ¥r. Schwartz's incutry con- 

tcernine the tax on the oroducer's shere imposed by the Indien 
euthorities, ur. Muller reported al the allocation of the 
negative cost was creeicated u ‘ao on a depos aia” ‘earned bests, 
not orints. The peientesdses were errtived st from excerience * 
flevres obteined from 16 feeture pr ductions end 41 Disneys. 
‘ee 2. Itelian lire: In connection with the $71,909 worth of 


asin nl Thensury Dottar notes mequired by the Exoort Comoany, ” 

a i ee eens Ese 

“a sele wes consummeted of $15,000 worth of these notes et @ m: 

discount of 30% on var vehke(eporoximetely 25% in cost). A 
further sale at the seme orice for $2,500. (worth of these notes : E: 
wes mede fo r Brits sh and Dominions Film corvoration, Ltd., but | 
in#smueh es its provortion of th= notes emounte to only $1,300., 

the exeess plus the 915,000 sale bomen eroreted over iekiea 

rare nnncangpnnanncm il 

sraduoers of Beleware end Beeort. So 
3. Legel expenditures. fhe Sveciel Lercel Committees ofr the 
veri-us compsnies asked the vayment of the ft ollie rine items, the — 

emount set forth beine the share of the firure: Pecauas to the - 

United Artists: -- aes 
ss Hees 
$ ‘Trinble de Roode v. j Makan $87.50 

ae . Rego a tele oe ey ek Be 

settlement of # patent infringement case. Unon suggestion, 
this payment was tabled vendine further investigation of the 
nature of the patent. . 

Bini Case (Argentine) ~*~ $260.00 
This is United Artists* nroportionete share of the 24,000 fee 
of Dr. Satanowsky for 4 tri» to the United States. The payment 
of this fee was approved, 

4. On May 15th George Archibald wrote eet there wss a 
strong feeling that the Belgian franc, Swiss france and Dutch 
florin will be depreciated in sympatny with the French Franc. 
He accompanied this resort with an inguiry es to whether the 
producers wish to meke a forward sale of the aforement‘oned 

currencies, perticulerly of the Desetee featers 

Er, -Muivey- reported thet- he is intergsted and wonta | 

United Artists to outhcbias lr. Archibald to make a forward 
sale of whet he estimates the Goldwyyshare of future rentels 
would be for six months. This estimate and sale he wishes to 
cover ell three currencies. @ 

Uson suggestion it was moved that this matter should be 
revorted to each procucer and thot the attorneys “should pore- 
gere & proper euthorizetion and release to United Artists. 

_ Mrv Mulvey moved and Mr. Schwartz s&conded, and it wes 

unanimously, $c Pee 

RESOLVED, that a forward = of estimated pro- 
Gueers* rentals in the Belgien france, 
Swiss frane end Dutch florin be made 


ain" om 

by the United Artists if instructions so 
te do are given to United Artists by the 
producers, and that any risk or loss re- 
sulting from any such forward sale must be 
borne by the producer, and that such forward 
1®6ale would be made only when, as and if the 
United Artists sre-so instructed in writing 
‘and the producer hes executed en authoriza- 
“tion and release in writing in the form pre- 
pared by the ettorneys for the corporation. 
&. Stockholiders* expenses, Mr. Muller presented to the 
meeting 4 list of various disbursenents of the stockholder pro- 
ducers in the amount of $15,177.02. These disbursements erose 
from treveling expenses and other items in connection with the 
new distributicn terms. It does not include any expenses in- 

curred or paic in London. It was unanimously 

™~ RESOLVED, that this metter be referred to the stock- 
holders for their disposition. 

6. Wanger palence sheet. Mr. Muller presented to the 

meeting the Wanger belance sheets, one for a period ending Dec- 

ember 51, 1957 and the other for es period ending April 2, 1938. 

Nef ther showed E profit or loss, but-—the accounting was without 
any exhaustion table. 

7. Cabitel stock tex return. Mr. ller revorted that 
e 2 
the deceleration of worth in ne past wes $20,000,000., and in- 

quired whether this figure shoyld be declared again. ‘This 

matter was referred to counsel “for 2their advice, to be reported 
upon at the next meeting. 
8. Canedien’money. Wr. Muller reported thet the 

Canedian company had accumulated $100;000. The present rate of 



Pe SS, Set 


exchange is 98.68. This metter wes teblea until the next 

meeting. : 

ai : 

9, -Mr, Muller distributed to those present at the meeting 

the earning statements for the five months period. 

Mr. Buckley revorted: 

1. Aporoval wes reguested of “ike following loans: 
, ewre-@minrd} ; . 
‘ ‘ Loans Repayable 
Earl J. Denison $150. $5. weekly 
John Provost - 100. 5 
Eddie Mullen 159. A 3 SR ae came 
Semuel Rifkin 100 190 bei 
May Kogan 50. 5 bie 
Thelma Dodson, (Atlanta) 50. a 

‘ ; ‘ 
The above loans were approved. ’ 

2. Greater New York Fund. Contribution of United Artists 

to the Greeter New York Fund of seach wes epproved. Mr. 
Buckley was further authorized to pay the employees’ contribu- 
tion in ‘the sum of $829. by company check, even an only 

part of this money hed been ectually’Shid in eash and pert 
was pledged. 

Span motion duly made, seconded end’ unanimously 

carried, the meeting was edjourned until June 13, at 12:30 ?.M. 

- aS CT 5-0 

~~ . 
ee "7 
a ee ee 

f i+ 
> ——— 

ny oye tt 
ee Cee Sel 

¢ we ‘ U 



A special meeting of the stockholders of United 
Artists Corporation wes held at the office of the corporetion, 
729 Seventh Avenue, New York City, New York, on Monday, June 13, 
1938, at the hour of 12:00 noon, 

There were present the following, being all of the 
stockholders of the Corporation: 

Charles Chaplin, a 
by Charles Schwartz, proxy. 

Alexander Korda, 
by Emanuel Silverstone, proxy. 

The Pickford Corporation, 
by Dennis Ff. O’Brien, proxy. 

Samuel Goldwyn, 
by Jemes Mulvey, proxy. 

The Elton Corporation, 
by Edward C. Raftery, proxy. 

Mr. O'Brien act«” as Chairman of the meeting and 

Mr. Raftery acted as Secretary.. | ies 
Mr. Raftery preeemed to the meeting a telegram of 

cell of the meeting, executed by Loyd Wright, and the same wan 
annexed to the mimutes of the meeting. 

The following motion was ‘nile and seconded: To amend 
Article V, Section 2-e of the By-Laws referring to the Chairman, 

\ by omitting therefrom the following: "and shall exercise, subject 

to the control of the Boerd a general supervision of the affairs 

= =2- 



of the corporation”, so that when amended it-will read as follows: 
"The Cheirman shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Direc- 
tors and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to 
him by the Board.” 
The Chairman celted-for a vote, and Messrs. O'frien, 
Mulvey, Silverstone, R aftery voted in the affirmative and Mr. 
Schwartz voted in the negative. The resolution was marked "Carried". 
The following motion was made and seconded: To alter. y 
Article Wm section 3 of the by-laws, by the elimination of First 

Vice-President, giving that post the same duties as those that 
were attributable to the Firgt Vice-President so that it will 

read: “The Executive Vice-President shall perform the dutieg of 
the President in the absence of the President, and such other duties 
as may be assigned him by the Board." 

The Chairman called for a vote, and Messrs. O'Brien, 

Mulvey, Silverstone and Raftery“voted in favor of the motion, 
and Mr. Schwartz voted in the negative. The resolution was 

marked "Carried". 

The following motion was made and seconded: That in view. 
of the passage of the previous motions, substiteting the term 
"Executive Vice-President" for the t@rm "First Vice-President", 

that wherever in the by-laws the term "First Vice-President” is 
used, it be corrected to read “Executive Vice-President." 

The Chairman celled for a vote, and Messrs.’ o*Brien, 
Mulvey, Silverstone and Reftery voted in favor of the motion, 
end Mr. Schwartz cweat in the negative. The resolution was 

2 wes a 
merked "Carried". | — ee ‘ 
There being no further; ‘business before the nesting, the 
seme was upon motion duly made and ‘seconded, adjourned. , . 
a Cobecad 2.“ 
-- . ceting Secretary : 
he Y é - 
0 ae 
: é 
: : 


/ 2 Bewrwr 


LOYD WRIGHT, being by me first duly sworn, _ 
depeses and says: 
- That he is 4 resident of the County of Los 
Angeles, State of Celifornia, and is an officer of 4 
UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION, a Delaware shipdwation, 
to-wit, the Secretary of said corporation. 
That acting in his capacity as Secretary of 
‘Said corporation and pursuant to its By-Laws, your 
affiant did, on Jume 9th, 1938, send e notice of the 
time and place of a Special meeting of the stock- 
holders of said corporation, said special meeting 
having been called for Monday, June Léth, 1968, "at-: ae 
“She Sous of 12:00 o'clock noon, at 729 Seventh ie 
avenue, New York, N. Y; that said notice was sent 
by telegram as required by the By-Laws of, said cor- 
poration, ayf that a true copy of ssid netice is 
hereunto annéxed to this affidavi 

before me this 9th day 

of i 193 8. 
Notary i 2 in and = 

said County and State. 



Gd haReleadiaens, ata Octensen tack Meh Ohad cletaaliadianadte =” 

: : : Los -Angeles, California, 
June Sth, 1938. 

BS To Western Union: 

Please send the attached telegram DAY LETTER, to the following ¢ 

: im the United States, and to. London: 

3 The Pickford Corporation, 1041 North Pormosa avenues Hollywood, Calif 

j; i The Elton Corporation “bak ‘North Formosa Aveme Hollywood Cait 

a Mr. CheariesoOnaplin, tae Worth La Brea Avemue, Hollywood Aer: a 

Bh as ur. ——e beeen” 22 Grosvenor Squere, -& 

4 Wr. Samuel » 1041 North Formosa Avenue Sollywod, Calif; ae 

: ar. seg etivegttane, co ted Artists, 729 Seventh A e, New York, WE. 
> fe. Awt-Grannin} Neon Drive , Bevery AIILLS ALI FoR Nin : 

‘ Loyd Wright. 

aan Charge to Loyd Wright 

ee 1125 Board of Trade Ee 

ce eee eee eee eres Re 

ee ee 4 e — Tee 5 : iis . 
OS ES pl ee oe ey ee ee Re air Le ee ae Ee Ss) ee ee 

Giewthabe: OS NS 2D SR -— + a et ee — 2 ——oee 
os SS eee So LS SS ro 
———- ane 

Send the folleting memes, sjoct tothe teres on bock hereof, hich ane hereby agreed te 

Los Angeles, Celifornia, 
June Sth, 1938. 

i: ; Lease take notice that a special meeting of the stockholders of 

... MBited Artiats Corporation is hereby called to be held at the New 

ie York office ofthe corporation, 729 Seven Avenue, New York, on 

ae Monday, June 13th, 1928, atthe heer- 20. o¥clock moon, for the 
¥ : transactiom of the following business: / To amend Artiete ¥ Seetion._ 
me 2-a of the By-Laws referring to the irman, by omitting therefrom ~~~ 
% the following: "amd shall exercise, subject to control of the i: SS 
“4 @ general supervision of the affairs of oite Corporation®, co that - = 
5; when amended it will read as follows? Chairmen shalt preside _ : 
pS at all meetings of the Board of Direetors and shzll perform mehother 

i 3 yx 

a= Article ¥, section © of the By-Laws, by the elimination -f Tirst 
; Vice-President, and to substitute therefor the post of Executive Vice 
President, giving 

that post the same duties as those that were 

ettributable to the First Vice-President so that it will read: "The 
Executive Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President 
2. in the absence of the President, and such other duties és may be 

ey assigned him by the Board.*® . 

op “ United Artists Corvoration, 




By Loyd “right, Secretary. 





An adjourned reguler meeting of the Board of Directors 
of UNITED ARTISTS COR ORATION was held on Monday, June 13,1938, 
at twelve-thirty o*’clock P.M., at 729 Seventh Avenue, New York 
City, New York, pursuant toan adjournment of the meeting of 

June 8, 1938. ' 

There were present the following directors: 
Charles Schwartz, James Mulvey, 

George J. Schaever, Dennis F. O*Brien, 
ldward C. Raftery, 

constituting a quorum. 
There were also present the following: 
Mr. Emanuel’ Silverstone, representing Alexander 

Mr. Maurice Silverstone. 


2 The first matter presented to the meeting was a pro- 
posed contract with Dr. A. H. Giannini, reeding as follows: 



"An agreement is in existence between UNITED ARTISTS 
CORPORATION end DR. A. H. GIANNINI, dated July 8th, 
1936, whereby Dr. Giannini agreed to render nhts-ser- 
vices as the Chief Executive of United Artists Cor- 
poration for a term of five years, terminating on 
July 5, 1941. 

Dr. Giannini stated to the Directors of the corporation 
at a meeting held several months back that in the event 
the corporation adopted a certain course which was at 
that time under discussion, he would expect to resign as 
an officer and director of the corporation and ask for 
the termination of his contract. This situation has 
come about. Dr. Giannini has presented his resignation 
as an officer and as a Director of the corporation, which 
resignation is hereby accepted,*and said agreement is 
hereby terminated and cancelled, and each of the parties 
is hereby relieved from any and all further obligation 
thereunder, and in full satisfaction thereaf the United 
Artists Corporation shall and does hereby agree to pay 
to Dr. Giannini the following amounts: 

The sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) 
per week, payable weekly, until and including 
October lst, 1938; 

Commencing with October 1, 1938, and continuing 
to December 31, 1938, the sum of One Thousand 
Dollars ($1,000700) per week, payable weekly; 

The sum of Twenty-six Thousand Dollars {$26;000-}————-— 
on..danuary 2, 1959; at, 

The sum of Twenty-six Thousand Dollars ($26,000.) 
on July 1, 1939; , 

The sum of Twenty-six Thousend Dollars ($26,000. ) 
on Januery 2, 1940; 

The sum of Twenty-six Thousand Dollars ($26,000.) 
on July 1, 1940; and ” 

® The sum of Twenty-seven Thousand Dollars ($27,000.) 
on January 2, 1941. : . 

In the event any of said payments abeve provided 
shell remain due and unpaid for a period of ten 
(10) days after written demand upon United Artists 
for the peyment of same, then at the option of the 
payee all remaining payments shall become immedi- 
ately due and payable. 

{ whe 

"The payments herein provided shall inure to the benefit 
of Dr. Giannini's heirs, exeeutors and assigns. The 
obligations hereof shall be binding upon United Artists 
Corporation and its successors and assigns. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, United Artists Corporation has 
caused this instrument to be executed by order of its 
Board of Directors and Dr. Giannini has affixed his 
name thereto as of the 8th day of June, 1938. 


Vice President 
Heh ” ain i 
Dr. A. > Giann bal 

Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was 

RESOLVED, that this Board of Directors ratify, 
confirm and approve the execution 
and delivery of the foregoing agree- 

Ont; -and it was further 

RESOLVED, that George J. Schaefer, as Vice- 
President of the corporation, and 
Edward C, Raftery, and they hereby are 
authorized, empowered and directed to 
execute and deliver the foregoing 
agreement on behalf of the corporation. 

~ ‘ 

ee: Ve cee 


There was then presented to the meeting the resigna- 

tion of Dr. Giannini, dated June 11, 1938, as Chairman, 

“president and Director, which was accepted and ordered spread 

upon the minutes. ponies —- 
a. There was also presented to, the meeting the resigna- 
tion of Thomas L. Walker, as an otttese of the Corvoration, 
which was accepted afd ordered spread upon the minutes. . 
There was also presented to the meeting the resigna- 
tion of Leo F. Samuels as Assistant Secretary of the corpora]. 

tion, which was accepted and ordered spread upon the rinttes. 

Mr. Schaefer was authorized to enter into a contract 
to employ Mr. cacaan Walker for a period of twenty-six weeks 
(26) weeks, at @ salary of One hundred and twenty-five dollars 2 
($125.) ver week.. oe K , 

_..._Mp. Schaefer -was-eiso-seuthorized to execute a contract ._ 

with Miss Rae Falciglia, secretary to Dr. Giannini, in the sum 
of Eight hundred and forty-five dollers ($645.00). 

Mr. Schaefer was al80 authorized to execute a contract . 
with Leo Samuels in the sum of One Thousand One Hundred and 
Five Dollars ($1,105.00). In view of the fact that ‘Leo Samuels 
had been with the Corporation for fourteenyears, it was moved, 
seGonded and unanimously adopted that the Corpovation pay to ~ 

Mr. Samuels an additional Qonorerium of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS 
($500.)., and Mr. Schaefer was directed to send the same to him, 

Beverly Hills, Californie, - 
\ June #th, 1928. 

Te the Board of Directors, 
United Artitts Corporation, 
202 North Canon Drive, 

Beverly Hills, California. 

Gentl emen:- 

. hereby tender my resignation as Chairman, Président 

and Director of your corporation, effective immediate- 
ly, ae wR on abl effi cs ancl drclrrbipr 

ne Very—truly yours, 

Beverly Hilis, California, 
June 8th, 1938. 

To the Board of Directors, 
United Artists Corporation, 
202 North Canon Drive, 
Beverly Hills; €alifornia. 


I nereby tender my resignation as an officer of 
United Artists Corporation, as well as all other 
capacities in which I have served your corpora- 


__ Very truly yours, 

Aree / 
Thomas L. ker.’ 




Beverly Hills, California, 
: June Ath, 1928. 

To the board of Directors, 

United Artists Corporsetion, 

£0£ North Canon Drive, 

Beverly Hills, California. ° 


I hereby tender my resignation as Assistant Secre- 

tary of your corporation, the same to take effect 
immediately. 3 

Very truly yours, 



Dear br. Gisnninti:- 

SL : : 2 : = gee : a 
piegs : ee. : 2 

Beverly Hills, Celifornia, 

June Vi P obey - ee 

R | 
z Ft a 8 ; 
¢ . a nn 
fr. & FB. Giunnint, needle - = : a 
£08 Worth Canon Drive, * 

Beverly Hills, Califcrnic. 


Please find enclosed hererith check for $445, »eyable 

to your secretary, Mist-Rae Faleiglia, which ts conpensa- 
tiom for three months st the rate of 2€5.% -er reek, 

BLli you olense deliver this check to Wiss Paleiczlig and 
extend +> her on behalf cf the corporation, our ep>recia- 
tion of her loyal end efficient services rendered the 

Company, afic wish her every success in eny nev undertek- 
ing. sien 

8 em 

ss & 


as z 4 
f By =) 4 2 
I hereby acknowledge and : as 
“accept tne foregoing: - 2 
9 oa RSS 

A _ aa : ~ 

, oS eT, 

Beverly Hills, Cellfornia 
Junelg@th_, 1938 

ur. Leo F. ismucis 
z£9£ Nor Canon Deive 
Bewerly Hills, California 

Dear ¥f. Samuels: ae: are 
. Z saree ss ‘ f , 

» This is to advise you thet the undersigned corpor- 
ation has accepted your resignation «s Assistant 
Secretary of said corporation and your request . 
that your employment be terminatec, efreetive im- . 
meciately, is.hereby granted anc consented to. 

' You will please’ f enclosed herewith our check 

~~" “fn the sum of One Thousanc One Hundred ané Five 

follars (g1,105.00), made payable to you. 

May we take this opportunity of expressing our 
appreciation of the Loyal services rendered the 
corporation by you. . Accept our best rishes for 
your success in any net unéerteking in «hich your 
services muy be engagec. 

- _ Very truly yours, 

art ive 

© . 


ee ee 

I her acknowledge arid 
accept ) he foregoing: 


be Oe, 
eo F. Samuels. 

agreement between UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION and 


x The Secretary read to the meeting the proposed 

SOS ap eS = Ea or oe eee b> Go a ng ~ OST RS 4 ery “See ee 
we - iy # eS a te oe ; ee 

Se ee > . ee 1 _—s 

. its princidal o¢sce of dusiness in the City, County and 
~ State of New YoW, (hereinafter desizneted as "UNITED") ,— 
ee and MAURICE SILVERSTON®, (hereinafter desirna ted as 



WHEREAS; SILVERSTONE is now employed by sudsidiary 
corporations 9f UNITED, poursupnt to contrects of employ- 
mane 4 ment Listed in Schedule "A" hereto attached and made « vart 
hersof, under which contracts such emoloyment will continue 
to dune 30, 1945, end under wh®en SILVERSTONE is entitled 
y - to-recetve very sibstential sums of money by why of salary 
and shere of profits, and wicks > ‘ 

tae | 

WIFRMAS, UNITED gesires to heve SILVERSTONE terminate § s 
such enoloyment, and, whereas, in order to induce SILVERSTONE 
to do so, and im consideration of his doing so, UNITED herebdy-=— 

enters into tniS. esreement, and asrees to pey him she moneys 
_ H6FSIRSPter provided, ax —— 
‘ ‘ 5 a anne ea 
WHEREAS, SILVERSTONE is wilking-to-consegé to the __ 
cencellation of such contrects end to enter into this 
agreement, in consideration of the peyment to him of the ud 
moneys provided to be npsid hereunder, — 


IT Is AGREED betweeg the parties hereto, 2s follows: 
rer eeatneneresiensesivusheshcoenassee od Bite ESE t zt 
ga 1. Concurrently Witt the execution snd delive 
hereof, SILVERSTONE agrees* to consent to the termination 
eee of said gag ttarts-speotstot in Scheduie "A", as of the. 

*ig dete bereof, upon the terms end conditions as set forth 

of its respective subsidiaries mentioned im Schedule "A" 
_ to execute such terminations. - 

2. UNITED hereby employs SIfv*eSTONE as General 

Manéeger, with thaytitle of “General Maneger,* together 

: with the right to use such other destcnation as the 
- ' Board of Directors of UNLTED mey fix for a period of ; 
oa -~~* five ay commencing with the date hereof, subject to, ee 
EE the right, however, on the part of UNITED to change . e 
Silverstone'’s status of employment, as provieag® in pere- : 
graph "8", paces 6 and 7? and 5. S . | 

¢ J- : : 

43,  SILVEXSTONE'S duties and powers shsll be the 

— —="fotingine: 

¢}  #e shell menace-the-effeirs end busihess of a9 

__ UNITED, subject to_end under the Girection of the Board 
of Directors” or UNITED, and without interference from. 
any individual stockholder or director; — 

SS SS eee ws 



-13- ; 

- >} He Shall be emnowered to eneace- wall personnel 
of UNITED and its essocisted and subsidiary convanies, 
“torzether with full vower to discharge any member of the 
persorinel, “without interference from sny indi duel stock- 
holder or diréctir-(and in the ease of any associated end 
subsidiary companies, subject to securjine. the right..£0 
exereftse such sowers, from the Board of Directors or such 
resnective comaenies} ; . Ll al Dil 4 : 

—.¢) #@ shart te ameawe srea to reorganize the busi- 
= Héss\ of UNITED, in order to effect such econoni os as 
= IIL ‘be for the best interests of UNITED; 0 Yeas 


i a) The duties and 90wers embraced in subdivisions 
: » {o) ant (ce) hereof shell be limitea in the following Tes- 
pects: pi = 

‘lf’ He will not commit UNLIED on vt fo peers 
avreement for a neriod of more than one (1) veer 

for a sum in excess of Fifteen Thousand Dollars "($35, 000) 
i heak & the consent and approval of e eggorer? of the 

“ Board of ¥irectors of UNITED2 ; = 

TI. He will not accent .any films for world-wide oe, 
distribution, throuch the facilities of UNITED, without - S 
the eonsent of: a majority of the Board of Directors, 

ot nnn SEV ERS TONE Yowever, be exoressly eg ETE 
on for jocal distribution outside of the United St 

Cds = waa - : sorid-wide Stfi ition, 

ane filns “hich = his judemen> will be for the best in- 

-terests of UNITED, and uvon such terms as he shall dectde, . ; 
but if any cash advance or guaranty shall be recuired of FU 
UNITED (other then advences for erints, edvertising,duties, © 

____"__.__.._eensershisa,. kontingent and similar fees, dubbing. sa 

; ing and other incidents] sxpenditures in connection with ais- . 
sribution), the consent of a majority of the Board of Direc- | 
tors shell be recuired. : paa* 

III. “He shell not heve any richt to deal with 
ters-which are hereby expressly reserved to the die 
peep anny or stockholders, as the case mey be, as regards 
the capitel—end financial structure of Snr TaD 5 

IV. -He shall have no power to discMarge any-men- 
wf; of the personnel performine sefPvices under e written 
contract orior to the termination of such contract,without 
tirst securing the -epproval ofa majority of the-Honra of ——_ 

~~“) -“"'iie “sWall aise-ceneraliy supervise the management, __ 
and direction of all subsidiarics amd affilistes of UNITED, - 
under the direction of the respective Board of Directors of 
such subeldisries end affiliates; : 

a : ..f):- He agrees to _hofa such offices in UNITED ant 

its mebatdiantes and affiliates to which he may Be_el 
ted during the term of this agreement, without compen§S#=--~—~ 


tions but the aeceptence of such. offices or the termina- 
tion thereof shell’ in RO wise effect his employment nhere- 

under. - . : 
he 4 
&) In case any powers hereinabove given to 
- SILVERSTONE cennot by law be delegated to him by the > 

Bosra of Directofs, then such powers shell be deemed 
to cemesin vested in the Boerd, snd Such powers shell 
iene —_... be excluded from SILVERSTONE'S powers, without affect- 
ing in any way the other vslid powers and the validity se 
of this egreement end his employment hereunder, and ee 
both he and UNITED shall remain bound thereto, and 
his compensation shall not be diminished or affected 
by reason thereof. 

i Rita oad i Oe ts a 
4, It is contems lated that SELVERSTONE'S head- rs 
quarters will ,be at the natn cffice of UNITED, in New 
York City, end taat he wil] net be obligeted, without 

his egnsent, to spend more then six (0) months im any 

yeer of the term hereof in the rendition of services 

outside of New York City, New York. 

If at the time of the scat canton of any year 
of this ecreemenut, SILVERSTONE shall be outside of the 
City of New York, "Ni Y. then, notwithstendine the exvira- 
tion of one year end the comeneament of the subsequent 
yeer of the term hereof,-the total continuous perio i= cad 
puted from the dbte when he left New York City, uitil he : 

. shell have returned shall not be more than six months, 
without his consent. 

_._-ta_Lae—case.ofthe rendition of services by 
SILVin2STONE outside the City of New York, UNITED arrees 
. to vay his transportation, traveling and living expenses. 

In cese SILVERSTON* shell be required to leave 
New York City in the rendition of services, and such trip 
Shall be an extend e.(in excess of three weeks) ,SILVuh- 
STONS shell neve the richt to have his wife accompany him,in 
which “event, UNITED AGREES to also psy the transportation 
and treveling and living expenses of-bis wife. 

‘ : In case by reason of his visiting or sojourning 
Be any slat sso tebe ae in bie b PoSreeeerne< of ae Saks on. 

coun(pee.tO assume and pay such taxes, and such ‘uen Fo shall - 
not diminish the amount of the. ,compensation payable 
: SLY ERRORS, enter: erticle "7" Hereof. i 


OO Ee ene oe eee 
ie Se re Le: 


S- SILVERSTONE accepts such erployment ‘and sefees 
throushout the term to verform the duties imposed on him 
feitnfully and diligently and to devote his entire time 
and attention, to the best of his skill end abifity in 
accordance with the terms hereof, exclusively to-UNITED, 
end; in addition, he elso agrees to perform such other 
futies of a similar character for UNITED and its subsi- . 
diaries end effiliates as may be imposed upon him by a 
mejority of the boe:1 of directors ofUNITED end its sub- 
sidieries end effiliates, as the case may be, during the a 
entire term of this sarreement. ~ , 

SILVIRSTONE agrees that he will not during the — 
term hereof directly or indirectly eneage or be finan- 
cisliy interested in the business of vroducing, dis- 
tributing or releasing motion picture photoplays, or: 

-in any way or menner be connected with any other busi- 

ness, either. for his own benefit, or for the benefit of 
any other person, firm or corsoration whetsoever, a aoe 
ing only the rendition of his services hereunder. othine 
herein conteined, shall, however,-be deemed to vrevent 

SILVERSTONE from owning shar@s of «stock im-eny corpora- 

tion engsged in any of the sforementioned businesses, if 
such stock ts liste@ and dealt in on the New York Stock 
Excienge or apy similar exchenge. ~* “ 

_ The parties herete-ecxnewiedge that SILVERSTONE'S . 
services herein contracted for are of a special, unique, 
extraordinary end intallectual character and are of great 
and peculiar value to UNITED,’ and that their loss could 
not be reasonably or adequately compensated for in damages 
in an action at lew dt E*s1 
e replaced by UNITED, end UNITED-is here- 


by erented the exclusive richt and oroperty in and to 

SILVERSTONE'S services and usp thereof for the term hersof.t 
~ 6... +n the event UNITED desires at any time to spply 

in its own name or otherwise, but at its own expense, fot 

ite, health, decident oy other insurance covering SILVER- 
STONE, SILVERSTONE agregs that UNITED may do so, end may 

take out-insurance for any sum UNITED mey deem necessary to 
protect its interest hereunder. SILVERSTONE shall have 

ne righi,title or interest in end to such insurance, but 

agrees nevertheless to assist UNITED in procuring the same 
by submitting to the ususl and customary medical and other 
examinations and by signing Stith apnlicetions or other in- 
struments in writing as may be reesonably recuired: by sich 
insurance company or companies. ee 

sec E gah ab N gd pend ih fee Ra 
pp Si Sas BA eee Re.) Se eae 

8 _ 


9, In consideration of SILVERSTONE'S consent to 
the cancellation of the contracts listed in Schedule "A", 

_ and of the services to be rendered by him, in pursuance 

nereof, UNLE 2D agrees to vay to SILVEXST ONE, and SILVER- 
STONE egreeS to accent, the sum of Three Thousend 
($3,006.) Dolbars per week, during each and every week 
of the five (5) years mentioned in—= i_—— 

6. UNTTED an@igSILVERSTONE acree that commencing 
uly 1, 1940, UNITED shell heave the richt to chance the 
duties and vowers of SILVERSTONE described in article "3" 

nereof and its subdivisions, by giving SILVsRSTONES written — 

notice of its intention so to do, addressed to SILVERSTONE 
in eare of Schwartz & Frohlich, 1450 Brosdway, New York 
City, (or to such other address, as be furnished in 
writine by SILVERSTONE, from tive Far. Ming such notice 
to. be sent by registered mail not less than thirty (20) 
“Géy¥5 DTISF to the lst dey of July; 1940. 
In the eve&t such detiee shall be ven, ine 

the manner end within the time limit above fixed, *this- 
arereement shall nevertheless continue and remain in full 

force and effect, for the balance of the term of the agreo 
rfent, but during’ such balance of the term of the egreement 

SILVERSTONE'S duties end vowsers shall be changed in the 

respects either as set forth in subdivision fe) or “in sub= ms 

Sivision (b) hereof, to wit: ‘ 

a) Se shall continue to have all the duties end 
powers set forth in article "3", and in all the subdi- 
visions thereof, excenting that each and-ell such duties 
and powers shall be rendered subject to and under the di- 
rection of tue Boefd of “irectors of UNITED (and in the 
case of any sociated or subsidiary companies, subject 

of the Bosrd of Directors of 

such raspective company}; or 

db) If UNITED shall elect e PréSident or Chairmen 
of the Boerd, then SILVERSTONE shell act as the Executive 
Assistant to such *resident or Chairman of the Board. 

UNITED shell desicnate its election in the no- 
tice to be sciven to SILVERSTONE, es above provided,fsiling 
wnich designation in such notice, UNITED shall be deemed to 

heave elected to have desiensted the duties and powers speci- 

fied in subdivision (a). UNITSD shall have the right to 

_ elect subdivision (b) only if UNITED shell have elected or 

designated a President or Chairman of the Board of Directors, 

fgiline which, UNITED shall have the right to elect only the 

powers and duties specified in subdivision (a). 

ta ad -17- 

Notwithstandine tie foregoine, it is sfreed- thet 2. 
so long as SILVERSTONE is renderine services to UNITED 
in accordance with the provisions of this Article "6", 
subéivision (a) he stsll continue to heve the power to ™ 
take On picti:res for local distribution by UNITED or 
its affilietes:or subsidiaries outside of the United 
“tetes of Americs, but limited and confined to pictures 
knowm as Empire pictures, produced by London Film Proeduc- 
thens, Ltd. or any of the latter's subsidiary or effilia- 
ted companies, upon such terms of distribution as he shall 
in his sole discreticn decide, without requiring the 
consent of the Board of Directors, all es provided in" 
article "3", subdivision "d" ckause IIT. 

juticdfgapnd vowers, ell the other terms end provisions 

of th agreement shell continue and remain in full 

force nd effect and binding upon both parties hereto, 

and, without limiting the foregoing, includins specifically 
the provisions of articles *4" end "7" hereofo- trp" ° 

pend oowens, eny sich chenge in SILVERSTONE'S 

bak Seas Say: ee), tte tai 
9. If by reason of his vhysicel disability because 
of illness or otherwise, SILVERSTONE is unable to render 
his services as herein provided for « consecutive period 
in excess of six (6) months, then at eny time th4reefter 
P and during the continuanct of such physicel disability, 
' UNITED shell have the right, at its option, to suspe 
. this agreement and the employment hereunder during the 
continuance of such physical disability,without pay. 
In any such case, however, the amount of such suspended 
period shall be added to the end of the term and shatl 
become part of the term of this contract. In case such 
physical disability shall at any time continue for an 
egreregete successive period of two (2)/7 the and there- 

ios _efter UNITED shell heve the rignt, et its option,there- = _ 
” “efter durine the continuance of such shysicel disesiitity ———— 

to terminate this acreement,and in the .cese of any quch 
termination this egreement shall come to an end with’ the ~ : 
sgue force and effect as if the same had terminated by” 
1PMtetion of time. 

18. The verties herete egree that no reoressntse- a 
tions,warranties, inducements or promises have been made 
by either party hereto, other thar those expressly con- 
tained this agreement, and this-erreement is complete 
and dies the entire agreement between the parties, 
saving only a certain letter delivered concurrently 

herewith by tela Dra ideas SS theta hic certain 
sums to reimburse him for exrenses Im somhection with the 
trensfer of his remily ang home to the United States. 

: a 2 x 3 

* . oe 


IN WITNESS WHERHOF, the parties Héreto have 

‘—_— caused these presents to be duly executed and 
their resnective seals hereunto effixed, the day 

a and year first above written. as, 


fame et rsa tees 

Attest: ; Seu: si 


2 s 

Acreement ‘Gates July S0;19S5S; between UNITED 

Bapotonniel. Agreem yetween the seme parties, 

deted April 23,1937... - 

son = eee ‘ 
Agreement dated July 30 ,1955, between UNI’ ‘ ; 


rr 4 
Supplementel Asreement Petween t the seme verties, cla 
————______—4ated—Apri? 25-1937. Se 
Agreement dated April 7 , E936, between LES ARTISTES 

_ Agreement deted March 25,1936; betwéen L#S. é4RTISTES : 

. cant aeinatanttsenianninaaaeniaapinaen ee a Se 
elas Agreement dated March 10,1936, between UNIFED ARTISTS : 

Asreement Gated Merch 2,1936, between UNARTISCO ; a 

— Arreement dated February 14,1936, ‘between LOS a 

Chole. afk ee PS ss 3 wtp 2 Poy ee" I 
i te ee Raga eS, eg ee et Seg 
/ 2 “ere Ss eS ‘ ‘ eee & 

em POI Geely “ 

Acreementdsted February 26,1936, between UNITE 

Aeree emen* daten Jenuary 4,1956, Tatiec on UNITED bos ere 

Communicetian deted October 2, 19355, elavessed “to 
uy.Dennis ¥.0'srienf of p'xrien, Driscoll & Reftery, re- 
° ieting to certein modificn ‘tions of the eereement betwsen 

end UNITED ARTISTS. EXPORT) SIMETED, having vetanenae alae 
to- modifications of ;the arcreements then outstanding bet- ‘ea 
ween verious subsidisries of UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION and 
MAURICE SILVERSTONE, reletine to the coufitries deseribed 


Communi cetion dated Avril 25,1937; addressed to Mr. 
Dennis F. O*Brien, of O'srien, Driscoll “ke heftery, re- 
lating to the-extension of-the term of the contrects with 
MAURICE SILVFERSTONE, with respect te each and all of the 

corporetions hereinabove specified. — @ ; | 
Series of ecreements eech dated kort 23,1927, we 
eech with MAURICE STLVFRSTONE, and each meade vy each . corporetions of the seven ts estas 
~~ Euroveen countries hereinsbove in the Schedule listed 
TTT nr ne a ar NE 
rz made by ene adeibase coroorstions for the pefiad 

_ anding dune 1945 

° MS * 

+ Ged <B. 
S os Bak tok é a neni 
at © -1- = = = 
Cc Twi % te 
‘ , such 

1. Beech) subsidiery and SILVHPSTONE will ‘agree 
thet all contracts autstending between them are cen- 
celled end termineted, as of the date of this sgree- 
ment,end erch will release and discherse the other 
from 7611 obligetions end liabilities thefeunder,erx- . 

de centine therefrom only the vrovisions contsined in pose Bsa: 
article’ "2" hereof, - bats 

* nemmmmmaamaniin 

a ny 
- ae 
<aorecmegytciacahgeeiga A COC COLE A CC LTT TA ie 

2. Eacw such subsidiary will agree to pay to 
STE YRVOTONF all ecormiets of salervy end ell eccruels 
of profits to the Gate hereof, which ere -vayable to ~ 
SILVRESTONE und@r said contracts, accountings and 
peyments to be wade-es-oremntiy after the daté hereof 
es shell be convenient end esch such subsidisry will 
essume and eeree to vey on such accruels of selery 
end profits, es provided in. s#id contrects. between 
such subsié¢iery end SILVERSTONE, ell British incorre 
end super texes thereon, (snd in the cese of subsi- 
dieries overetin=-in Continental Europe all such — 
other edditionsl income, suner and other texes whieh 
each such subsidiary is obligsted. to pey wnder its 
said centrects with SILVERSTONE), end elso all such 
similar taxes thet have accruéd or will ecermte, end 
not yet paid, on atl-other income, beth selarz and 
prorig¢s, heretorore, paid br esch such Subsidiary 

F%, } My S: G.J.58. g 
State. of New York ~} ‘ 
City of New York ——}—se<t—————_________ 
County of New York ); ° 

On this 15th day-of June, 1936, before me personally 
cane George J.Schsefer, to me known, who being by me duly 
sworn,did depose and sey thet he resides st Lerechnont, * 
New York, thet he is the Vice-President of UNTTED ARTISTS * =<. 
CORPORATION, the corporation deserided in and which execu- 
ted the forecoing instrument; that he knows the corporate 
seel of said corporetion; thst the seel afrrired to ssid PERS 
instrument is such corporete seal; that it sffixed by .- 
order of the Board of Directors of said corporétion end 
> ‘* — 



—_ — 

is A 

- -2l- 

Stete of New York 

City of New-York } B82 ® eae 
Connty of New York - } ~ - 

Un this lEth dey o> June, 1938, befere me personally 
came MAUHICE SILVERSTONE,.to me known and known to me tc 
ce the person described in aad WHO executed the foreroing. 
instrument, snd he thereupon duly acknowledred before me 
that he exeevtad the sgre, tor the.uses .and purposes 

3 pew +--+ > 
therein msnticned. 

el i ee 


June 13,1938 

To iMeurice Silverstone: - 

Decr Mr.Silverstone, 


Tais letter is civen to you in conjunction with the’ 

sereenent executed between you and us Simultaneously. 
herewith. ’ 

We agree te pay you the sum of Five Thousand %$5 , 000, } 
Dollers, slus 4 sum representine the transvortetion ex- 
penses of your wife and femily from London to New York. ~ 
City, at or abont the time of the execution hereof, to re- 

rt ot + = e : 
cur, in @onnection with the removal of your family end 
home from London to New York City,and the losses you will 

sustein beceuse of the abandonment of certain improvements, 

sdditions and furnishines meade by you in your London apserte 
ment which you ere compelled to rive up in order to come 
to New York City.— 

,We will slso essume any losses that you may sustein 

on account of the lesse uvon your London &partment, dy reason 

of your removal therefrom to come to the United States. 

Attest: ——" _ ae : 



Stete of New York, ) 
City of New York 
County of New York 

On this 13th é@sy of June, 
sonslly came GeorceJ 
beine by me duly sworn, did depose 4 
resides at Lerchmont, 

corporation de 
foreroing inst 

like order. 

1956,before me per- 
me known, who, 
nd say thet he 
New York, that he is the 

ed in and which executed the 
t; thet he knows the corvorste 
sesl cf said corpvoration; thet the seal affixed to 
ssid instrument is such corporate Seal; that it was 
so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of -scid 
» and that he signed his neme thereto by 

»Scheefer, to 


Upon motion duly made enc~seconded, it was (Mr. 

- - ~ 

Schwertz not voting): 

RESOLVED, that this soard of Directors retify, con- mS 
film and approve the execution and délivery ; 
of the foregoing agreement; vas further 

RESOLVED, thet George J. Schaefer, Vice-Presidént of 
the corporation be and he hereby is authorized, 
empowered and dirscted to execute and deliver. 
the Forogaine sagresnent. on behal? of the core 
' poration. ’ 

Thé original agreement was then executed by George J. 

Scheefer, Vice-President and attested by Edward C. Raftery, Assist- 

ant Secretary of the corporation and by Maurige Silverstone. 

Mr. Emenuel Silverstone, representing Mr. Korda, 

\approved the Poregoing resolutions. bois 

Mr. M. Silverstone then reported to the meeting 
thet-he wastéAving for London on Wednesday, June 15, 1938 
and he wished certain recommendations from the directorate 
of the American. btn se A as follows: asi a 

s. That the English company appoint E. Y. Carr end. 
George Archibeld es. joint -maneging ‘directors of the said company; 

Mr.“Archibald to be appointed either Menaging Director or Acting 

; Managing Director of United Artists (Export) Ltd., and this left 

to Mr. Silverstone. The salary payable to Messrs. Carr and 
Archibald to be in full payment of any services they mey render 

for eny sYWWaidiary or associate or affiliated company and any 

‘Girector's fees that they may receive to be turned over to United 

Artists Corporation or to be deducted from their—remgperation. 
2. That Mr. Le Lewis be appointed Secretary 
and Treasurer of United Artists Corporation, Ltd., and eee 

Set at Sai eae ete ae Soe ots th) ee a) 
~~ SS ee Po Cee ee ae Oe OP haere oe er ee 


-24- « 

United Artists (Export) Ltd. Hys remuneration to be fixed 
by Mr. Silverstone; also pericd of nis employment. ¢ 

3. That Mr. M. Silverstone to continue as Chairman 
of United Artists Corooration, Ltd. and United Artists (export) 
Ltd., but in the event of Price Waterh use & Co., London, deem- 
ing it inadvisable for tax reasons for Mr. Silverstone to be 
Chairman or a Director, then such office and directorship shall 
not be filled and shall be referred back to the Delaware Board 
for further consideration. 

4. That Mr. L. Lewis to be appointed as one of our... 
nominees to the Board of Odeon Cinema (Holdings) Ltd. in place 
of Mr. Silverstone and every endeavor to be made to procure 
the election of Mr. Lewis to the Board of Odeon Theatres, Ltd. 
in place of Mr. Silverstone. 

5. That the Boerd of United Artists Corporation, 

Ltd. be reconstructed to consist of eight, being each stock- 
holder (or. their nominee) Carr, Archibald and Mr./Silverstone. 

P 6. That Mr. Silverstone be sasted as to his discre- 
tion as to the directorate of the subsidiary, associated, and. 
affilieted companies, other than the English companies. ~~~ 

7. That a by-lew be inserted in the By-Laws of the 
British Company which will provide that the assets of the eg 
corporation cannot be sold without the approval of the beneficial ! 

shareholders of the corporation. 


ag ™ s , shies = sar * ae ‘ ores pL catia, eee e cs 
- _ <25~ 

Mr. Silverstone also asked approval of his expense 

’ ve) 

account from April 20, 1936 to June 12, 1938, and approval 

was so given. 

There being no further business before the meeting, 
it was moved, seconded~and unanimously adjourned to Friday, 

June 17, at twelve-thirty P. M. 




Be a nse 3 eet i Sui mic on ees Oe 
ee ee a Oe ge RES ee | Poet BNL oe DE TA 

z 2 : 
An edjourned reguler meeting of the Boerc of 
Directors of UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION wes heic on Friday, 
June 17, 1938, et twelve-thirty o'clock P. U., at the offices 
of the Cor oretion, 722 Seventh Avenue, New York City, New 
Yorrk., pursuant to an adjcourment of the meeting of June 15, 
13938. : 
Mr. Bdwerd C. Raftery, being the only director 
present, duly edjourned the meeting until Friday, June 24, 
1938, et twelve-thirty otelock P. EH. 
is- L~ 

s pk eT 


An edjcurred reguler meeting of the Board of Directors : 
of UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION was held on Friday, June 24, 
19338, st twelve-thirty o*cloek P. M., at the offices dbf the. 
Cor-oration, 72¢ Seventh Avenue, New York City, New York, 

pursuent to an acjournmment of the meeting of June 17, 1938: 

Mr. Edward C.-Reftery, being the only director present, 
auly edfjourned the meeting until Tuesdey, June 28, 1936, at y 
_three o'clock P. M. 

of... : a 


An edjourned meeting of the Board of Directors of United 
Artists Cornoration was held on Tuesday, June 28, 1938, at 
three o'clock P, M.; at the offices of the Corvoration, 729 
Seventh Avenue, New York City, pursuant to an adjournment of 

the meeting of June 24, 1936. 

fhers were present the following directors: 

Charles Schwartz 
Jemes Mulvey 
George J. Schaefer 
Dennis F. O*5Brien 
’ Edward €. Reftery, 

constituting a quorum. 

There were also present: 

Emenuel Silverstone 
Harry J. Muller. 

ee ee read to the meeting a resolution passed at 

the Specie] Meéting of the Board of Directors on the 26th day 

of April, 1938 declering m interim dividend of $500,000., end 
upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted the dete 
of July 5, 1938 was fixed as the date which the corporation 
finds convenient for the peyment of the $250,000 grSteliment of 
seid dividend and the Treasurer was cirected td pay said divi- 

dend as of said date. - ma jaeikssibed 

Corporation execute with him ea contreet similar in form to 

een a ee 


y pt + al - 

a ne = er nee. ee ennegeeete 

“Mr. O'Brien stated to the sineting that « muest had 


been received from Mr. Charles Chaplin, recuesting thet tne 

the contract executed with Samuel Goldwyn on the 22nd day ; 

of July, 1956. This recuest from Mr. Chaplin was received 

by the Corporation the 17th day of May, 1938, and reed es : =a 

"United Artists Corporation” 

ee » _Beverty Hi ltsocal tornia 

_ Gentlemen: 
U@der date of July 22, 1956, 4 ‘camtds { 
contract was entered into between United Artists 

_Sorporation and Samuel Goldwyn Inc., and Samuel 
ldwyn individually, by the terms of whieh it 
. was provided, among "other things, that no changes 
. ‘would be made in distribution contracts without 
the consent of Samuel Goldwyn, Inc. and Samuel 
Goldwyn. AS an inducement to Charles Chaplin to 
vote in favor of entering into such a contract . 
qwith Semuel Goldwyn, Inc. and Samuel Goldwyn eae 
sonally, United Artists Corvoration agreed 
when and £f requested, similar contracts would ae 
executed by United Artists Corporation ween the 
ee Owner-Stockholders. 

On behelf of Charles Chep?tin I now request ee 
thet Uffited Artists Cornoration enter into a 

M contract with me substantially identical in its 

terms and conditions with the agreement of July 22, 
1936, above referred to, and I request that such 
contract be executed ds promatly es*possible. 

Very truly yours, 


olan By (Signed Alfred Reeves bes 

Mr. O*brief stated that in his opinion, from a reading of--—— 


the, various documents the Corporation should execute such an 



~ agreement. 
. Mr. Sthwartz moved, seconded by Mr. Mulvey, that 
seb anee Mr. George J. Schaefer, Vice-President of the Corporation, 
be and he hereby is authorized to execute on behelf of the 
Corcoration a contract with Charles Chaplin, similar in 
form to the contract executed with Mr. Goldwyn on the 22nd 
dey of July, 1936. | 
| Mr. Raftery then read to the meeting a iong cable- 
eram which he had just received from Mr. Maurice Silverstone 
regerding the Selznick matter. Copies of this cablegram 
were delivered to all the directors present and to Emanuéi 
Upon motion duly made and seconded, Mr. Raftery 
was directed to send the foliowing cablegran to Mr. Silverstone. 

; Mr. Schwartz asked to be recorded as not voting upon this 


"NLT . 


“Directors at méeting today authorized send 
: following cable Selznick QUOTE Directors at Newyork 
:, meeting today have definitely authorized reduction 
cin terms in England and Canade for your product 
commencing Jenusry 1, 1938 and similar provision. 
will be incorporated in proposed deal with you on 
future product STOP Subject to waiver or deletion 
of sotermed favored nation clause but with under- 
standing thet your. terms will be as fevorable as 
terms of producer stockholders on worldwide pic- 
tures directors approve arrangements for you to 


~ “ 
va) © 
"share in producers fund commencing as of 
January 1, 1938 and .similsr provisions will 
be incorporeted in proposed deal with you 
for future product STOP Corporation attor- 
neys end Price Waterhouse are working out de- 
tails of producers fund to guarantee workable 
plan that will accommlish intent of proposed 
arrangemats STOP Expect this detail to be 
worked out cefore I arrive America on July llth 
end will go forwerd immediately with amendments 
to existing contracts upon my arrival STOP I 
am definitely authorized to close contract with 
you for future product on ebove terms UNQUOTE 
This cablegram has been read. at meeting approved 
. and ordered incorporated in minutes STOP Cable 

Schaefer as soon as you cable Selznick so he may 
deliver copy of cable to Whitney before Whitney 
leaves for California Regards 


Mr. Muller reported that the Corporetion had re- 
ceived from Hal “oach Studios, Inc. a Mortgage, Assignment 
and Pledge Agreement dated June 7th, 1938 whereby Hal Roach 
Studios, Inc. assigns to the Security-First National Bank 
of Les Angeles all revenue to accrue to Roach under the 
Distribution Agreement with the Corvoration as security for 
the peynent to the bank of any and all obligations to the 
extent of 6 maximum amount outstanding at any one time of 
$2,500,000 with interest thereon. Upon approval by counsel, 
the Corporation siened the Distributor's Acceptance. 

Mr. Muller reported that pursuant to tne authority 
granted by the Executive Committee eat the meeting held on 
April 21, 1938, the Corscration has now made arrangements to 
pay the Guarantee of $25,000 on the motion picture "REFUGEES 

roe rt ae. j 
ie Aa tetthe Ws Qos FS peers 

SS EN Paty 8 eg es: 

Sm, » mee 


IN MADRID". Instead of making the payment outright, 
however, The Corporation has arrenged with the National 
City Bank of New York to advence this sum to tie owner of. 
the picture, vepaynent to the, benk t. be made out of the 
producer'’s share of revenue that the Corporation icteric. 
from this pic'ure. However, the Corcoration has signed 

the bank’s reguler form of Continuing Guaranty. The bank 

Sssuenti initia tomaavaiign muy-Ser wre Teste tied 

the officers in signing this Guarenty. 
Upon motion duly mede, seconded and unanimously 

adoptec, the directors of the Corporaticr Go nereby cohfirm 

the actior of the Executive Committee in suthorizing the 

execut.'on of the guarentee, and do hereby confirm the aetion 
of arthur W. Kelly, Vice-Président, and A. J. Muller, 
Treasurer, in executing the guarentee. seme 

Mr. Muller also wevorted that Mr. Westwood, Menseer 

of the China branch of the Corporation, has received advice 
from the National City Bank that the Central Bank of China 

will not allot any United States currency at the normal rete 

‘of exchange (approximately 29¢) for the motion picture indus- 

try. Mr. Westwood revuests euthority to make remittances at 
the rate of approximately z2¢-ip the event he cannot get the 

rate of 29¢. 

ah eae - Upon motion duly prs pein esate Rca unending —— 

. a 

E edopjed, Mr. Westwood wes authorized to make remittances 
at the rate of approximately 22¢ in the event hé cannot get 
the rate of 29¢. - 

Mr. Muller also reported: In connection with 
the Certificate of Condition +o be filed with the Common- 
weelth of Massachusetts, it is necessary for the Corporation 
to supply a resolution of the Board of Directors eppointing 
auditors for the ensuing year. < Saas 2 

st : > Ae 
pommnagnrrs Upos moticn duly made, seconded and unanimously 

= 3 
adopted, the Cormpcration does hereby appoint Price, Waterhouse 
& Co. as its auditors for the ensuing year, and the Assistent 
Secretary was directed to file with the Commonwealth of 

Messechusetts e certificate of resolution of this appointment. 

Mr. Muller also reported that the following pay- _ 
ments were recuested by-the- Hays Organization: 

United Artists share of $5,291.26 in the ° 
matter of United Artists v. James (West 
Virginia Tex Test Case) ......... $304.25 

United Artists shere of $12,50000 settle- -. 
ment in the case of Ledirk v. Warner, 
et al a a . *. & 7. . — e s ad . e e . oo oe . 718 e 75 

United Artists share of financing Special. 
Legel Account for six months’ period 
July 1, 1938 to December 31,1936 . ... 345.00 

United Artists shere of legal services a a 
disbursements in Trimble de Roode v.Univer- ‘ 
BOX ee 0 ee eee 6 4 8 ore ge te te SE 


The foregoing payments were approved. 


Mr.- Muller reported that United Artists Corpora- 
tion had received for Bank of Afierica, Nefional Trust and 
Sayings Association ea Mortgage, Pledce and Security Agree- 
ment dated June 6, 196 between the Ggldwyn comarsries and 
the benk. Uncer this agreement Mr. Golcwyn assigns the 
producer’s revenue to secure additional moneys amounting to 
approximately $4,280,000. “Upon “épprovel by counsel, the 

Distribdutorts Acceptance was signed by the Corporation. 

Mr. Muller also reported regerding the Italian 
Dolisr Bonds. The Corcoretion received a letter dated 
June 10th, 1958 from Mr. Archibald in which he explains that 
Ste was successful in purchasing for blocked Lire addi- 
tional Doller Bonds of the par vdue of $24,900. Included 

in this second purchese sre the gums that will become due to 

Relisnce after June 30, 1936 efter allowance for an estimated 
amount of allotment money. é 

Mr. Archibald has been uneble to dispose of these 
bonds at the 27% discount heretofore suthorized. However, he . 
believes thet he ean make sales et a discount of approximately 
35%. Mr. Archibald states thet opinion seems to be divided as 
England as to whether or not these bonds will ‘sise in the fu- 
ture. He recommends that authority be ziven to dispose of 

the unsold bonds at e discount not exceeding 55% on nominal 

vaiue. This information has been communicated to the various 


producers. Delaware énd Export have approximately #19, 000. 
per value of best. bonds. ~ Seeaeeres 

bate a OS 2 tet 
™s * 

oe ; 
# It wes, the consensus of the directors that in 
so far as these bonds were the property of United Artists 

oe Corvoretion, they should be sold as above recommended. Mr. 


Muller wes instructed to get he pproval of the individual 
> : a 
producers interested in the bonds. aa 
Mr. Schaefer made e report as to the photopley 
"SLOCKADE* and as to a discussion hed with Mr. Wenger regard- 

ing future prodywttions. Goes : 

Mr. Raftery made a report regerding the Howard + 
Hughes claim. é 

There being no further business before the meet- 

‘ng, the same wes upon motion duly mede end seconded, edjourned. 

werd C. ery 
Acting Secreta 







The reguler monthly meeting of the Board 
adjourned from Tuesday, July 5, 19358 at 1] A.m., due 
to lack of a quorufi, to Tuesday, July 12, 1938 at 
11 A.M.,“at 729 Seventh Avenue, New York City. 







An adjourned meeting of .the Board of Directors of the 
United Artists Corporation was held on Tuesday, July 12, 19338 
at 11 A. M., at the offices of the corporation, 729 Seventh 
Avenue, New York City, pursuant to an adjournment of the meet- 
ing of July 5, 1938. 

There were present, the following directors: 

Charles Schwartz 
James A. Mulvey 
George J. Schaefer 
Dennis F. O*Brien 
Edward C. Raftery 

constituting a cuorum. ° pee , 

There were also present: 
Miss Mary Pickford : : 
Emanuel Silverstone peeereeeraine Alexander Korda) 
Maurice Silverstone (General Manager of the 

Mr. O'Brien acted as Chairman of the corporation and Mr. 
Raftery acted as Secretary. 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, 
it was =~ 

RESOLVED, that the reading of the minutes of the 
last meeting of Directors be dispensed with as 
copies of same had been furnished to all of t 

Mr. Raftery steted that the first business to come 
before the meeting was the consideration of the fixation 
of the capitalization of the corporation for Capital Stock 
Tax purposes, and after a full report of T. Newman Lawler, 
of counsel for the corporation, and after discussion, upon 
motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, it 
was i 

‘ RESOLVED, that the value of the capital stock be 
fixed at $15,000,000 and that the proper officers 
of the corporation file returns sccordingly. 

Mr. Raftery then presented the bill of Sonnenschein, 
Berkson, Lautmann, Levinson & Morse in the sum of $2,500, plus 
disbursements, for services rendered in the so-called ZORINA 
litigation in Chicago, and he reported, in his opinion, the 
charge was reasonable, in view of the result obtained in the 
litigation and the amount of work involved and that the applica- 
tion for an injunction had been denied and the case on final 
hearing had been dismissed. Upon motion duly made, seconded 
and unanimously adopted, the Treasurer of the corporation was 
directed to pay the bill. 

Mr. Raftery then delivered to George J. Schaefer for 
examination and signature as Vice President of the corporation 
the amendatory contract With Mr. Charles Chaplin, which had 
previously been authorized. 

Miss Pickford then stated to the meeting that it wes her 
desire to have a similar contract executed by the corporation with 
The Pickford Corporation, and upon motion duly made, seconded and 
unanimously adopted, it was 

. RESOLVED, that Mr. George J. Schaefer, Vice Presi- 
dent of the corporation execute a similar c act 
with The Pickford Corporation and counsel were 
directed to prepare such contract. 

Mr. Raftery then stated thatthe corporation had an opportunity 
to secure the release right of a silent version of "SON OF ‘A SHEIK", 
synchronized with music, for Buenos Aires, Cuba and Singapore upon 
very favorable terms. Upon motion duly made, seconded and 
unanimously adopted, it was 

RESOLVED, that Mr. Arthur W. Kelly, Vice President” 
of the corporation in charge of these particular 
territories, be authorized to make such a deal and 
forge such papers as may be necessary to complete 
the same. 

Mr. Maurice Silverstone, who had just returned from 
England, reported to the Board, as follows: | 

(1) He had signed a cancellation agreement | 
with United Artists Corp. Ltd., United Artists 
(Export) Corp. Ltd. and with each of the seven 

European subsidiaries operating in FRANCE, 


Sree S 
2. mid ‘+7 ps 
ma as =e ¥, 2 oe Soe ro a +. Dees 

~ A 3. . 


SWEDEN and SPAIN, in accordance with his employment 
contract with the corporation, dated June 13, 1936. 

Mr. Archibald is being requested to send copy of such 
cancellation agregment and when received will be * 
given to the General Counsel. 

(2) By reason of the above-mentioned cancellation 
agreement he had automatically resigned as Chairman 
end Director of the Engi?sh Export Companies. 

After consultation with Price, Waterhouse & Co. and 
Mr. Quennell, it was decided that the Board to w 
these companies would not, for the time being, elect 
Mr. Silverstone as ‘a Director, but that at = meeting 
of the Boards to be held in two or three months, he 
would then be elected a Director’of each company 

end immediately thereefter be elected Chairman 

of each. 

(2) As Dr. Gisnnini resigned from the Board of United 
Artists Corp. Ltd., it was decided by the Board to 
invite Mr. Douglas Fairbanks to become a Director 
thereof. In order to bring into effect+the contempla- 
ted arrangement of having the Board of United Artists ~ 
Corp. Ltd. consist of each stockholder of the Delaware 
Corporation (or his nominee) Mr. Carr, Mr. Archibald 
and subsequently Mr. Silverstone, it will become neces- 
sary to ask for the resignation of one Directér sf London 
Films (as they now have two on the Board), also the 
resignation of Mr. Deutsch. ‘ 

It was the unanimous opinion of all present that 
the Board of Directors of the English company should 
constitute eight (8) in number, composeiof the following: 
Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Charles Chaplin, Samuel 
Goldwyn, Alexander Korda, E. T. Carr; George Archibald, 
Maurice A. Silverstone, and that the necessary recommendaé- 
tion should be made to the English company to effect 
such result. 

(4)Regarding the Board of the United Artists (Export) 
Corp. Ltd. This has been left as it is - in any event, ° 
for the time being. < 

(5) Mr. Maurice Silverstone reported that an agree- 
ment had been signed with Mr. E. T. Carr, as Joint Managing 
Director of United Artists Corp. Ltd., at a salary of b125. 
weekly, period of. employment being six months notice 

either side. 

Contract provides for exclusive services and 
obligation on the part of Mr. Carr to perform services 
without extra reumeretion from any company asSsOclated 
with the "UNITED ARTISTS". Any fees received by 

~ ‘ ¥ 
“Se i 

Mr. Carr as Director, from any such associated 
companies are to be turned over to the Corporation. 

(6) A similar contrect - with identical terms = was 
signed with Mr. George Archibald. ,. © 

(7) Mr. L. Lewis was appointed Secretary of United 
Artists Corp. Ltd. and United Artists (Export) Corp. 
Ltd. Agreement entered into with him by United Artists 
Corp. Ltd. was on identical terms as that of Mr. ; 
Archibald and Mr. Carr, except that the salary is to 

“ be B32.10 per week. * . 

(8) Mr. M., Silverstone resigned Directorship in 

Odeon Theatres, Ltd. Odeon Cinema (Holdings) Ltd. 

and ell subsidiaries thereof, in which he was a Director. 
oe (Copies of such resignations have been given to the 

General Counsel of the Delaware Corporation). 

At a Board meeting of United Artists Corp. Atd. it 
was decided that Mr. L. Lewis be nominated to the 
Board of Odeon Cinema (Holdings) Ltd. (they being the 
majority stockholder in Odeon Theatres Ltd) and Holdings — 
be requested tc vote in favor of Mr. L. Lewis 
being elected a Director of the Public Company, Odeon 
Theatres Ltd. 

In regsm to Directorships of subsidiary companies of 
the Odeon Theatres Ltd. that is a matter entirely for 
the Board*of that company. ; 

(9) In accordance with Mr. Silverstone's employment 
contract of June 15, 1958, with the Delaware Corporation, 
Mr. Archibald prepared a Memorandum showing the amounts 
due Mr. Silverstone to date by United Artists Corp. Ltd. 
United Artists (Export) Corp. Ltd. and the seven Con- ’ 
tinental companies. Copies of these Memorandums have 
been given to Mr. Muller and from same it will be uoted 
that@rice, Waterhouse & Co. have been consulted thereon. 
Payment has already been made in accordance with these 
Memorandums (which include statements) and it has been 
Suggested by Mr. Archibald that they be considered in 
full settlement to Mr. Silverstone other than, of course, 
the taxes that will be payable thereon and taxes accrued 
but not yet paid - all of wh@eh are payable by the 
respective subsidiaries). 

And on motion-duly made; seconded and unanimously 
carried, it was 

RESOLVED, that Mr. Silverstone’s commissions, as figured 
as aforesaid, be determined as final settlement. 

7 2 Ss 
C20) wri Mt. Obl verptone Saported. Shab tp sssordenee 

RRR: he Ee f iar Me Pe he ee + N z. Say i 
it ) ay « ~ y - yon SS — ee a ee a Be eo ee ae! 2 

* : ‘ 
“Songs be 

5. pase 

agreed to assume responsibility of hi§ London flat, the 
lease had now been cancelled in consideration of 
payment to Prudential Assurance Co. (landlords) of one 
ouarter’s rent plus b250. 

These sums were paid by the English Co. 

(11) Mr. Silverstone reported that « banking account 
had been. opened with the Natjonal Provincial Bank Ltd. 

(2) At a Board meeting of the United Artists Corp. 

Ltd., there was presented the Revised Memorandum and 

Articles of Association of that company as drafted by 

Mr. Quennell. It was agreed that these Revised Momorandum 
nd Articles were to be submitted to the Delawsre Corpora- 

“tion for their approval. Copy of the Memoranduim and 

Articles have been given ‘to the General Counsel of the 
Company for his consideration.: 

{13) At the time of the Public Issue of Odeon -Theatres 
Ltd. the English Company loaned to Mr. Silverstone and 
Mr. Arehibald the sum of -b1L000 each for the purpose of 
buying qualifying shares as that was necessary in order 
to be a Director. 

At the Board meeting of the English Company it 
was resolved that these loans be continued during the 
pleasure of the English Board and thet, upon Mr. Silver- 
stone's resignation from - snd Mr. Lewis" appointment 
to the Board of Odeon Theatres Ltd., the oualifying 
shares and the loan at present in the name of Mr. Silver- 
stone, be transferred to Mr. Lewis. ' 

(14) Mr. Archibald was appointed Msnaging Director of 
United Artists (Export) Corp. Ltd. without remuneration 
and subject six months notice of termination of such 
appointmen (Mr. Archibald, as above mentioned, is 
being paid by the English Company and apporticnment of 
his salary will be made tq. the Export Co.) 

(15) Mr. Archibald reminded Mr. Silverstone that there 
was no expense account rendered by him in connection 
with his visits to the Continent during the period May 
26, 1936 to June 12, 1938 (the date of the termination 
of his Export: and Continental agreements). s 

Mr. Silverstone stated his expenses during that period 
were B90. sid in accordance with his policy, hitherto om 
prevailing, he did nof desire to approve his own expense 
account, and therefore submitted such Continental account 
to the Board. 


ti a 
expenses hob Botion guly made, payment of the aforesaid 





i . r 
(16) Mr. Silverstone stated he had been in consulta- 
tion with Price, Waterhouse & “o., in London, in 
connection with the possible revision of the franchise 
egrecmeits between the Delaware Corporation, jon the 

one hand, and the English Compeny, Export Co. and 

seven Continental subsidiaries, respectively, on the 
other hand and that this matter wes now under con- 

(17) re Stock Certificates: He further reported that 
in connection with the stock certificates.of United ' 
Artists Corp. Ltd. and other subsidiaries of the 
Deleware Corporation, the matter is under consideration 
as to the most advisable @anner in which they should 

be held, considering all points connected therewith. 

(18) Mr. Silverstone reported regarding Odeon, that 

an analysis of the entire structure of the operation 
of that company's business has been made by & firm of 
well known suditors in England, fn connection with the 
proposed refinancing of Odeon. This report was le ft 
with Mr. Archibald who is preparing an up-to-date 
resume of the Odeon situation. 

(19) Re: Czecho Slovakia The Fiscal authorities there have 
made a claim on us in respect to assessments for the 

period of 1928 to 1931. After consultation with our 

lawyers in Prague and in view of other problems in thet 
country, it has been deemed advisable to enter into a 

new franchi$@ agreement between the Prague Company and 

the Delaware Corporation. 

(20) Regarding Austria (now Greater Germany). Our 
distributor there has been forced into liquidation by the 
Nazi Government. For reasons as explained, it is 
advisable that we permit the Nazi Commisar, who is 
operating the business for our distributor, to continue 
the distribution of pictures already. deliverei. Insofar 
as the producers are concerned, the matter is being taken 
up with them. 

(21) Mr. Silverstone gave to the General Counsel of 

the Corporation a signed irrevobable authority on THE ; 
RETURN OF THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL, together with ea Memorandum 
to Mr. Archibald on the subject, with the request that 

if same is in order it be executed by the Corporation. 

(22) Mr. Silverstone cave to the General Counsel of the 
Corporation an agreement between Victor Seville Produce 
tions Ltd., United Artists Corp. Ltd. and United Artists 
Corporation in connection with the distribution of DARK 
JOURNEY in the U.S.A., it being signed by the first two 

parties named; he also attached thereto a draft letter 

a 3 
ie bd 9 bain ees = 

— a. ” 7. 

to te written by the Delaware and English companies 
of United Artists to Victor Saville Productions Ltd. 
providing that United Artists agrees that Victor 
Saville Productions Ltd. have completed its obligation 
under the contrsct with us by hevine delivered DARK 
JOURNEY and STORM IN A TEACUP and Victor Seville 
Productions Ltd. agree to release us from any claims 
of any nature whatsoever that they may have ageinst 
us in connection with the distribution of DARK JOURNEY, 

* RIDING. Attached to the documents is a Memorandum 

to Mr. Archibald on the above subject, these documents 

to be executed and to be delivered simultaneously, 

if approved by the Board. Be PH 


Mr. Muller presented to the meeting the estimated 
income and profit and loss for the six-months ending July 2, 
1955, which, after taxes, amounted to $889,900. 

There being no further business before the meeting, - 
tne seme was upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned. 


2 tae pee . silalie-Secenipseege Sicins mememmmnr ss et ae 
: = _ ie}, es 2 
aes feo a se =P 
~ ‘ - =“ : nines ae 
of ~ 
a Oe ps gt got gO HONORS ‘ - 
. An edjowumed regular meetinw of the Boerd of 
————Pirectors of UNITED: ARTISTS CORPORATION wes held on Tuesdey, 
August 2, 1938, et eleven o’ciock A. ¥., et the offices of 
the Corporation, 729 Seventh Avenue, New York City, New  .. ~~~< 
York, pursuant to en edjournment of the reeting of Jury Ae, = 
1936. aA 
Wr. Edwerd C. Reftery, veing the only director 
present, “duly aaj.urnec the meeting until Thursdsy, August 4, ‘s 
igss, at elever o*ciock A. ¥. 
= A : 
~ ; 
Te can si & 
‘\ - r Pn it —, ‘ 

t . i 3. P thee f Lebib= to rang TL Rg a ae 

Ral t ri ~ : 
: ; . August 4, 1938. 
be ‘ i 5 
roe ’ 
An adjourned reguiesr seetine of the Boerd of Direc= 
tors of United Artists gor ation was held on Thursday, Ausust 4, 
1938, 4t ll ofcliock A. M., at the offices of the Corporation, pur- 
suant to an ad journment ‘of the meeting of August 2; 08. 
There were present the following directors: 
Cherles Schwartz, - 
James Mulvey, 
Dennis F.-O*Brien, 
Edward C. Raftery, eww 
constituting a quorum. - 
There were also present: : . ‘ 
Emanuel Silverstone, representing Alexander , 
» Korda, 
M. Silverstone, General Manager, 
H. J. Muller, Treasurer. 
Mr. O*Brien acted as Chairmen of the meeting and Mr. 
Raftery acted as Secretary. 
Mr. Raftery reported to thée-meeting the resignations 
_—.90f the following directors:. 
— Sir Connop iesnsie, “y 
4 Clarence Ericksen, 
~, George J. Schaefer, Pe 
"tind ‘N. A. McKay, : ay 
ws & 
and thet as e result of the sbove resignetions, together’ wth 
those of 
nT Saree SUNNNCUSNSUUnnen nnn : 

a oe Ses ee eee see 

Mr. Cherles Chaplin, . | 
Dr. A. H. Giannini, 
and David Rose, 

the Board of Directors now consists of five (5) members as fol- 
lows: > — 


Apexander Horda, ‘ PF 
Dennis F./O*Brien, ‘ 
Charlies Schwertz, : ~ 
Jemes Muivey, 

Edwerd C. Raftery. 

The aforementioned resignations todey submitted, were duly noted 
and accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes. 
0 “$n ~~ a 
Mr. Raftery repSrted that he had read thd™proposed 
new by-laws of the United Artists Corp. Ltd. and that he was. in ee: 
full accord with the same, except that a aprum should constitute 
five present ard not two;as contemplated. It was moved, seconded 
end ' 

RESOLVED, that Mr. Raftery duly advise Mr. 

Quenneil of the foregoing with the 
recuest that the recommendations of 
this Board lrmedietely be put into 
effect. : 

The General Menager stated that in view of the 
recommendation of bir. Raftery in regard ts the number constituting 
& quorum, it wes absolutely essential that before the present 
Board’ of Directors of United Artists Corp. Ltd. covid be changed, : 
each of the stockholders of the Delaware Cor oration designate 
their alternate director; Otherwise the Bosrd in England would not 
be able to function. —.— : 

= ene 

As @ result of the contemplated change, es-voted upon 
by the Delew-re Bosrd et the previous meeting, there would only 
pe left on the English Board, EB. T. Carr, George Archibald and, at 
& later date, M. Silverstone would be appointed. 

It would therefore be noted that if the-change wer 
put into effect prior to the appointment of e ternates, ch Spe 
would only be three Directors on the Board and under the conterm= 
piated by-laws e quorum consists of five (5). 
& On motion duly made, seconded and unanimousiy - 
carried, it was 


~ os 
— nan 

. 3 he 7 ~ J : 

‘ aye aes eye a ae - 
A jo Pee * Saag pee oye: jf ARR: 2h rh a ai i ig TN a iy Sl BR ak 
‘et. ‘A et ieee vins be tr eed L.. odes heme ee a oN ae” tee See ta A eae 

RESOLVED, that the General Manager communicate 
with each of the stockholders or their 
representatives to point out the fore- 
going to ther, recuesting ther to ap- ore 
ooint immediately their alternates so 
thet the intention of this Board, as ex- 
pressed at & previous mesting, could be 
promptly put into effect without prevent- 
ing the operation of the Enelish Board. : 

The Geeral Manager reported, for reasons as expiained 
tc the Board, and submitted a memorandum in regard thereto, 
t at it wes adviseble to alter the Franchise agreements between 
the Delaware Corporation on the one hand and United Artists 
(Export). Ltd. and the various Continental subdsidisries, respec- 
tively on the other hand. 

é The General Menager suggested that the present er- 
rangements as undernoted, be altered to the fallowing: 

Delaware * Export Delawaré Exvooert 
Comaission Supervision Comfrission : Super- 

i ed i ac vision 
% Seay @ 
France 5% Nil 144 up to P& E of oe 
_ Fes.10,000,000 Gl 
'. 4% from Fes 10 t= 15 =itition} 
& om WoT IS to 20 « }) 
«> 28 to 26 ee 
Belgium s 2% 4%, 
Switzerland 2% 4% 
Czachcs lovak ia &% 22 See seperate memorandum ee 
Sweden 2% 4% 
Denrark 8% 2% 5% 4G 
Export Compery 8% - 8% {not to exceed 50% - 
; a] of the Corporation's 
= ‘ Net Income 
It wes pointed out thet the above contemnisted agreements were = 

entirely internal ana-dit not affect the cecn reacts with any tr 

the producers. 
- f°" 

On motion duly mede, seconded, and unanimously 
carried, it was 

RESOLVED, thet. the above proposed erranrenehts be 
; ina ascinnoen BBP EE nto effect subject to Price, 

w ene 

7 -4-, 
b : ® 
Wacverhouse & Co., London, being in eccord 
with the same and, that if and when such Ps 
approval is ooteined from Price, Waterhouse . 

& Co., in London, the appropriate documents 
setting forth t>e-proposed errangements be 
as drawn in London and subritted to the Generel 
’ Manager and”Counsel for the Delaware Corpora- 
* tion for their approval es to phraseology 
' and if approved, be duly executed. 

ung e 

“i The General Manager reminded the Board that there 
had_ been under consideration the manner-andusthed—of-the 
holding of ail of the Capital Stock owned by this Corpora- 
tion in the United Artists Corp., Ltd., United Artists 
(Export) Ltd. and the various continental subsidiaries: 

Upon rotion duly made, seconded and unanimously 
carried, it was ay 

RESOLVED, that 7493 shares out of #® totel of 7500 

shares of United Artists Corn. Ltd. shall 

be held in the joint names of M. Silver- 

stone and e partner of the firm of Price, 

° Waterhouse & Co., London, and that as to the 
remaining 7 shares they shoulé be held each 
in the joint names of Mr. E. T. Carr, Mr. 
George Archibald and-such remaining employees 
of United Artists Corp. Ltd. as may be 
selected by Mr. Hugh Quennell, London counsel. 
for the ampany. pres 

It was further = 
RESOLVED, that as soon as such transfers shall have 
pe been made in the Stock Bock of United Artists 
Corp. itd, and such certificates. shall have 
hed attached thereto transfers signed in blank, 
then all of such certificates with transfers 
so attached, be sent to the Treasurer of the 
Delaware Corporation. 

It was further : ———_—__—_— — — 

RESOLVED, that the Guaranty Trust Co. of N. Y, Pall Mall 
Po. ar Branch in London, England, be instructed to ~~ 
deliver to Mr. Quennell all of the share cer- 


tifieates in the United Artists Corp. Lta., 

with transfers attached theretc, which™they 

are now holdins te the order of the Board 

of Directors of the United Artists Corvoration 
e of Deleware 

It was further ~~; 



RESOLVED, thet Mr. Raftery be instructed te write to Mr. 

this Boerd, so that they may be,.put into ef- ee 
fect immediately, and at the same time secure. ge 

to the Corsoration, irrespective of the names 
in which the shares ere issued, end aiso & 
written,opinion that oniy the party nemed first 
on thé share is entitled tc vote the shares 

at a reguler meeting. - 

It was further 

RESOLVED, thet es regards the stock certificates of United 

Artists (Export) Ltd., 90% of the authorized. 
. capital stock shali be issued in the names of 

M. Silverstone and e partner of Price, Waterhouse 
& Co., London, England; as to the remaining 
10 % of the said capital stock, the; were to 
be placed in the names of Goerge Arch’bald, L. 
Lewis and such other employees of United Artigts 
(Export) Ltd. as may be decided upon by Mr. 
Arehibald, and approved by Mr. Quenneli, counsel 
for the company. 

It was further . F 

» RESOLVED, that as soon as the new stock certificates, ana 
transfers in blank stteched thereto, have been 
issued, thet such certificates and blank trans- 
fers shell be devosited with the Bank of America, 
London, subject to withdrewal only by resolu- 

- tion of the Board of Directors of United Aftists 
Corsoracion of Delaware. 

+ Pn : a 

It was further 
RESOLVED, thet this Board request the Bank of Averica, 
hy-+o-daiiver the prewent certificates, - 
ae aha’, AIRE a ition WE Lente, 

: : ode aS sae Y pitas ashe PE TSR Pe A 3 
a a a eee 4 RO Ee eee ey PORE OT eae ee Me Ae SN Pee ee 
RRA eee RIEL Tia e, ge TS tere Ly Ty PCE ET te he ee ne DEMO CRen, Te ae we: 


= - Zt wc + ==; > tial ee , aes ‘ 
r Z metas * 
j ao vai. 
te SS 4 ’ eo: 
with transfers attached thereto to Mr. e 
Quenneli, .bondén counsel for the company, 
end thet Mr. Raftery communicate with Mr. 
~ Quenneli advising him of the instructions 
of this Boerd with regard thereto. mA 
7 . . * 
It was furter 7 & 

RESOLVED, thet Mr. Quennell prepare ea similar written 
opinion regarding the legelity of such trans- 
fer of the transfer of {titie to she shere 
»to the Delaware Corporation. 

As to the stock certificates of the various & 
Continental subsidiaries, upon motion duly made, seconded and 
unenimously adopted, it wes 


RESOLVED, that it be left to the General Maneger, in 
consultation with and with the approval of 
Mr. Quennell, British counsel, to decide in 
whose names such stock certificates shail be 
to eAcho® SHOR Stock Barberi ee bas oho segees : 
a transfer siened in blank, wherever Such 

_ blank transfer is permissible under the laws 

of the respective countries concerned. 

_. It was pointed cut that in certain countries a@ number of shares 
have to be whet is known as "BRARER® sheres. It was further 

RESOLVED, that such of the stock certificates as could, 
by the lews of the various countries concerned, 
ve taken out of the country in question, be 
sent to London and there deposited with the 

, Benk of Arsrice, subiect to withdrewal only 
by Reso'‘ution of the Board of Directers of 
United Artists Corporation of Deleware, 

It wes further 

RESOLVED, that Mr. Raftery instruct Messrs. Coudert 
Bros, Paris, France, to send ell shares in 
their possession to Mr. Quennel in London for 
the purpose ef giving effect to the foregoing 
resolution.° ° 


Lp) gv eae Pet ee Bel Me te TES 


— 7] - :* +. 


The General Manager reported that the French Govern- «+ 
ment had instituted .actturnover tax on positive vrints distri- 
cuted in Frence anc that after-consultetion with Mr. Rafter it 
was interpretef thét such-ternover-teax wes to be constituted as 
pert of print cost. This was duly noted by the Board and no 
objection raised thereto. ?, 

The Generél “anager subritted ‘an offer that had been 
made by Arnold Pressburrer whereby the letter desires to enter 
into an agreshent for distribution of United Artists product 
in France, Belgium and the Freneh colonies. After discussion, 
the matter was gtabled for further consideration. _@ 


The General Manager reported that he nad given to the 

. Treasurer of the Corporation one of the duplicate orisinals of 

the letter written by Walter Wenger, Productions, Ine., dated 
Mey 1, 1956, in regerd to locel pictures. The Generel Menager — 
urther reported that he hed reeeived @ letter dated July 26th, . 
the original of which wes civen to the Treasurer, from Seiznick 
International Pictures, Inc. securing their agreement to, the 

WElcox and Hellmen transactions hereinafter referred tc. in these 


The General Menager reported that he wes negotiating 

~ with Herbert WEicoxe @nd Marcel Hellman for Gistribdution in the 

British “sies by United Artists Corp. Ltda., of pictures to be —_ 
produced by them respectively upon the follpwing terms: zt 

Five to six pictures to. be produced in England by 
Herbert Wilcox and 

One picture to be produced in England by Mercel Hellman. 

"The distribution terms in the British Isies for such cases 
Wilcox and Meilman pictures psyeble to you te be not 

~. less then 20%. We understand that there will be a pko- 

vision in regard to the Wilcox pictures that if the 

ross receipts from the British Isies on any two con- 

secutive pictures taken together shall smrount to 

B200,000 or more, then the division of such receipt 

between the Producer and you shell be altered to 823% 

to the Producer and 172% to you, such elteration to © 

apply to the total gross receipts of theyssid two conse- 

cutive films end not to the receipts in excess of 

b-200,000 only. Likewise if the gross receipts from a 

the British +sles on the Wilcox pictures to be delivered 

to you téken collectively shail amount to &600,000 

re, S nener 

re ae 

on al 

(if 6 are delivered) end &500,000 (if 5 are delivered) or 
more, then the divisicn of such receipts between the Pro- 
ducer end you shail be altered to 324% to the Producer 
end i7#% to you, such alteration to apply to the totel 
gross receints o. seid films and not to the receipts in 
excess of 600,000 only or £500,000 only, as the cage 
may oe.” . 

Both agreements to contain the usual distribution provisions. / 

| _gane General Maneger felt that on these two particu- 
ler transac ons he woulc like to have the approvel of the Board. 
It was | < 
RESOLVED, thet the General Maneser be authorized to 
consumiate the transactions along the fore- 
going lines. : 
t : 
/ The General Manager reported that there had been“an 
exchange of cables between Alexander Korda, London Films and hime 
self in regard to the application made by London Films for the 
right to distribute elsewhere the picture entitled "THE FIRST AND 


_The General Menager further reported that after e 
number of cables had been exchanged he, OmJuly 22nd, with the 
epprovel of Niss Pickford, Mr. Goldwyn, Mr. Schwertz and Mr. 
Ericksen, had sent to Mr. Korda the following ceole (copies of 
which he sent to the four heretnebove mertioned): ¥ 

"NLT . 








—— | er ROL Oe >> pe eh ee 

= -Ge 
4 a 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously 
cerried, it was 

RESOLVED, that the ection of the General Manager 
pe and is hereby ratified. 

The General Manager reported that he had just. received 
from London Films, taro Mr. Archibald, recuest.that the pice 
ture called "T CHALLENGE” be treated by this corooration as 4& 
British Empire Pilm ont tc be distributed in the United Kingdom 
at 17a%, and likewis@-to be distributed in the British Expire 
only. The letter request dated July 22nd from Loncon Films, 
above mentioned, was read to the Board. 

The General “anager mentioned-in connection thereto, 
thet although he was vested with the right to give distribution 
in the British Isles to such picture, vpon terms more favorabie 
to London Films than those accorded to any steckholder-producers, 
he was not in a legal positicn to deel with the matter for the 
reason that by virtue of the “favorite nation" clause Selznick 
International Pictures could cieim as fevorable terms as may be 
given to "THE CHALLENGE” in the, British Isles. 

hen Thé General Manager stated nll gh proposed immedtately 
writing to Selznick International Pictures in order_to secure 

their consent “aot giving distribution to London Films ‘on this 

picture in the Brftish Isles et 173%. 

The Géneral Manager further stated thet the terms of 
distribution in regard to "THE CHALLENGE” in the British Empire 
(other than British Isles) would be ideyticel witn those now 
accorde@ to the steckholder-producers. by 

‘ pili F = 

~" he General “anager reported that he hed received nuz- 

erous requests from the various producers to pe given their 
reduction in England end thet after consulting with Miss Piekfora, 
Loyd Wright, for Mr. Ghartes Cheplin, Mr. Mulvey for Mr. Gold- 
wyn, Mr. Ericksen for kr. Douglas Feirbanks, and after further 
conferring with Mr. Raftery on behalf of the corooration, sil 

of whom were in agreement, he had sent the following cable to 
London: - ; 



* . Me Rag Armee PPG s4 ; 
Re ee ae See ee ee ee ae ee eee 


"Aucust 3, 1956. 

Upon motion duly made, seconded end unsnimously. carried, it 
was t 

RESOLVED, that theaction of the General Manager be and is 
hereby ratified. 


The Generel “anager reported that a new agreement 
had been entered into with Waiter Wanger and Waiter Wanger 
Pictures, Inc., dated July 26, 1936, and that such agreement 
hed been signed on behalf of the corvoration by Loyd Wricht; 
after the above mentioned agreement had been read tc the Board 
upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously cerried, it was 

RESOLVED, that the Boerd hereby ratifieg the action of 
Mr. Loyd Wright in having sighed such arreément. 

i. The General Manager reported thet negotiations had 
been entered ints for the enrloymert of Lynn Farnol «s Head of 
the Publicity end Advertisinw Department end briefly outiined- 
the agreement, offering same for the perusal of any director 
who desired to read it. The General Manager stated that the 
agreement had been prepared by Mr. Raftery. ; 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimougly Me 
carried, it was _ ; 
RESOLVED, that the Generel Manager is hereby suthor- 
: ized to execute such agreement on behelf 
of the corporation. 

The General Manager submitted his expense account in 


» . ® 


connection with his visit abroad from June 15th to duly ii, 1936, 
end in return of his family to New York; he also submitted his 
expense account in connection.with his visit to Celiforniea from 
July 14th to August 1, 1938. 

The above expense accounts havings beer read to the 
Board, upon motion duly made, seconded end unanimously carried, 
it wes 

RESOLVED, $aat.same be epproved and Mr. Reftery 
authorized to append his approvel thereto. 

The General Manager reported that he had varicus com- 
munications from London Films in regard to their cleim that they 
should be reimbursed for second trailers made by them in connec- 
tion with the distribution of their pictures. 

The General ~anazver reported thet he had conmsuited Mr. 
Reftery thereon as to the lesal interpretaticn of the contract, 
and that Mr. Reftery had edvised it was the spirit end Antention 
of the distribution agreements that the cost of all. 
connection with trailers, be borne by the sroducer 
intention was clear that the corporation, in terri 
of the United States wes to pay for the cost of o 
ers or dupe negatives, but certainly not the cost 
production of such treilers. ees 

itive trail- 
the - 


The above ruling was noted by the board, there being 
no objection thereto: - ” ; 

The Generel Manager reported that he had had a discus- 

sicn with Mr. Joseph M. Schenck and that tbe tter was inter- : 
eee s"te acauirine from e corporat on his itt fisurence policy. 

The Gaerel Menacer fufther reported that Mr. Ericksen and Mr. 
McKay were opposed to the corporation disposing of same. The 
matter was tabled.fog further consideration. 

The Generel Manager reported that efter discussions 
with certein of the stockholders, it was felt thet in view of 
the business of the corvoretion now being transacted in the City 
of New York, and furthermore, that no meetings were to be held 
in California, it was expedient that the office of Secretary be 
Vesteé in e person resident in New York City. 

Furthermore, that it was necessary to secure the resig- 
. nation of Loyd Wright as Secretery before electing & new secre- 

tary. me ‘ 

That in view of the change as aforesaid, that it WER 




the feelings of the stockholders that there was no need to have 

leval advice upon-an annual retainer basis in California. It - 

was the consensus.of the meeting that the fiatmer of handling 
the situation Si6ula be left .to the General Manager, who was to 
negotiate with Mr. stent lathe terminatfon of his arrangement 
with the Compeny, and tha€ ‘he resort to the Board at 4 later . 
dete of the result of his negotiations. ; 

The General Menarcer reported that he was in recéipt cof —— 

& copy of ea tetter dated July 18th, written by £. HK. George, 
Director of London Fiims, Ltq., recuesting that the arransement 
of accounting on a one-week basis for London Fiims be continued 
for @ further period of six months” as from the 30th of June last. 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously 
carried, it was 

RESOLVED, that such request of London Filns be 

; The Genéral Menager reported that he has been advised 

by Mr. Muller that all banks nd&i been notified of the cancella- 
tion of signestures of Dr. A. H. Giennini, Thomas L. Wigeker and 
Leo Samuels. oo as : 

The General Manager further reported thet he had been 

advised by Mr. Muller that 1 documents, papers, records, ete. 
that were in the calinpeiie bftioe of the corporation had now 

been received in New York anf were et the warehouse of the cor- 



poration. : Sete 

The General Menager reported that he hed been-sdvisedy 
by Mr. Kelly that the agreement, authorized atthe previous 
meetings, in connection with the picture "SON OF SHEIK” in 

(Export) Ltd., Allied Artists, Ltd. held on June 30, 1936, cer- 
tified copies of which he produced to the Bosrd and subsecuently 
to be given to the Tre@surer. 

The General Manager stated that the important matters 
contained therein had already been dealt with by the Delaware 

Board at the previous meeting, but thet such minutes were avail- 



able for the perusal of any Director of the Delawere ecorsoretion. 

é : ps: 
os 3 - =e 


: The General Manager further reported that he had 
received a comprehensive toarne from Mr. Archibald, dated 
July 15, 1958, on the ODEON situation, together with reports 
and schedules dated June 30, 1935, that had been prepared by 
Thorson MeLintock * Co, Chartered Accountants of London, in 
connection with the proposed negotiations that had been opened 
up by Mr. Deutsch with Prudential Assurance Co.. Ltd. for 
finance from thet compeny. 

In view of the lengthy nature of the report it wes 
not read to the meeting but placed at the disnosal of each 
director. - 

Tee General “anager also repdrted thet he had also 
received from Mr. Archibald draft mimutes of directors meetings 
of Entertainments * General Investment Corp., Ltd., and . 
County Cinemas Ltd, held on June 28, 1938, both of these being 
subsidtary companies of Odeon. “These draft minutes were made 
aveilsble to any of the directors wishing to read same. —— 

All of the above documents were delivered by the Gen- 
erel “anager to the Treasurer, who in turn wes instructed to 
permit each of the directors to read and analyze each of the 
documents separately. 

The General “anager reported that in view of Odeon ” 
being in arrears in film rentals, that ‘after consultine certain 
directors and stockholders he had authorized the English Company 
to meke payments in anticipation of the collection of such ffi 
rentals and & covering letter was sent to each producer concerned 
to the effect that such payments were in the nature of an ad- 
vance in anticipation of the producers* share of film rmtals 
and that we had the right to recoup such advanees from any 
monies being due to the procucer concerned in the future, thus 
preserving our legal rights thereto. Mr. Raftery confirmed 
that such was the legal position. © fe 

On motion duly mad seconded and unenimously carried, 
it was 

RESOLVED, thet the action of the Generel Manager 
be ratified. 

__.._. The General Menacor—presosted—thet sometime ago a 
resolution had been passed authrizing Dr. Giannini, to deal, 
in his discretion, with any recuests made by any producers for 
the return of the distribution rights of a picture deemed to be 

————not-suiteble- for non-English speaking territories, the formula 

ee ee 



therefor beins, that shotiid the management of a locel non- 
English speaking subdsiiiery be of the opinkm that a pic- 
~ture is not suitable for that territory- snd such opinion 
ceing confirmed by the producer concerned, then in that 
event Dr. Giannini was given the power to decide whether or 
not such victure should HF returned to such producer for 
such territory without the corvoration thereefter being 
entitled to any commission on any deal that might be made by 
io er in connection therewith, -with any other dis- 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unenimously > 
earried, it was 

RESOLVED, that the power granted to Dr. Giannini 
as above Set forth and for the purposes 
above mentioned, be conferred uson the 
General Manager. . rekoines 


. »~ The Generali Manager reported that he had received a 
letter from Mr. Dennis F. O*Brien dated Ausust 2nd, advising 
that Mr. Clarence Fricksen on behalf of Dourclas Fairbanks and 
the Elton Corsoration, had directed him "to recuest United 
Artists Corp. to provide Mr. Fairbanks or the Elton Corrore- 
tion with the same tyne of supplemental agreement that was _ 
issued to Mr. Samuel Goldwyn, and has since been recuested by 
Mr. Charles Chaplin and Miss Mary Pickford or The Pickford 
Corporation, 911 nursuant to awletter dated Iuly 18, 1938, 
sent to him by Mr. Clarepre Ericksen." 

Upon motfon duly made, seconded end unanimously 
carried, it was 

RESOLVED, that the corcoration agrees to such 
recuest and that Mr. Silverstone,-tnd 
General Maneger, be authorized to exe- 
cute an agreement to be drawn by Mr. 
Raftery along identical lines as that 
of Mr. Charles Chaplin. 

The General Manager reported fat ne ‘had received & 

communication from Neil McCarthy, in connection with the Howard 

_ Hughes cleim, outlining the cleinms of his client. pag 

Upon moticn duly made, seconded and unanimously 
carried, it was ag 



x t 4 i 
oy , See. ee ate S iin Ay 
es boot Sed + sixi* woe Sex mee UP PS ae Ee eORe why es Si 
rE Stet Oe eG AO Re ee tt oa ae SL” eae Te a Te ON ce ae Ok ee a ee Pee 

- ‘ 

RESOLVED, that the subfect matter of Mr. McCarthy's 
letter be continued to be dealt with by 
Mr. Reftery in consultation with the Gen- 
erai Manager. ~ 

Mr. Raftery nede detailed resort of the progress of the 
Gtssute. = 

The General Menager stet®a thet Mr. Raftery hed men- —__ 
_ tioned to him that he had received bilis from the. Hays 
Organization es follows: e 

{a} Ledirk, et Bbissee nicer sbececncenvaeescHlibe. Sl, 
plus Seoerseseeesersceorveoeeeoepze 59.64 

(b) SRREh VW. MOURG, Ob Bldocis kc cckcc ctudwr 66.28 
(c) Boston Anti-Trust suits bill......... 122.46 
{Disbursements} : 

Uy motion Guly made, seconded and unanirously car- 
ried, it was 

RESOLVED, that such accounts be peid and where 
already paid such payment be and is 
hereby ratified. - 

Mr. Raftery reported to the meeting that a case 
hed been started by 2 

{e) Gary Theatre Co. v. Paramount et el in theU. sg. 
District Court in Chicago and which hes to do with 
B & K clearances; * a Scot le tn Klee 

(>) Le Cragsse-v. U. A. et el. = Anti-Trust in Wisconsin. murah 
The Board duly noted in the above. 

Mr. Raftery presented e bill by Mr. F. M. Guedalle 
in the sum of &241-15-0 in connection with services ren- 
dered by him to Miss "Pickford end Mr: Douslas Fairbanks re 
the reorgenization of the company. The matter was tabled 
with e fecommencetion that the General “aneger discuss it 

with Miss Pickford woon her errivel here next week. 


Mr. Raftery submitted his account for personal ex- 

“penses in the sum of $381 in connection with his visit 

to tondon es attorney for the corporation in reference 
to the reorgenizaétion of the company. 

Upon motion duly mace, seconced and unarimously 
earried, it wes 

—-~-PESOLVED, that sueh-eecount is hereby approved 

without further eccountin and thet the ~~ 
Generel Kkanager is eutnorized to append 
his spproval thereto. 

In-regard to the lew suit instituted by the Government . 
against the major motion picture companies, including this 
orpéretion, and against certain of tne stockholders, 

“officers and employees of the Corporetion, Messrs. ow 

end Raftery gave the ~eeting © full report as to what hep 

pened since the law suit wes started; ‘nat in all probabii- ~~ 
ty the time for the defendants to pieed will be extended 

to November 1, 1956. It was the recommendation of coun- 

sel thet as far as United Artists was concerned the com- 

plaint should te attacked for insufficiency. It wes 
therefore, on motion duly meade, seeonded end unanimously 

carried, ee ; Sane 

RESOLVED, that the defense of tne United Artists 

" Coroors‘ion should be undertaken seper- 
ately by counsel for the corporation in 
consultation with the Generel Manager 
and with the Board of Directors, and that 
no expense of any substantial nature shall 
be incurred without first securing the ap-~ 
proval of the Boerd. 

It was further 5 

RESOLVED, the®eny officer, director or stocknolder 
of this Corporation, and this shell apply 
to any pest officer, stockholder or director, 
whe hes been nemed es ea defendant and for 
whem the General Counsel of this corporation 
is héreby“suthorized to ect, shell have the ~ 
privilece of having « defense put in without 
expense but at the sole expense of the gsor- 
n noration by counsel for the Corporation. sil 

Cees ae oe at te ke Oe ee ge 

_fox.the seven months endins July W, 1955, tut as Scon ss 
zy It would be circuieted ay tae General Manéger 

wi sang 

In re Better Business Drive: Mr. Scheefer wes unadie 
to attend the meeting as he was engegsd in 6 very isportent 
conference with customers, ewey from tae office. nis mate 
ter therefore was referred to the General Manerer for his 
consideration end to secure 2 full report from Mr. Schaefer 
rezerding seme. 

yl. ‘The Corporetion received from Benx of Anerice 
Nationel Trust and Sevings Association & Mortgeze, Pledze 
and Security ement dated Juiy 22, 1958, between Selznick 
Internetionsl etures, Inc. and the bank which essigns the 
producer's share of the revenus on the pieture "YOUNG IN 
HRART® tc the bank covering ioans uP te $500,000. Upon 
epproveal by counsel we signed the stributor's Acceptance. - 

2. Export hes now sold the bdelence of the italian - 
Treasury Doller Sonds, nemely, $76,600- per velue, at é 
Siscount of 36% from per velue. Approval of this ection wad- 
obteined from all producers involved and from the New Fork 
directors of the Corzoretion individueily. 

The above was duly noted end approved. 

The General Meneger reported thet the Treasurer hed 
net been eble te have ready the rative estimseted Income 
and Profit Sheet of, the Cor: und its subsidisries 

it wes 
to each of the directors. 

In reference to the pictures, “ACTEON FOR SLANDER® 
and "SOUTH RIDING", Mr. Raftery reported that there hed been 
considersble correspondence over 2 veriod of many months wih 
the English compeny, particuisriy in connection with the 
essichrents in regard thereto, end thet the metter had been 
dealt with between the office of the Generei counsel, Mr. 
archibeld, Mr. Quenmeli and others. 


Some time aco Yr. Victor Seville signed a contrect with 
Metro-Goidwyn-Mayer to for thet company end 
which esereement we held as beine techniceily in violetion of 
the exclusivity provision in the contract between Victor i 
Sevilie Productions, Ltd. end ourselves. 

Oe re oh > =, % aa ea : ee a (an em 
Soy sx oes . i > ; - 
* = S- —- oa ead = = : 
: 3 
- Pn 

“ = -id- ~ 
In Zien of the surgestioghede that Victor Seville 

Productions would sue United Artists for what at ellezed 
to be Ff -aistributicn, it wes decided st = mest ne in 

- Gelifornie thet we woid_acly release the Seville Produc- 
tions and Mr. Victor Saville frox their oblizetion to 
deliver two further pictures and thereby eneble him to 
work for Ke+ro-Goldwyn-Meyer uson tonditicn thet he en¢ the 
Séveille company signed « senersl release in eonsideration 
therefor. This general release, which wes in the first 
instance prepared by Nr.. Quennell, has been eporoved bdr the 
generei counsel of this corporatiom® end hes deen sént to 
Mr. Archibeld with the understandins that it is to be erxe- 
cuted by Mr. Victor Seville and Victor Seville Productions 
simultaneously with the Gelivery by Mr. Archibald so Victer 
Saville end Victor Seville Productions of the cencelleticn : 
of the obligation on their pe to celiver two further 
pictures. - — 

There, however, remeins «4 question es te-how the tro 

pictures, "ACTION FOR SLANDER" end *"SOUYE RIDIEG® are to be 
a Geclt with in relat e_our distrimtion ecreseat-xith—____ 

London Film Productions, iLtc. since these two pictures were 
Gelivered te us by London Filrs. Correspondence on this 
subject, written to us by ir. Architeld end eomteining therein z 
numbers of letters on the subject, including letters from a 
Girector of London Filus, clearly shows thet these txo pictures, 

while ielive to us by. London Films were duced end 
ere the property of Fistor Sevtile oduetisns fea.” Con- 

sicering ell of the facts end cireumstences es outlined in 

the lengthy correspondence, copies of which ere evaeileble 

to eny member of the Boerd who may wish to peruse sere, : 

it wes unenimous =f * SLANDER? 
end "SOUTH RIDING" be acopted by this Cornoretion in the 

seme cete S DARK JOURNEY «es eacceptec end thet appro- 

priete document therefor be drewn by general counsel of 

this corsoration and sent to London Filzs for their signa- 




In connection with the Irrevocebdle Authority on the 
pacture "RETURN OF TEF SCARLET PIMPERNEL", which hed been given 
to the general counsel 6f the corporetion, Mr. Reftery reported 
that seme hed been signee by the corporation es euthorized by « 
resolution &t the previous meoting end that it hed been 
sent to the London office with « eclistersi teresment to be 
executec simultaneously thererith. In addition theréto a 
letter hed been sent by the genersl counsel, & copy of which 

& : 

e ‘ 7 Se. A, See Se PE i er 
“_ > “net oe rarely —_ ~ os eR He LES, ep ewes 
aes - egg an ——s ¢- eee 
Bee - ie ee 
< # 
> ‘ é 4 
. o ITS o ~ #8 
- ° >* = > 
sin a . . ~~ 
a oe 
\ ein 
& ~+~— 
} -i9-- 

is available to the directors, to the London office, ask- 
ing for clarification of certain points in connectién with 

the delivery of this picture by London Filss. 

- Raftery revorted to the meeting that it head been 
curred es his attention thet Atlantic Pictures were adver- 
tising certain old photoplays, now being distributed vy ~~ 

Atlantic Pictures,-as United Artists Pictures.——¥r. Reftery 
‘aoe ~ was ising ee ee Deeiately to stor such 

There being no further business before the meeting, S 
te same wes , upon motion Guiy made and seconded, sd‘ourned 
> = 







July 8, 1938 

Board of Directors : 
United Artists Corporation ; ‘ 

Gentlemen: ; 

I herewith resign as a director of 
United Artists Corporation, such resiznation 
to be effective only when tha Secretary or 
the Assistant Secretary of the company holds 
resignations from all but five of the present 

Yours very truly, 

Wibod likib (pow VOU) Ses aetce 

Saditee camaaiel 
ae “729 SEVENTH AVE matt pom BOL OWYN 
~ July 13, 1938. 
- } 

Mr. Edward ©, Raftery, 

Assistant Secretary of 

United Artists Sorporation, 

152 West 42nd Street, 

New York, N. Y. « 

Dear Ea: . & 

In conformity with the plan of reorganizing 
the Board of Directors confining it to five only, please 
accept this as my resignation. 


f August 15, 1938. 



A special meeting of the Board o Directors of United 
Artists Corporation was held on Monday, August 15,1938, at 11 
o*ciock A. M., at the offices of the Comoration, pursuant toan 
adjournment of the meeting of August 4, 1938. 

There were present the following directors: - 

Charles Schwartz, . 

James Mulvey, 

Dennis F. O*Brien, 

Edwerd C. Raftery, 4 

constituting @ quorum. 

There were also present: © Va 
Emanuel Silverstone, representing Alexander 
M. Silverstone, General Manager. 
H. J. Muller,” Treasurer. 

Mr. O*Brien acted es Chairman of the meeting, and Mr. 
Raftery acted as Secretary. 

Mr. O'Brien reported that the meeting had been called to 
supplement the resolution which was passed at the meeting of 
of Aucust 4, 1938, which resolution was reported on page 10 of the 

minutes of said meeting and was concerned with the new arrangement 


A ; } - 
with Walter Wanger Productions, Inc. and Walter Wenger. . 

After discussion, it was moved, seconded and 

unenimously resocived as follows: e 

Caiifornia corporetion, hereinafter referred to es WANGER 
COR ORATION, is indebted to this corporetion, UNITED ARTISTS 
CORPORATION, in the’sum of epproximately $640,000. and. interest o 
verious loans obtained by seid WANGER COR-ORATION from this 

corporation for the production of motion picture photoplays; 

WHEREAS, seid WANGER CORPORATION proposes to borrow 
tional banking association, hereinsfter referred to as 
the bank, further sums of money not to exceed in the aggre- 
ete the sum specified in the second supplemental agreement 
ed August 2, 1938, for the production of motion picturé 
ae S and for other purposes, including the payment 
schargé of en obligetion of said WANGER COP°ORATION 
to CONSOLIDATED FILM INDUSTRIES, INC., hereinafter referred 
to es CONSOLIDATED, under an egreement between said WANGER 
CORPORATION and sald CONSOLIDATED deted June 17, 19875 and 
WHEREAS, the benk recuires es a condition of said loan 
or loens that ail of the indebtedness of seid Wanger Corcora- 
tion to this cor oration shall be subordinated and made 
unior to the obligations of said WANGER CORPORATION to the 
and also recuires that the oe A oF this cor- 
poration for its loans to seid WANGER CORDORATION shell be 
subordinated and made junior to the security taken or to be 
taken by the bank for its loans to said WANGER CORPORATION. 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, thet thfs cornoration 
subordinate to ell existing end all future ikmns to be made 
by the benk to the said Wanger Corporation, including 4ll 
existing indebtedness of said Wenger Corporation to the 
bank end seid additional loans not to exceed the sum pro- 
vided for in the agreem@yt dated Februery 7th, 1938, and the 
supplemental agreement GWeted March 16, 1938, and the 
second supplementel agreem@at dated August 2, 1938, and to the 

: ~ 

ee ae wn i ape see ee meen aren eee yy ap el mal 

security teken and to be taken by the bank for said 
loans, the seid indebtedness and any future indebted- 
ness of said WANGER CORPORATION to this corporation, 
together with ana including the-security therefor; and 


BE IT RESOLVED, that the President or any Vice 
President, together with and including the secretary or” 
any assistent secretary of this corporation be, and they 
hereby are authorized, empowered, and directed to execute 
in the name of this corporation, and to deliver to said 
bank such agreements or instruments of subordination as 
shall be effective to accomplish the pursoses eforesaid 
and as the bank shall require as an inducement to it to 
make said edditional loans to WANGER COR-ORATION. 

There being no further gusiness before the mesting, the 

seme was,upon motion duly made and seconded, adjourned. 

Pa | Pe 


Go Fs 



. An edjourned reguler meeting of the Boerd of Directors 

of UNITED ARTISTS CCORPCR/ TION was held on Wednesdey, September 7, 
1938, et eleven o*clock A. M., et the offices of the Corporation, 
729 Seventh Averue, New York City, New York, pursusnt to notice 
given by the Assistant Secretary, and in accBrdance with the By- 




Mr. Edward C. Raftery, being the only director present, 
~~“Guly adjourned the meeting until Thursdey, September 68, 1938, 
ét two-thirty P.M. 


~~ jBaward c. Reftery 
OTE 2 Acting Setretary 
rail . " + 

September 8, 1935. 




An edjourned regular meeting of the Board of 
Directors of United Artists Corvoratton was held on Thursday, 
September 8, 19358, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at the offices of 
the Corvoration, 72% Seventh Avenue, New York City, voursuant 
to an adjourmment of the meeting of September 7, 1956. 

There were present the following directors: 

Charles Sohwertz, — ° 
Jemes Mulvey, ; 
Dennis F. O*Brien, 
Edwerd C. Raftery, # 
constituting e cquorum, 
There were also present: 

Emanuel Silverstone, representing Alexander Korda, 

M. Silverstone, General Menager, 
H. J. Muller, _ Preasurer, 
N. A. Mckay ton 

Mr. O'Brien acted as Chairman of the meeti 
end Mr. Raftery acted es Secretery. ey 


; 1. The General Manager presented to the meeting 
the resignation of Loyd Wright, as Secretery of the Corpora- 
tion end es its West Coast Legel Adviser, effective as of 
September 1, 1936. The resignation was read to the Board, 
together with the letter thet hed been written in reply by 
the Generel Manager to Mr. Loyd Wright. 

Upon motion duly made, secended and unani- 
mously carried, it was ae 

RESOLVED, that this Boerd accepts with regret 
the resienetion of Mr. Loyd Wright 
and fully endorses and approves the 
remarks made te . Loyd Wright as 
expressed in the General Manager's 
reply to him above mentioned. 

<a “ 
poet a 

eo ete deh 

eee a 


26 The post of secretary being vacant, the Chair called 
for nominetions to fill the veécancy. Edward C. Reftery wes nome 
inetea and duly seconded. There being no further nominetions, 
the polls were declered closed. Upon motion duly made, seconded 
and unanimously carried, it was , “~~ 

RRGOLVED, that Mr. Bdwerd C. Reftery be and he 
hereby is declared elected Secretary 
of the Corporation to teke effect 
immediately. ’ A over WMS 

Mr. Raftery then presented his resignation as Assistant Secretary 

of the Corporstion. 

3. The General Menager then made a detailed resort regardipg 
Welter Wenger Productions, Inc., end particularly esked « prov 
of the execution of an agreement between Benk of Arerice Nettonal 

st and Savings Associetion and Walter Wanger, Inc., which head - 
been accepted by United Artists Corporation end which had been 
executed by the distributor after spproval by coufisel. 5 

“~ ‘ 

‘ Upon motion duly made, seconded and unenimously carried, 
t wes ~ 

RESOLVED, that the action of the officers of the 
Corporation in signing the eforementioned 
document be end is hereby ratified. 

4. Mr. Reftery reported that he had written toMr. Quennell - 
in regard to the stock certificetes of the English and Cofitinental 
compunics and hed received & reply from Mr. Quennell which wes 
read ® the meeting. Mr. Raftery wes directed hy the Bosra to 
notify Mr. Quennell to proceed as suggested in his letter. 

De The General Manager reported that there had been deliv- 
erea to the Treasurer, for the availability of any director who 
wished to see the same, the annual accounts of Odeon Theatres, 
Ltd., together with full reports from Mr. Archibald, including 
minutes, egendsa, correspondence and memoranda, together with ea 
cepte reporting the esrnings of Odeon Theatres, together with 
&@ revort thet Mr, Lewis had been elected e director of Odeon 
Cinema Holdingsg Ltd. in place of Mr. Silverstone, as previously 
epproved by the ard. The Treasurer wes directed to make 
sveilable to each of the directors in turn ell of the documents 
referred to, so that each director could famiYierizé himself 
with the situation. 

6. Mr. Muller advised that he hed received from London e 


fs Fe 

> =~ 

‘copy (for nis files) of the Cancellation Agreement between 
United Artists Coro. Ltd., United Artists (Export) Ltd., 
the seven Continentel Compenies and Mr. M. Silverstone. 


Ts The General Naneger submittec toythe meeting a 
report which he had received from the Treasufer in regerd 
to the stock certificetes and the Board of Directors of the 
various subsidiaries of the compsny. The report was read 
to the meeting and the Secretary wes directed to send a copy 
of the same te each of the stockholders. It spp¢ering thet 
there is a _vacaney in the directorate of the Canadian company, 
caused by the phownccale =a of Dr. A. H. Giannini, fit was 

RESOLVED, thet Mr. Cherles Schwartz be elected 
“ @ director of the United-Artists Cor- 
. poration, Ltd. in Canada in place of 
Dr. Giannini, and thet the one share 
of stock hejd by Dr. Giennini in that 
corporation be transferred to Mr. 
Schwartz, to be endorsed by Mr. Schwartz 
in bDisnk end delivered to the Treasurer 
of this Corporation. 

It wes further ° 

RESOLVED, that other than the change sugeested 
in the foregoing resolution, the stock 
certificates continue tc be held as they 
ere now held in the compeny, and that the 
FA same directorate continue as above. 


+ - ~-— — 

8. The denerai ilies < Teported that grmaihciee reso- 
lution of this Board had left it to the General Mansezer as to 
the composition of the Board of United Artists (Export) Ltd. 
end the verious Continental Subsidiaries. This matter was, 

, now being given careful consideration and report thereon would 
be subuitted to this Beard at the next meeting. 

9.- ' The General Manager reported that Allied Artists 
+. Corp. Ltd. (England) is a company with. &. 10 Capital and does 
a operate et all. Whén the corvoretion started business in 
glands they could not use the name UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION, 
eM os it had been contracted aay to one Morris Greenhill. 
*y ¥hen lr. Greenhill did not pretect the registration of the 
name by allowing it to lapSé because of its non-activity, we 
incorporated a ¢ompany called United Artists Corp. Ltd. for 

L100"4nd subsequently chenged the name of Allied Artists to 


United Artists Corp. Ltd.-nnd simultaneously chenged the name 
of United Artists,Corp. Ltd. to Allied Artists. It is import= 
ent that the Cornoration keep Allied Artists zoing merely to : 
orotect the name and prevent its use by eny other person. The 
stock of Atified Artists is owned by United Artists Corporation; 
it is issued in various nominees of e Corsorstion's and the 
stock certificates with transfer a Signed in blenk attached 
thereto, sre deposited in the Gucrent} Trust Co.), “Pall Mell 
Brench, London,. England, subject to withdrawal otily by order of 
* the Bonre of Directors of United Artists Corporation of 
Delaware. The present Directors sre: Messrs. M. Silverstone, 
Charles Schwartz Arthur W. Kelly, F. M. Guadella, &. T. Garr ® 
and George Archibald, It is proposed thet as and when the 
Directors other than Messrs. Siiverstone, Carr and Archibald are 
uy for election that they be not re-elected to the Boerd so 
that ultimately, there will be only three in view of the mn- 
activity of that company. 

i ,The suggestion was unanimously approved by the 
oar . 


10. The General Manager stated that the Treasurer 
had prepered an analysis of the reliationshin between the various 

subsidiary compenies of this corporation, and the corsoretion itcelfr 

(other then England and Continentel Europe which hed already 

~~eeen deslt with et previous meetings of this Board) hed been mece, 

and the following memorandum compiled by the Treasurer was reed 
to the Board: ; 


"The coumission arrangements with our subsidiery companies . 
and unincor oreted branches (csutside of England and the 
Continent) ere as follows: ; 

Subsidiary Companies 


CRAAER io. ee $ 






a < 5 ; "Gnas 

Unincorzorated Brenches 

CHINA None s 




PERU None 

. ; 
None of the comission arrangements *2 in writing or are there 

any frenchise egreements between the Deleware Company end its 
subsidiaries or branches as above mentioned." 

It was recommended tothe Bbard that the relationship 
between the subsidisries, Uwnincor orated branches and the corpora-, 
tion, remain at present existing. 

Upon motion duly made, seconded end unanimously eerried, - 
it was ; 

RESOLVED, that the recommendation of the General 
Menager be followed. 


ll. Mr. Q*Brien civised the meeting that the assessment 
made by the United States Govermmént ageinst the Cor>oration in 
regerd to the a@lendar year 1935, in the sum of $59,434.22 had now 
been wiped out and that they were not pressing this cleim. It 
must be bowne in mind that the. wiping out of this assessment, 
while eonroved by the Interns? Revenue ent in Cherge in New 
York, hes to be finally epproved by Wash ngton,. It is antici- 
petgd that Washington will approve fhe ection of tne New York of- 
fice, but until they do so Mr. Muller is continuine the reserve 
on the books of the Corsoration in « sum approximating the ae 
above. ‘ 


12. Mr. Emenuel Silverstone advised the r ceint of a 
cable from Mr. Alexander Korda, recuesting the sem@ azreement as 
had been given Mr. Chaplin (being similar to the one given to Mr. 
Samuel Goldwyn, deted July 22, 1936). Mr. Reftery had ‘been re- 

uested to and hed drawn this agreement. 

——-——~ Upon motion duly made, seconded and unenimously 
carried, it wes 
( ResoLvep, that the Generel Manager be and is hereby __ 
euthorized to execute such egreement as 
prepered by Mr. Reftery. $ 

- a“ 

13. The General Manager reported that Miss May 
Pickford had verbally recuestedi that she be given*a letter. 
to the effect that it is the intention of this cornoration’> 
to cefend her at the expense of the corvoretion in the ection 
brought by the U. S. Govermme~t_egainst verious companies and 
individuals in the motion yictiure industry. A similer request 
had been made oreviousby by Dr. Giannini and such written es- 
surence had been #iven him; it wes anticiveted thet similar 
recuests would be mede by others named es defendants end in 
connection with the compeny. 

4 Upon moticn duly meade, seconded and unanimously 
carried, it was oe 
RESOLVED, that in regerd to the resolution passed = 

by the Board et the wevious meeting, fur- 
nishing to the past and present officers 

end direetors of the company the services 

of general counsel, the Generel Manager 

be authorized and empoweréd ‘to inform the 
past and present officers and directors 

of the company of such resolution, and to 
furnish them letters accordinzly. sah 


i4. The General Manager celled to the attention of the 
Bosrd thet the matter of Joseph M., Schenck*s life insurance 
policies hed been postponed fromthe previous meeting snd since” 
thet time he had been 4pproached by Arthur Stebbins, who deelis 
with Mr. Schenck's insurance matters, in regard to the pourche 
by Mr. Schenck of the insurance polities issued on his iife, 
favor of the corporstion. Detailed, comprehensive revort hed 
been prepared by Mr. Muller as to the status of these policies. 
which regort was presented to the meeting. 

The metter was tabled for the next meeting,., 

15. The General Manager reported that minutes of ea 
Directors Meeting held on May 6th of United Artists (Australesiae) 
Lta. had been received and givén to Mr. Muller. © There had been 
inciuced in such Minutes reference to the Australasia cuota pic- 
ture "TYPHOON TREASURE" which is about completed, for deiivery 
to this company, oursuent to-contrect heretcefore euthorized. 

i6. The General Meneger reported that the Government 
passed a lay reguleting the first, second and third run of pictures 
in key cities in New Zealand. Under these regulations, it gives 
the Government the right to establish what theatres should play 
first, second or third run, and in addition any sictures that do . 

4 <7- 

not heve « first rm cennot be sold for second or third run. 
The industry filed objections, claiming thet such matters 
should be referred to « committee that wes established to 
regulete the industry. After e protest filed by the Americen 
distributors;-e-Control Scart will probebly be set up to 
work out © method of ironing out their difficulties. In the 
meantime no selling for the forthcoming season should be 
commenced until the negotietions with the Government heve 
ectually been put into effect for the setting up of a Control 
Board. In order to seéure the sumport of the exhibitors, it 
wes suggested that no new contrect be made for servicing 
after Januery 1, 1939. 

At the present time the Corporetion hes 2 frenchise 
with one of the important circuits in the territory which 
expires in Novembem — Therefore, there is ample time for the 
Corporetion to do its next season's selling, which is done on 
a celendsr year basis. 

17. The Generel Manager reported thet in Englend 
there is en essocistion KINEMATOGHAPH HENTERS SOCLETY, in which 
ell American comoeanies ere members with the exception of 
20th Century-Fox who hed withdrewn from the Soclety because 
of verience with the Society's policy in regerd to "booking 
combines", more deteiled explenetion of which the General Mana- 
ger gave to the Board. WNegotisetions «re pending for the re- 
turn of 20th Century-Fox to the Society and one of the condi- 
tions upon which they were willing to rejoin, was « modifice- 

tion of the K.kK.S. policy on combines". There had 
been a mestine of the Hays organizet in New York when 4 
number of the rtent es hed ed to the conditions 
recuested - Century-Foz. Ae modificetion recuested 
wes so detrimental to the interests of each Of our producers, 

the Corporetion had teken the strongest possible ettitudé in 
opposine it even to the extent of advising the English repre- 
sentetive of the Hays organization that the Inclish subsidiery 
of United Artists would rether withdrew from the Z.R.S. then 
be a perty to it. The General Manager explained the conversa- 
tion he since hed with Mr. Hutchinson, the Foreign Manager of 
20th Century-Fox, and thet the latter was now willing to con- 
sider sny proposal that would not weaken the structure of the 
"booking combine” policy se 2 condition precedent to their 
returning to the K.k.S. The matter would, in ell probability, 
come up before the E.R.S. sometime in September when every. 
resistence would be offered by ¥r. Archibeld on instructions 
of the General Meneger. 

The action of the Generel Manager tn taking the 
attitude es above outlined was noted by the Boerd, there being 
no objection thereto. 

eee ee ~—_ 


S. ease 


16. The Generel Manecer revorted the folléwim re- 
garding NORWAY: BAUDER is contesting the right of Western 
Electrie in Secendinavien countries to use certain noiseless 
patents, contending. that it is an infrinzement of his patents. 
Ee net now Dfought on action-czainst Western Zlectric in Nor- 
way and the Cor oration has been edvised by Western Electric 
thet they do not intend to give us eny orotection there, so 
the Cor-cration will be compelled to pay trinle royalties. In 
the new efreement now being necotisted with Western Blectric 
every effort shoulc be made that they guarentee their petents 
in every territory cr alternstively in eny territory «here 
they infringe, e refund de allowed the Corporation te the ex- 
tent it hee to pay in order to be enabled to distribute its 
pictures there. 

19. The Generel & er reported the following re- 
gerding FRANCE: The French Government, notwithstanding re- 
Deated o s from the Americen industry, end subsecuently 

lint ech tee ateee apiece he throu eg chennels, has 
number of du € Ss to > 

montas period, avelliable to 3 Stctarss cepectixe oF where 
produced; the orcer of registration is first come, first 
served, - no registration can be mede until the picture hes been 
ectueily dubbed. This is & very #¢Tricw blow to 611 Americen 
compenies including this Comoretion; it hes ectueily held 

» ber of United Artists eases as the Corporation canno 

et Gubbing permits until. next_January for some of its 

last season*s product. The effect of this legislation will be 

& curteiiment of United Artists relesses in Frence this coming 
season,-and therefore of its income. The Corporation's ex- 
pensesgfortunctely, cannot be substantially cut, because of 

the rigid lebor lews and cther Govermmentel reguletions regard- 
ing employees, etce., recently passed. It therefore decomes 

very neeessery for the Corzoretiorn tc cecuire French pictures. 


Regercing the offer made dy Pressbdurger, which 
would meen disposing of the Corvorations business to hin, the 
matter hed been considered ama it wes felt that every effort 
should be mede to ecntinue the operetions of the Corvoration’s 
own business im France, notwithstendine the difficulties sbove 
mentioned, even to the extent of negotietine with procucers,- 

es for example, Pressburger, on the basis that we wouid be 
rrepered to give up e substantial share of cur profits in 

France to such producers of French pictures upon « formule to 

be discussed,-and when tentatively egreed upon, to se submitted 
to this Board for its considerction; in thet manner the Corpora- 
tion would still continue to operate and owm its business, but, 

—in practical effect, it would give a producer of French pictures, 

like Pressburger, or enyone else, = sudstanticl sntexess eer 

profits of the United ArtAsts Corsoration’s business, 

- Scan —“y se 
. for the period end to the extent thet they were contributing 
roaduct to the Coroqretion €= distinguished from giving it 
So them in verpetulty, £ letter from Kr. Archibeic cated 

August 17, i953, on this sudject wes reed to the Board. 

20. The Generel Keneger report=6 the followine re- 
garding ARGENTINE: The Argentine Goverment has imposed € 
sureherze tax whieh isc resily en exchange tax amounting to 
20% om merchanidise including film, imported into the Arzgen- 
tine. The Argentine Goverment through its Exchange Boeré, 
hes brought suit egainst METRO end PAR/MOUN? anc in the 
“Tuttiei action obtained a decision against these two ccmpenies 
who are eppealing This tex is & cleim egeinst <11 >roducers*® 
shere cf filmrentéls retroactive to 1935. The cese of the 
Goverment, briefiy, is that the walue of the srint is sot-the — 
basic cost of the manufecture of same but the value is its q 
eerning power in the territory, wheress the above film cas- 
venles cortend t the import cost is thet of the physicel 
making of the print end not the ecrning power of scme. The 

orccration's Argentine company has been served with notice 

to pey the beck surcharge tex; efter consultetion with Mr. 
Reftery end the Corporetion's local Argentine lawyer it hes 
een cecided thet the Corporation showksé defend its own esse, 
seperate end apert from-thet of Persmotint- end Metro, es the 
Argentine luwyer is of tre opinion thet the Cornoretion hes 

é chence of winning its suit on the besis that the surcherce 

t&x es it applies to motion victure firm is unconstitutionel. -— 

It wee surcested thet the vroducers be noti- 
fiec forthwith of the situetion in the Argentine. 

21. AUSTRIA: Austrie. heaving been inc.uced es 
pert of Germany, Is effected by the reguisticns concerning 
the importetion of pictures, export of money, es well te 
&s reciel restriction, with the result thet the Ccrvoration®s 
ousiness can be consicered to sll-intents end purposes, 
frozen. Any »rocucer desiring-tc distribute his pictures in 
Austrié (now pert of Grestem-Germaeny) must bear in mind thet 
ell he cen expect_is Bioccked Germen Marks. 

22. JAPAN: The embergo on the importetion of . 
pictures inte Jepn hes row been lifted by the Jepenscse Gov- 
ermment who propose issuins forthwith import perrits. Mr. 

Kelly edvised thet ell protucers were duly notified of the 
ceetion of the Japanese Government. Mr. Selly further ad- 
vised thet in regard to the export of money from Jepen, the 
Japenese Goverrment had tgreed to sliceete.e certain sum for 

this purpose to the motion picture industry, and thet the _— 


‘ we ‘ a Pema 5 ihe nari ee te Se FS ee eae 
= rt. . Bs ret nai eS <a POE ort. mal A — es = ese a ee, — 
a | ten i ne ae a et ae tS Rey OE oe eras a ee OB get ee 

Cor-ore tiorts share tnerect woulic de epproximetsiy 300,900 Yen 
($74,000 et the present rete of exchange) in regerd to sictures 
to te played off curing t#e  s<erics of one yeer commencing from 

2 dete yet tcbe cetcrmined. Certificates for the money sc 
eliocstec to us will te issued but will not be oeyeble until 
three yesre from dete. Thts ts of course # most unsatisfactory 
errengenent Sut in View of the finepciel eondition of Japan, 
perticulerly es « resuit of the wer with Chine, there is nothing 
thet cen be done cther than cf ecurse, by stayihe out of Javen 
which it is not ecviseble to do for ox so doing it would meen 
the Cor -oraticn would get nothing, wherees uncer the nresent 
srrengement there is some hbpe. Mr. Ke ly advises ell producers 
have been duly notified:end heave egreed in eriting t~ the fore- 
going; élso thet on September 6th he notified them of the my ec 
reguictions in referenge tc importation of pictures. 

3s08e6 = “tax ot SOF Gisrofits earned in Te nm but in certain = 
instenees she tex is <i pegorpes 4 7& of the srofit, the United -— 
Artists Corvcretion be within the letter category. 


Mr. Muller sévised thet there. is tied up in ; Je pel 
of Yen 639,000, which, at Png offidel rate of exchange 
“‘proximetely 28¢, emounts to $173,000. Most of nis £ 
to producers but United aah * chere of it —— 

metely Yen 100,0W or $26,000 wa : 

23. GREECE: The Generel Manece 
tion effecting the-importeticn end di 
films in Greece hes been recently pas 
to the effect thet <1l films imported cur 
be actually exhibited during the same period obje : oa 
orevent eccumulstion of pictures im the hends of Greek film dis- 
trivutors 4nd obvicusly being to limit imports to the setual needs 
of first run theatres in £thens. ; 


- inforretion eveil pl e, 
of teking serious catkins ceiuee this cormoretion in Spein, which 
of course would be dependent, es the will note, whether 
Generel Frenco wins the wer. The correspondence in questfon is 
mede eveileble to the Board. 

ee ee 

SPAIN: _The Trenco — hec peerage Progr 

—— —-- 

Thé General Meneger edvised he is in touch 

We ae ae a #¢ rc wt ~ SEO DO ee Ee NS ae NO ee 

: -il- 

with London in regard to the metter end had suggested that* 
General Frenco’s Government be informed that it was impossible 
to withdraw the picture from vorldwide cirenlsticn but thet 
United Artists Corporetion wes prepared to consider any retsonh- 
pein ree Le thereof, so es to please them. No doudt. 
the metter is « very sericons one rnf the rd c& e 
thet it will be deceit oh &8 uipiome tentty as SobsiSis ich 
& View of coming to an amicable errengement. 

Manager reported thet the Cor voration hed not orted any pic- 
tured into this territory for 4 considerable period beceuse of 
fhe Civil Wer; it has been opereting st-—s loss, but thet ioss 
a mer gt ina —— which are not et present exporteble. 

e pictures a - 
ssued over an er naain ack the Partatton ee re tt the 
be ie of completely shutting down an Sheree pene. 32 losing. 

he money it has tied up there which is tantiel 
of else meinteining the organization as at present, but ona ° 

smail basis and import e fewsyictures so és to keep things going. 

Several of the Corporetion"s sroducers heve egreed 
to cooperete to the extent of permitting us to import one picture 
eech and dub same in Spanish, with the pesetes thet ere tied up - 
in cpals exe owned by these respective poducers. This wiil 
eneble the Corsoration to continue at least for the time being 
unless as above mentioned, General Franco seizes its business 
in thet part of Spain now controlled by him because of the 
BLOCKADE episode. Mr. Muller advised that there is tied up in 
Spein approximately Spanish pesetas 3,000,000, which, et & 
rete of exchange of .064 amounts to $192,000. Most of this 
money belongs to producers but the Corvore*ion’s shere of it 
emounts ta epproximeteliy S. P. 900,000 which, at the rete of 
.064, is equal to $57,600. The Corporation hes heretofore 
written down its equity in Spain to $1.00. mS 

CODLECTIVB ACTION: e General Mensger reported that ere 
Is en organizaticn in Holland known as the BUND which prohibits 
_the entering into Hollend of any new film distribution compeny, 
elso prévents the erection of any new theatre; it has been felt 
thet this unsetisfectory state of affeirs hes continued too 
long and has hampered the progress of the industry in thet g's 9 
country; therefore, it hes been suggested by the Americen com- 
penies opereting inHobllend thet 611 companies shell stend to- 
gether for the purpose of eliminseting these unsetisfactory 
orovisions and in order to eccomolish this, ell egree to stay 
“out of Holland, if necessary. In view of the ob igation of 
this Corporation to distribute in every territory where it oper- 
ates its own exchange, or, alternetively, to procure distribu- 

ticn where it does not operate its own exchenge, es in Holland, 


the Cor oration cannot be & paty to any agreement to stey 

out of a territory, unless, of course, the producers, give 

their consent. It is in the best interests of this corpore- 

tion end the producers, thet the Corporation be in a position, 

not only in regerd to Holland, but in respect to any other 
sitweticn,in any forel territory, where the producers’ inter- 
ests ere jeopardy, to join with other Amcrican companies upon | 
a@ uncnimous agreement basis for the purpose of combatting such 
movements, the effects of which tend to destroy the value of 

the producers*® property. * 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and ugsnimously carried, 
it was 

RESOLVED, that subject to the consent cf the producer; 

the Generel Manager be suthorized to enter 

into any errangement with the other mejor 
American companies, provided such arrangement 

is unanimous, to take such eollective action 

es he mey deem advisable in any foreign languege 
territory, for the purpose of combatting any 
movement or legisletion the.effect of which is 
to reduce the velue of the income of the pra- 
queers of the cogporation in such territory. 

It was further ; ae ‘ 

RESOLVED, thet the General Manager communicate with eech 
of the producers in order to"set their indivi- 
dual acceptances in e form to be approved by 
the Generei Counsel of the corporetion. 

27. The Generel Menager reported he had negotiated with 
Erith Pommer in connection with ae picture produced by him, star- 
ring Cherles Leughton, called "VESSEL OF WRATH” in the United 
Stateg. After consulting with a number of the Directors it 
wes décided,for reesons exnlained to the Boerd, not to take on 
this picture of. Mr. Pommer*s for distribution. 

TmhO Beare noted the above, there being no objection 
thereto. & 

Py i ah i 

28. The General Manager reported that a communicetion 
hed been received from Loyd Wright to the effect that Mae West's 
manager wes interested in making a deal with this corgoration 
for the distribution of pictures, by us, starrinme Mee West and 
others. Aft consulting e number of Directors it was deemed 
edviseble not to oroceed with the negotations. 

The Board noted the above, there being no objection 

it ap a bas ae etch - 5 gre 
2 See Ceol ae TRE STE ee eS CR iT IA Sree Me Soe EN eee ew 


-13- ¢ f 



29. The Generel Manager reported he had negotiations 
with Erich Ponmer 4n connection with future pictures sterring 
Charlies Leughton to be produced by himand that Mr, Pommer ad- 
vised it would he necessery for him to confer with his financial 
packers before making any decision. The negotiations that had 
been discussed end enproved in principal by ‘certain of the di- 

-rectors were that Pommer is toproduce two pictures ennuslly, 

starring Laughton, the Corporation is to distribute seme workd= 5) 
wide with the excention that half of the Leughton pictures were ——— 
to be digtributed in Englend by the Maxwell orgenizaticn, assum- 
ing of course the latter financially backed Pommer..Pommer 
mentioned he had under consideration offers from other distri du- 
tors but would let us know at the earliest pdéssible moment 

whether he could arrange his finances so es to enable him to 

meke a deal with the Corporation along the lines-above mentioned? 
In connection therewith Mr. Korda had advised that he had dis- 
cussed a prooose] with Mr, Pommer and Mr. Mexwell, te latter 

peing willing to give the CorSoretion worldwide distribution on 
future Pommer-Laughtonpictures , but would not give the Corpore- 
tion any of the same for England; that Mr.Maxwell and Mr. Pom- 

mer were willing to make e deak-with the Corsoration on that 

‘pasis for the Leughton pictures. 

Upon motion duly mede, seconded and unsnimously * 
carried, it was remeron 

RESOLVED, thet the Generel Manager continue 
negotiations on the basis of either 
4 or 6 pictures with fhe understand- 
" ing, however, thet et leest one-half 
of the pictures be svaileble to the 
corvoration for distribution in Eng- 
land, and in the event of Pommer egree- 
ing thereto, the General Menerer is 
eutherized to close a deal on that 
basis. > 
30. The Generel Manager reported thet « communicetion 
hed been received from Sol Lesser thet he was interested in 
meking a distribution deel with the Corsoration for a victure 
to be produced by him with Irene Dere4, several of the directors 
of the cor -oration, Mr. E. Silversie (for Mr. Korda) and the 
executives of the company saw & fe in which Irene Dare is 
one of the pleyers. The Opinion was thet based on what we had 
all seen as to Irene Dare*s performence, there wes nothing in- 
dieative therefrom that would enable us to decide 4s to the 
possibilities of ea picture with Irene Dare. Mr. Lesser*’s rep- 
resentative was so advised and also told that Mr. Lesser should 
give the Corsoretion more details of the provosed cast in con- 
nection with the picture he contemplated meking - and such de- 
tails would be submitted to the directors for their considers- 
tion. re. 

Sl. The Generel Meneger resorted that the Selznick or- 
gefizetion had been recently in communication with him with a 
view of obteining extensith ofthe agreement under which they 
woulé have the right to deliver any picture made by them after 
the completion of the photoplay "MADE FOR EsACH OTHER", which 
they are now obligated to deliver to us up to December Sl, 1259, 
reserving unto themselves the right to distribute "GONE WITH 
THE WIND" elsewhere. It was vointed out that the Generel Man- 
ever did not think such an arrehgement would be acceptable Sot 
thi@Corvorgtion, as it was one-sided and uncertein, es well 4s 
reminding if Selznick orgenization that they had hed sufficient 
time and opportunity tg make uv their minds end haa mede innumer- 
eble pronosels to the Corporation even to the extent of Mr. 
Selznick sending a cable tothe Genersl Manager that he hoped to . 
have his program completed by the time the contract was ready * 
for signeture$ indicating therefrom e moral obligation ande ' 
willingness to continue; the Selznick 6rganization were likewise 
reminded that in connection with the recent negotiations in 
Celifornie he had then told them thet efter heving gonsulted 
a majority of the owners of the corporation, the Co oration 
coulg not give them any extension similer to the one-sided one 
suggested by them, end the only basis the Corporation could ceal 
with them on was a firm, definite har nde purges apt ent a 
“specific number of picturéato be agreed upon, or,alternetively, 
for.a specific period, likewise to be agreed upon, during which 
they would underteke to deliver « minimum number of pictures. 

The General Manager further advised the Selznick-organization that 
any negotiation other than along the lines fbhove indiceted, would 
not, in his opinion, be ecceptable to this compeny. When asked 
by the Selznick organization whether the decision was final not, 
to give an extension until December 31, 1959 (which es they 
eapreed in reelity waS an-option,)the General Manager replted that 
it was of course uo to the Board, but besring in mind the previ-" 
ously expressed,yiewpoints of a number of the directors and 

owners of this corseration which had not chenged; he felt that 
there would be no useful pursose in submitting it to them, but. 
thet he would do so if they expressly wished. It was left with 
the Selznick orgenizetion to communicate with the Generel Manager _ 
if end when they desired to resume negotiations and: there hes 
since been received e telegrem from Mr. David 0. Selznick which 
was read to the Board, together with the Generel Maneger's reply 

The General Manager resorted that Selznick Inter- 
neationel hed since inghired whether the Corporation would be, 
interested in a deal for ea further;16 months, during which period 
Seiznick would deliver from two to six pictures, to which he re- 
plied he would of course submit such a proposal if and when msde: 
as a Gefinite offer, nevertheless, he did not think the Board 
would be interested insame, in view of the small number of pic- - 
tures es a minimum and the shortness of the suggested period. 

SS ee ea oY 5 Re Ee pee or Sey eee, POS eee ees LP peace Py I SORT BB te, SPR ay Seen ee Se ee a 


The action of the Generel Manacer wes epproved by 
all present. 


$2. The General Menacer, reported he had ‘been ed- 
wised by Mr. Schaefer that in view of attendance having 
consiaerebly fellen off, it has been deciaeda by the indus- 
try to make a concerted effort to attract the vubiic beck 
to the wotion »:icture theetres. Mr. Secheafer told him that 
he had been offered and had accepted, the invitetion to 
act as Cheirman of the Drive; thet all companies in the 
industry were cooperating fuily; thdét it was contemplete 
spening approximately $1,000,000, - one-helf to be contri+ 
buted by the producers and distributors; one-quarter there- 
of by the circuits and the remaining one-quarter by inde=s 

pendent exhibitors; that in aédition thereto employees pees 

certain distributors; including this company, were reserving 
services, and the distributors* axchanges, including this 
corporation, as allocated among them, were being utilized 

in eonnection with the Drive; that the amount had been de- 
cided by the Committee of the BETTER BUSINESS DRIVE es being 
the contribution of this corporstion and its producers as 
$35,000.; Mr. Schsefer felt thet as one picture each of 

part of the Drive, an eduiteble distribution of the $35,000. 
would be et the rate of $7000. per picture. Eech of the 
above-meangio producers had been asvprosched, and after 
difficulty with certain of them, all however have now agreed 
to contribute on the basis of 75% of $7000. viz., $5259., 
with the understanding thet the corporetion was to pey the 
remaining 25%, viz., $1750. per picture, or a total expendi- 
ture tothe Corsoration of $8750. on the five pictures. Be- 
cause of the urgency of the matter the Generei Menager con- 
sulted certain of the Directors, and while it wes the opin- 

‘ ton of all thet Mr. Scheefer should have first consulted 

the General “ansger and the Board of Directors in regard 

thereto, in view of the importent points arising ‘therefrom, —-— 

it wes felt that as the plens for the Drive were so far ad-"~ 
vanced and widely publicized, also in view of Mr. Schaefer's 
positfon in the metter,°it wes adviseble in these circum- 
stences to authorize Mr. Schaefer to notify the BETTER 
BUSINESS DRIVE COMMITTEE that this Corsoration and the pro- 
as.00 above mentioned would contribute the tetai sum of 
£5,000. The General Manager thereuyon geve such euthoriza= 
tion to Mr. Schaefer. é 


. S chaefer was directed to execute a separat®™ 
letter, agreeing to participate in the BETTER BUSINESS DRIVE 
as eforesaid. - 

samy a ta 

ee eS et <a aot Ae Bisel tas Paey SEES gt eR eS 
RTM: =e aS Re cee A Sek A eee eee ee aps 

Uoon motion duly made,-seconéed\and unanimously 
carried, it was : 

RESULVED, that the action of the General Manager, ~~ 
sin giving such approvel to Mr, Schaefer, 
bes and 1s hereby ratified and Likewise 
eppreves the rendering of services”and 
the using of facilities of the corsora- 
teen on dDehelf of the BETTER SUSINESS 


53. The General Manager reported thet the esti- F 
mated monthly figures on # world consolidated basis, as | — 
at the end of July, and as vreparedcby Vr. Muller had 
been sent to each Director; a rough calculation ofthe 
worlawice résuits of the corvoration as at August 27th, | 
a been prepared by Mr. Muller and submitted to the 


In connection with the operations of the cor- 
_ poretion, the General Manager mentioned thet heavy 
losses were recently incurred, are now being incurred 

-80d indications point would be incurred in the Domestic 
operations for the remainder of this year, for the ree- es 

son that pictures had been promised for delivery on 
certain dates and unfortunately had not been delivered 
on those dates, details of which he gave to the Board. 
It had been pointed out to him by Mr. Schaefer thet 
between the period of June 17th when SLOCKADE wes re- 
leased and September 30th when DRUMS will be released, 
viz., approximately three and one-half (34) months, the 
Corsoration will have hed only one picture released, 
thet is, "ALGIERS". 



For the remeinder of the ealender yea w pooears 
the only additional relesges will 86 Fothic "A AeiReT phe 

GOES MY HEART e..d COWBOY ¢ND THE LADY. In collaberation 

with Mr. Muller the Generfil Menager had preparsd e memorandum 
which gave a rough calculation of the Domestic operations 

for therentire calendar year 19536, @lso for the caiendar 

yeers 1934, 1955, 1936 and 1957, a resume of which wes given — 
to the Board, and in connection *t#eremith there was outlined 

to the Board in detail the reasons§ for such lossess domesticelly 
during thet period, andthe steps that were necessary to take 

to endeavor hereafter to minimize and/or evoic such losses, 

such steps, emong Others, being tne remoulding end reduction 

of the domestic organization to efficiently handle & number 

of quality pictures, approximetely eouel to the average number 
of quality pictures actually distributed per snnum over the 

pest five years, and to the selling in advance only of pictures 
thet were reasonably certain of being delivered by croducers 

for release during that season. 

The General eer further stated that during 
the entire calendar yeer 1956 the ‘ndication point thet there 
would be released domestically a total of 16 pictures, composed 
of 9 American and 7 British. Based on results to date, ali of 
these British pictures (with the exception of DRUMS) have a 
totel gross not Paha hege that the average gross ver picture of 
the American product; so that in effect, the total number of 
releases equals 11 pictures. 

et 34. For reasons already outlined to the Board, in 
addition to the necessity of obtaining edditionel worthwhile 
product, it wes essentiesi there be en immediate reduction of 3 
expenges. In regard to the latter, the Genersl Manager reported: © 

(a) He had arranged with Mr. Schaefer whereby the ser- 
vices of Mr.-Andy Smith, Domestic Generel Seles Mensger, of the 
corporation, will be dispensed with as of September 17th, there- 
by effecting ea saving to the Corporation of $52,900.per annum.; 

(o) Mr.#@Loyd Wrightts resignation, effective September 1p 
would result in a saving to the corporation of at least $12,000. 

annually; : 

(c) The selery of Mr. H. D. Buckley had been so reduced, 
effective September 17th, that in « full year the savings to 
the ggrporation would be $13,000. Mr. .Buckley took the reduc- 
tion7# very fine spirit end pledged his whole-hearted support 
to the corvoration; ~ 


(4d) Mr. Lynn Farnol eliminated several of his people 
anc had in mind the eliminetion of others, but, unfortunately, 
in this connection, the expenses of the Publicity Department 
by the accuisition of Mr. Farnol himself and Mr. Washer, have 

; increased to an extent greeter than the savings made. The fur- 
ther immediate economies contemplated in the Publicity Depart- 
ment would, it is hoped, bring the exnenses down,closér to the 
seme figure in effect prior to the ebove appointments. 


Further economies were in immediste contemplation, 
the nature of which was explained to the Board; the Generel ae 
Veneger felt, that in view of the dire necessity for rigid econ- 
omy, for ressons heretofore explained, it was imperative that 
each of the directors and officers of the corporsiion cooperete 
with hin to the fullest extent upon every occasion. 


} The Board noted the above, there being no objection 
- therets : 

35. The Generel *cnecer reported the following communice- 
tion received from Lorcon Films in regard to edvertising and ex- 
ploitetion apprqriation on DRUMS wes read to the Board: 
zn "Under our stockholdersroducer contract the first $40,900. 
oe eee for edvertising and exploitation is split 
,  -«- 75/25 between London Films and United Artists respectively. 
(Sy By mutual agreement between London Fiims and United Artists 
~- w&have deciced to appropricte over $70,900 for advertising 

end exploitation on DRUMS. 
In the past United Artists agreed te pay 25% of the amounts 
expended between $40,900 and 77,080 providing the picture 
~ guéstion grossed $700, 900 n the United States and - 
aneca. ¢ 
. In the case of THINGS Tc COME, in view of the fact Unit 
Artists did not distribute this pieture in Canada, United 
Artists agreed to pay 25% of the enocunts expended between 
240,000 and $65,000 providing the picture grossed $650,900 
in the United States. 
In view of the United Artists participation in the past on 
eppropriations exceeding #40,000 - as described above - we 
assume that the ebove conditions wiil also apply to DRUMS. 
I shail therefore eprreciate your confirming the shove ar- 
rangements.” comer 

In connection with the above_recuest the Generel Menager pointed 
cut that undoubtedly similar requests would be made and it would 
be adviseble to deal with seme in a general way. The General 
Manager*s action in approving the above wes duly spproved. 


a, -18- 

36. Re "DRUMS", Canada: A memorandum from Mr. Scheefer 
outlining the Corcoretion’s vosition es to this particulsr photo- 
pley in Canade, together with a letter from Mr. Master relative 
to a disoute with Mr. Nethanson of this company in regard to the 
dietribution of DRUMS in Ceneda was eiven to Mr. Raftery. Mr. 
Raft-rywas to consider the matter with Mr. Korde as soon «4s he @ 
rives on Moncey. 

37. The General Manager reported that a request had been re- 
ceived from London Films, through our London office, that the pic- 
ture “REBEL SON"-ccome within the category of "locel pictures” and 
be distributed at 172% in the United Kingdom; in connection there- 
to, the Generel Maneger cuthge ts that although he was vested with 

the right to cive distributipn in the British Isles to such pic- 
ture uoon terms more favprab&e to London Filmse—than those accorded 
to any stockholaer-producer, he was not in 4 legal position to deal 
With the matter for the reason that by virtue of the "favored na- 
tion" clause, Seiznick International could claim as fevoreble terms 
as might be given to! "REBEL SON" in the British Isles; he had writ- 
ten to Selznick, International Pictures in order to secure their 
consent to our giving London Films on this picture (es weil as 
CHALLENGE end CONQUEST OF THE AIR) distribution in the British 
Isles et 17%. It was pointed out that these three pictures, to- 
gether with THE FIRST AND THE LAST, eonstitute the four productions 
thet London Films: and Korde could deliver to us for worldwide dis- 
tribution but which they were willing to have treated as “local 
pictures" in consideration of the distribution being 172% in the 
British Isles. 

Regerding THE FIRST AND THE LAST colon of the four pic- 
tures hereinsbove mentioned, it hed been 4 ed et a previous 

Bosrd Meeting that London Films angé Mr. Korda could have some 

other producer finish the picture and distribute the same else- 

where... There had now been received < letter of consent from Selz- ‘ 
nick International whidhi was read to the Bocrd, it being the opim- - 
fon of Mr. Raftery that such letter was sufficient. ‘ 

fhe General Manawer felt thet on this perticulsr trans- 
action he would Tike to have the avprovel of the Board. 


Upon motion duly mede, seconded and unanimously carried, 

it was - € 

RESOLVED, that the General Manager be euthorized to 
consummate the transaction alone the fore- 
going lines. . 

——- = - — s a 
38.. The General Maneger reported that he hed-been advised 

by Mr. arthur W. Kelly that United artists Cor voretion had egreed 
to give back to the Amusement Ggcurities Corp. the foreign rights 
to WHITE ZOMBIE end heve exeoutty releese which is on file with 
the Treasurer. This now completes the return of the rights to the 
picture for the entire world to Amusement Securities Cor; 

: : sn BO R88 CES aR aah / Ciel ae aS ie 

of Pe SAR MF a: Se Ue Oe SO ee, 


39. The General Menacer reported thet after negotiation 

with Dr. Balmus, agreement has been reached with him whereby 

Technicohor "B" prints recuired by cerfsin of the Continental and 

Latin-American countries will be supslied by Technicolor at a 

orice lower than heretcfore, resulting in a worthwhile saving 

to the producers and this corsoration. In Italy, Dr. Kalmus 

hes egreed to accept 50% of the cost price in Dollars and the 


remeining 50% in blocked lira. 

40. The Generel Maneger réported thet the Corvoration's 
recent contract with I.V.T.A. provides for pgyment in Dollars, 
but in order to actomplish.this, I.V.T.A. will give the Corrore- 
tion 90° Days Sight Drafts in Pounds, which the Cornoretion is to 
sell. et the current market price. I.V.T.A. then peys the Cor- 
poration the deficiency or the Corvoration oays over to them the 

excess. The Corsoration sold the last draft to the National — 

City Bank. The Bank states that the Corporation's blefiket reso-— 
lution which is on file with them does not euthorize its officers 
to sell and encorse drafts. The Bank desires a resolution author- 
izing the Corsoration's officers to sell drafts on behslf of the 
Corsoration. As similar authority mey be Fécuested by other 

banks in similar transactions, it is suggested the euthorization 
covers any bank. © ‘i 

Upon’ motion duly mede, seconded and unanimously carried, 
it was \ 
RESOLVED, thet the President or 4 Vice President together 
with the Trasurer or Assistant Treasurer or the 

Ssecretery or Assistant Secretary are hereby au- 
theorized ta discount or negotiate foreign drafts 
or bills of exchange with any benk or ‘<nks with- 
in tne City of New York. 

41, The Genersl #enacer stated that it was advisable for 
him to represent the corporation in connéction with Hays*organ- 
ization matters; it was preferable that be be a Director on the 
Hays organization Board. : : 

Upon motion duly mede, seconded and unanimously 
edopted, it-was 

RESOLVED, thet M. Silverstone be designated as 
j the Corporation's director of the 
, Heys organization, with the understend- 
a ing that if he is untble to attend eny > 
meeting that H.D. Buckley act as his 
alternate to attend such meeting. 
It was further 
. RESOLVED, that Mr. Raftery write to the Hays 
orgenizetion of this, requesting them 
at the next meeting of the Board to 
elect Mr. Silverstone a director. 

RR he eee ee Ma AOR es RTE EA Say, WAST totes) eNO er 



42. The Generel Manager reported that arising out 
of the Minutes of the previous meeting, he had written to 
ecch of the owners asking them to appoint an alternate to 
the Boerd of Directors of United Artists Cory. Ltd., in or- 
der to enable that company to function in view of the fact 
that it had been pr@oosed by this Board thet a quorum of the 
English Compeny shou be 5 instesd of 2. It wes pointed 
out thet until such#lternstes were appointed it was inad- 
visable to chenge e by-lews as it would not enable the 
English Company to Tunction. Up to the moement, no written 
reply had been received from any of the stockholders. Miss 
Pickford had alreacy desizneted Mr. Guadella #s her alter- 
nete and Mr. Quennell has be@énm so notified. Each of the 

cirectors pres was urged toc ricate with the stock- 
holders tnby represented and to ask Pee to advice the names 

of the alternates so as to give effect to the chenges in the 
corporate structure and the Boaré of Directors of the English 
Company,.as requested by this Board. Letter from Mr. Quennell, 
ceted August 19, 1938 to Mp. Raftery on this subject was reed 
to the Board. 

45. The General Manager reported thet the agreement 
with Mr. Lynn Farnol, previ.usly epproved by the Board, had 
now been signed. eee : 

e « 

44, Mr. Muller hed advised the General Manazer that 
he had written to the Bank of America, rsuenttp Resolution 
of the Board, notifying them of the letters written bv the 

“| Wanger and S@lznick compenies to this Cordfwetion in regerd 
a < 

to "locsel pictures". 

45. The General Manager reported that from time to 
time Balance Sheets+re being received from subsidiaty and 
associated companies of this corvoration end thet it wes not 
intended to circulate copies of the Balance Sheets but they 
would be pleced on file with the Treasurer and were availeble 
for perusel by any Director who wished todo so. 


46. The General Manager reported that-in accordance 
with the approval heretofore given b- this Board ne had signed 
the Supplemental Agreement (as prepared bevr. Reftery) between 
the Cornoration and’ the £lton Corporation, dated as of July 22, 
1936, being similar to the @reement ziven to Messrs. Samuel 
Goldwyn and Charles Chaplin. 

fe ee ' 
-aJ ae 

47. The General Manacer reported that the United 
Artists Corsoration*s business in Mexico is operated through 
the medium of & Mexican Company, entirely owned by this Cor-, 
poretion. Tremendous difficulty is being experiencef by all <a 
FOLOMS GHG ERO aera ee Bente Cone ee ee a On with ———— 
Unions anu the demanis being mede by them are reach an in- 
tolerable stage, so much so thet it misht be necessary to 
seriously consiaer completely withdrawing from this market. 
In oraer to be preparer for such € contingency, and go that 
if it does arise the Mexicén Governmmont wili—not pttempt to 
confiscate United Artists prints by mationalizing thd Mexiecen 
company, the Corooretion has been considering ways and means of 
dealing with the situation. As a4 temporery messure, therefore, 
we propose keeping in\Mexico, only such, prints as ere necessary 
to properly distribute the pictures in release andeto withorew ' 
ell Wher prints from the territory. In the evout he Mexicen 
Government nationalizing the Corvoration's Mexicen company, 
Shey could guly selze those prints in Mexico and the Corporation 
would heve its recress through the courts there or thro h the 
Giplomstic channels of our Gpvermment; by proceeding in the 
ebove menner the property that could be seized would be very 
smell. In addition thereto, the Corporetion proposes keeping 
the srallest possible cash belances in Mexico, withdrawing every 
single penny at every opportunity. - 

The suggestion was unanimously approved by the Soard. 

48. The General Manager reported thet he had received 
taough the Corporeation*s London office, 6 request from London 
Film Procuctions (which he reed to the Board) to be permitted 
to sell certein of their pictures in that portion of SPAIN 


now céntrolled by Generel Franco. 
: al 

de | 
The matter wae “Geterred . 

49. The Generel Menager advised the Board of a letter 
Gated September 3rd received from Mr._Rosenbere of the Bank of ae 
Americs, requesting copy of the latest Belance Sheet and Audit 
of this Corsocretion. 


The Treasurer wes directec to comply with the Bank’s 

50. The General Manager reported that there is s restric- 
tion upon the export of currency from Italy. Lest your the ° 

— - - 


qs sr inte 

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aos oe ene AM oN ep ey _ 
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t rene o . 
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en 8 

a BBe 

Government permitted the 4mcricen film comosnies to take out 

e vere. of 16,440,000 Lire ana in adcition thereto ailocated 

Li 000 Lire to producers of tteifen pictures who_could, if 
they. Sc wished, give their allocations to whomeverythey de- 
sired. This year, however, thé tentative reguls ‘i dyp-end whet 
will undoubtedly be the final regulstions = ere th 10,900,000 
Lire will be permitted té be exoorted in foreign currency for 
American-films end 10,000,000 Lire will be civen to the vro- 

.- ducers end exoorters of Italian films: This of course is a 

very serious blow to the American industry es in effett it cuts 
in half the money that-@én be officiely exported. One of the 
other comtemplsted reguistions is that no company will be per- 

i mitted to sell their pidures to Italy on-a percentage errengey~” 

went, but will heve to teke a fixed price end in eonnection 
with's.fixed price‘the ermment will. only permit an importer 

to buy non-Itelien pictures to the extent of his ellotment 
in Lire, the Government's point in thet cirection being thet 
they do not wish money to be blocked in Italy from the exhibi- 

tion of non-Itelian films.-.If the lew goes threugh it will re- 
sult in @ curteiliment of the portetion of American product | 

into Italy. . SSee see 

A full resume of what has recently transpired is con- 
teined in a letter from Mr. Archibdeld dated August Fe hee to- 
eether with enclosures referrea tc therein. roort & been 
sent to. eachproducer. uN 

* | j seas ee 

Sl. The General Manéce® wrorted that Mr. dédeon: 
Schenck has been served as e defendant with the Corvoration 
inje further ection brought by William S. Hert, details of 
which were explained to the Board by Mr. Raftery. As this 
matter erose when Mr. Schenck wes en officer of this corora-' 

this cor soration, at its expense and through its counsel, 
aefend him in this section brought by William S. Hert. 


S39 ,and from his duties thereunder, he has recuestec that” Pe 

. ; 
This ection is referred to as Hart Action No.3 
end is e consensus of oninion thet the Corporation should 
defend Mr. Schenck, as well és the Corsoretion. 

Mr. Raftery reported that Mr. Hart's’ attorneys 

_ fad made epplicetion in Heart Action No. 2 for leave to eppesl. 

to the Supreme Court of the United States from the decision in 
favor of United Artists rendered by the United States Circuit 
Court of Appesls, end that O'Brien, Driscoll & Raftery were 


filing e orief in opposition. He aiso reported thet Action No. 9 

‘"l would be re-tried on September 26th and thet Mr. Driscoll and 
Mr. Reftery end their essociates were now actively engeged in 
the preparetion of the defense ae expected to be ready when — 
the cese wes called. 



-23~- . 


52. The General Manager reported the following: As 
known to the Boerd this Corporation is having difficulty with 
Nathanson-in connection with the sale of its pictures in Canada, 
he being’unwilling to give feir terms to its product. The re- S 
sult hes been the creation, under the guidance of Mr. Schaefer, 
of New opvosition against Nathanson. In order to foster this 
opposition it is necessery for this corporation to aid such. ex- 
hibitors by the means of special exploitation and advertising in 
connection with 6 specific engagement of United Artists pictures 
et such theatres. It is recommended by Mr. Scheaefer-in which 
the General Manager strongly coneurs-thet where,it is deemed nec- 
essary to aid an exhibitor as above mentioned, the meximum 
amount to be spent by the Cor oration shall be ’set forth in the 
contrect with the exhibitor (gubject of course to the evoroval of 
the producer) and the net film rental derived from the. engegerent, 
i.e., the gross film rental less the amount so spent for adver- 
tising, shell be deemed to be the film rental for pursoses of di- 

‘vision between the oroducer and the Corvoration. 

This special Beet T ane in regard to Canadian ea- 
gagements as above outlined shall nof be deemed to be vart of 
the regular advertising budget which is to be shared 75% by the 

roducer and 25% by the Corsoration up to an expenditure of 
40,000; and certain circumstances, shared-in these ratios be- 
tween producer and the Cornsoration on the emount spent between 

$40,900. and $70,000. 

Upon motion duly made} seconded end unenimously 
carriea, it was ar 

to { " 

f | SESOLVED, that the recommendation of the 

Ly General Manager in connection with 

‘ 2 ] Such special advertising be adopted. 

gi | 
53. The General Manager reported thet on behalf of 

World Window, Ine., the Corcoration received from United States 

Cornoretion Company a Notice of Assignment to First National 
Benk of the City of New.York of all revenue to accrue to World 
Winaow, Inc. under our distribution contract. After consultae 
tion with counsel, United Artists Corosoration accepted the no- 
tige of assighment. 

54. The General Manager reported that United Artists 
Corvoretion had received from Trafalger Film Productions, Ltd. 
& Notice of Irrevocsble Authority to pay to Aldgate Trustees, Ltd. 
the producer’s shere of revenue to become due on THE LILAC 
DOMINO. United Artists Corporation also received from Aldgate 
Trustees a Letter of Request to pay such monies to National | 2. 
Provincial Bank Ltd.-. After approval by counsel, the Corporation 
signed the acknowlédgement of these papers. af 


= ~24- . 

55. Mr. Kelly advised that the Cristobal office, 
a> whjeh services Nicaregus, hes tied up in the terrifory, 
6,l-4F.05 cordoba which at the offidel rete of exchenge 
ecuel t» about 20g each. There is no vossibility 4t thi 
time of getting this money. out through orcinary channels 

rit the Government would probably sanction.a compensation 
egresment, if one could be made, or would senction the 

purchase of Nicarsguean cattle for sale in Salvacor. The 
Corooration's Cristobal office Suse they could meke such 
« trensection. One was fecently cone by another fiim-~ 
company which permitted them to licuidate their cordobe 
on the basis of two to one for the coller. -The General ~ 
Meneger recommended, subject to the Procucers* approval, 
that the ch tN re be permitted to set this monsy out 

of the terri wea in the menner above outlined. 

‘The General “anager was directec to proceed 

as outiined. 4 
Re: Silver Lining 

56. The Genersl Menaver reported that request 
hed been received for the return of the rights to this 
oicture in foreign territories; Mr. Kelly advisés that 

'he sees no objection to these rights being conveyed back, 
subjéct, of course, to the producer giving the Corporation 
a complete release of any claims he mey have egeinst it. 

Unenanimous eaepprovel was so civen. 

¢ al 

57. The General Manager reported he had tees Sis. 
vised bY the Treasurer that in connection with whet hes been 
termed the “reorganization of the compeny" he had received 
bills and also payments hed been mede by the corporation an 
temporerily charged to Suspense Account. A resume of * tee, 
bilis is as follows: 

S MARY PICKFORD, etc. $4,091.48 
MR. ~ DO JUGLAS i“. Tekitiieatiiecmsensneeenntaamiane 

DAVID ROSE, etc. 11,136.72 
MR.ALEXANDER KQRDA,ete., 6,082.58 : 
MR. F. C. RAPTHRY 1,954.54 

TOTAL $27,502.09 

e ‘ 

Amore deteiled account of the ebove epenses as in possession 
of the Treasurer, is made aveiiable to Las Members of the 
BORE fi 

™e Generel es 8 had been acvised that Mees: iy 

4 a » ‘ * . im Ps ‘We i 
Ee AS w tytn ee he ie teh he 47” Nk ie ds og iS aN he 3 ES ae a 

had been discussions thereon, details of which were given to 
the Board by the Treasurer. 2 

Tne foregoing payments were epproved, Mr. Schwertz 
not voting. 

58. Mr. Raftery submitted a statement regarding 
the tax affairs of British and Dominions Company. Mr. Reftery 
was directed to notify Fitelson & Mayers that the company 
wes going to file resident letter and that if returns were 
not filed by British & Dominions with the United States 
Government, payment would be withheld by the Treasurer 
until further notice, é 

5¢. Mr. Reftery made y Pic ote regerding the 
recuest of the Securities Exchange Commission for informe- 
tion regerding the Itetien Doller Bonds. . Mr. Paul O'Brien, 
of counsel, was directed to answer the communications and 

60. Wr. Reftery presented the following bills 
of the Hays organization for approval: - 

Perelren v. Werner Bros. ,et cl..... $153.53 
Cornwell v. Columbia’. ..<.... 988.09 

The foregoing payments were approved. 

es 61. The following matter was discussed uf very 
ereat length in connection with propésed economies: 

The General Manager and the Treasurer made 
an exhaustive report of the terrific costs incurred by the. 
Corporetion in soliciting contracts for photoplays which 
either were not released for the sesson for which they were 
sold or were never released. Exemples were given where 
8,000 contracts were actually secured for photoplays that 
were never produced. It was the unanimous opinion of the 
Board thet the Genersl Maneger notify every producer using 
the facilities of United Artists Cor»ooration for distribu- Bs 
tion to restrict their announcements of product to only those 
particuler photoplays which they were certain would be pro- 

duced and delivered for release during a current ‘serson, snd 

pointing out perticularly te these procucers the enornous 
costs incurred by the Corsoration, not only in sopicd ting yee 
the contracts but in tabuiating, bookeeping, stetignery, 

“Pract forms and other incidentals necesssry for the 

hance administration of the Corvoretion's dusiness. 

There being no further business before th 
meeting, the same was, upon motion duly made and atediine ed, 


Edward c. Eartsry 



Geptenber 29, 1936. 


. OF 


4 Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of UNITED 
ARTISTS CORPORATION was held on ge peg 2oth, 1958, at 2:30 
o*clock in the afternoon, et the offices of the corporation, 729 
Seventh Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, pursuant to a weiver 
o? notice of said meeting. 

There were present the following directors: 




cors tituting a quorum. an 

There were also present: 

EMANUEL SILVERSTONE, representing Alexander Korde. 
HARRY J. MULLER, Treasurer 

M. SILVERSTONE, General Mansger 


Mr. O*Brien acted as Chairman of the meeting, and 
Mr. Reftery acted as secretary thereof. 

Mr. O*Brien presented to the meeting a waiver of 
notice of said meeting signed by e majority of the directors 
of the corporation which was ordered to be spread upon the 
minutes of this meeting. 

Mr. O*Brieh reported thet the meeting had been called 
for the purpose of authorizing the execution of a subordination 
agreement to all existing and all future loans to be mede by 
the Bank of Americd National Trust and Savings As&@élation to 
Walter Wanger Productions, Incorporated. 

After discussion, it was moved, seconded and unani- 
mously resolved as folloWs? 


& Celifornia corporation, hsreinefter referred to as KANGER 
CORPORATION, is indebdted to this corporation, UNITED ARTISTS 
CORPORATION, in the sum of mi ghee ge $650,900, upon 
verioms loens said WANGER CORPORATION from this 
corporation for the production of motion picture photoplays; 

; . » 

WHEREAS, said corporation proposes to borrow from 
national banking association, hereinafter referred to as the 
benk, certain sums of money not to exceed in the aggreseate 
the sum of $900,000.00 in addition to all losns heretofore 
made or agreed to be made by said bank to said WANGER 
CORPORATI which said ree loans in the agerggate 
amount of $900,000.00 do not include but ere in addition 
to @ loan of $580,000.00 which said WANGER CORPORATION pro- 
poses to obtain from said bank on or before November 15, 
1938, for the production of a certein motion picture photoplay 
nemed and entitled "TRADE WINDS"; and 

WHEREAS, id bdDenk requires as e condition of said 
loan or loans that |ll of the indebtedness of said WANGER 
CORPORATION to this jcorporation shall be subordinated and 
made junior to the 4bligations of said WANGER CORPORATION 
to the bank, and also requires that the security held by 
this corporation for its loans to said WANGER CORPORATION 
shell be subordineted and sgl omg e te thé security teken 
or to. be taken by the benk for its loans to said WAN 

Xi NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this corpore- 
on suhordinete to ali existing and ail future loans to be 
made the bank to said WANGER CORPORATION, including ell 
existing indebtedness of said WANGER CORPORATION to the bank 
end said additional loans not to exceed the sum of $900,000.00 
in addition to any loans which the bank hes agreed to make 
but which the WANGER CORPORATION has not Pe obteined under 
its former. agreements with the benk, and the security tsxen 
end to be taken by the bank for said loans, the said indebt- 
edness and any future indebtedness of said WANGER CORPORATION 
to this corporation, together with and including the curity 
therefor; and 

BE IT RESOLVED, that the President or any Vice Presi- 
dent, together with and including the Secretary or any Assist- 
ant Secretary of this corporation be, and they hereby are 
authorized, empowered, end directed to execute, in the name 
of this corporation, and to deliver to said bank such ecree- 
ments or instruments of subordination as shall be effective 

~~“to accomplish the purposes sforesaid end as the bank shall 

require as an inducement to it to meke seid additional 
loans to said WANGER CORPORATION. 


There being no further business before the meet- 

ing, the same was, upon motion duly mede and seconded, 




OF - 



WE, the undersigned, being the directors of UNITED 
ARTISTS CORPORATION , do hereby waive notice of the time,plece 
and purpose of the Special we of the Board of Director 
of said corporation, and do fix the 29th day of September, 
1938 at 2:30 p. m. at the offices of the corporation, 729 
Seventh Avenue, Borough of Manhattan, New York City, as the 
place of said meeting, and said meeting was called for the 
purpose of authorizing the execution of a suberdination agree 
ment to all existing and all future loans to~be-made by the 
Benk of America Netional Trust and Savings Associstion to 
Walter Wanger Productions, Incorporated, and for such other 
business as may properly come before the meeting. 

Dated September 29th, 1938. ~ : Peg 
| , Wits. 


exander Aorda 

te bok rr go. sh - fant ed Se ae dese = inde i A ete: *) a mY. ee ee Petes ie oR Si igs eg Me ee Spe tale ree oxy 
ae et ee z gis : pM Sad, gah Pe ge: SERPs 
a a —— - < ‘ 5? 
; oe eo a a ee Neat t 
> : exit Fea e «€ 4 
‘ 3 : - — 

- a nt oe ne » Aeglindivas Ren aes a " 
Octomer 7, 1938. ; a 
. a res. : . of De 
_ An adjourned repuier neettne—or—the: ‘Board of Directors” 
sb of United hae Corzoration wes id on Fridey, October 7,1938, #t 
2:50-o'clock ?. ¥., at the offices the Corcoration, 729 Seventh a 
Avenue, New York City, tahoe te notice of ReStENS sent tco..elkl 
° airéctors. 
“There were present the following ereeevere: ‘ kage 
‘Chorles Schwert wes 

eco owe 

ee uatitng London 

| Films 
“= Generel Yenecer 
: tenes a" is 
é ce eksen a 
H. J. Muller, Treasurer. 

Mise Pickfore acted es Chairman of the sawehe end Mr. 
Reftery acted as Secretary. 

a . » eee ~ “a 
1. The General Manager reed to the necting the resig= ae 
nation of Mr. Georse J. Scheefor es Vice President ond Generel M : - 
in Cherge of Domestic Distridution. With crest rerret, the Board Rete 
accepted the-resignation, @nc the General Manezer wes directed to oF 
express to Mr. Schaefer, in writine,; the: thanks of the Board for Mr. ~ 
Schaefer*s loyel cooperation end services durtne-the time he was : 
se nacahant with the Corooration. 

% 2. The Generel Menacer reported that he hed received 
the following letters from London with reference to Odeon: sci 

a mera Dated Seat. L, 1936 frou Mr. Arenibald; | ee 

‘¢ _ Sept. 13 from Mr. Carr; ESS. 

Sept..13, from Mr. Lewie;-- © . SS 

Sat te el, from Nr.-Archibeld; : Be 

Otte £4988, trom ir. Arehttatd; rx crannies, = 

ve (tazether with the erctwoures’ referred to in escn of such" letters); _ 
———etso contsining resorts anc accounts from Tung “re; 1907 to June 25,-- 

1938, ~of Odeoh Theatres, Ltd. erd thet he had civer ell of the 
foreccing, together with copiet of his replies theretc, to Wr. 
Muller. fhe Generel Menager exyl. ined thet importent negotiations - 
for edditionel financing of Odeon-and the scouisition of other 
importent. circuits by sgidy Be re tekins plece, ss set forth in 

Mr. eriespoeeciend letter of eptember 2 Zist, above mentioned. 

The General. Manager's peor’: was nated by the Boerd. aa 

"The Gene kar: eanaser ——— thst thére wes Pee. a 
| © ceived from United artists Austrealeia, Ltd ae aGELDS of MifFites of : 
Z Hoard Meeting held cage lz, 1938. cay 

és ee { ; 
4. “The General Kenacer reported that t Ap. Keily ed- xi 
vised thet the-egreerent with Petricien PLetures hed ness signec, 

giving them back the rights to SILV#k LINING and-thet Patrician 
Pictures hed siened 4 waiver ‘of @ll claits egainst the Corpors tion: 

b see tha. avuove wes notec oy tre boerd. 

en ; eee * 
.5. The General Manecer revorted ‘thet s telecrem nad 

. ‘~.0een receivec from Mack Sennett recuestine e-thstribution of a- 

f "picture whidf he proposed msking, starring Sten seurel. The ~~ = 
General Ma anarer consulted certein of the Directors end it was < — — 
decided to notify Mr. Sennett thet the Corsoretion wes not interes 
ested in dist triputing the Leurel picture. 5 

peal a The ection of the Gauerel Mentcer mye syortvecs 

> ,_ 6. The Generali “enarer ‘reverted thet ‘the following 
telecren: “had been received from Pr, Edwerd Srell: 





I Nee ga aN, Se Taree. —crermecten| ta be Moet ae SOROS - sant ag $e Sle ays no aphe ecpceh salnet Sek ik aol cae to 
pp 5s oa BS ee ae ‘ 3 = t*4 : 5 o Fars ‘ £ 
> a ee - Noe . © = 

to _ : 
ee Ret WD eae Be ae ° ; 
Swe “Be 2 

, Since sehdine the above telegram, the Corsoretion has been — 





~ aftqr consulting certein individucel Directors, it wes agreed 

thet the following reply be sent to Mr.. Smali: 


requested by Mr. Smell, throuch his asent,‘ to incormrete the 
foregoing amendment in an agreement. 

- The action of the Generel Meneser aproved, tt i 2 
being left to Mr. Raftery to _érew the recesséry his BS 

s $ 
7. The Generel Manager repor ed that the English 
compeny had recommended, in view of ne uncertainty of the | 3 
politiad situation in England and Farope, that it was advis- 
able to-sell Forward, Sterline end Prancs. After sonanl ting vy 
certéin of tie Directors, it was agreed that @ cable be sent — 

- to London euthorizine them to sell on behalf of the Delewere =~ 

Cor-cration, future commissions accruine tc the Delewsre 5 a 
Cor cretion in the sum of b41,000. The English Compeny 
advised that this sale has taken place. Likewise, with the 2 
apvurovel of certain of the Directors, the Comporation hdd 

sola part of the commissions eccruing to it in France, upon 
& pro rata basis with certein of tre producers. Accordingly, 
the following cable was sent to London in sinaiesie bagi 

ne Neiman 


The Generel Menazer“further reported thet London 
scié on September £7, 1938-820,090 st the Spot rate of $4. 72-15/16._ 

“pondéon recuests that the Cor oration hol¢d this dolisr smount for 

their account until they eavise how tc~appiy it. 

1. ee ection oF ths Cénéral Wanseer Wes aporoveé. 

8. The Generel Menager reo orted, after consulting 

th Mr. Kelly end the representatives of the respective producers, 
that it was deemed gdvisable tc open the Corvoretion’s ows office 
in South e.. At oresent, South Africa is an outright sales 
territory the corporetion receives 54 -ef-enr-seie._ In view of 
the conten: feted opening of the Cor oretion's cwn offices it was 
tentetively azreed with the producers" representatives that the “ 
terms of distritution, subject to the ennrovel of this Bosra, ula 
be to the Corcgretvion, with the oroducer supplring two prints 
et his oWf expense; any excess prints anc 2!) other cherges usually 
SRArSS would be shared 70-30. Contrects have been prenered and 
heve deen sent by Mr. : ae ly to the producers for signeture. 

Uson motion — made, seconded nd unanimously % 
cerried, it was . a3 
RESOLVED, thet this.corporation oven its own offices 2 
in South Africa; terms of distributian to 
be-88 above tentatively agreed Wpor. 


9. The General Neneger resorted uvon the seriousness 
of the situetion in-Italy, in that the Government of that ccuntry — 
hed decicead to creete a-monoroly and to compel ech company to aie2 
tribute through one source, ¥iz:, EXIC, which is «nr orgenization 
in reclity under the “eontrol of the Government . ‘Clerification hed 
beer recuested of-the Government edict go that it could be escer- 
teined how it wouid sffect EMTS, «es well as the other parte, 
distrivutins there? 


Tne action of the General Me neger in the stand 3 
teken end to be ate him whsesp roved. : ; 

10. The cee gi Menager reported that edditional fi- 
rances have been gegeured by the Wanger Co. trom the Bank of Amer- 
ice in the sum of $800, 000 te enable the production of STAGE COA: * 

8 we 


— ~ 

élso the sum of $300,008 for preparation in co#@ection with fue ~ 
ture pictures to be sroduced“by the Wanger Co. The necessary 
r seTreerents have been drawn between the Wancer Co. anc the Bank = 
of- amerier and have been accepted by this Corporetion, inciud- 
ing @ suborcinition SExERRERE; @itl = after anpreval By the 
Generel Counsel. 2 
“li. The Generel vaneger reported he had receivec from. 
Mr. Reftery recuest to pay the sum” -of- $877.71 to the Hays orzan- 
—~.. — -aetieon-es+the-Cor-eretiont= “ghere—of the cost of the Iitifs- 
tion in the actions of Sati ve ZEESO AND OTHER CASES. The 
above sum had been paid. 

wate? “The ection of the Generel Maneser wes sooroved. 


lg. The General Menezer resorted he had azein written 
to tne Directors advising them it was impracticel te amend by- 
lews of United Artists Corp. Ltc., so as to increese the cuorum 
for s meeting and to cnange the Directorete of Uritea Artists 
Corp. Ltd. until. such time as the stoekhold=rs of this cor:ors- 
tion appointed their elternates t> the Eng ish Board. Se stated 
he hed received no renly other then thet from Miss Pickford end e 
until such elternetes sre appointed the matter is et a standstill. | 

iS. The Genersi *eneger revoxted that éoee have been .7 
suimitted fror time to time, requests for distribution of Short — 
Suojects: the General Mennser had =nreped the nclicy cf advising 
the producers 6f«Steh proposed Short Subjects that he was not in ~ 
& position to say whether or got this corsoreticn would be-intere 
ested until the subjects thems@$ves nad actually been vroduced 
ena hed been viewed by this Corsoration. 

The acticn of the General Manager wes epproved. 

is. The General *{aneger reported he-hed-teen edvised 
~by Mr.Mulvey thet Mr. Golawyn hee not been served in the Ccvern= 
ment action; Mr. Reftory commented thereon anc releted to the 

x Board the status of this action te date. _ | 

? : : ae 
—~ 15. Mr. Raftery cave_g full-réaort to the Board of the 
stetus of the WILLIA Ss. HART! SUIT. ~~, . 

Mr. Raftery alBo eskec autirortty te aektie—-the————a 
Perriello case, & small action vending in Onteric County, New «4 
York. Approval wes so given. 

The General Maneger reported thet tn accoraance with 4& previcus 
resclution of this Board he had written the Loricn office reauest- 
fing them to consult Price, “Yaterhouse * Co., Fecardine the a@- 
visebility of ehterine inte new franchise erreements slong. the 
lines as heretofore sn-roved by this Board.. -He had reesived. , 
4&4 reoly from London, tocether with Yrice, Waterhousss*s opinion -. 
end the actual M@reements themselves, all of which he-had given 
to Me. Reftery. The latter hed fully considered these documents 
end had approved the frenchise agreements vetween this Corpora= 
tion and tne Continzntsl Companies opersting in France, Belgium, 
witzerlend, Demmerk, Sweden end | United Artists (Export) Ltd., 
resnectively. ase 

. Mr. Reftery had pointed out thet the ecreement with : 
France in regaré-tO commission peysole by the French ecnipény 

Had: Det: sa, Grawn thet it itthped seme and mede it all péyavle — 

to the Delaware Cornvoration; however, unde: tas orovisions of a — 
proposed agreement between United Artists Coro. of Deleware ané _ 
United Artists (Exvort) Ltd., deted Aug. 17,-1938, it was pro- - 
vided that the Deleware Corooration wos to pey the Export Co. : 

“I%-of the total film-rentals esrned by the Les Artistes Associes, 

Frence, - as from January I, 1938. Therefore, the resclution as ~~ 
previ usiyv’ zane by thie Board ned beer duly carried out. y 

. In referencé *§ the pro: sOSe0-aeTeerent—between eo 
United Ar tists (Excort) Ltd. and United artists Cor oration of 
Deleware, as abdaye mentioned, the Genemi Menazer ecoueinted the —. i 
Boerd o: the colitenis tieréof; aico, Yr. Saftcry advised SEES” - 
same was in accordence with the Resolution héretofore pessed 
be this Boerd. ou 

’ Upon motion duly made , sevonced ené unentnousiy 

carried ~ é 
—emcmenen  & * 

RESOLVED, that the Goneresl Nenacer be and ts 

Saree pe hereby suthorized t> executs each ~* O 

and all of the sforementioned asrees ~~ = 

— + 

coi By The General fenacer Suomi ttec a memorandum prepared 

in deteil by Kr. Muller,’ snowing signatories te cheeks tn sil 

countries wnerever tris Corvoratidn or its subsidiaries overeted. 
= 2S meGe eve’ ‘leble to each of the Directors__ 

cesirine to see same. reeset marae ee | te ATE 

° ellahiinininiaat 2 ‘ isa 

SR rr mr eee 

The salient features are: 

~ : eeriier than March i, 1939.- 

aes -< 

it wes moved, secdcrded ena unéninously 

“RESOLVED, that the sieneteries as outlined in 
pf. e ~ such nerorendum remain as st present. 
. os e oa 2 
18. The General Manager resorted he hed been ad- 
vised*by ir. Muller thet he had reecived from Loyd Wricht 
sich oricinel contracts end Minutes of the Corcoretion es the 
letter nad in his possession; Mr. Muller had civer such 
Minutes to Wr. Raftery and head reteired in his ocssession the 
contrects above mentioned. os : 

; eo . nib tsenpueiaieaeuciinammenemminehaietal ree nen ~< ee Noite eetneneemnenee mene EST 

19. The General Meneser stated that nesotiations: 
were proceedine fevorably with regarc to the rentine sf the 
Beverly Hills office.” A resume of the preposed deal as out- 
ae An & wenorendun from kr. Buckley is es follows: . 


"The pro oseé lease with the Williem Morris Agency for our = 
Beverly Hills ouilding is enroute to Californiet : aie 

~ . 

> i eal ve, \ * . ay: 
Ta (1) Five years with an epticn to Renew for en 

. Ms - additional 5 yeers such option to be exer- 

eised not-later than six morths before 
expiration of original term. — 


owes (2) Term to commence March 1,1939, or et suc. 
. eariler date es alteretionm cre completed ——— = 

provided Williem Morris Agency cre able to 
sublease their present quarters so that they-— 
ere free to occusy the oulicines a ta dete 

- (3) Rental $700 per month for. first 3 years, 
- =750. for next 2 years, 3650 foF first two 
years of second five year period, $700 for 
‘ remaining 3 years; making totel for first 
five year pericd of $45,200 and second five 
year period of $40,600. == cae 
— (4). Lessa: => edvance enc péy all.costs in cone, —- -~ 
nection with alteretions for which expendi- 
ture Lessee hes richt of recoupment un to 
$16,000 by deduction fro m monthly rentel 
in 56 equel monthly instelliments ovem the 

: first 3 years of the term. Any money ex- ; 2 

pended by Lessee for tmprovements in exeess ~~ 

(5) Plens and specifieetion are being preyeres—- 5 
. by our Architect ead we heve supervision of 
teretions. Lessee, how must api ea 

(6) Lessee is given option to purchase ell 
furniture and equipment now located in 
the building at a price to be mutuelly 
agreed upon. The total emount Lessee 
_peys us for such furniture is to be con- 

y tributed vy us as part of the total cost 
of alterations and such amount whatever 
it be is accordingly deducted from the 
amount to be recouped by Lessee. 

(7) fessee hes option to surcechaise the sroperty 
with all improvements for the sum of” 
$61,000. which option must be exercised dur- 
ing the first Si years of the lease with 
orevision however that to the sum of 
61,000 there will be added the portion 
recouped by the Lessee (at the time of 
the exercise of their option to!purchase) 
of the cost of the alteration. Lessee 
has the right to assign lease but no such 
assignment sheil affect Lessee*s liability 

/ for the then remaining portion of rental 


*% Mr. Buckley advised he had consulted certain of the individual 

Directors who had aporoved the aforementioned negotietions. 
Upon motion duly made, seconded end unanimously 
oerried, it wes 

_ RESOLVED, thet in the event of negotietions materializing 
substantially, as avove outlined, they be 
consummated end the officers of this corpora- 
tion be and are hereby authorized to execute 
such agreement. 

20. The General Manager reported thet he deemed it ad- 
visable for expediency and to’facilitate the operations of the 
various Continentel Companies to make certein changes in the 
Directorates. Undernoted ere the present Boards of Directors 
and the suggested changes: 

Mr. M. verstone 

Mr. I. Madsen Copenhagen Menager (Same as present Board 

Mr. &. Bruckner Lad Lawyer except M.Silverstone to 
(Must heve majority of Denish be substituted by G. 
Nationels on Board). Archibeld). 

Ye Se aa 2 
ae ee ee a ee ee MN Ege i aa 

pow a ~ ) ee ee ee a eee es 

Sen wou. 22 
“e ee ae 

3 t A : : - 3 
oe j » 
* X 
yf 9 * . 
aya in : sey rs 
. 4 
ae at x 
_Mr. G. Archibald _ Manecing Director (Seme es -resent Board) 
Mr. F. Garcia Sales Meneacer ‘ 
Kr. E. Aries Office Menazer = 

Mr. L. G. CrOot ~ Lewyer - 
(Must Héve méjori ty of Spenish. ; 
Netionsls on Boerd). 

Following Three Coesties | are in existence out non-opereative at 
present: . eet : 
od ~~ =? 

Holisnd-N.V. UNITED ARTISTS eto 

Mr. M. Silverstone {Same as Present Bosra 
Mr. G. Archibald 4 except KM. Silverstone to 
-Mr. L. We. Kastner be substituted by Le. 
: aes ae » bewis) 
Mr. Bo Silverstone (Seme as Lyreseue Boerd 
Mr. 7 Astrom Stockholm Manavser except M. Silverstone to ~ 
Mr. H. Arnesin Oslo Lawyer be substituted by G. . 
Mr. = aiivetstcae (Seme as Present Boerd _ 
> Yee: £. Astrom ,ctockhnoln Maneser except M.Siiverstone to 
Mr. Hukkman Helsingfors Lawyer be substituted by G. | 
tT wee Arehipeld). 
wewmeewn oo wwe ss °> ? * 
% ats 



vr. li. Silverstone _ (Same “as present at Boerd 
ir. Paul D. O*S5rien excent G.Architelé to  ~ 
Mr. Charles Schwartz , renlece M. Kastner) ~ 

Mr. L.W. Kastner Sales Mer.Con.Eyrope 
Vr. G. Rouvier Generel Mer.¥Freneh Co. 


<3 Ke GGES BO. 

i. Silverstone _ (Seme'es Present Board 
~": G. Archibald exceot with ¥.Silversto: 
Mr. Peul D. O*Brien being Presicent du 
Vr. Cherles Schwartz Consei? end G.Areh* bald’ 

oe ss * peing Adminigtreteur  — 
. ae. Delegue e- a” ahttbhsed hat = 

oe ee oe re 

(Prefereole t- have majority of Swedish - 
Netionsls on-séerd.Speciel Government 
euthority must be obteined for non- ; 
nebjpoueld to ve Girector of a Swedish 
Company) ——— 

‘> »\ x 
; & 

Uoorn motion duly mide, secOnced and unanimously carried, 

it Wak a 
a RESOLVED, thet the above Yepommendstions be end are 

hereby approved. 

1g AE Rem. 

21. The General Meneger resorted’ thet as United Artists 
{(Exnort) Ltd., in effect controls the operation of the Comoratiok 
ousiness in etl of Continentel Europe, incluéine direct exchanges 
end licensee territories, enc in view of the policy of this cor- 
porstion thet the stockholders Should designate their directors on 
the Boards of the peréent company end its most important subsid- . 
isries, it was decmed advisedie thet the seme procedure be fol- 
lowed with regard to the composition of the Boerd, its cuocmm end 
by-laws of United Artists (Exocort) Ltd. as in the instante of 
United Artists Sern. Ltd. 

: ¢e . ts. 
6 : 
& = 
46 10. ~~. 
oe 4 
Mr. Me Silverstone “(3 ‘ene aS Precont Board ex 
Mr. Moriana Geneva Lawyer cept M.Stiiverstone to. be 
Ur. suffier substituted by G. arch tbald) 
(Must be mejority of Swiss N etione is on Boera) Sloss ae 
P Pes b tite ee ' SUGG BS px) £RD 
hy. Me BChverstone mg (Sam her Bontd = 
Mr. G. Archi taltd saan % -SLiverstone 
vr troller Prague Business Nen-Friend of to be substituted by 
Wr. “Archibald ~ L. Kestier) | a 
br. Stern . Prague Léewyer ; Y 
or. Laveteky Lrehitect introaucted by Dr. : 
eatin eeiiieleistheS 1s. SURE ii et ee a 
(Must de majority of Czech Netionels ee ae # 
. Boerd) piks x 5 
Mr. «, Siiverstone —~ - # oy 
Mr. He Astrom Stockholm sien ied (Sere as “resent Boerd except — 
¥r.S.Munek,: ~~ - MH. Silverstone to be sudsti- 
“or Rosenschola Stockholm Lawyer tuted by G. Arehibeld)* 


. vletion of the run of the French version in tise cities; also- 


It was roved, seconded ena unfhnimously edopted, 
ne procedure de followed ss to the Exnort 

ration #8 has been followed in reletion to the United 
‘8 Cosporntion. Ltd. ihe 

“4 ot 
+ @ 
ist © 

nl ge 
It wes left tor. Reftecry to communicste the 
forecoing %9 Mr. Cuennell. 

22... The Generel Yeneger read « letter received 
from Londen Films deted Sentember 5, 1925, raservinge unto them- 
anhyee the rient to either consicer PRISUN-SiTHCUT BARS as a 
oridwide gicture or 8 “"iotal” picture. After coxferrins with 
vr. Psilos in rerard to such letter, Mr. Pailos stated it wes the 

Aacive of Tarton Pitee +- aan’ teat this picture ss one ecmines 

within the terns cf the basie egrecrent between London Films, Als ~ 
exancer Forde and this Corsoration. P connection therewith, the: 4 
Generel Menscer pointed out thet Broz Mr. Bleck's letter it ap-. = 

of the sicture by the Canadian "Gercoration ik the ci ties Of Mone == 
treel end Quebec until 12 months shail save elapsed from the pe 
thet the territories in which Lon on Films coule eive the Corp le 
~tion the rights for distribution were as set forth if the above- 
mentioned letter. 


It whe left to Mr. Reftery to communicate with Lovion 
Fiirs to Bave the eascve letter clarified so that the territories 
granted to us-would be unequivocally definite... e- 


° $3, ‘Mr. Buller resortee the following: 

(e) RS SARK STONIUURES-LOYD WRIGHT: We heve edvisec eri” 

s of tne resignstion o ya Wright. as Secretary 
ans the election of Edwerd C. Reftery in his stead. 
This refers te Iter No. 1 of the Dizectors™ minutes of 
September. 66,1938. ges 2 


vince “ sacoointica. & oaths Pscinbies 
Morteage, “Pledee end “Bacsrity igrecment dated Septerber 
20, 1936, between Selznick sné the bank, whith increa 
the eset: amment on ths picture "YOUNG TP *esepe —_ 
$500;0C00 to $700,000. Upon ap rovat of counsel the digs 
tributor’s aceentance was signed. 2 

(c) BE SWALL ASSTCISIENT: We received from Guaranty Trust 
ortgece hettele, Loon agreement and Asst 
ment and Pi ad Pledge A 4 

——. ducted a agli 20, ee : 2 
uctions, Ine. sad Security-First 
National Bane of Los Angeles end the Guerenty Orot ¢ . 

peny of N.Y., wanerety, Seal nesi eh to seid” berks - the 



(6) KE Sei ASSIGMCENT-ADDITION, :%¢ received « 

Cony of en #erecient cavcc Sent. FE 
Zdwerd Smnll Proaucticns, Inc. end General Ser- 
~ vice Studios, Inc..under "waieh Smell aszi¢gns to 
Generel the producer*s share of revenue cr the 
coo . firet tared, é sossibdly four pictures, suaject 
e to tze orior ascsigmments to Secirity-Firet neti 
‘oneal Benk of Los Ameeles -n4.Guaran’y Trust Co. 

of Kew York. Upon aprrorei -y-<counsel, the ; 

Distrivutoer's Aecentance was sianed and the ; 

papers turned over to Gueranty Trust Co. with the 

understonding that two axbizulties wis ce clerified. 

- 24. The General Maneger presen & bill from Loeb. - 
& Loeb in eommection wiih the WANGE ANORGAKTZATION in the sum 

of $1750. The Generel menacer expleined the cirexrstenees 
anger which Loeb end Loeb were enzeced in ecnnection with the 
reorganizetion of the Wenzer Co. ana his views in respect 
the bill rendered. 3 

The Generel Achnacer wos ai gaetbal to teke tte $s 
netter up with Loeb enc Loeb end try to adjust same. 

£5. The General Maneest read tp the Boerd « letter 
Gated getober £, receivec from Cheries Rosers 7 SOGBESE DE 
éigtrioution of pi¢tures to be-producec“by-bin. a 

re “Ei Ferstone’s EGusf ou me Rvees— 2-2 Tike. ~— 
wise dizeussed, anda tue ection of the oer menacer was 
poroved. - Sa a 
Bs > 
26. The Genersi “enazér teed to the Botrd'e letter 
4ated October 4,1938, reeeivec from F.A. Siatt, recuesting 
cistrituticn of rrotuet tions to bé mede by hin. 
ii. Siiversetone*s revly to Er. Blett wee ‘Lines — 
wise discussed, ani the action of the General Manecer wes ae 
tporoved. = 


27. The General #enecer resorted on the neotietions — 
thas were teking place between the Hays organization snd the — 
sreriesen Govermment for the pursoce of includine films in the ~ 
pelbr Trdce Treaty between Uniteé Stetes end Euglend; the 

curcose of these negofations on the part of the Meys orgenize= 
tion ie to heve the Films Act modifiea. The Geners] Menager 
expressed hie views thereon enc how he pmosed to deal with 

The Boerd noted the foresoing with aoprovel, leaving 
the handline of the entiré-metter in the hands of the Geperal 
Manager «8 he thought best ‘ 

28. The General Manececr reported that the sagreenent 
-between Miss Mary Pickford «ni the corporation, es previously 
authorized by the Board, bet sinfier to the one given Mr. 
Samuel Goldwyn dated July 22, 1936, had now been signed by <ll 

~~ -e 

29. The General Monager révorted thet tne Tressurer 
hed now completed the worldwide CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET of 
the Corvoration and its subsidieries for six months ending 
July 2, 1938, ana that the seme is eveiieble for the verusal 
of any Director who wished to see same. 

30. The General Manager reported that the Estimeted 
Monthly operetions for the 9 months ending September 30, 1956, 
wes not yet ready end that as soon as it was compieted it would 
be circulated to each Director. The General Manacer, however, 
cave an estimcted report om the worldwide basis for the veriocd 
ending September 24, 19358. 

31. Unon motion culy mede, seconded end unenimously 
adopted, it was 

RESOLVED, that November 1, 1936, be fixed as 
, the date of the payment of the second 
interim dividend of $50,000. to each 
of the five stockholders. 

32. The General rT reported thet the dispute 
regerding the @istribution of in Ceneda had been satis- 
factorily adjusted with Mr. Nathanson and thet yvnited Artists 
would distribute the photoplay in Canada. 

33. Mr. Peilos advised the Board that Arnold Press- 
burger wes prepared to enter inte « deel whereby he end his 
associstes would distribute ea number of pictures of the Cor>ora- 
tion*s producers to be dubbed in the French lancuage in 
Frence, and he was prepered to give e guarentee on each of same. 
Mr. Pailos outlined to the Boara further details thereon. The 
Generel Manacer pointed out that this would necessitate the 
taking over of the French orgenization by Mr. Pressburger end 
His essociates and that an arrangement would therefore have to 
be made between the Corporetion’s French subsidiery and the 
negotiaters. The Generel Manager reminded the Board of another 

8 : » eer ee ~A F- 
5 ene nae es, Se ae Ppa em SO ae a a gees Sale ee ee <i 

“ . ss 

proposal presented by Mr. Pallos, details of which were 
on ained in a memorandum from Mr. Pallos to the General 

roomy dated September 16, 1958, which was presented to 
the Soard. 


54. The General Manager reported that there had 
been received from the Corporation's London office © cable 
to the effect that London Films had asked for further pay- 
ments in connection with the pr sed gl distribution re- 
fund in ‘land. Payments from January 1, 1938 to July or 
1938 have been made connection therewith, in the fo of 
~an advance payment, this having been made with the appr 
of the Board. The request Foie London Films was for a a 
advance as from the ist of August. 

The Board deferred action on this matter. 

35. The General Manager reported that WORLD WINDOWS 

who have e@ contract with the Corporation to deliver 12 
Travelogues in Technicolor, plan to make a further series 
of 10 subjects and wish to distribute these additional 
subjects thro the Corporation. They likewise contemplate 
making os film aacxtion an of the Vatican. The General 

er, after consul ang gortein executives of the Corpors- 
tion recommended cat" the Corporatio n enter into 2 contract 
for these additionel 10 subjects upon the same terms as pre- 
veil for the first 12 sudjects in such territories where - 

the Corporation can possib secure distribution of same 
including the U.S.A 5H ithevise , WORLD. FINDOWS to give @ us an 

option on the Vatican film in the event of their making 

same, the terms therefore being not less than those now being 
paid to us for the Trevelogues, except in the United States 
where the terms may be less but in no event to be less then 
(a ; 

(i! Upon motion duly made, seconded 4nd unanimously 
carried, it was 

RESOLVED, that the a of the General 
Manager be accepted end that he be au- 
thorized to enter into a contract with 

3 World Windows the lines above 

a, owe. ee ee, ee ag! oe See ee eee Ey t ee nee ERE SS I EE AL eS ey OM Ne ee Rey ARI TEL. Ret OAS wee TEER, MPR DR , 
a . i oiaretonta ee 2 ~ . eo rr 5 “Se ea ke EE GRO GR. IIT, ERG EOI 

. . 
This matter was held over from the lest me sd 
the Lirectors could ascertsin the- views of thele respee- 
tive stockhoMers in regard thereto. 
f =P 
The metter was eens for the next We saad 


37. The Gaantet ‘aimless reported that the Botrd 
ore wi}i recell that in order to help certein S5ritis® pro- 
z Adeers it was aectaed some vime- beck to aistribute suth 
. ‘ victures tHrough the Mundus “istributing Corp.;~e wholly 
ovned subsidiary of this vorcorstion. The nolicy, however, 
hea not been successful. eee is © memorandum on this — 
subject from Mr. Packidy?- E 
"We secteur under the biunaus ‘¢endemertc three 
ictures bel! nerne to Lonson Fiims and four. oic- 

, - tures belopfing to British & Dominions: ug 
pe OVERNIGHT dla " 
GARTER - " " 
; ThaT’s 2 GOOD GYRL * ” oe 


We should reKieve our exchanges of the printes and 
accessories on theses nictures because the subfects 
ere not being booked and we need the space. 
Our unrecoused charges, whieh cherfes cover prints, 
et miscellaneous items, ERPT royalties in connection 
with certein of the victures, totalled es of Oct. 1, 
1938 Pork. 639.75. oak : a 
~~ Ine tiion to unrecoured charges, we’ Have $2200. a 
watn = é&ceessories on hand ficurea at cost: While a 
the «undus Co. hes been dissobved and ovr loss-written: 
off the books, we should tree be selvare es mich of" 
seme es nossible’ 

T tecowmens chat “we werk out a deel with the orogueerg ~~ 
t> turn pack to them the distribution rights in’cone 
Ss west! ziceraticn ef their reimbursing us either: wholly or. 

in pert for our unrecouned Sherges and va ue of 

Se et et, ee 

ee Xs : ; 16. 
eel . thy ~ age . - : a , ry 
"Ke should, of course, turn over ito trem the” drints - 
and edvertiging met ‘Pisl. They cen orodsbly urther 
derl with Some “.depncent @istrisutor tr further 

- aes 

- adictribution-ef these subjects." 
i ‘ : ‘ en ee moe Ioana 
, The General Mensrer was directed t> tekeesu ch eetion 
“Yas micht -dev necessary to dispose Ofgthe eaetate referred to 
in ¥r. Buckley's tiemore ndum. 

* .* 

36. The General Menaczer res ported thet Lt was his 
desire to divide the duties PRrmeriy perfemed oy Mr: Seheerer 
py the eppothtrent of sir. Herry Gold, as Hestern Seles Menecer, 

and Mr. Jack Schleifer as West rn Sates Yensecer. He also e 
@ recomended: that their selerits be fixed at $900.! a ‘week eech. - -s* 

<n - + 

ao thee Cte aise pea Sentra “' 

The reconnendations oe the Genere 2i Manacer < 
ps ware agproved... : : 

- 3 

© oe -- 39. RE: REBRSL SON ius THE CHALLENGE: Both of these = ~~ 
oictures heve been eaecepted by Tloration for distribution —— 
. 4n Ehgiand on the basis of their ‘being. "local" sictures; term ee 
of distribution being 172% to the English Co. ‘The Generel Be 
Menéeer reminced’ the Board thet in these two specific instanees © 
he-hed preferred to heve the approvel of the Board which wes. age 
eiven to these reduced terms. There sre territories (other =. 
~han the U.S.) in waich these two victures ere Gesoirea by the 
Corcoretion for distribution. wns 

f Upon motion duly made, seconded énd unanimously 
carried, it weary piss: ee a 


' RESOLVED, that the Generel Menerer ve ana is hereby 
, authorized to take on said 2 nictures, or 
either of therm, peat distri bution in any ene 
* all territories, h may d¢sire, throughout _ 
the world, except the United States, upon - 
terms not more favorable to the producer _ 
than those accorded to the stockholder. = 

e ss 5s ‘ G4 eee 

4 40. The bili.of F. M..Guedalie « Co. in the sum of ° 




B241.15.0, additionel expense of Miss Pickford and Mr. Fair- 
Danks, was presented to the meeting. 

Upon motion duly mnde, seconded and unanimously 
cerried, it was 

RESOLVED, thet this bill be paid. 

There being no further business before the meeting, a 
the same was uvon motion i made i os saan adjourned. 

November 4, 1938. 




A reguler meeting of the Board of Directors of United 
Artists Corooration was held on November 4, 1938, at five 

of¢lock P.M., at the offices of the Cornorstion, 729 Seventh 
Avenue, New Yorr City. 

There were present the following directors: 
<e Charles Schwartz 
4 Jemes Mulvey 
Dennis F. O*Brien 
Edward C. Raftery, 

constituting a quorum, 

There were also present: 

“* Brenuel eereer representing London 
in Stephen Pallos Fi ms 
M. Silverstone, General Manager 
Miss Mary Pickford 
H. J. Muller, Treasurer 

Mr. Mulvey wes designated as Temporary Chairman of the 
megtine and Mr. Reftery acted as Secretary. 

i ee 

1. The Generel Manager read to the Board end handed 
tv. the Secretary, cable containing resignation of Mr. Alexander 
Korda from Board of Directors, together with request that Mr. 
Emanuel Silverstone be elected in his plece. , 

Uvon motion duly maée, seconded and unenimously carried, 

3 . ~~ " ~ Ce 
‘ Z aol 
> es . 3° 
“ w. 
‘ ‘ * 
—_—-—" - . a . +t + 
4 eh BP. Pits 

————— ie 


it we 


RESOLVED, that such resignation be and is hereby 
accepted and thet Mr. Emanuel Silver- 
stone be and is hereby elected a 
Director of she Corporation. 

2. “Mr. Dennis O’Brien rresented to the meeting his 
resignation as € director of the Coporation, and upon notion 
duly made, seconded and-unanimously carried, it was 

RESOLVED, that such resignation be and is hereby 
accepted and Miss Mary Pickford be and 
she nereb; is eiected dirsctor of the 
Corsoretion in the place and stead of 
Dennis F. O*3rien. 

. It was then moved, seconded and unenimously 
carried that Miss Pickford he designated as Cneirman of the 
meeting. Mr. Mulvey relincuished the Chair, and Kiss Pickford 
from then on presided. — 

Mr. Raftefy then ahatek to the meeting thet he 

had been reguested by Mr. Fairbanks not to resign at the pregent 
time as a-director, but to continue until such time «as Mr. \ : 
Feirbanks selected gome person as his director. 

Mr. Mulvey then moved thst the despodation dispense 
with the serviceg of Mr. Charlies Schwartz as co-counsel for the 
Corporetion. There being no second | to the motion, the Chair 
declared the motion lost. 

ad 3. The General Manecer then stated to the meeting 
that the Cor oretion hed received a reguest from Mr. Alexander 
Korda, thet the date for payment for the stock of Alexander 
_Korda and London Film Productions, Ltd. in the Corvoration be 
extended from March 1, 1959 to Merch 1, 1942; likewise, thet 
the balence of Nr. Kordats personel —toen- in- the emount of. 
$79,070.40, including imterest, now due on November 25, 1938, 
be also extended to March 1, 1242; the sforesaid stock of 
Mr. Korda and London Film Productions, Inc. in the Corporation 
is to be retained by the Corporation as collateral security 
for the payment of said stock, as well as seid loan. The 
Treasurer reported that the amount due on the stock, with 
interest, before applying the dividend which wes peyable 
November 1, was $483,890.48. 

, pe 


ee BE Oe BY ee ae EE |e ak, Oe Ls 


The General manager likewise reported thet Mr. Korda had been 
in communication not only with him, but also with Mr. shal 
and had requested thst such payments be postoned, 

On motion duly made, seccnded and-unanimously 
carried, it wes 

RESOLVED, thet Mr. Kordea's request es aforesaid 
for extension oftime to Merch 1,1942, 
as to indebtedness on the stock, end his 
loan from the company be granted, and 
thet counsel be directed to prepare the 
necessary documents to carry into effect 
the necessary extension. 

Mr. Stephen Palios ——— to the Board Mr. Korda's 

4. The next metter broveht before the Bosrd was the 
Generel Manager's proposed new plan for distribution. There 
was consideraole discussion of the plan, and after discussion, 
it was 

RESOLVED, that a speciel meeting of the Board be 
held at 10 o*clock A.M. on November 14, 
1938, and thet the entire day be devoted 

gto discussion of this plen. 

5. RE: DRUMS-CANADA: The General Manager reported 
that this matter Sart been settled end thet as pert of the settle- 
ment it wes found necessary to agree to edvence to London Films 
the sum of 45000 so that they could pay same to Mr. Nathanson 
end/or Anglo-Canadian Film Distributors, the Corporation to re- 
sive for such loan © first charge on the producer's share of 

the receipts on "DRUMS" in Canada. It was also found neces- 

sary to pay to Sam Srith and/or Anglo-Canadian Film Distributors 

the sum of L200. to cover their legal cherges, this amount to 

be recovered from the gross receipts in Canada before - 

division between the producer and ourselves. As part of the 

settlement it was agreed with Nathanson and with the approval 

of London Filr Productions* thet Anglo-Canadian was to receive 

5é of the gross rentals in Canada on this picture. After 

consulting certain of the Directors, the General Manager 

had cabled to London saying that the Corjoration wovld meke 

such edvances of 45000 end &200 upon the terms above mentioned. 

Upon motion duly ade, séconded and unenimously 
carried, it was 


RESOLVED, that the action of the General 

Meneger be and is hereby re fied. 

6. The General Manager explained that when selling 
"GOLDWYN FOLLIES" and "MARCO POLO” to the Saengef Circuit, 6 
promise had been made-oy Mr. Schaefer that shouic the terms 
on these tw: sudjects prove unprofitable to the exhibitor, 
tre letter had the right to reduce the terms as he thought 
vests. The exhibitor had advised us that in view of the 
buciness done he felt all that should be vaid on each picture 
wes 25% of the gross instead of 55% as contracted for. If 
this promise is to be kept it necessitates « refund to the 
Saenger Circuit, of $3693.75. The General Manager pointed 
out that the Corporation's shere of the original film rentels 
in connection with the exhibition of these two pictures on 
this cireuit, amownted to only $3252.05 and it will be observed 
thet the-credits that de nébessery to be given in order to 
fulfill the promise are greater than the Comporation's shere 
of the rentel. Mr. Schaefer admitted that such promise had 
been mede and that the Goldwyn orgenization was not 4 party 
thereto. \ 

After discussion, it was the feeling of the 
Boerd that the Saenger Circuit was not clearly entitled to any 
refund in view of the showing of the two pictures in question. 
The ce Maneger was émpowered to make the dest adjustment 

7. The General Mansger reed to the Board a letter 
from Mr. George J. Schaefer, dated October 19, 1958, request- 
ing if possible the immediate settlement of eny monies that 
might be due him under his contract by reason of the percent- 
age of profits clause contained therein. The Ctneral Manager 
advised that Mr. Schaefer was agreeable to the appvointment of 
Mr. Harry Muller to calculate the amount due him and that. he 
would abide by Mr. Muller's calculations. The contract pro- 
vides that Price, Waterhouse shall determine the calculstion. 

Upon motion duly mede, seconded and unanimously 
carried, it wes 

~ RESOLVED, that any sums due Mr. Scheefere 
shell be forthwith peid to him 
and that the calculations by Mr. 
Muller in regard to such Yrofits 
be accepted by the corporation 
as final. 


8. RE WILLIAM S. HART LAWSUIT: Mr. Raftery reported 
to the Board that it was his feeling, os well as that of 
Mr. Driscoll and the other members of the steff of O*Brieny, 
Driscoll & Raftery that were working onthe Hart case, thet 
there would be a substantial verdict egainst the defendant 
in view of the ettitude the Court had taken on the question 
of dameges; that it was his feeling thet a substentiel 
reserve would have to be set up to take care of the eppeal, 
which of necessity would have to be taken. 

9. U.S. GOVERNMENT LAWSUIT: Mr. Raftery reported 
thet severnl members of the O*brien, Driscoll « keftery staff 
were Gevoting their exclusive services to the preparation of 
this suit, and that it was his feeling that additicnel men 
might have to be engaged to meke a-complete investigstion of 
every exchange in the United Stetes for the mirpose of 
correlating the necessary informetion to defend properly this 

10. The General Manager reported thet he had been ad- 

- vised by our counsel of an action, including en aoplicetion 

for ea prelininery injunction, that had been brought aseinst 
the Fox West Coast Theatres and Distributors, including this 
Corporation, by an exhibitor in Celiofornia. In view of the 
urgency of the matter it was found necessary to engage counsel 
in California. Our General Counsel recomuended Loyd Wrisht 
_be engaged for that specific purpose 4nd after consulting with 
the General Menager he hed actordingly written to Mr. Loyd 
— to act for us. 
rue ‘roma tigon qagtion @uly made, seconded and unanimously 
enented, it was, : 

RESOLVED, that the action of the General Menager 
end the Generel Counsel be end is 
hereby ratified. 

ll. The General Meneger reported that, as is known to 
the Boerd, Howard Hughes, through his agents, has made claims 
egeinst the Corsoration in connection with what he contends to 
be faulty distributiom of the pictures delivered by him. In 
view of the statute of limitetions exviring, his lawyer re- 
guested, tmpugh the Generel Counsel, an extension until 
Jenusry 15, 1939. The General Menager conferred with certain 
of the Directors, who, together with our General Counsel, 
approved granting such extension which accordingly was given. 


Upon motion duly made, seconded and unenimously cerried, 
it wes 

ST that the action of the General Maneser 
be end is hereby ratified. 

12. The Generel Manecer reported thet in connection 
with Odeon and -subsidisries he had received letters from 
Mr. Archibeld deted September 30, 1958, October 12 end 
October 17, 1938, together enclosures referred to therein; 
also, cable dated October 28, and that he had given same, 
together with his replies, to Mr. H.Jd. Muller. 

The General Manager reminded the Board that, as 
and when received, he hed given all corresyonuence in connection 
with Vdeon matters to the Treasurer of the Company end thet 
same was availeble for the perusal of each of the Directors. Mr... 
Muller hed advised him thet none of the Directors other than 
Mr. Mulvey had so far requested the loen of such fiies-ee as to 
familisrize himself therewith, in accordance with the intent 
of a previous resolution of this Board. 

13. The General Manager read a letter he had received 
from Mr. Harry Georze, of London Film Productions, Ltd., request- 
ing that the proposed 5% rebete be granted to Erich Pommer Pro- 
auctions and Victor Saville Productions. This was diseussed by 
the Boerd,and the Board felt the recuest should be refused 4s 
to these producers on the ground thet the 5% reduction did not 
apply to éither. ~= 

Likewise, the cuestion of making a 5% rebate in 
England and Canade up to Cctober 29, 1956, was discussed and 
it was the unenimous opinion of the Board that this should be 
Gone forthwith in the same manner es i* the 5¢@ had been rebated 
in the form of en advance payment. to those producers entitled 
to share therein. - 

14. -RE: SOUTH AFRICA: The Genefal anager reported 
that ell distribution contracts with the various producers had - 
been signed and that Mr. Kelly had left on October 29th for 
South Africa in order to meke the necessary preliminsry arrenge- 
ments for establishing the Corporation's exchanges there. 

with FILM : Cable sen recelved from our 
fondon office to the effect that London Films hed requested an 
edvance by the English coroorati on of b6009 account film rentels 
in arrears by County Cinemas. 

The Board felt this request should be refused in view 
of the decision arrived at in paragraph 13 of these Minutes. 


i Pee. ea 

15. Mr. Muiler reported the following: 

' : (a) The Corporation has advised all banks of __..’ 
the resignation of George J. Schaefer as Vice President in 
aceordance with the Directors*® Minutes of Gctober 7, 1935; 
o .& 

(bv) The Corsoretion received @ copy of & 
Mortgage, Pledge end Security Agreement deted October 19,1958, 
between Selznick International Pictures, Inc. and Bank ‘of 
Americe, Nationel Trust and Sevings Association, under which 
Selznick cen borrow up to $250,000 and-as security for repay- 
ment Selznick has assigned the phctoplays, "“ZENDA™ and 
"SAWYER", subject to prior loan agreements between tie saiié 
parties not yet fully licuidkted. Upon approval by counsel, 
the Distributor's Acceptence wes signed. 

(c) The Corvoration received from L. Lewis, 
e Letter of Request dated October 3, 1936, from Aldgate 
Trustees, Ltad., which veries their reauest of May 28, 1957, 
but only to the extent that the Corporation pay producer's 
share of revenue in respect to the distribution of the Engiish 
version of the film, MADEMOISELLE DOCTEUR, with or without 
superimposed titles and/or any dubbed versions meade therefrom, 
to the Westminster Bank, Ltd. for the joint account of Trafalgar 
Film Productions, Ltd. and Stanley Bayliss Smith. Upon ap- 
provel by counsel the acknowledgement of this Letter of Request : 
was signed. Thi corporation does not distribute MADEWOISELLE ae 
DOCTEUR in the United States but only in certein foreign ter- 

ritories. a : 

16. The General Manager reported, as it will be 
recollected by the Board, it was agrees that Mr. M. Silverstone 
wos to be elected a Director and airmen of United Artists — 
Corporetion, Ltd. and United Artists (Export) Ltd.; a cable hed 
been received from London advising that it was proposed to 
hold Directors Meetings of these two companies eat an early date 
go es to elect Mr. Silverstone e Director and Chairmen. The 
General Manager pointed out that all of the Stockholders, except 
Mr. Feirbenks , were already represented on the 5oard of United 
Artists, Corporation,-Ltd., end thet in view of the policy of the 
corporation that each Stockholder was to nominate his own Director 
he hed. cabled to London on October 25th as follows: 

Oa eg " bed 

eR FS BE The PA Feo Spt A eee ee Gee Ee We ena ee SE 



The General Manager pointed out that he still had not been ad- 
vised of the names of the alternates (resident in England) for 
the stockholders, or their present nominees, on the Board of 
United Artists Corporation, Ltd. 

. The action of the General Manager was approved. 

17. RE: SON OF THE SHEIK: The General Manager re- 

ported that in view of the success of this picture in the syn- 

chrenized version, in certain territories, Mr. Kelty hed rec- 
ommended that it be taken on for distribution in Strait Settle- 
ment, Siem, Brazil, Argentine, Cuba and Chile. After confer- 
ring with certain of the Directors ‘the Generel Meneger authorized 
Mr. Kelly to proceed with the negotiations - which have been con- 

Upon motion duly made, seconded an¢ unenimously 

carried, it was 
ro ; 


v, RESOLVED, that the action of the General 

Manager be and is hereby ratified. 


/ ‘ 

18. The Géneral Menager renorted thet Mr. Kelly had 
advised that he had executed Power of Attorney in favor of Joe 
C. Goltz and Mr. da Silva to rey e that civen to A. A.Lowe. 
Power of Attorney drawn is exactly, the same as furnished Mr. 
Lowe and has been executed by ir. Kelly as President of United 
Artists Corporation of Japan. Mr. Goltz hes been appointed 
Manager of the Jafan ofiice to replace Mr. Lowe. 

Upon motion duly meade, seconded“end unanimously’ 

carried, it was pa gt 

RESOLVED, that the granting of such Power 
of Attorney be and is hereby 

Muller reported that it was too soon to have available 
the estimated figures as at the-end-ef-Oetoder but that 
ne had prepared & rough calculatior of the worldwide orof- 
its of the compeny as at October 22,1958, a resume of which 
he gave to the Board. As soomas the estimated worldwide 
resort, as at'the end of Yctober, 1938, is ready, copies of 
same will be sent to each Director. 

This matter haa been ceferre Tom previous meetings, the 
facts being well kgown to the Board. The matter wes aor 

21. Manager reported he — been advised 
by General Couffsel t fin the Stsete of Uteh en action had 
been broucht afeinst C.E.Huish Enterprises and certain dis- 
tributors, including this Corporation, uncer the anti-trust 
laws. The matter was being dealt with by General Counsel. 
wf » &&. RE: LONDON FILM TRAILERS: The General Maneger | 
revorted that et the meeting held on August 4, 1938, there 
were presented various communications fom London Films in 
regard to their claim that they should be reimbursed for the 
oroduction cost of second treilers made by them in connection 
with the distribution of their pictures; that the decision 
of General Counsel was that they were not entitled to such 
reimbursement. ..There has been since received from London 

Films memorandum dated November 1 on the above subject together 
with the opinion referred to therein, copy of wnich memorandum 

and opinion have been given to sn6 Generel Counsel of the 
corporetion. po ~ see 

It was the opinion of the Board that the ‘ae 
of London Films aig trailers shoul§ be disallowed. 

25. RE SPAIN: The General Manager advised thet he 
hed received e comprehensive report from London outlinin 
conditions in Spain, details of which he gave to the Boerd. 

Regarding suggestion contained in the report 
that undeveloped building sites im Barcelona be purchesed 
with the brocked pasetas, he had arranged that a copy of 
such report be sent to the producers so as toascertain their 
views thereon. As‘to utilizing the Corporation's blocked 
pesetas in Barcelona for such purvose, the General Manager 
suggested that this be held in abeyance until he-had.been 

ea eee a. 

a, Sin. eee ee Pe ee. che eee Pe ata i eee ete ae 


~ 2 

able to obtain the views of the producers and when such views 
era*obteined, he will bring the matter eesin to the attention 
of the Board for their considerations . F 

The action of the Generel Meneger was approved. 

£4. The Generel Manager reminded the Boardsthat at | 
the lest meeting Mr. Pallos had advised the Boerd of an offer 
that Mr. Arnold Pressburger was prepared to make in regard to ° 
his purchasing « number of pictures of our sroducers. The 
Boerd was reminded of another proposal presented Mr. Pallos 
regarding the production by Mr. Pressburger of Fren¢th pictures; 
the General Manager hes since been informed by Mr. Pallos thet 
dota of these offers as presented by him on behelf of Mr. ~ . 
Pressourger were now withdrawn. ae : 

-25. The General Maneger reported that there had been 
received from London, Price.Yieterhouse « Co."s sudit report of 
United Artists Corn., Ltd. for the six months ending July 3, 
1936, which report is in the possession of the Treesurer. 

26. The Genel Weneger brought to the notice of 
the meeting the lease between the United 4rtists Corporation 
and Willian Morris Agency, Inc. for premises 202 North Canon 
Drive, Beverly Hills, California, and that in accordance with 
the provisions of the agreement certain alterations and addi- 
tious are tc be made in the building, and that it was neces- 
sary for someone to represent United Artists during this 
period and to supervise thesalteretions and to make eny payments 
necessary to be made therefor. 

e ‘ 

, _ Therefore, on motion of Mr. Schwartz, duly 
seconded by.Mr. Mulvey, it was unenimously 

RESOLVED,(1) Theat N.A.McKay be and he is 
hereby appoined ahd aithorized 
to represent United Artists 
Corporation in the supervision 
of the elterations ani additions 
in the said building in accordance 
with the provisions of the lease - 
dated October 21,1938, between 

' United Artists Cornoretion and 

William Morris Agency, Inc.; end 


2, Thet Williem Morris Agency, Inc. and the 
erchitect be instructed to present ail 
bills in connection with the construction, 
alterations, improverents and additions 
to.said buildins, to United Artists Corpora- 
tion, who, in turn, will send the bdiils to 
N.- A. McKay, and if such bills are approved 
by United Artists Corroration, he shall pey 
them forthwith from the bank account herein- 
efter created. 

3. That this Corcorstion oven and mehtain an 
account with the Bank of America National 
Trust and Sevings Association, to be known 2 
as "United Artists Building Account," and a 
dep.sit therein funds of the corporation con- 
sisting of monsys, checks, negotiaole papers 
and other instruments for the payment.of money, ~~ 
acceptable to seid Bank, and thet all funds 
deposited in said account shall be withdrawn 
frop.seid_account Dy means of checks issued 
in the name o orooration, signed by 
N.A.MeKay, or by two officers of the Corporea- 
tion, one of whom shell be the President or 
Vice-President, and the other of whom shell 
be the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, 
Secretary or Assistant Secretary, and that 
such Bank shall fully protected in honor- 
ing and peying such checks so signed. 

27. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously 
cerried, it was 7 4 

RESOLVED, thet the annucil mesting of the shareholders 
¢ the corporeticn shall be heid at the of- 
fice of the corsoration , No. 723 Seventh 
Avenue, New York City, New York, which is 
hereby declared to be the orincioel place 
_of business of the corsoration, on the isth ~ 
day of November, 1958 at the hour of three cx 
o*ciock P.M., for the trensaction of any and 
a ell business thet mey come before the meeting, 
—_—ae including the election of the Board of “{rectors 
to hold office for the ensuing year, and thet. 
the Secretary of the corporation send out 

proper notice to each of the stockholders of 

ss oie 12. 

There being no further business beforé the 
meeting, the same wes, upon motion Guly mede and seconded, 
acjourned. . . fe oa “sa 

a > 
* . 
o ’ 
— — eget snd ~ ee 
2 Sa 
° . = 
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2 <2 
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CP Pee aeS Aa Se gt oe BP ee eae 



PR peso 

Received at fugy 503. 728 ROME AVES, Me t. 


- REGARDS= yee 





November 3, 1958. 

Edware C. Reftery, Secretary 
United Artists Corpvuration 
New York City 

Deer Mr. Raftery: 
I hereby tender my resignation as director 
of United Artists Cor.oretion, to take effect as and 

when The Pickford Corsuration directs it. 

Yours very truly, 

tue Fae re"! ¥ Se a Stee tS ae ——_ Fa Ex: ere. o¢ a 7 ?. = ae i & Dey cae 9 
“s Se Bee one aici Ge EE ee ora 
r is = 7 * : say 
rs pe ? PS 
aad ra f. ° vi ; 
Ww November: 14, 1938. id. 
2 a fo i 3 | 
, -of- $ 
a chet ¥ oe. ; 
& Specter Meeting cof the soacra of Directors of 4 
United Artists Cor. oretion was heia on November 14, 
A 1938, et ten ofelock in the forencon, ¢t the offices . aaa 
of she Corscretion, 722° Seventh Avenue, New York : colt: . “s 
City. A : | oe | 
There were present tié following directors: 
Mr. Jemes Kulvey 
There being no quorum present, the meeting : es 

wee edjourned until November 1938, at 2:30 P.M. 

ieee os iy fs ee 
, ? : i fe 
a : “3 | November 18, 1938. “s 
. - ’ > 

\ “” 

* <A Special Meeting of the Beerd of a Season of United 
Artists Cor® oration was held on November 18, 1938, et 2:30 

-otelock in the efternocn, st the offices of the Cor oretion, 

729 Seventh Avenue, New York City, pursuant to the edjourn- 
ment of the meeting held on Novenber 14,1938. 

There were present the following directors: , 

Miss Mery Pickford 
° Mr. Charles Schwartz 
Mr. James Mulvey @ 

Mr. E. Silverstone, | & Sees 

constituting a avuorum. — - ; cap: 

There were also present the following: 

Mr. Dougles Fairbarks, 
Mr. bennis F. O*Brien 

Mr. M. Silverstone, General Manezer , one 
Mr. Paul O*Srien, Attorney _ Pag 
Mr. H.-J. Muller, Treesurer. on 
Miss Mary Pickford acted as Chuirman of the meeting, = 
and Mr. Paul O*Brien acted es Secretary. ~e ? 

l. The resignetion of Edward C. Raftery as a Girectér 
of the Corporation was presented to the Bosrd and accepted. 


‘ P ; x ss 
“tee ~v E & 
2. Mr. Dongles Feirbanks was elected e Director of 

the Corporstién in plece of Mr. Edward C. Reftery. 


Meneger reported that in connection with the orovosed new 

plen of distribution (whieb-wee—te_bs in supetttution for 

the-Procucers.Sunc.Plen previcusl> sssseved—by this Bosré) , 
z ey 

Ar. kulier had sent t. exch of the “irectors the foliowing 

letter, together with tae enelosures referred to therein: 

——s inet trance 

~: -. November 9, 1938. 
Miss Mery Pickford 

The “herry-Néetherlané Hotel . 

5th Avenuesset 59th Ste, 

New York City. 

Deer Miss Pickford: - 
“ Keon connectien with the Special inti ne of 
the Board of Virectors to be held on Wondey, November 
i4th, at 10 A.M., I have prenesred at the recuest of, 
ena in conjunction with Mr. M. Silverstone,the follow- 
ing, enclosed in duplicate: 


(bo) BANK STATEMENT AS AT ocToseR 33,1938 (which 
you will note is attached to the evove}. 



a ; 

ein aie m4 
e- : ‘4 
; wre 3. 
. ? € 
~ 4 é é 
i ete o s ; 
? You of course cporeciete that the ficures ere 

rough calculetions - it being impossible for either 
” Mr. Silverstone or myself, to forecast, at tis moment, 
-~-the individual vrosses per picture, the caqllective 
dleyed end edrned per producer, likewise the oieyed 
snd earned and the expenses for the remeinder of the 
calendar year; therefore, te enciosed figures’ can 
oey be considered as an estimate. 

ee ee fo many, 
Stheerely yours, J 
(sismed) HsJ.MULLER 
o Treesurer."” 

CC Messrs.E. C-Reftery, C.Schwertz, J.é.Mulvey, be 
E. Silverstfe. 


It wes li se pointed out to the Board eats 
such proposed new t ‘of distribution, one of the conditions ' 
thereto would be a mocifieation. of the "favored natsdon” clause 
by those producers receiving the cenefits there 

The above matter was fully discussed and it wes agreed 
thet further considerstion of same should be given at an 
adjourned meeting to be held on November S50, 19358. 

; 4. RE: 5% REFUND E casas AND CANADA: It wes pointed 
out that at @ prev #& resolution had been 
pessead suthorizing tine eiteraticn in the terms of distribution in 
England and Caneds from 30% to 25% with charges ncually sheared 
lirewise altered from 30% to 25%; such reductions to be retro- 
ective es of Jen 1 1938. With the approval of the Boerd payrents 
heve been made tc certsin croducere in the form of advance paynents 
in anticivation of film rentels, _receverable by the corporation. 
It wes pojrted out thet it wes necessery to clarify exectly to whom 
such: reduetion in distributien charees is SQpLsce ete: 

SO it cal 

‘It wes egreed that this matter was to be atécussed 
further at the edjcourned meeting to be heid on November 30,1934, 

Thereupon, upon motion duly made, and seconded, the 

nie are De Nee ST ON ee TS 
CNT at NO Ry nomen de ee EES aS OR: Pg PR Te a Fee 

Aaa Eo coemeries r ok Ree 
meeting was adjourned until Novenber 30, 1938, at 2:30 P.M. - er: 
_ ‘ . r ; : * ® J aa 
‘ - O*prien 
5 Acting Secretary - 
SSepebeistiten he . 

United Artists Corooration 
723 Seventh Avenue 
New York City 


I hereby resign es a director of United 
Artists Corporstion , effective upon the election 
of Dougles Fairbanks or his designee to such 

Very truly yours, 

Dated: November 15,1938. 


— ~irnanperrascctncinnsiataessieningiciamnaietie hina : ‘ pine : cities Iiecin-cnstadsatnjanteah hapten cadeacntbaamagieal 



EDWARD C. RAFTFRY, vdeing duly sworn, aeposes and 
séys that he is the Secretary of UNITED ARTISTS COR’ORATICN, 
& corporation of —_— of Deleware; that on the Sth day 
of Novembvter, 1936, he cdused & notice of annuel meeting of 
the stockholders of seia corporation, & copy of which is 

- hereto ennexed, to de mailed in e sealed wrapper, postage 
prepaid, aacdressed te each stockholder of record of said 

corporation-et his Post-Office eacress as the same appears on 

hud be fF 3: 


the cooks of said cor oration. 


The Pickford Ccorporétion, 
104i North Formese Avenue, 
Hollywood, Califorrie 
The Elton Corporation, 
1041 North Forrosa Avenue 
Hollywood, Caiifornie 

Mr. Charles Chaplin, " 
1416 North’ La Bree Avenue 
Hollywood, California 

in 4 iexander Korda 
aed London Films, ie 
22 Grosvenor Street, We Ae 

, London, yee pin > 


ir. en Goidwyn 
1041 North Formosa Avenue 
Hollywood, California 


7x =e Ooi al ee aay 
SRR ao fs 




; Pursuant to nétice, the Stockholders of United nekioed 

° Cor oration met for-their-ennusi meeting on Friday, November 13 
1958, et the hour of :3:09 o’clock ess et the offices of the 
Cor: ‘oration, 729 Seventa- Avenue, New York City. 

or tai 

Upon roll cell, it was ascertained that all stockholders 
were present in person or by vroxy, to wits 

of Pickford Corsoration, dy . ? se 
Mery Pickford (proxy) “© 4000 sheres 

Cherles Cheplin,. by a 
Charles Schwartz (sroxy)_ _- 4090 shsres — 

The Elton Corporation, by 3 = 
Douglés Fairbanks (proxy) = 4000 shares _ 

= Samuel Goidwyn, by : fe: 
Rare ris James ihe e (grax?) _ = 4000 sheres 
SORES: Ps abate, : s~ he “3 

a Alexencer Korde, by ananassae : : 

Erenuel Silverstone (proxy) ~ 4000.shares. 

_There were also present the following persons » 

- Dep O'Brien 
3 gis J-_O°Ee 
i a O*5rien 
1 _ ~s 

By agreement of e611 present Miss Mery Pickford assumed 
the Chair and Mr. Dennis F. O*Brien acted se Secretery of the 

meeting. : 


The Secretary of the meeting presented an affidevit of 


0 th tubing o full Board sf five 2ireétors._ 

Mr. Edwerd C. Heftery, Seeretery of the Corooretion, setting 
forth the. notice of the cell of the meeting; the cols gon fe 
been fount reculer, e cuorum being psresent, end thc 
hevine been recorded end inspected end or file, the esting 
wes declared Comestent to proceed. - 

Upon noMtsn adly meade, seconded and unesnimously 
cexried, the resdine of the "wimates of the previous meeting , 
wes weivec. : 

Upon motion duiy mede, seconded and unent-ousiy csrried, 
the rendering of reports of officers end committees was waived, 
with direction that tae Same be made to the Board of Directors, 

The Cheirerr declered thet the next order of business 
fas the electicn pia a a end, officers. 

Whereuoon, it was poved,: seconded ard unesnimously 

carried, that the necting sracwed with the olestion of disestane) 

end officers. The several stockholders present voted a 
cumui:tively as follows for the following directors: 


Stockholder Director Votes— . 
The Pickford Cor» oretion Mery Pickford 20,000 
Cherles Cheplin Charles Schwartz 20,000 
The Elton Corooration Dougles Fairbanks 20,000 ‘ 
Alexander Korda < _ Emanuel Silver- af 
= stone 20 ,000 
Senuel Goldwyn James Fulvey 29,000. 


Whereuson, ‘he Gaeirmen declared thet the following per- 
sons were elected to serve as directors until the next annuel . 

“meeting or stockholders” or until thelr successors be elected 

ard cualified: 

Mey Plerfora age 
Cherles Schrrrtz 
Brenuel Silverstone 
Jemes Vulvey, 

The Cheirmen ennounced thst the next order of business 
wes the election of officers of the Corporation. © 

Whereupon, it wis moved, seconded and unanimously 
cerried es follers: my 

~ Ra, 

ae RESOLVED, thet the follorine persons be elected to 

- - the respective cffices sot scuposite their 
; respective names; tc wit Sane “ 
c=, = ‘ 2 o. : Se a 
Vice President - Arthur ®% Kelty 
- Vice President . 2 - Herr> D. Buckley 
; Tregeurer _ «© Harry Waller 
. _S@eretery cs - Edword C. &sftery 
-—-"“Bssigtent Secretaries - =< Harry Muller Bee": 
, ; Penl D. O*brien 
Assistent Presesurer .. - N. L. Thorepson, 
which wes evidenced of the unenimoys vote of ali of the stockholders x 
of ‘the Corvsoration. ae 4 S 
It wee suzgested that there were other matters which 
shoulda sreperly Be considered by the stockhotters Be. trett suxcet 
-* meeting end fér the purpose of ei Scusping suth matters, uson scticn > 

duly mede enc seconded, the meetins ves adjourned, to be reconvened 
unor three gays* written notice. : 


. =n a 2 = 5 Sr en . - 
MINUTES APOROVED: = Aeting Secretery 


* xy aos * 
tet roe L = *~ 
| ORAPLES crariIN cc) ES : ; 
By : 



KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the umdersigned, 
CHARLES CHAPLIN, holder of FOUR THOUSAND (4,000) shares 
of the stock of UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION, a corporation 
of the Stete of Delaware, does hereby appoint Charles 
Schwartz his true and lawful attorrey with full power of 
substitution ald revecation, fer himand im his name, to 
vote as his proxy at the annual meeting of the stockholders 
of said compamy, to be held en the 18th day of November,1933, 
and at any adjourmment or edjourmments thereof; hereby 
ratifying amd confirming all that said attorney or substitute 
mey lawfully do im the premises. © 

WITNESS the execution of this proxy by the said 
CHARLES CHAPLIN this 18thday of wovember, 1938. 

sean Lalit, 


Attest: % at 

CHARLES CnsPLIN, per his duly euthorized 

proxy, CHARLIKS SCHWARTZ, votes his four thousand 
(4000) shares of common stock of UNITED ARTISTS 
CORPORATION cumulatively for Charles Schwartz as 
director of the corporation. 


Charles Schwartz 20,000 

Dated, November 18, 1936 



authorized officer, MARY PICKFORD, votes its : 
four thousand (4000) shares of common stock of UNITED 
ARTISTS CORPORATION cumulatively for Mary Pickford 

ds directgr of the corporation. 
; 2 

Mary Pickford 20,900 

Dated, November 18, 1938 

- ary ckto 

ome 4 

a THE ELTON CORPORATION, per its duly 
authorized officer, DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, votes its 
four thousand (4000) shares of common stock of 
UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION cumuletively for Douglas 

Fairbanks as director of the corporation. 

Douglas Fairbanks 20,900 
Dated, November 18, 193s. 



ALEXANDER KORDA, per his duly authorized 
proxy, EMANUKL SILVEHSTONE, votes his four thousand 
(4000) sheres-of-common stock of UNITED askiistsS 
CORKPURATIUN cumulative}y for Emanuel Silverstone 

as director of the corporation. 

' Emanuel Silverstone 20,000 
Dated, November 18, 1936. 
anuel rstone 



Th undersigned shareholéer of UNITED 
ARTISTS CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, hereby 
nominates, constitutes and appoints JAMES A. MULVEY the 
lawful attorney and proxy of the undersigned, with full 
power of revocation, to vote for and in the name, place 
and stead of the undersigned, for a period of one (1) 
yeer from the date hereof, unless this proxy be sooner 
revoked, any and all shareSof stock of said corporation 
at any time standing in the name of the undersigned, at 
any and all meetings of the shareholders of said United 
Artists Corporation, and at any and all adjournments of 
such meetings which may be held during such period of one 
(1) year, with the same force and effect as if the under- 
signec were present and personally voting; and the under- 
Signec hersby ratifies and confirms all that the under- 
signed's said attorney and proxy may do by virtue hereof. 

The undersigned hereby revokes all 
proxies and powers of attorney heretofore given by him 
to vote upon or act with respect to said shares. 

EXECUTED at Los Angeles, California, 
this 15th day of November, 19358. 

~= * : 

SAMUEL contin, per his duly authorized 
proxy, JAMES MULVEY, votes,his four thgusend (4000) 
shares of Common stock of UNITED ARTISTS CORPURATION 
cumulatively for James setae. as proxy of Samuel 
Jemes Mulvey 20,000 


beted, November 18, 1938 

: / V1, ‘dake ee 
Ax K— a. Uf t4 tt bf 


: mee 
a* ee r 

* - ee 



5 City, pursusnt to the adjournment, of the meeting hele on _ 

" November 18, 1956. 

November 50,. 1958. 

wate ~~ Cer heat aes Pea ee 


Ri a Ser meena tee SGN ETE oS 
— te 

A speciai meeting of the Boarc of “irectors of United 
Aetists Corsoretion was ne]d on November 30, 1938, et 2:50 P.M., 

et the offices of the Corcoretion, 729 Seventh Avenue, New York 


There were present the followine directors: 

*- Miss Mary Piclrora ~ 

re ne Mr. Charles Schwartz 2 ae 
sa Mr. Jemes Mulvey : a 
ss Mr. #. Silverstone, <, . ta 
constituting & quorum. ~ ra ae 
: Fi aie, = 
There were also ‘precefit the following: = 
Mr.-Dennis F. O'Brien’ } - 
Mr. M. Silverstone, Generel Manarer, 2 
Mr. Peul O'Brien, , 
Mr. H. J. Muller, Treasurer. 
Miss Pickford ected es Chairmen of Spe neeting,. end 
o ve 
Mr. Peul o*brien ected es Secretury thereof. ~  . _ 


ENGLAND & CANADA: The foregoing matters were agein fully dis- 
cussea era it wee agreed that further cunsiceretion of these 
metters should be given at an Adjourned Meetine to be held on 

_Decenver 6, 1958, «t 2:50 P.M. 

Fooee di - ss ad 

“By WOSERE TA Mont cr LIFE INSURENCE-PonterRS:—This-matter 
was egein presented to the soe md the followinz Preambles and 
Resolution: Wore edontegs = ea eR ee ea 

WHEREAS, United Artists Cor oration is materially inter- 
ested in hevirig Netionel Surety Corporation execute an Apcecl 
Bone in the venel eum of approximately Two Hundred and Seventy-' re 
Nine Thousena ($279,000.00) “ollers, snd deSires to furnish Nation- 
el Surety Corvoration with collateral security for said bond; and 

WHEREAS, United Artiats. Corocreti¢on is materielly in- 
terested as berneficiery, in ena is also the ovmer of, © certain 
Life Insurance Policy woon the life of Joseph M. Schenck, more 
“rat Paar described frithe following resolution; fmr;—trerefore, 
be it : . ee 2 c 
RES CLVED, that in consideration of the NetYonel Surety 

Corsoretion executing aid Appeal’ Sond on behalf” 

of or at the request of United Artists Corpora- : 

tion and for other good ard valusble Considere- ate 

tions, H. D. Buckley, Vice President, pe end is -——- 
hereby authorized to s@Paassign and set over aa 
absolutely, on behelf cf this Corpeny, to Netionel — 

Surety Corcoretion, the following policies of 

Life insurence of which this Company is the owner. 

and in weich this ‘*ompany is-nemed es benefitttry; 

g Vesssehusetts © al Life,,Ins.Co. 

1528685 Mutuel Benefit Life Ins. Co. 

492600 Guerdien Life Ins. Co. =. - 

6084962 Prudential Ins. Co. of America 

547589 Home Lifé Ings. Co. of New York 

223194 Menhetten Life Ins.Co. of New York 

S£1988-4 Netionel Ltfe-ftns.€o0. of Montpelier, — 
“ Vermont . 

6i16256-7 Aetne Life Ins.Co. of Hertford,Ct. 
£65703 Union Centrel Life Insurance Co. 

on the life of Joseph M. Schenck, gnd ell : 
o  Pight, title end interest of this Company therein, * 
. _ to he helt by Netienei Surety Cor oration as con- 3 
oy tinsinz. @jlieterel security for dny and «11 indebt- ~ 
a _.. edness, ifabf. Ttilés and obligations of every kind ~ 

ae ae and nature; herétefore. pr REYrenrter erising OF this —— 
hi ; Company to the assignee, created directiy or ac- i 
ls ka” quired by assignment, absolute or contingent, due — 
So ete. 6b the assienee has or shall have, 5 
¥% ineluding clains under any endorsement or ‘guerenty; 
end in order to effectuate the foresoing the seid arene 

Ha: as Buckley. is authorized to execute an wassicnnent — 
of Policies es Continuing Collateral Security" to 
seid Assignee and H. J. Muller, Assistant Secretary, 
—_— is authorized to affix the seni of this comoseny to = 
.Sueh assignment. ee 



_ Um motion Guly made, seconded and, unenimously cerried, 
’ the nesting was adjourned to December 6, 1936, at 2:30 P.M. 

% s ee: % 

“ss serene rpemapseenensadtamsbasisiesck coke 
F . 

ness * . ory ee 
: seceaeinanaal ? e as . pe tateeh 1 S 3 
-of- 6 5 


sect et nig ee eee Tene 

RE SE ae ta ee Sete TY ONT STOTT 8 St hd 

an ee nr ep ery seen i srenesneneatereaps ential 

Ct tne ee ne 

. : 2 t : eee G on 
. An edjourned special nesting of the Board of gece - 
————- 9f United Artists Corporation wes held on December 6 , 1938, 
._ ~*~ #t 2:39 P.M., at the_offices of the Corsoration, 729 Seven th 
_ venue, New York, pursuant to the adz surmment of the meeting mnie 
PER _ veta~ on Novemosr: 30, sheets vice 
a oF gee HEIN TEDL ARR gn ; 
There were Epson’. the following aircetors: : oe 
‘ Miss Mery Pickford : ; 33 
: <P . Chsrles Schwartz — : «ey 
ur. E.. Silverstone. pe 
re ET Taere were also present the following: 

Se At Cee Mir. Dennis F. O'Brien, 
= Mr. M. Silverstone (General Manager) 

: : a Mr. Peul O*Brien ~— 
suuar er oninesanneer semueremeememnemamt on me Hite Bs, Fe Muiler . dea 
Mi Pr RRR SE of Loya ee 

é ial 

é “ghere tate no cuorum, thé meeting was ‘edjournea until 
‘ December 16, 1938, et 2:30 P.M. 


ie et os en wee Miia aay REL aN 
“ ii Bo 
~ j sie Si 
~~} . P ; » % men eens 
dae: Gn bay : 
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thet the regular monthly meeting 
of the Board of Directors of United Artists Cor oration will - 
de held at the office of the Gorsoretion, No. 72° Seventh 
Avenue, New York City, on icbeteoen ss December é, 1938, immedietely — 
following the edjourned Speciel Meeting of the Bosra of _ 2 
Directors scheduled for 2:30 >. M. = se: : 

Dated: Rao, » 938. 



° A reguler ineeting of the Boara of Directors of 
United Artists Corsorati-n was held on Tuescey, December 6, 
1935, immediately following the adjourned soecisl necting 
of airectors held at 2:30 P. ee on that dey. 


There were present the following directors: Z 

Ae Miss } Mery Pickford, ica 
Oe At eee - _ Mr. Charles Schwertz 
: : Mr. E. Silverstone. 2 : = 
% = - 2 me Sh pan ‘ a 
There were also present thé following: Z aa Ton 
a Mr. Dennis F. 0O*Brien 5 
Mr. M, Silverstone, General Menarer 
Mr. Peul O*srien = 
Mr. H.Jd. Muller, » Tressurer = 
. f Loya Wrisht. ; 

There baice no guoritn. the seach, was ad Himes anti 
Lecember 10, 1958, at make is AK. 


‘December 1o, 1938. 

A Special Meeting of the stockholders g# United Artists 
Corporetion wes held at the office of the cenasiia Seventh 
Avenue, Manhatten, City of New York, on Saturday, December 10th, 1938 
at the hour of 11:15 o*elock in the morning. 

-There were present the following: 

Charles Chaplin, 
. by Charles Schwertz, Proxy, 

Alexander Korée, 
by Emanuel Silverstone, Proxy, 

The Pickford Corporation, 
by Paul D. O*Brien, Proxy 

The Elton Corporation, 
by Dennis F. O'Brien, Proxy 

being’.« quorum of the stockholders of the corporation. | 

Dennis F. O'Brien acted as Chairman of the meeting, and 
Paul D. O'Brien, acted as Secretary of the Meeting. : 

Dennis F. O'Brien presented to the meeting telegrams of 
the call of the meeting executed by Edwerd C. Raftery and evidence 
of the sending of these telegrams was ordered to be attached to 
these minutes. 

Theres was presented to the meeting resignation of Douglas 
Fairbanks as a Director of the corporetion, which resignetion wes 

{ _ 
duly accepted. Dennis F. O*Brien was then elected a Director by 
. : 6s 2 a 


The Elton Corporation, to succeed Douglas Fairbanks. 

There was presented to the meeting resignation of Mary 
Pickford es a Director of the corporation, which resignation was 
duly accepted. Paul D. O'Brien was then elected a Director by 
The Pickford Corporation to succeed Mary Pickford. 

There being no further business the meeting duly 


KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the undersigned, 

THE ELTON CORPORATION, a corporatio#, holder of four thousand 
(4,000) shares of the stock of United Artists’ Corporation a 
corporation of the State of Delawere, does hereby eppoint 
DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, or in his absence, DENNIS F. O*BRIEN, its 
true and lawful attorney with full power of substitution and 
revocation, for it and in its name, to vote as*its proxy upon 
all the stock held by it in the United Artists Corporation, at 
any special or annual meeting of the stockholders of United 
Artists Corporation and any respective adjourned meetings there- 
of; hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorney or 
substitute may lawfully do in the premises. 

WITNESS the execution of this proxy by the said 
THE ELTON CORPORATION this beo< dey of Decenver, 1938. 


sy DoawseaPrres - 



- s ¢ he ‘ 
cee aoe ee Ly ee 

) oa 



a nme 

4 SS ore eae peeen ee ee 
re Received at HOM 503-729 SEVENTH AVE _ Mw ¥ 

shtegieIRTs 3H been: 








eee  . ee | 



Rae ee Pee ome am 

SNOW 4 MEN SY THESE PRESENTS, That the unaersigned, = 
THE CECKFORLD CORP ORATION,-& corlsoration, hold3r of four thousend 
(4,Uu0¥) shures of the stock of Unites Artists Corporat in, & 
Corsoreticn of the State of Delaware, aces hereby eppoint- 
hinnkY PICKFORD, or in her ebsence, PAUL D. O'BRIEN , its true ena 
lawfui- attorney wh th full power of substitution enc revocution, for = 
it <nd in its neme, to bese es its proxy upon all of the stock ~ 3 ie 


held oy it in the United artists Corporation at any special 

or ennusi meeting of the stockholders of Uiittec artiate 

_cor, eorat ion 4nd ny _ respective | adjourned i meetings t thereof; —_—o— s&s 

ratifying and confirming ail that seid atone, or substitute — 
Sot Bee 

may iewfuily do in the premises, ¢ Aes = 
° Tae oes es ene ay 

WITNESS the siecatiek ofthis proxy oy the sald THE 

PICZFORD CORSORs. TION this luth cay of Decemoer, 1938. 


we < 

Sal one - ek gt ; it 
. - * ‘ ‘ 
ny : . F. = 
— mei ere ae _ ere re a aod f ate 

_ ae —— : 

- < 2 > OP gi tne te a . won ; 
¢ aa oo -=* ' December 7, 1958. 
° -_- “ 
ity — , 
aes nat Soaee Ce ae ee aN = Gppacies ead ae + 

“PLRASE TAKE NOTICE that the Reguler Monthiy Meeting 
of the Bosrd of Directors of UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION, 
held on December 6 1938, a been adjourned to December ‘lo, 

1936, 6st a 15 ab es at ‘the offices ‘of the Corporation, me 



123. Seveiith Avenue, New ‘York City. See 3 


OF | 
December 10, 1936. 

Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors of 
United Artists Corporation was held at the office of the corpora- 
tion, 729 Seventh Avenue, Menhatten, City of New York, on Seturday, 
December 10th, 1938 at the hour of 11:30 o'clock in the morning. 
There were present the following: 
Messrs. Charles Schwartz, 
3 Dennis F. O'Brien, 
Paul D. O*Brien, ~ 
- Emenuel Silverstone, » 
constituting a quorum of the Board of Directors. 
There were also present the following: 
Messrs. Murrey Silverstone, Generel Manager 
Harry J. Muller, Treasurer. 
Dennis F. O’Brien acted as Chairman of the meeting, and 

Peul D. O'Brien acted as Secretery of the meeting. 

The following matters were considered: 


General counsel ofthe corporation reported thet a de- 
cision had been rendered egeinst the corporetion in an ection 
brought by Williem S. Hart, et al.-v. United Artists Corporation, 
end the demeges plus interest constituted the sum of $278,209.99. 


- - 

FE eS Tt eS oh, aoe ae & a RD on. hale RS ee aa 

; uy . pS - . ys ; . i. a 
> Directors f . 
R. M. Dec.10/38 - a 2. 

An appeal to the Appellate Division is being taken, and in the mean- 
time it was necessary that United Artists Corporation file ea bond in 
the above sum. The General Manager reported in full concerning the 
negotiations to obtain such a bond, and that he had been advised by 
General Counsel that the bond had been duly Ciled. 

The actions of the General Manager and the execution of 
the bond by the United Artists Corporation were unanimously approved 

and ratified. 

| The Gércral Manager réad a cable from Mr. Korda, dated - 
November 10th, 1938 requesting the United Artists Corporation to pay — 
immediately the sum of $150,000 as an advance against the New York 
collection of film rentel on "DRUMS". He advised he had consulted 
.with certain directors and pursuant to such consultation the sum of 
$100,000 was forthwith paid to the Meihattan Bank to the account of 
British Overseas Bank Ltd. by order of Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd. 
under their assignment, such sum to be applied as an advance payment 
by. the United Artists Corporation against all future revenue accruing 
to London Film Productions Ltd. on all of their pictures inoluding 
"DRUMS" coming within the assignment and where the accounts on such 
pictures clear through the New York office. The General Manager re- 
ported that up to the date of this meeting the sum of $21,219.70 
hed already been recouped by the United Artists Corporation. 

The actions of the General Manager were unanimously ap- 
proved end ratified. 




Directors pm 3. 
R. M. Dec. 10/38 


The Generel Mandger reported that he had received on; 

December 3, 1938 e memorendum from e Trade Practice Committee out- 

lining certein proposals, details of which he gave to the Board. 

it was 


RESOLVED that these proposals should be re- 
ferred to each Producer for its views, 
end thet the metter be discussed et a 
later Directors meeting. ' 



It was brought to the attention of the meeting thet » 

it was customary each year for the English Company to declare 

e dividend. \ 

After discussion, on motion duly made, seconded and 

unanimously adopted, it was 

RESOLVED that this matter be held in abeyance 
for the time being. 


The General Meneger read a memorandum fron Herry J. 

Muller, Treasurer, on the subject of possible dividends from the 

subsidiary corporations of United Artists Corporation in Australia, 

» Canada and Brazil, respectively, and also fran United Artists 

South American Corporation which is a subsidiary corporation oper- 

ating in the territories of Argentine and Chile. 

it was 

On motion duly mede, seconded and unanimously adopted, 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously edopted, 

RESOLVED that the same procedure as to dividends 
be followed this year as was followed ~~ 
last year. 

Bee Sas Bi ite aaa bolas te AN a es 2 apy ores wer eens ae ee coe =? 7 aa 
R.M.Dée. * "10/38 

The General Manager read a cabdie f#rom-Mr.George Archibald cn. 

¢ r 
the subject of ODEON PREFERENCE SHARES, which ceble read as follows: »', 

"NOV 18, 1938 

2 Gen eral Manager recommended that United Artists Corporatia: 
grant the thred*months* extension. 
On motion duly made, seconded and umanimously adopted, it 
RESOLVED that a three months* extension be granted to 

Messrs. Deutsch, Eleock and Bates in accord- 
ance ene the cabled ft de 

7.) ODEON: os 
The General Manager reported tha jad been in extensive 
communication vith London in regard to ODEON ‘SUBSIDIARIES, ond the % 
dekated, unnieed explained in detail the leve gt panama with ; 
the contemplated re-financing of the Odeon Group and the presentt sit- 
uation regarding arrears in film rentals. All of the correspondence and — 

summaries in connection therewith have beem given, as heretofore, to 
Mr. Muller and are available to each Director. In view of the import-~ 
ance of recent developmenisit is hoped that each of the Directors will 
familierize himself with seme. 

The actions of the General Manager as reported by him 
were approved and ratified. 
8.) “DRUMS"-CANADA: ek: 

The General Manager pointed. out that the five percent 

of the gross rentals on "DRUMS" in Canada, payable to Nathanson and/or 

Anglo-Cenedian Distributors, Ltd. was to be deducted from the gross 
rentals on "DRUMS" in Caneda before division of gross rentals be- 4 

5% eg epl paren neem ’ nf , , 
Directors ~~» Bet “oa 
R.M.Dec. 10/38 

4 : *. 
* ‘ - 
end also that all agreed costs in connection with such action were 

likewise to be deducted from the gross rentals on "DRUMS" in Canada 
before division of ‘the gross rentals between London Fiim-Productions 
Ltd. and United Artists Corporation, and such arrangement was 
agreed upon between London Film Productions, Ltd. end United Artists 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, 

it was 

RESOLVED, that the previous resolution of this 
Board as contained in paragraph 5 of 
the Minutes of the Meeting held on a 
November 4th, be and is hereby amended 
so as to. incorporete the foregoing. 


The General Manager read the following cable from Mr. 
Pallos, of London Film Productions, Ltd. regarding certain London 
Film pictures for Franco, Spain: wie 
"NOV 15, 1958 




It was the sense of the meeting that United Artists 
Corporation should consent to Mr. Pallos' request, and it was 

RESOLVED that the request of London Film Productions, 
Lti. conteined in the cable dated November 
15th, 1938 be grented, provided: 

1) That the transaction be made through 

2) That if the deal is on a percentage basis 
it be treated as coming w thin a censee 

arrangement; Te 

Directors 6. 
R.M.Dec.10/38 5 

3) That if it 1s an outright sale then United 
Artists Corporation is to receive FIVE PER 
CENT (54) of the consideration paid; 

4) That the@onsent of the Producers-Owners be 
obtained, such consent to be in the form 
approved by General Counsel of United Artists 
Corporation, and such consent to include the 
right to any Producer-Owner to exercise a 
Similar privilege of the sale of any of its 
films in Spain if it should so desire; ane 

pan” 5) That the right of the Producer-Owner to dis- 
pose of its films in such a manner ghould 
extend to Spain only and solely for the 
period of the war. 

The General Manager advised the UniZed Artists Corpora- 
tion Board of Directors that from time to time it was necessery and 
advisable to acquire short subjects for distribution in cerisin of 
the foreign territories, such short subjects being produced in variow 

countries of the world; that wherever possible he was endeavoring to 

acquire such short subjects without any suerantees. He pointed out, 
however, thet where it was necessary to purchase short subjects on an 

outright sale basis the emounts involved were not substantial. 
On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, 

it was 
RESOLVED, that all such matters be left entirely to 
the sole discretion of the General Manager. 

< The General Manager reported that he had received copies 
of the following Minutes of Meetings: 

1) Board of Directors of UNITED ARTISTS CORP. LTD 
November 4, 1958; ' 

2) Board of Directors of UNITED ARTISTS (EXPORT) LTD. 
November 4, 1938; iis , 

eee or si fitnateat te” ; a Ee ee 

Directors \. NE ek “A 7. 
R. M. Dec. 10/38 rg rea. 

3) Board of Directors Adjourned Ordinary General 
14, 1938. 

He pointed out to the Board that at a meeting of the 
Board of Directors of United Artists Corp. Ltd. held on November 4, 
, 1958, Mr. Douglas Fairbenks and Mr. Maurice Silverstone respectively 
’ had been elected Directors of that Company, and that Maurice Silverstone 
had been elected Chaiman thereof. 

Likewise Maurice Silverstone had been elected a Director 
and Chairman of United Artists (Export) Ltd. at a meeting of thet 
Compeny held on November 4, 1938. | 

“ Mr. Silverstone advised the Board thet he proposed appoint- 

as his alternate on the Board of Directors of United Artists Corp.Ltd. 
and United Artists (Export) Ltd.his brother, Arthur Silverstone. 

As General Manager he pointed out specifically that the 


stockholders other than Miss.Mary Pickford hed not yet appointed their 
alternatesto the Boards of the two companies. | 
The action of the General Manager was unanimously approved 

and ratified. . , 

’ he General Manager referred the Board to paragraph 7 

of the Minutes of the Meeting of this Board held on November 4 wherein 
it was reported that Mr. Schaefer had requested an early settlement of 
eny moneys thet might be due him under the profit sharing provision of __ 
his contract, and that he had edvised he was agreeable to the anpoint- 
ment of Harry J. Muller to calculate the amounts due him and he would 
abide by Mr. Muller's calculations. ° = j 


Siieetors S = 
R. M. bee. Of : Oo 

, : . 

: aa 


The General Manager read to the Board « further canmunica- 
-$ion received fren Mr. Schaefer dated November 14, on this subject, 
wherein he stated that while he was agreeable to Mr. Muller making the 
audit, he felt he wished to reserve unto himself the right to have some- 
one like Price, Waterhouse 7 Co. finally determine the matter in the 
event thet he was not satisfied with Mr. Muller's calculations. After 
consulting; certain members of this Board, the General Manager wrote Mr. 

Scheefer agreeing to his suggestion. 

The action of the General Manager was approved and ratiried. 



The General Manager read to the Board « memorandum 
from Mr. Buckley on the subject of Christmas Bonuses to employees in 
the Home Office and Domestic Exchanges. ~ 

On motion duly made, seconded and ynanimously adopted, 
; | 


RESOLVED that the bonus be given to the iianiemlene 
on the same basis as had been given hd 
the past two years, that is, each empl 

» earning under TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200). 
& week should receive one week's salary; 
end it was further 

RESGLVED that the General Manager be given camplete . 
authority in his discretion to reduce any | 
bonus payment or to eliminate any amployee. 

it wes 


The General Manager read to the Board memoranda from Mr. 
Kelly and Mr. Mulrooney on the subject of Christmas bonuses to employeest. 
in the foreign field. ¢ | 

On motion duly made,-seconded and unanimously adopted, it 

Directors . ? ; ’ 9. S 

R.M.Dec. 10, 1938. 2 —— 
4" “<a 
| ' RESOLVED that Christmas ponddelf-should be paid to- 

the employees in the foreign field on the 
‘ seme baSie-es for last year; arid it was 

4 ° 


RESOLVED that the General Manager be given complete 
@ authority in his discretion to reduce any 
bonus payment or to eliminate any employee. 


The General Mane ger advised the Board that for a number of | 
years it wn customary for United Artists Corporation Lid. and United 

Artists Utxport) Ltd. to give a Christmas bonus to their employees. 

The Board was referred to previous res@lutions passed by thiS Boerd 

which outlined the details of such bonuses. 

Upon motion duly made, ee ae adopted, 
it was aft evwnnt? 

RESOLVED that CHRISIMAS BONUSES be paid to the en- 
and the same basis as was used lest year 
for Christmas bonus by she English Company 
shoulé be used this year by both the English 
and Export Compenies, with the understanding 

' that the total period of consecutive employ- 

ment in both companies should be computed 7 
together as one period of employment. 

The General Manager read to the Board two.letters dated 

respectively November 2lst and 25rd, 1938 received fran Edward Small 
Productions, Inc. which requested an extension of 90 days for delivery 

- of the second picture. 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, 

it was a wr 
RESOLVED that such 90 days’ extension be granted to 
= Edward Small Productions, Inc. for delivery 
of second picture. 

Directors : | 10. 
R.M. Dee. 10/38 : “an 


The General Manager hed already been advised by General 
Counsel that negotiations were still going on with. the representatives 
of The Ceddo Campeny, who are making claims egainst the corporation 
arising out of the distribution of their product. 

General Counsel reported that Mr. Mulvey had consented to 
see Mr. Goldwyn to have him use his good offices with Mr. Joseph 
Schenck, requesting Mr. Schenck to ask Mr. Hughes to withdraw his 
unjustified claims. General Counsel reported fully to the Board con- 

cerning this entire matter and it was the sense of the Board that this 
Hughes’ claim should be left in the hands of counsel. 

General Counsel reminded the Board thet this matter was 3 
brought up at the meetins held Sep tener 8th, 1958. It was then re- 
quested that United Artists Corporation seeure figures representing 
the government's approximete claim for additional surcharges ageinst 
each producer/ Mr. Muller has now obtained this informetion and the 
eapproximete amount involved is 171,530 Pesos, or the equivelent of 
$38,480.71 at the current rat® of exchange. Mr. Muller hed wri tten 
to General Counsel for their opinion on the adeisability of withholding 
from the producer's share of revenue the relative amount that the pro- 
ducer would be liable in the event that the government should be suc- 
~cessfut-in thetr contentica..__—_______ -__-____ 

After discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and unan- 

imously adopted, it was 

‘RESOLVED, that the Treasurer withhold from the producer's 
share of the pictures involved the amount that 
the producer would be liable in the event the 
mment should be successful in their con- | 
tion,.and@ that these funds should be put in 4 

a eet 

* PMirectors Lad ee , re 11 
R. M. Dee. 10/38 2 sat : : 


‘a Special Account end retained there until 
disposition in Argentine of the question 
on surcharges has been made. 



The General Manager read to the Board correspondence fram 
Walter Wenger Preductions, Inc. wherein they request that film rentals 
be paid to them immediately instead of the customary three (3) weuke 

Upon motion duly made; secamded and unanimously adooted, 

it wes 


RESOLVED that the request of Walter Wanger Pro- 
ductions, Inc. be granted end thet film 
rentals on pictures released in-the last 

Me, twelve months be paid immediately insteed 
of after the customary three weeks, send 
that this practice be continued to the end 
of January, 1959. 

The General Manager reported that Mr. Yurry Gold had seen 

one of the executives of the Saenger Amusecn* Co. in order to endeavor 
to settle the élaim that they had made for rebate, based upon the 

promise made by Mr. George Schaefer, details of which were given to the 
Board at a previous meeting. Mr. Richards, the head of the Saenger 

Amusement Co. refused even to see Mr. Gold and that company would not 
discuss any business at all until such time as the promise made by Mr. 
Schaefer had been honored; Mr. Gold, upon his return from New Orleens,”* 
Le. saw Mr. Schaefer end requested him to straighten the matter cut; 
pointing ont that it was obviously unfair for the corporetion to dis- 
« tai bute the pictures not only witout receiving anything therefor, but 

to pay a sum of money out of its own account, in addition thereto. 

Mr. Schaefer dgclined to communicate with Mr. Richards of the Saenger 

s 5 Bee ee Beyer ae x ca ® . , i i ptt : ae 
‘Directors * ; 
R. Me Dee. 10/38 pet ae i 


Amusement Co. on the lines requested by Mr. Gold but on the contrary 
wrote Saenger Amusement Co. confirming that they were entitled to the 

reduction they requested. 

The Board again confirmed that the matter would be left 
entirely to the General Manager to deal with same as he saw fit and 
to give any rebate he -tthought necessary, in the best interests of the 




The General Manager pointed out that there wes due to the 
Corporation on overdue eccounts from exhibitors, between $65,000 and 

$90,000. Of this amount the bulk was due fram the Loew Co., and the 

this money was more than one yeer old and epproximetely half thereof 
hes been outstanding on "MODERN TIMES", since the Spring of 1936. The 

General Manager pointed out thet Messrs. Schaefer end Smith had been 
dealing with the matter but no conclusion had been reached and that he 
hed instructed Mr. Harry Gold to endeavor immediately to come to 5 
settlement (with the producers’ approval) so that these items long out- 
standing could be satisfactorily cleared off the books. ” 


The General Manager advised that each week there was pre- 
pared « SUMMARY OF CONTRACTS TAKEN, which snowed the progress of the 
booking of our product. An examination of this Summary showed there 
has been included a large number of contracts which should be cancelled 
by reeson of the fect that the pictures in question would definitely 
not be made, and thet he was instructing the Seles and Accounting De- | 
partments to act accordingly. 

Pte. ye - ~ rae 

Directors ~~ Bean oe 
R.M.Dec. 10/38 + he 

The ection of the General Manager was approved and 
ratified. ; 



The General Manager pointed out that from time to time this - 
Corporation and its subsidiaries were requested by the producets and - 
others to advance them he of money. In certain instences the Generel 
Meneger pointed out there were assignments ‘against *he producers so re- 
questing personel edvances and thet the only way the corporation hed to 
get beck such loans would be from the producer direct, since we are 

unable to resort to recoupment from the pictures in question. 
In connection therewith, the General Manager read s memorandum 

from Mr. Muller, dated November 22nd, on this subject. 

On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, it 

RESOLVED, thet not over Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) 
in the aggregate should be loaned to any one 
producer without the approval of the General _* 
Meneger, Meurice Silverstone. 
24) "MOSCOW NIGHTS", French Version- Central America: q 

The General Menager reed a memorandum from London Film Pro- 
ductions, Ltd. reference to "MOSCOW NIGHTS", as follows: 

"United ts distributed the version 0 
wuBSCOW ate in cert eavite tastetthe 
‘Central America, opera out of the Cristobel Exchenge, 
e was July 4, 1956. 

1938 picture reports, there sre 

"According to the Octo 
no unpleyed contracts on this picture. 

"London Films has an opportunityto sell the.rights of the 
¥rench telking version of*MOSCOW NIGHTS" for Centrel 
America. The buyer will use s Freneh dialogu print with 
Spanish sub-titles. piescigen neces 

"We shall appreciate your giving us permission to consum- 
mate this French version deal." 

&% - 


R. M. Dee. 10/38 

Di .s 14. 

On Motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, 
Fad ‘ 

it wes , 

RESOLVED, that the request of London Film Productions, 
Ltd. be granted and that an ins‘trument be pre- 
pared by General Counsel to effegt this con- 
sent, which instrument should contain the. 
usual release. 

Mr. Muller reported that we received fran Walt Disney 

Productions, Ltd. notices of assignment of contracts respectively dated 
December 27, 1950 and April 17, 1954 to Walt Disney Enterprises, which 
company is a consolidation of Walt Disney Productions, Ltd., Walt Dis- 

ney Enterprises and Liled Realty and Investment Company, Ltd. Upon 
approval by counsel Bes hae Corporation assented to the assign- 


26) MAE WEST: 

The General Manager reported that he had been advised by 
Mr. Loyd Wright that Mae West desired a distri bution contrect from us 
fa two pictures; that she is adequately finenced and is prepared to 
submit for our sppreval stories to be filmec. 

On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, 

it’ was 
RESOLVED that action on this proposal should be 


Mr. Muller reported the following: The lease dated October 
26, 1938 between United Artists Corporation and Willian Morris Agency 
Ine. contains the following paragraph: 

"23., The Landlord agrees to deliver to the Tenant 
within one (1) month after the execution of this lease a 
certified copy of a ee aan of the tg of an gee 

f the Landlord ratifying ro execu 
this Lease and the failure of tee lan ord to deliver such 

certified co shall be deemed a material breach of the pro- r 

visions of this Lease." ‘ 



‘ Directors & | rare ft | << " 

‘Re M. Dec. 10/38 : ry : ‘ 15 


At the meeting of the Board of Directors held October 7, 1938 a résolu- 
tion was passed authorizing the officers of this corporation to execute 
an agreement in substantially the form indicated in the minutes Oo” gaia 
meeting. Because of the me of the wording*in Peragraph 25, it seems 
necessary now to ratify and ‘approve the execution of thé lease and to 
submit a certified copy of said resolution to the William Morris 
Agency, Inc. 
Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, it 
RESOLVED, that the action of Harry D. Buckley, as 
Vice-President in executing the lease 
» between United Artists Corporation and 
William Morris Agency, Inc. dated October 

26th, 1938, be and the same is hereby 
approved and ratified. 


The General Manager reported it was requested by certain 
of the Directors that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the 
corporation be held in Los Angeles, California. 

Action on this matter was deferred. 

The General Manager gave a full report on his negotia- 

tions with David 0. Selznick. cs 
Any definite action on this matter was deferred. 

The General Maneger read to the Board a letter dated 
December 5, 1958 received fran Messrs. Dwight, Harris, Koegel & Caskey 
lawyers for Samuel Goldwyn, Inc. which refers to the distd bution terms 
in Englend, and stated he wes referring the matter to General Counsel. 

rd yee eae en i es a 
» _, Directors - 7 | 
Ph ‘Re M. Dec. 10/38 3 F 
i om - &~ 

- eee ae 

The action of the Generel Manager was unanimously 


approved and ratified. 


The Generel Manager reported that the Estimated 
Monthly Operations for the 11 months ending November 26, 1938 on the 
world-wide basis, with comparative figures for 1937, together with ea 
statement showing Bank Belances at November 26, 1938, had been sent 
to each of the Directors by the Treasurer. 


~The General Manager reported that he had been advised 

is a 

by Mr. Buckley that our lease at the New York Warehouse expires the ) 
lst day of January, 1939; the rent has been $3000 a year. Mr. Buckley — 
hes negotiated a renewal of the lease for one year at $2700. yearly 

Upoh motion duly made, seconded and unanimously 
edopted, it was. 

RESGLVED that the officers of this corporation be 
end they are hereby authorized to exemte 
such lease upon the terms above mentioned, 
Subject to the lease being in form approved 
by General Counsel. 


7 The Generel Manager read te the Board 2 cammunicetion 
thet had been received from Al Rosen, dated December 6th, requesting 
distribution of two features plus short subject. 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously 
adopted, it was 


: 17 
R. M. Dec. 10/38 = : ; vs atin 

& | 
RESOLVED that this request for distribution 
be declined. 
The General Manager reported that in connéction with the 
deals made with Werner Bros and Fox West Coast, on product disttbuted 

by us, an unpleasant situation had arisen between certain of the pro- 

ducers* representative. and this corporation, as follows: 

In connection with the WARNER DEAL, the facts ere, briefly, 
thet Mr. Schaefer started negotiations on the product with this cireit. 
As regards certain theatres in their New Jersey zone, Mr. Small's repre- 
sentetive stated that he recently saw Mr. Schaefer anf the latter told 
him a certein price hed been agreed upon, whereas Mr. Bernhard, who 
operates the theatres, definitely and unequivocally stated that no such 
price had been arranged. Notwithstanding the conveyance of Mr. Bern- 
herd's statement to Mr. Small'’s representative, the latter persisted 
in bringing forth the talk he had with Mr. Schaefer and.the represente- 
tive likewise suggested it appeared as if some other producer had bene- 
fitted at “the expenge of Mr. Small. In view of this, the Generel Mana- 
ger felt he had no alternative but to commmicate personally with Mr. 
Bernhard, which he did, in the presence of Mr. Small’s representative, 

with the result that the latter completely and unreservedly accepted 
Mr. Bernherd's version of the transection. Acting upon advice of coun- 
sel we requested from Mr. Bernhard a letter outlining the fects as they 
were; such letter dated November 15, 1938, has been received, which 

clearly substantjates that no agreement as suggested by Mr. Scheefer, 
had been mede. _ : : ; ‘ 

6 pew ee ee ee a” ee eee ee Se ee 

es ey 2 i ©» Sean 
Directors ; a4 Pi asd le 18. 
R. M.Dec. 19/38 

Regerding FOX WEST COAST: A memorandum had been given 
by Mr. Scheefer to each of the producers, including London Films, that 
he could not get more than certain terms teem Fox West Coast, as set 
forth in said memorandum. This memorendum was promptly challenged by 
London Films who knew thet no such deal had been made for they would 
have been exceedingly pleased, werg it true. Mr. Schaefér Admitted to 
London Films that the memorandum was erroneous. Mr. Smell's representa- 
tive and Mr. Roach's representative subsequently compleined that the 
deal as negotiated by Mr. Schleifer and submitted to them ‘Was not in 
accordance with the terms as set forth in the memorandum fram Mr. 
Schaefer. After making a thoroush investigation it was ascertained 3 
-from Mr. Spyros Skouras and Mr. Powers of Fox West Coast, and elso from 
Mr. Sidney Kent that there never had been any offer at any time as out- 
lined in the memorandum from Mr. Schaefer to the respective producers, 
except es regatds the Goldwyn and Selznick product only. Mr. Skouras 
and Mr. Kent expressed great surprise at such a statenent as contained 
in the memorandum and said they would de glad to give us a letter tw the. 
effect that Mr. Schaefer's memorendum was not correct. Mr. Skoures sug- 
gested Mr. Raftery prepare a letter in such legal form es he thought nec- 
essary. The representatives of both Mr. Small and Mr. Roach heve unre- 
servedly eccepted our version of the trensection and heve unconditionally 
accepted the deal. | 

The General Menager regrets very much having to call the 
above matters to the attention of the Board, on account of the pe rsoneli- 
ties concerned, for whom he has the highest regard, but he felt in view 
of the recent experience of this corporation, (i.e. the Hart case), it 
was vitelly necessary that every step be taken to protect ourselves 

“A” fe ae oS ae eS a ate oo ne, we. as DE an eee 

— . 

Pirectore : ' op | ‘Ye. 
R. Me Dec. 10/38 ” 

egeinst any similer unjustified controversey. 


The Action of the General Manager wee unanimously 

epprovec and retified, and General Counsel was requested to prepare 

@ suitable letter for submission to Mr. Skouras, and the letter from 

Warners together with the letter fron Mr. Skouras when received to- 

zether with Mr. Schaefer's memorandum were ordered to be attached to 

these minutes. 




On December Sth, 1938 Mr. Muller received a sumnons 

and campleint in the action of Milton Spitz v. Motion Pictures’ Great- 

“est Year, Inc. et al. This is tiie tietter in which the complainant 

claims thet the Movie Quiz contest infringes his copyright. Mr. Muller 

immediately sent those papers to General Counsel for attention. 

following ¢mounts, which represent our pro rate share of hegal services 

b) E 


fhe Heys Organization reques*s payment from @s of the 

or expenses in the following metters: 

LITTLEJOHN v. HUISH,et el. Salt Lake City. SERVICES. -$43.13. 

GARBO AMUSEMENT CO. v. R. K. 0. et a’. SETTLEMENT . 57.50 

The Garbo Amusement Co. item hes already bem@mpaid by 
Approval is requested of all these items. 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unenimously sdepted, 


- a - 
; R. Me Dec. 10/38 : 
é \ 

——— = 

RESOLVED, thet the above payments be made. In regard 
to those payments already made, same are © 
hereby ratified, p. * 

Authority is requested to instruct Price,-Waterhouse & 
Company to make year end examinetions of the books and sccount®-of our 

various subsidieries end branches and to issue similar instructions to 

our auditing fires’ in the Par East and Australia, where Price Water- 

house & Company have no branches. 
s ° 

The General Manager advised he had instructed Mr. Muller 
to give such authority. 3 

The action of the General Manager was approved and 
ratified. ; 

There being no further , meetimg upon motion, 
duly adjourned to December léth, 1938 : 

of Meeting 

: , : . é “: 
. ty ° = . 
a0 = 
ne, 3 ‘ 
November 15,1938 
OPP SOLTOTTT He 4 auras = 
Mr. Joseph Bermhard, 
Barner Bros. Carcui:, : e : 
32k F ddth St. eM 
eae New York City. | eI * 
Deir Jost 
; ‘Thank you very such ‘or your- explanatory 
letter of even date, regurcing the negotia- ~ 
- ‘tions on the Ziward Small pictures for your 
; New Jersey Zone. 
—_— * I am very sorry that you have igen vethered 
about this but as « dispute arose, wi.ic). 
Wal Ro Sonning OF -eurey- “0 Rua ™ blterne- 
tive cther thar to communicute sita you te 
escertain the facts which you have £0 kindly; — 
given us. 
Rect wishes, an 
a ar 
e Cilveretone, 
bd 7 
WE:FG .. 
na : 




YS: * est Sg, a ae 
! a . <2 4 li 
« * \ ' 
; } + o 

CIRCLE 6-1010 ae “WANEWAR™ 


32! West 44% STREET 


‘November 15, , 1938. 

Mr. Murray Silverstone, | 
United Artists Corporation, | 
729 Seventh Avenue, 
New York, N. Y. 

Deer Murray: 

Immediately upon my return to the office after our | 
telephone conversation of Friday, I hastened to follow up with seis 
Mr. Bond on any of his conversations anc dealings relative to the ‘ 
Edwerd Small pictures for our New Jersey Zone. 

As fer as I personally am concerned, I again re- 
} iterate what I stated over the telephone, that my personal conversa- | 
tions with Mr. Schaefer on the United Artists Product for 1938-39 la 
excluded the New Jersey Zone, except that in one of our conversa- “3 
tiongy I stated that I would not discuss any change in New Jersey 
frogifia: rentals to percentage. Specific amounts of flat rentsls a 
wer@ never discussed by me. : 

I had our Mr, ge me & memorandum on his dis- 
cussions regarding the situation, which I am herewith quoting to you: 


“When I was discussing the New Jersey situation : 
with George Schaefer, I called his attention to the 
fact thet we had bought the Korda pictures, for the 
previous year, on @ flat rental basis, separate from™ 
the rest of the United Artists product, and, in many 

- 4 situations, had. set up a selective deal wherein two 
(2) Korda pictures could be eliminated. I told Scheefer 
that I wanted to follow the same routine. He agreed 
that we should buy the Korda pictures separately and i 

a without making them a part of the flat rental formule, | 
which, you will recall, was as follows:. , | 

All 35% pictures - same as top flat rental nt year 
» 304 * - 75% of the top for last year 
; ® 25% n - 50% * " n n ® n 

Mr. Schaefer said, however, that if he agreed to that, 
he would want the balance of the 25% pictures to be set 





uy. Murrey Silverstone -Page 2. 

~ up at 'G0% of the top price for last_year', instead 
“of 50%. 
I dia not agree to this, because I felt the prices would 
be plenty hizh without tacking on an extra 10% on the 
lower bracket, second feature product. - 
Both Schaefer and I were aware of the feet that we could ‘ 
not use the HURRICANE price as our basis in New Jersey, 
because HURRICANE waS bought under e speciel deal, at 
much higher prices than the previous 'Goldwyn' pictures. 
In addition, nine (9) situations had been taken out of ~~ 
flat rental and put into percentagey;—~-Therefore, for our 
purposes, we were using tae price that had been established 
for STELLA DALLAS and DEAD END, which was $9000. for the’ 
top flat rental in New Jersey. 

I am assuming that shortly after this conversation with 

Mr. Schaefer, he was probably 45rd by Mr. Smallts repre- 
sentative how much he would get for his pictures in the 

fiat rental situations tn New Jersey. - George undoubtedly 
told him $5,400. assuming that he would convince me, before 
he got through with me, thet the 60% of $9,000. would be 
proper for all 25% pictures, except the ‘Korda! productions. 

Inuediately after this, and before any further conferences 
were held on the suject; Mr. Schaefer left the Company. 2 

When I took up these matters with Harry Gold, where we had 
left off with Mr. Schaefer, we started settling the various — 
. items that hac been left open. When we came to the New Jersey 
matter, the whole business was traded out, Harry giving a lit- 
tle and I giving a little, with the result that - “Small re- 
ceived fog his pictures mot 50% of $9,000, which would have 
been $4,500., but an arbitrary price of $5,000. In short, we 
split the difference - ted Artists getting the edge, as 
usual. ; 6 
Understand, I never cid agree to pay $5,400 for the 25% pic- 
tures. If I had finished the deal with George Schaefer, we - 
would undoubtedly have come to some final settlement similar 
to. the contract which Harry Gold and I finally made." 

It is evident that Mr. Millstein has been furnished with er- 
roneous facts regarding anyverbal agreements prior to the attual final 
written contract. 

Yours ver truly, 

eS ; ae 
- ies 
: ? ane eee 


. ) 
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— en ~ . “rw - ‘— 

— THE — 
C New York, 

Tn ‘ Kas Py 1736 
AA YAW > _ Masih Go 

Poeun ca pacer yr: 

bs ron Seek 
NPAN end ees : 

instead of December 9, 1938, es previcus noticed. 

» BOWS eee ne : 
December 7, 1986. 2 
t ; Qn ; 
Se ee ee So eS 
/ ! g * 
ere e- 
" PLNASR a NOTICE, thet the Special Meeting of a 
the Boers of-Directors of UNTTED ARTISIS COR? OrATION, a 
-& a agit. 

as called for by Mr. E, Silverstone (bethe the wish cere ie 

bad bee ot 

of Mr. Korde, willbe nelé on December 10, i933, at 


2:50 2. M. et 729 Seventh Avenue, New York City, § 


“PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thet ae Speciai leeting of 

“the Boerd, of Directors of United artists Corsoretion, 

held on Decentber 6, “1938, hes been further adjourned 
to December 16, 1938, at 2:30 P. M. et the office 
of the Corsoration, 729 ‘Seventh averue, New New York City. 

eal * - 


wen, ’ . 
ae “ 
—~ ; 
of r 

December 16, 1938. 

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of United 
Artists Corporation was held st the office of the corporation, 
729 Seventh Avenue, Manhattan, City, County end State of New 
York, on Friday, December 16th, 1958 at the hour of 4:00 o'clock 
in the efternoon, pursuant to the adjournment of the meeting 
held on December 10th, 1938. 

There were present the following: 

Messrs: Charles Schwartz, 
Jemes A. Mulvey, 
Emanuel Silverstone, 
Dennis F. O'Brien, 
Paul D. O*Brien 

constituting the Board of Directors. - } 
There were also present: 

Messrs. Maurice Silverstone, General Manager, 
Harry J. Muller, Treasurer. 

Mr. Dennis F. O'Brien acted as Chairman of the meeting, 
and Mr. Paul D. O*Brien acted as Secretary thereof. att 

Tge following matters were considered: 



The General Manager reported thet the Producers were not 

in agrecment with many of the provisions contained in the memoran- / 

dum prepared by the Trade Prectice Committee. Pi: 

After discussion, upon moticn duly mace, seconded and = 
unanimously adopted, it was e: 

Directors-R.M. £ 2. 
Dec. 16/39 

RESOLVED thet the matter be.left to the General 
Maneger to‘be dealt with by him in ac- 
cordence with the reports of the Producers. 



The Board was reminded thet this matter was held 
over from last meeting, it weg ey then pointed out that it 
wes customary each year for the glish Company—te-etirre a dividend. » 

After discussion, upon motion duiy mede, seconded 
and unanimously adopted, it wes ; 

RESOLVED, thet this corporation recommend to the 
English Company a dividend or approx- 
imately L60,000. provided that such div- — 
idend should be epproved by Price, Water- 
house & Co. of London. 


~3)— ODEON: 

a : : 

The General Manager reported that since the 10th of 
~December, 1938, the date of the last ra meeting, further camuni- 
cations had been received in regerd to Odeon, and that ne AE Le 
the seme to Mr. Muller as heretofore for the persual cf } Director. 
The General Meneger steted thet he had consulted certein of the Di- 
rectors thereon end in accordance with their approval he hed cabled 
Mr. Archibald on December 14, 1938 as follows: 




> Z é . FP ts ee * * a> 

Directors R. MM. a 
Dee. 16/38 

This cable wes in reply to Mr. Archibald's letter of December 6th, 
1938, copy Os,which wes read to the Board and ordered atteched 

to these minutes. 

The action of the Gerferal Manager was unanimously 
approved and ratified. 


The General Counsel reported that request hed been 
received from Neil g° McCarthy, attorney Sor € faghes Tool Co. 

requesting extension of the statute of limitations until April is, 
1959 in order to stey further «4 claim they advise }they have ageinst 
this corporetion. ; 

Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously 
adopted, it was - 

RESOLVED that such extension of the statute of limi- 
tations to April 15, 1939 be granted and 
an appropriate extension egreement be ex- 
ecuted by an officer of this corporation. 


The General Manager was instructed to advise Loyd 
Wright, attorney for Mae West that the corporation was not inter- 
ested in negotiating e distribution contbact with Miss West for 
her pictures. 


It was requested by certain of the Directors that 
the adjourned annual meeting of the stockholders of the corporation 
be held in Los Angeles, California. This request was deferred 
from the last meeting. 


Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously 

Directors R. M. 
Dec. 16, 1938 

edopted, it wes 

RESQLVED that this reque&t be granted, end that 
the Annuel Stockholders* Meeting ad- 
“journed from November 18th, 1938 he 
held et United Artists Studios, Holly- 
wood, California on January 12, 1939 et 
2:00 o'clock in the afternoon. 


The General Manager read to the Board e letter which 
he had received from Mr. Selznick, dated December 6, 1938. 


4 “i seussion was hed on the negotiations pending with 
Devid 0. Selznick, and it was the sense of the goose that 
definite action on this matter be deferred until a later date. 

There being no further business to come before the 
meeting, upon motion, the meeting duly adjourned. 


‘a ° en, Acting Secretary 


a © 

London, W. l. 
December 6, 1958 

Mr. M. Silverstone, 

729 Seventh Avenue, 


Dear Murrey, 

I have just got back from a Board Meetine of Odeon 
Cinema Holdings Ltd., particulars o° which I will let you have 
by a later mail. In the meantime, however, I want to catch to- 
night's mail with regard to the following items on the Agenda:- 

6, FINANCE on 
+Te) To consider the position as to 
L50,000 6% Preference Shares in 
- Odeon Theatres Limited and 
Philip Hill & Partners Limited 

() To consider the position as to the 
repayment ot L100,000 to Philip Hill 
& Partners Limited on lst January’ next. 

Item 6 he) agg refers to a matter on which I have 
already edvised you ‘in. connection with the purchese of Associsted 
Theetres (P.A. & D.) Ltd. As I heve ot expleined to you, 

the Ordinary Shares of Associated Theatres (P.4. } D.) Ltd. were 
acguired from Anson and Miller, the purchase consideration being 

L150,000 6% Preference Shares in Odeon Theatres Ltd., these shares 
being supplied as to 100,000 fram the Eagle Star Insurance Compeny 
out of their own holding of same end 50,000 by Philip Hill & 
Partners Ltd. out of the shares which they hold as security for 
the loan of L402,000 made to Odeon Cineme Holdings Ltd. about a 
year ago. Odeon Theatres Ltd. (the Public Company) in effect 
therefore, acquired the shares of Associated Theatres (P.A. & D.) _ 
Ltd. from Eagle Ster Insurance and Philip Hill & Partners, under- 
teking to psy them L150,000 by instalments over seven years. Mr. 
Philip Hili agreed, and Edward Simmons confirmed it in writing, 
thet as he would receive 450,000 from the Public Company over 
s@€ven years, he would eccept this as being equivalent to 50,000 
of the L100,000 instalment on the b402,000 loen due to be paid 

to him on January lst. next. He now says thet he did not agree 
thet the 850,000 should come off the first {nstalment due to him 
end the matter is still being discussed. Until it is finelly 
settled it is not definite whether Odeon Cinema Holdings is due 

to pay L50,000 or the whole L100,000 to Philip Hill & Partners 

on damuery lst next. 

Item 6 (b) is, as you will readily see, affected by the 
position regerding 6 (as but consideration was ediven eas to the 

poseibilities pg on bes. be eae yg (or £50,000 if ey eee 
sO on anuary " e means 
(wheth er ,000 or b100,000) suuhd: nae. ee oeens tee Baek ah ee 

oe , 
a SS ae as = ST — 

Cineme Holdings at today’s meeting asked me to write you in my 
capacity of Director of that mp ey! nominated United Artiets 
Corporation and request you to plece the matter before the Board 
of Directors of United Artists Corporation of Delaware. iI wes 
not asked to ley any specific proposals before you, but merely 
to draw your attention to the matter so that you might report 
the whole position to the Deleware Corporation. As you know, 
there ere alrea in New York copies of the L402,000 Loan Agree- 
ment end documents relating thereto. It will be seen fran . 
these documents thet if there is default in the payment to ~ 
Philip Hill & Partners Ltd. of the L100,000 instalment on lst 
Jenuary next, they have the right to foreclose on the security, 
which consistg/of over 1,600,000 or the 5/-Ordinary Shares of 
Odeon Theatres Ltd. end approximately L270,000 6% Preference 
Shares of Odeon Theatres, Ltd. If,however, the instalment is 
duly paid on lst January next, the proportionate amount of the 
security is thereby released. 

Although, as I have stated above, I was. not asked 
to place any specific proposals before you in this connection 
nevertheless I believe it was in the minds of those present a 
the meeting (end indeed on no other basis would-there be Sf 
point in reporting the matter to you) that United Artists might, 
if it became necessary, provide the L100,000 end take over as 

security therefor the shares which will be released from Philip 
Hill & Partners Ltd. 


. I will. report further €o you in this matter as sub- 
sequent developments may arise. 

With kindest regards, 
5 Yours sincerely, 


c.c. to Mr. Deutsch and Mr. Quennell 



December 16, 1938 

A Speciel Meeting of the Board of Directors of United 
Artists Corporation wes held et the office of the corporetion, 
729 Seventh Avenue,,.Menhatten, City, County end Stete of New 
York, on Friday, December 16th, 1938, et the hour of 2:30 o'clock 
in the efternoon, pursuant to the adjournment of the meeting 
hele on December 6th, 1938. 

There were present the following: 

Messrs. ‘ =e Schwertz, 
emesg A. Mulv 
Rmenvel ditvesetcas, 
Dennis F. O*Brien, 
Paul D. O*Brien . 

constituting the Board of Directors. 
There were also present the following: 

Messrs. Maurice Silverstone, General Manager, 
Herry J. Muller, Treasurer. 

~e ; 2 ” ‘ 
The following metters were considered: 


The foregoing metters which were adjourneé *rom previous 
Speciel Meetings of the Boerd were again fully discussed. 

a a oe ee ee ee ee eT ee ee pk an se 


Directors S.M. ~ 8. 
Dec. 16/38 

No definite action was taken on these matters. 

There being no further business to come before “ 
the meeting, upon motion, the meeting duly edjourned. 

‘Paul D. O*Brien 
Acting Secretary. 



ba a 

DecerBer 16,1938. 




A special meeting of the Boerd of Directors of United 
Artists Corporation was held at the office of the Compration, 
723 Seventh Avenue, New York City, et three o'clock in the 
afternoon, on Briday, December 16, 1958, pursuant to the 
ed journment of the special meeting heid on December 10, 1958. 
This was the special meeting called, oursuant to the notice 
ottached hereto, py Mr. Emenuel Silverstone, tt being the 
wish of Mr. Korda. 

There were present the following: 

Messrs. Cherles Schwartz 
Jemes A. Mulvey 
Emanuel Silverstone 
. _ Dennis F. O*Brien 
Paul D. O*Brien, % " 

constituting the Board of Directors. 
There were also present the following: 
Messrs.. Maurice Silverstone, General Man.ger 

. J. Muller, _ Treasure?, 
Alexander Korda. | 5 fh. 


Mr. Korda introduced Mr. C. H. Browne, attorney aa 
the Prudential Assurance Comvany, who presented a letter 

‘of Introduction. is 

Mr. Korda directed the attention of the meeting to 
@ resolution passed at the directors meeting on August 4, 
1938, which concerned itself with the pictures "ACTION FOR 


Ser Lae, ee ee eee ae ee a 

ee Be ert in a o 5 se Pe: Ee sain aa ee 

SLANDER” end "SOUTH RIDING", stating thet the resolution 

» conception of fact. :. ~- 

Mr. M. Silverstone then delivered to the meeting 
two cablegrams he had received from Mr. Quennell, coneerning 
the matter. It wes order that these cablegrams should be 
attached to the minutes of the mecting. 

It was suggested that Mr. Korda should set forth 
the facts cs he had stated them in a written statement, which 
stacement should then be executed by him and attached to 

the minutes of this meeting. 9 
After further discussion; it was moved, seconded and 

RESOLVED, thet the facts set forth in Mr. Forde's 
statdment ean 1 he Quennell*s cablegrams 
B59 bec j Anes: and that, predicated 
upon such confirmation and upon Mr, Korde'’s 
statement and upon Mr. Quennell’s cable- 
grams, v* resolution passed at the 
directors meeting of Aucust 4, 1938, con- 
cerning the motion pictures "ACTION FOR 
SLANDER" and "SOUTH RIDING" be amended 
and rescinded, and thet the nictures should 
be declared to be Londcn Film preducts 
under the provisions of the contract between 
Mr. Sorda and Untted Artists Cororation, 
uated December 22, ‘1936, and nese such 



pictures be accepted as proverly delivered 

ae pag under that contract, and that London Films 

3 end Alexender Korde should heve credit for 
such pictures as so-called stock pictures 

under that contract. 

There being no further business before the meeting, 

upon motion duly made and seconded, the same adjourned. 
™ ? ’ 


ssis cre 
ee, : 

_ NEW YORK . » oe s- Ca aS a6 


LC , 


ies eels 





_ purposes including the counting of these pietures as- “stock” pictures@ - 

eet ~ : : » : tee, 4 
P - ft Se 
° ees 

‘ o. ¢ ° 

lew York, December 1938. ~ : 


United Artists Corp. . mn 
729 al 7th ave. “ s j “4 i 
flew York City. * gree, f 

Gentlerens MSOUTE HIDING" : a 

I desire tasrive a correct statement of the facts surrounding 
the-two pictures, "ACTION FOR SLANDER" and "SOUTH FIDING". 
' Se 
. Mien these tro pictures were due to te made Seville approached 
London Film Production to produce these pictures under my supervision 

_ end edntrol; thereupon I undertock the supervision and control of these 

twa. pictures at our Studios - TH Denham Studios,- end the bulk of the 
money used to finance thé making of the pictures wee furnished through 
London rus Productions Ltds ¢ 

ity supervision and control of theee two pictures wes for and 
on tehalf of, and ‘under the supervisior and control anc direction of 
London Film Préductions Lté. end ih my capacity as Managing Director 
and Generel Pfrodtiction Meneger of Londen Film Productions Ltd. 

To all intents and purroses, end in all respects, these 
two pictures sre London Film productions and delivered under the 
basic agreement and we have always ered that these tro pictures 
heve been credited to the eccount of London Film Productionsfor «11 

With regerd to the financing of these pictures, the first 
“loan for their production was secured through the Victor Saville. 
Corporation; therefore, legelly, we had to give, through our assignment, 
the omership to that company. Therefore,.the first monies derived from 
the Gistribution of these two pictures, up tothe emount of these leans, 
hes to be paid to the sasignees of Victor Savilje Productions Ltd., and 
our money will come back after these monies are discharged. ; 

ss iy attention has been called to the Resolution passed by = 
the Board of Directors cf the tnited Artdsts Corporation-et-a meeting “3 
held on Aug 4,1928, in which reference has been made to these two pic- 
tures. My understanding of this Resolution is thet it was passed to 
fix legal ownership of these fprodu¢tions in Seville Productione to the 
end that the cosyoretion cowle legelly recognize the assignments mede 
to the lenders, of the proceeds that would be derived from these two 
pictpwres and thet the sole and only purpose cfithe Resolution wae to- 
cover this sjtustion. 

Upon reeding such Reeolvtion et the present time there seems 
to be added & provision excluding the computetion of these pictures egeingt — 

Stes Sk Met TES ’ $e He : : ey rey as, aT 

ot the "stock. - ‘This ds complete error snd the Ninutes should te corrected 
+6: a henete this part of the Reselution. . ' - 
ss : Finglly, “under the errehgene pt made with London Films for ‘the pro- 
se Guetion ef these pictures, it wee ‘Broviced thet the equity money, the profits 
and _the beneficial ownerehip would Bal in hnewaae Film Productions Ltd. 
‘Any .propesed inoue that nay neve been executeé and submitted ” 
to United Artists for execution are withdrawn ene of no effect end all ‘ 
Sach documents should te returned to the files of London Filn. Productions 
— ~“*Etd. 




BARK. 3 

setae opiate accent as tN MM 8s aim nandaee 


fines reas 




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the reguler monthly meeting 
of the Boerd of Directors of United Artists Cor oretion will 
be held et the office of the Corvoration, No. 729 Seventh 

Avenue, New York City, on Tuesday, Januery 5, 1958, at 

2:30 BM. 

Dated: December 28, 1958. 

Scanned from the United Artists collection at the Wisconsin 
Center for Film and Theater Research. 

Wisconsin Center 
for Film and Theater Research 

Digitization and post-production completed in the University 
of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Communication Arts, 
with funding from the Mary Pickford Foundation. 
